This is not a post with hints of low self-esteem or notes of shame. It is a celebratory splash of internal fortitude. It is harmonized with appreciation for the aging that yields Ascension, the gradual emerging enlightenment; the pairing of power with grace.
Not a clap on/clap off sort of light. It is, instead, close to the way a dimmer switch functions; slow shards of light emitted when steady force is applied. This light, at first barely visible, eventually illuminates an entire area. This light sneaks up on you. You may even be unaware of how it was turned on. There appear to be a few potential switches. Each of them requires force. Enlightenment is not for the faint of heart. The force emerges from humility. Moments of raw honesty with self bring us to our knees in what feels like a very dark place. These moments ask us to accept the awful in ourselves without grasping onto blame, judgment or self-hatred. They see with absolute clarity what it is that we are capable of. In these moments we choose. This choosing then colors our illumination. Enlightenment happens when we face ourselves squarely while loving ourselves without exception. Looking beyond our own mirror shows us what we’ve neglected to love. Who do you have the most difficulty loving? It is there you’ll find what stops you. It is there you need to go. You’ll need to accept it all as worthy of your light. Enlightenment does not discriminate. It touches everything it sees; it sees everything it touches. You cannot pretend your way through this process while harboring hatred for some section of your life. This section might be showing up as a person or attitude that drives you nuts, but rest assured what’s making you so crazy is self-recognition. This process is all about you. Rather than stand against someone or something, or walk away from someone or something – stand beside them. The shift will take care of what is not on love’s wavelength. There is an attitude that I’m talking about here. The same action can be done two ways. One is divisive and uses blame and destruction, while another is collaborative and accepting in its efforts to create change. Enlightenment absolutely heralds change. It’s an alteration of consciousness. It takes place when there is love calling it forth. Be that love. In all cases. In the expansion to multi-dimensional, humility must seep through and show up. I realize that I have been every other. With that realization comes acceptance. With that acceptance comes permission. There’s no choice left now but to allow who you are today, as well as who you’ve ever been. You are the only one who can love yourself without condition. You are the only one who can love yourself completely. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. You are the One. You have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
This multi-dimensional life story continues… (click here for part 1).
A few things worth noting as this transpires in real time. You’ll want to read Part 1 first. The past/remembered life scenario ended up with two of us deliberately dead, and one of us with power over not only the two of us, but an entire tribe of people. There was never a trial or conviction for the murders that I am aware of. It may actually have been power/rule over several tribes, but I was a young boy in that lifetime and my awareness of society only went so far. As a reminder, and to simplify the players, here’s how to identify them: Person 1 (X) – Past life male child (young, maybe ten years of age) who attempted to save the life of Person 2 (Y), his sister, and was murdered in that lifetime by Person 3 (Z), his parent, for doing so. This is me. Person 2 (Y) – Past life female child of Person 3 (Z) (about twenty-something years old) and past life sister of Person 1 (X). She was murdered in that lifetime by Person 3 (Z), her parent. Person 3 (Z) – Past life tribal elder who murdered both Person 1 (X) and Person 2 (Y), this would have been a brother and a sister, his/her own two children. I do not know if this was a male or a female, but I felt it was a female. This perception could be colored by her current life where we are all women, so I am uncertain if it is accurate. A decision has been made in our current interaction. Remember in 2018 we are related again, but our roles are different. Y has decided to relocate to be near Z. Y needed to relocate and until just recently, wasn’t sure where she’d go. X has removed herself from the conversation so that Y could decide without influence that could sway things. X and Y are extremely connected. Y is not completely happy about this decision, but appears to be firm and convinced it is her only option. This outcome is entirely her choice, and puts the care and responsibility for her life in the direct hands of Z. Z has become noticeably quiet. X has been told by other family members, that this is due to the realization of how life-altering this is going to be. In other words, sh** got real. Until the decision was made, Z was quite vocal about it. From a multiple lives’ perspective, it is looking as if the three of us get to reconcile, right now, what happened the last lifetime we were together. For my part, I did not rush in and attempt to save Y from Z, which yielded disastrous results. I was tempted, believe me. What I am seeing is that although our names and bodies are not the same, our personalities very much are. Y has given herself to Z for reconciliation. Z now has the opportunity to enhance and enrich Y’s life rather than end it pre-maturely. How this ultimately plays out remains to be seen. No one has moved yet. It is though, a fascinating portrait of the multiple journey’s we take as family. In so many ways I’m still that young boy, harboring intense reactions in both relationships that I can clearly identify. Emotions are rooted further back than perhaps we realize. As we navigate these current, muddy and turbulent waters, we can find clarity in an idea that we are NOT our emotions; yet witnesses to them, as well as carriers of them. We need not be ruled by them. In fact, experiencing them without attachment allows the full breadth of multiple lives to be lived RIGHT NOW. These bodies and lives are costuming for our brilliant light. We ARE each other. This moment carries with it the weight and wonder of every other. We get to breathe through the expanse of our unlimited selves – all at once and all right now. This is akin to simultaneously enjoying every birthday and every birthday cake. Too much fun! We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. This story will continue as further events take place… With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Today’s blog post was going to cover something else, something also showing up in this intense moment of now. Yet the deep feeling experienced now urges the following topic first… Nesting. Having given birth, it’s a familiar sensation. Anyone who’s had a child will immediately recall the feeling. Nesting is hard to describe. Nesting is what I am doing today. It began about three days ago, give or take a day. It feels like nothing has greater importance than preparation. Preparing for imminent birth. Something or someone that has never been here is about to show up. Your body knows this. “Feathering the nest” comes to mind yet it is more than that. The home is being prepped, yes. There are other things as well. Here are a few that are showing up here: Relationships. Finances. Personal records. Body (Exercise & Food choices) Mind (Meditating a lot!) Heart (Loved ones) Nesting brings a feeling of having to get things in order. Nesting introduces its opposite as well; a feeling of wanting to escape a bit, while I still can… Nesting is not something you plan, or plan for. It just shows up. There is not a day in the pregnancy term that it most definitely happens. It happened here either days, weeks or months before the births of my children. Each pregnancy differed. Yet, when happened it was unmistakable. Nesting announces – “There will be a birth. It is imminent. Get ready”. So too, now. There is no mistaking this feeling. “There will be a birth. It is imminent. Get ready.” You are the ones. You have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Global transformation shows itself through personal markers. Explosive events both emotionally and physically re-shape the landscape that is me. Nothing is the same. It began about a year ago. Secrets were told that I openly shared. The fallout was destruction. Ugly words spewed from all sides of the table. Emotional pain segued into life altering family and physical ailment for myself and others in key relationships. Fear and pain tinted the view from every angle. Yet somehow, truth emerged from all of that mess. Nothing was left unsaid, or un-shouted. Politeness dis-regarded, everyone told it like they saw it; told it like they felt it. Exposed and raw yet still standing, the search begins now. There are some, quiet, seething and confused, who seem waiting rather than searching. They anticipate comfort will return, extending no effort to engage it; unsure. Those of us seeking must follow the oxygen mask routine. First, be sure your oxygen is firmly in place. Then, help your neighbor, the one who is waiting, to locate theirs. Unstable, we are no good to anyone, least of all ourselves. We all breathe together. The search for stability is humbling. No longer can I rest on my laurels, my labels, my excuses, my judgment. Truth becomes my solid foundation, not comfort. This shift leads us squarely home. It deposits us on our front door. It leaves us naked in front of the crowd and the ultimate judge – ourselves. What’s fascinating is this recent massive social uproar over the installment of a Supreme Court Justice. The perfect mirror for this shift that we collectively, individually accomplish – here’s how those words are defined. Remember, “In the beginning was the word”. Word choice matters. Supreme – Superior to all others, highest ranking Court – A tribunal presided over by a judge Justice – A public official appointed to form an opinion Definition of Supreme Court Justice: A superior official appointed to form an opinion over a tribunal to which he/she presides over. We’ve been fighting over who has the highest-ranking opinion in their own court. We’ve chosen. As a perfect personal reflection of that choice, here’s what that feels like, looks like: It feels joyous. Life is witnessed for its wonder as the judgment filter now turns off. There’s more room. My lens is wide angle. It feels free. There’s more singing, dancing, laughter, creativity. There’s fewer rules to contain my movement. It feels ashamed. A bit of sorrow for relationships and actions missed out on due to judgment. There’s more clarity now; honesty yields awareness. It was fear that led me down that road. Fear of judgment. It feels exciting. Every possibility looms up now and there is only the choosing. What now? And now? And now? It feels psychic. It’s easier to tune in, tap on, connect with. This level is different, extra expansive in all directions. Communication and transmission are seamless in a way they weren’t before. More is just more. In every way. It feels nuts! Increased awareness explodes incoming information. Unable to NOT notice sounds, feelings, smells, sensations, thoughts – each moment demands a new level of discernment. Choice of focus is key, and instantly creative. It becomes the ultimate magic wand. Meditation is a MUST. It feels like someone has given me their permission, finally. That someone is not just any authority, it is the Supreme Opinion Decider of my life; the only person capable of dispensing a fitting opinion in this court. It is me. The truth laid bare, I judge myself. I come up perfectly flawed, wonderfully human, deeply linked; a work in steady progress. This moment is like no other. It is an honor and a privilege to be here with you. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Please enjoy and share the video below... Forget the mirror. It is your actions right now that showcase your beauty. Your words. Your avatar. Your posts. Your shares. Your likes. Your dislikes. Your videos. Your emails. Your emojis. Your Instagram pix. Each reflect you far beyond your bathroom. We’re in a moment of authenticity, ready or not. The old guard, with its secrets and hiding, has come undone. This new generation has laid out a perfect path for their unravelling. They’ve grown up on social media and cut their teeth on snapchat. They’ve shared and played and spoofed and uncovered everything. Nothing is left without access. Those of us who’ve been here a bit longer will have to get past our shock and dismissal of their ways. This “new view of you” is here to stay. Unseen and often ignored as frivolous, this tendency to share leads us ever closer to oneness. It’s all out there now. We’re all out there now. Every facet of what it is to be human can be searched and found on YouTube. Now to the point of this post. These facets turn out to be beautiful, horrifying, generous, gluttonous, ugly, exquisite, compassionate and cruel; all of them us. A broader view shows us that these years of online exposure have led to a feeling “naked in front of the crowd” 24/7. This brilliantly devised tactic (pat yourselves on the back now) compels us to look at ourselves squarely. There is no choice left but transparency. We are witnessing ourselves. We are witnessing oneness. Now that we see, what will we do? This video: regardless of who it includes or why, gives us a chance to show our stuff. Our best stuff. Our light. Our compassion. Our humanity.
Watching, I felt like what used to be called a “peeping tom”. I “should” NOT be this close to her internal pain. Yet I am, and now, so are you. Regardless of why, she displays deeply personal and uncomfortable emotion and what you feel when you see that, tells you more about yourself than any bathroom mirror. Don’t misunderstand this message. This deep state orchestrated corruption and concealed control must stop. It’s being exposed so that it can be eradicated. It’s over. These will not be the last tears we’ll witness. When we do, it may help to remember “there but for the grace of god, go I”. We’ve all done it all and been it all. We may stand now with the light, and next to the “good guys”, but other times and lives have found us elsewhere. Remember that. We have a chance now to alter the course of a planet. We are in the eye of the storm. Everyone got us here. Without the dark we’d never have noticed how bright we shine. Oneness does not exclude anyone at all. It doesn’t work like that. Just love. It is what you do best, and it is what you will be remembered for. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
April 2024