Hello and welcome to our 2nd day! It’s a struggle this morning to come up with what could possibly be relevant in these days of December 2012. Everything has been said. In the final analysis, none of us are sure what an “end of times” actually looks like. It’s not available on You Tube, Reddit or Pinterest. No one has seen it and shown up now to tell us. Oh, there are voices that describe possibilities. We each have our favorites, some we believe and like; others we aren’t so sure about and most we read every day, regardless of opinion. We’re looking for something that’s not here; not yet. In these end times we are getting in no uncertain terms the manifestation of our deepest held beliefs. We’ve lived through generation after generation of manipulation by those who see us as one mass of humanity, here to be controlled. We are waking up and finding our voice and our truth. This life is ours to control. The key to creation is within. We know this now, so it’s no more “same old, same old”. We don’t know what to expect, this is new territory and it’s driving us nuts. We don’t trust the “powers that be” to give it to us straight; we aren’t sure who to trust. Trust yourself. Your body, your heart and your soul know exactly what they’re doing. Each has been waiting for you to stop running the program of low self esteem, self doubt and self hatred. All this love you’ve been keeping from yourself but projecting onto a God, human, animal or cause – is itching to reach you as well. You just didn’t know. It’s okay. We’ve been slumbering together, a sort of pre-cursor to Oneness. These are the End Times of Mass Deception. We have entered the Beginning Times of Mass Uncovering – The Age of Enlightenment. We are opening our hearts; this will be the best gift ever. Agape is like nothing you’ve ever felt. It is freedom. It is pure, unrestricted and fearless. There are no doubts in a heart that knows truth. In the face of every confrontation, challenge, hardship or setback – nothing is lost. Agape yields a constant state of abundance. This is the secret the manipulators have used to keep us in a state of subservience, lack and slavery. Self hatred is not natural, yet we’ve each felt it. If you want to completely dominate someone, create fear in them. They will act or not act accordingly; always as a reaction to you. Self determination is not in their repertoire. It is instead a life of self-preservation and safety. This is the life we are ending; the “end of times”. We’ve been here so long that we are in the habit of looking to someone else to tell us the truth so we know how to react. Life is an active endeavor, not a reactive event. The times of believing we are controlled by others more powerful than us are over. There is no one more powerful than you. These are the end times. You don’t need anyone to tell you what comes next. That’s the whole point! You only need to trust your inner voice, and then tell yourself the truth. This is how you create the beginning. We are God consciousness, seeing ourselves as if for the very first time – enamored with the vision. These are not times to fear or to look for someone else to tell us about. These are the beginning times; our start as Agape sourced Masters. We are beholden to none. We are One. The voice of truth, this inner rhythm of love has now seen the light of day. It’s okay to love yourself. You are perfect; an expression of joy without limits! Treat yourself tenderly, lovingly and lavishly. Then, when your eyes behold the rest of us, they will be all filled up and overflowing with Agape. We will be encased in a field of unconditional love; the state of divinity. These are the beginning times. They are worthy of the Masters who created them; us. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia
We’ve begun the final Quest of this pivotal year. As was stated in the invitation: “This is the last Quest of 2012. We've been leading up to this moment with each journey. We are headed for our own core, Agape is at the center. By the time this Quest is complete, we'll be days away from the Galactic Alignment. This is an event that will not be repeated for another 26,000 years. We'll be ready. We know who we are. In this Quest we will be One. Agape is a fearless act of courage. In order to love the One that we are, we will have to let go of every protest and absorb every facet of ourselves. This is it. The preparations have been completed. Who you are is perfect, as is. There is nothing else for you to do, it is time now to be. Just be love. Look into your own eyes and witness divine love. Look into our eyes and see the reflection of divine brilliance. Your light is visible now. Nothing else can be seen; there is only truth. Without reservation or exception, shamelessly love us all. We've been waiting for 26,000 years! The Shift is here. We will not move forward with fear. It is our love that will create this Shift. Our goal is Agape. We are One. For love is always true. Love needs no definition. Love is what you are. “ We are here. The month of December 2012 has begun. No other thirty- one days has been more anticipated. Case in point: Shock Top End of the World Midnight Wheat Ale. How cool is that? This is why you are here! Well, not for the ale necessarily, it’s a little bitter or what is referred to as “hoppy”; but for this spectacular show, as only humans can produce. You have a seat in the front row. The show is starting, grab your ale and settle in. You’ve been waiting a long time. You are ready. What you don’t have, you don’t need. We’ve journeyed together for just this moment. It’s all about agape. Nothing is more important than love, you know that now. If you are reading these words, you are a fellow Master. The Love Quest has been a reminder of truth for you. You came here with something to do. You may not know precisely what it is yet, but you will in 3 weeks. You’ve been drawn to these words to remember who you are. You are love. You don’t need any further training; what you need is a remembering. It will come. It hasn’t come up until now because the timing was off. Your love and your gifts are needed after the shift. December 22nd, 2012 will be your first day on the job. You will awaken to a new world. This world will be ready to hear what you are now absolutely sure of – that love and freedom are synonymous. Freedom is love expressed. Love is what we are. We are One. The realization of this truth is about to go global. It’s been gradually, naturally evolving within each country, institution, family and heart. After the shift, when our sun bathes us with divinity, it will be obvious. Our new world, the one we’ve all dreamed of, will be where we are standing. It will then be time to activate what we came for. We are lightworkers. The reason we’ve come and spent all this time encouraging each other has arrived. No longer will our visions fall on deaf ears or on eyes without sight. This shift will alter the world view of everyone and it is for this moment that you came. You are love. Every false notion you’ve held is about to dissolve. They have been gradually disappearing right along. You’ve begun to understand that you are divinity in a human suit. You are here with a job to do. You were chosen. Source put out a call and it was answered by many Masters, of which you are One. You’ve done this work before, and on the 22nd of December you’ll begin again. You are one of those Masters, here now to do what Masters do. Love will be evidenced in your every moment. As you brush your teeth, pet your dog or answer your phone you will be loving. This new age is ushered in on the hands of many Masters. Look now at your own hands and realize that they are here to build a framework of Agape. The time for protest is over. Realize your truth. You are love, here to demonstrate wisdom. Your very core is love. There is work now that demonstrates this (www.heartmath.org). The heart is our primary organ of perception. This, you have known all along. Love with wild abandon! “It’s the end of the world as we know it”. This is a great thing. It is the beginning of the world as we’ve dreamed it. Finally! The waiting is over. You are here! You are the One we’ve been waiting for. I love you! See you tomorrow. ~Sophia ~~ The second video is one previously posted that was removed. It has been restored and is just so powerful. I cry every time I see it! Enjoy: “Lightworkers Help Mother Earth (Gaia)! There is intelligence to light. It points the way, illuminates the darkness and tells us what’s ahead. Lights are used as indicators – should be halt or proceed? Are we on or off? Is this where we should turn? Which way should we go? We have been told that WE are the light. A while back my family purchased a new car. The next day we contacted the dealer to tell them the car was malfunctioning, as the lights stayed on ALL THE TIME. “Oh, its okay” they told us “that’s just the DRL’s”. “Okay, what are the DRL”s?” I asked, to which they replied “Daytime Running Lamps”. I like that. Day and night our lights are now glowing, turned on and visible. It is no longer an option to turn off the light. We are always on. It is the end of November 2012. It’s all been said. We are all waiting; we are on “pause”. Yet, even while we wait for something we can’t define and has never been – our lights remain ON. We can see each other clearly. All of us are lit. One of our brightest lights is Inelia Benz. She has put together a beautiful statement about this time we are sharing. Check out her home at: www.ascension101.com . She describes the 5th dimension as a place we are creating rather than a destination that exists outside of ourselves. Our lights, though seemingly paused, are in full mode, busily constructing. The 5th dimension is not real, any more than you or I are. It is a construct of what we believe to be true. It exists as a place because we’ve made it so. We could call it anything. The levels, dimensions and numbers we use are ways to wrap our head around what’s real. They are naming conventions. We could call them anything. Naming it does not remove us from the responsibility for it. It is not separate from us. It is not a place we are going. It is where we will be when we let go of fear. It is life without the cabal. It is living within an atmosphere of love. It is who we are. There are no other beings who can take us there, and no one to wait for any longer. We ARE the lights here to show us the way. We are always on! Our DRL’s can no longer be turned off; we are laying the route with our every move. The next dimension is a name we are calling what it is we are in the process of doing. It is sort of like calling the intake of air – breathing. The wisdom and directions come from within; it’s all been said, read and seen. We are up to the doing. Just love. It’s all that’s left. It’s all that ever was. Your light remains on so that I can see you day and night and remember what agape looks like. You are stunning. The waiting is over. We are here. There is a fog this morning, so thick that if not for the lights I wouldn’t be able to see. Answering some inner longing, I’ve returned to my summer lake. It is invisible beneath the mist, beyond my perception. I will remain here though; I need to see what happens. Memory tells me the sun will burn away this ground level cloud and it will evaporate. Yet there is doubt. After years of perpetual hope, I sit in a state of disbelief. This fog is getting deeper in spots now, closing in, rolling over and hiding the outline of trees on the shore. I turn on the car so that I will be visible, should anyone else venture here this morning, needing to see it happen. An hour passes. The shoreline seems to be coming into focus. What at first look to be moving mounds of lake grass turn out to be geese, hunting for breakfast. Life goes on despite the density. Perhaps that’s the message by the lake here this morning. I still cannot see the sun yet I’m beginning to trust it is there. There seem no other options. Ever human, this desire for dramatic show burns deep. It is not to be, yet a gradual picture emerges slowly from within the clouds. Life and perception will not be denied. If not for the lights I wouldn’t have found my way in the darkness today. We are not lost in the density any longer; our light is showing the way. I can feel the sun now, clarity and a view of this beautiful little lake will surely follow. It required, simply, trust, as well as faith. Sometimes we can feel truth long before it is evidenced in what our eyes are looking at. We will awaken tomorrow to begin a thirty day countdown to December 21st, 2012. We’ll need to light the way for each other, and trust. Once the density clears, the view promises to be spectacular. We have come for just this moment. Yesterday I mentioned several others who have said: “We are the Ones we are waiting for.” The Hopi may very well have said it first, in August of 1999, if my sources are correct. Please enjoy this wisdom from one of their Elders… A Hopi Elder Speaks "You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered . . . Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your Truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader." Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time!" "There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly. "Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. "The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. "We are the ones we've been waiting for." -- attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder Hopi Nation Oraibi, Arizona It is self forgiveness that becomes the key element here, a vital ingredient for ascension. For blame and doubt are hallmarks of third density. Realization of truth and acceptance of the One that you are erases all that is unreal. What is non essential is any idea contained in your mind that you MUST have something. This is not the same as desire, for desire is the fuel of creation. Consider the things we admire in each other – passion, dedication, drive, determination. All are driven by desire. the process and progress of creation occurs as a direct result of desire. We want something. The value in achieving whatever it is we want is ours to decide. Is it that we must have this thing to be worthy or that we’d like have it as an experience? As we move closer to a faster vibration we become conscious of the many possibilities available. We are moving from an understanding of the known universe to awareness of the multi-verse and the potential held there. Our perception expands. In order to keep up we have to release this baggage of self-doubt. If we aren’t sure we can fly, we’ll never take the leap. Questions about the state of our physical bodies or whether or not we did it right or loved enough, weigh us down. They become irrelevant on the path to ascension. My partner is a deep trance channel. Several years ago he did just that for a group of us, usually four or six at a time. Present during our gatherings were the “greater selves” of whoever was in the room, as well as other entities who were interested in the conversation or were our friends or who just wanted to help us find answers. His perspective at these times was as an observer. His “higher self” was the voice who spoke through him and answered our questions, speaking for the collective of entities present. He’d often remark on the sharp contrast between what he was seeing, our magnificent greater selves, which to him appeared as huge, beautiful balls of light; and what we were saying, “How come I can’t do this? How come I can’t have this? How come I can’t be this?” It seemed ridiculous to him. Here we were, these incredibly powerful beings – equal in every way to everyone else who was gathered, pretending we weren’t! We are at the moment now when we can stop pretending. It has been one heck of a costume party, but we no longer need to believe in the suit to enjoy it. We can believe in the truth instead. The truth is, we are capable of answering our own questions. The power to create the life we’ve dreamed of rests in our own hearts. All negativity stems from ego – that part of us that remains attached to this third dimension and self-limitation. Do not regret the ego. He was necessary to navigate the terrain and you needed her to get to this moment. It is time now to absorb the lessons of ego without believing it is who you are. You are an infinite particle of love, burning with the light of a thousand suns, here now to illuminate our shifting, morphing reality. You have come to love. There is no one else more capable or suited for the job than you. You are lesser than none. As we morph through the next six weeks, let go of anything that tells you otherwise. It is time to step into your truth. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. Sandy was an unusual storm. That much we can agree on. Beyond that there is no consensus. Sources we’ve come to trust and rely on aren’t saying the same thing. Why and what caused this storm is a subject of contention and we are becoming polarized. Perhaps there is something we don’t know, even another player. Until now there has been either Nature or HAARP/Illuminati. This storm blew over surprising amounts of land and it took a strange turn. It reached Washington DC; it reached Wall Street – two Illuminati breeding grounds. What if both positions were sort of true? What if Sandy was not quite natural and not quite HAARP? What if there is another force – one working for neither side? This unknown force would be looking to achieve balance. We’ve heard the Illuminati plans for complete enslavement via martial law. We’ve heard the stories of weapons malfunctioning and not working. This storm did not “work” either. The “powers that be” were set back as well. In this third scenario, this was an intentional outcome. The storm was directed in such a way that havoc for the Illuminati was the result. The Cabal will have to recover; their plans have been disrupted. They’ve had free reign here for a long time. I understand this was an experiment and we are now at choice. I’ve wondered why it has gotten so severely skewed. There is not one part of life now that they don’t have some sort of grip on – food, housing, money, health, religion, education. There’s been no balance. If this third unnamed force did direct the storm without choosing sides, that could explain the damage to key Illuminati areas as well as the minimal loss of life. Balance is necessary in all things. Right now, humanity needs a hand. The Illuminati have a plan for every possible outcome. We are late to the game, yes, but just maybe someone is giving our side a fighting chance. They’ve been slowed down a bit, thanks to Sandy. This third unnamed force would only want to even the playing cards. We’ve asked for help and begun to offer resistance ourselves. We’ve spoken up. Perhaps we’ve been heard. Not long ago we celebrated the “Day of Decision”. None of us knows how this is going to play out. It depends on how we create it, what we intend and what we believe. There is so much we don’t know. We are at about seven weeks now until December 21, 2012. Rather than worry over who did what and “who’s on first”, let’s focus on what we do know and use our incredible power to create the life we are dreaming of. We know that we are love. We know we’ve come now to help restore this planet to her pristine state. This will take intent, belief and unity. Balance is necessary for us to continue – in order to witness our incredible light; it must be seen on a backdrop of dark. We know what that dark looks like now, and by identifying it we can reduce it. Balance demands destruction as well as creation. This has always been true. Our eyes are open now to this Cabal; let’s not close them to other possibilities. None of us have done this before; we can’t therefore claim to know just how things are going to play out. We’ll have to create them as One. This is a call for open minds. It is blinders that helped to steer us to the place we find ourselves today. Let’s take them off and engage the awesome opportunity before us – something absolutely new. We are here now with front row seats to a most incredible time! It’s okay if we aren’t sure what’s going to happen – embrace your wildest dreams and hang on. Steer clear of limiting beliefs and polarization. We are creating our life right now. This influx of light and love empowers our every thought – look how far we have come! We are amazing. Hold on to your truth and empower these coming days with your brilliance. We need every bit of our combined light right now! We are the One we’ve been waiting for. There were two words in my inbox this morning. "It's time". The video included is found here as well. An entirely different blog was composed very early today, and may be posted later. This one now takes precedence. Watching the video while considering these two words, I was overcome with emotion. I cry easily yet this morning's sob-fest was unprecedented... The emotions that incited the tears were joy and relief and exhaustion and YES!!!!! WE DID IT!!! What remains now is the doing and living on our new earth. In spite of every odd stacked against us, we have continued to create a world as pictured in the serene and vibrant images of this film. Our Mother Earth has waited with patience and love for eons...she now is realizing the fullness of her being. It is because of you this is happening. As Light Workers you have come not just in this era, but in times too numerous to name. You have persevered and created with wisdom, tenacity, faith and love. Your vision has not wavered, not once. Yes, there have been distractions, but deep in your heart you have held and maintained the truth of our home, our Mother Earth and ourselves. Love has inspired your every lifetime of continuous evolution. You never gave up and it is because of you that we have made it here. Share your view of our home and our very existence in every moment of your coming days... This is how we create our paradise. The field is ripe now with your vision - it is okay to let it out and allow for its expansion. There can be no stopping truth - You are master creators, here to experience the fruits of many lifetimes of belief. There is nothing but love and we can see that now. Hold these pristine images in your very soul. This is our world. We have brought her back to life with our steadfast knowing - we are love. WE ARE THE ONE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. Update ~~ 10.20.12 ~~ The status of this video was changed to "private". I am sorry if you have missed seeing it. It is a profound experience. In today's blog I will include another that will hopefully stay put.
I am filled with hope, love and excitement for what is to come. Something has changed recently and although I cannot show you a picture of what it was, I can tell you what I see. I see all of us right. There are so many versions of truth. What if they were all correct? We stand today a divided planet. There are nations and within them states and within them counties and towns. Within the towns there are men, women and children; from every nation, following every religion, team, political party, interest and sexual preference. Within each of these you will find a belief so strong that it seems unchangeable. Here is a version of life I am coming to resonate with, for it allows for every difference. We are all right. The Cabal has infiltrated the speaking of the “Channels”, while there are some authentic “Channels” as well. There are man made ships as well as off world ships. There is both divine and human intervention. There is a dark force looking for domination and destruction while there are very human men and women who have followed the “service to self” route all on their own. There are “Archons” wreaking havoc and there are Alphabet agencies of human beings carrying out criminal agenda’s. All stories contain truth. Everyone is right. Everyone is love. You chose to be part of a grand plan – to lift the Earth out of the darkness she has been in; to ascend. The stories are all true. You are here to participate, not because you are better than anyone else, but because it is time now to restore balance to the Earth. The depths of the darkness demanded a great deal of light. You are that light. There are forces for balance and forces for destruction and forces for peace. The sacred texts speak truth, although the literal interpretations have led to division and speculation and misunderstanding. Many of them were taken out of context, which does not negate their value, or make them irrelevant. The force that yields the greatest power is the force for One. You are that force. The One has asked for a great influx of light to the earth right now because there is an imbalance; the dark/destruction has seized and held this planet for long enough. Our work is not complete. The balance must be maintained once it is achieved. We have free will. Man chose this path. We have been (unknown to our conscious selves) collectively in service to a destructive force. This force has one goal and it is absolute – it creates and then destroys as a show of power – absolute power. That is its only purpose. War, ownership and corruption are its methods. When it realizes there are no longer possibilities for domination it moves on – it has. Its minions, the Archons/Illuminati, do not realize yet that the game is over. They will continue. Like chickens without heads, they are unaware and still running around, doing whatever chickens do. This is where the free will of man comes into play. Man must now continue to make a stand against destruction by resisting those efforts. He will be helped by off world sources if he chooses to be helped. We have to ask for help, not ask to be “saved”. We do not need a savior; we are here to save ourselves. We are the One. We have come here ourselves, to save ourselves, in service to humanity; the One. It would appear that we have asked. Although our history is filled with darkness, the overall picture of things is not. We must get past the horror and disbelief of our past and move on to action in our present. It is time to do what we feel called to do. There are many possibilities. We’ve learned that there is corruption in our banks, corporations, religions and governments – we can start just about anywhere. Think of things to do that will no longer support a self-destructive system. Self reliance and collaboration is key. It’s not necessary that we all get on the same train, yet it is time to start moving. We are here with purpose. We are here to love absolutely. This may not always be easy, but it is necessary and will alter our world. Balance means that both sides always exist. This is the lesson of every spiritual teacher we’ve encountered. The earth is a template for growth and evolution. The challenges propel us; we are here for the stimulus they offer. We have come to learn. We are Master creators. We know what to do. We all planned this party, ages ago. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. We are completing our Quest right now. Today is the last day of this journey and we can see our destination. Although it’s always been there, it may well have been invisible. Wrapped in blinders of shoulds and judgments, you could not see Agape. It is obvious to you now. Clear vision is available to us always, yet it sometimes shows up in surprising ways. “Hook” (2003) is a story of finding yourself again, after a long time of loss. The three clips here illustrate the journey. Peter Pan has forgotten how to fly. What he needs is simple; he must find his happy thought. What is your happy thought? From Agape flows a constant stream of smiles. The point of this Quest was to find an eternal source of love. It has been here always, right there in your heart. Love yourself. Robin Williams took on a persona that was not his true nature; he left Never Land to become a Pirate. It took the smallest of the Lost Boys to see the truth; Peter Pan was still there, only hiding. What it took for Peter is a moment of decision; he had to first realize he had lost himself, and then admit he needed help to find the way back. He had to ask. This is the moment we each must create. By joining this Quest you made a choice to look for Love. Will you recognize it when it shows up? This is who you are. What is your happy thought? Find it, tuck it carefully in your pocket and repeat it relentlessly. It must run right through you to work – its power resides in its truth. You must not only believe that it’s true, you must know it. Know who you are. It is love that sources your power and will lift your wings in flight. Neverland or the Next Dimension or just plain happiness; it is found right here. You made it. A constant stream of “Yes!” will assure you never get lost again. Read your happy thought over and over until it remains a part of you. It is. You are meant to fly. Agape means its all okay. You are right on time and we are thrilled you found your way back. This is who you are. A force such as yours could not be denied. The light that is you is brilliant. We are only too happy to bask in your glow. We’ve been expecting you! You are the One we’ve been waiting for! Until next month, with so much love, thank you, Sophia Hello! Today marks the halfway moment on this Quest. You are “Just as far in as you’ll ever be out.” (Anna Nalick – Breathe) What does that mean? It means we have a choice. Right now. We can still go either direction, and with equal effort get where we are headed. We know what going back to duality looks like. What will it take to get to Oneness? To proceed from here on you must be willing to see through the illusion. We have a saying in our house, you have to “buy the rubber suit”; a reference to the old Godzilla movies, where you could actually pick out the zipper on the monster. If you wanted to get the most out of the show, you had to ignore the zipper, and believe the costume. For us to reach a state of unity we’ll have to remember, with or without a zipper, that this is all a finely tuned performance. I am not my body. I chose her to express and experience a lifetime. She’s been here a few years, has a history and a future. Yet she is not me. I am a light, a force, a unique aspect of Divinity. I chose every moment she experienced. None of those moments define who I am. they were merely scenes in the play of my life. This is the truth for each of us. In order for us to embrace Oneness, we must remember there is a rubber suit and notice always the light beneath. Life demands that we play our roles – we are light workers in costume. We look like fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers or orphans. We are privileged and poor, suffering and celebrating, vibrant and ill. We are doctors, lawyers, therapists, plumbers, engineers, scientists, musicians and teachers. This time, in this life, we have picked one, two or a dozen of these outfits to wear; these “rubber suits”. There is difference between pity and compassion. Have compassion without pity, for pity separates and compassion unites. In this life you may appear to be more fortunate than some others. If that is true, and you are moved to share your abundance, then do so. Always give in a way that honors the recipient without creating a state of being beholden or subservient. The roles we choose are many. Rest assured you have at one time walked in everyone’s shoes, as they have in yours. Without these shoes we are One. There is no difference – we’ve all come to serve. What are we serving? We are propelling our own evolution – individually and collectively, by playing out our roles. We are serving the ultimate gift – we are offering love. It is what emanates from our very pores and right through these shoes and rubber suits. When you engage with another who appears to be in need, you have been gifted. He or she is shining a light on a part of you that you need to see – whether it be compassion or indifference; their presence has called it forth. There is no right or wrong, there is only experience. From here on in, in order to proceed towards Oneness, we’ll have to remember the “rubber suit” and honor the light within. Every time. If we can get there, as often as possible, our travelling will be easy. Then Oneness will be all that we see, and our path will be brilliantly lit with the lights of our seven billion souls. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. Thank you. It is an honor to be here. ~Sophia |
April 2024