So, the thing about this trip is that nobody knows the climate or even the local language to be found there. We are all “best guessing” our way to Ascension.
Lot’s of headlines and happenings serve as “mile markers” to those of us paying attention. The trouble is that none of us know the length of the trip. Markers are useful when operating in this 3D arena, they help to define our progress and surroundings. The sign-posts referred to here are not so solid. Just in the last 2 days there’s been two of them. They indicate where we are on the trip and (I imagine) the thinning of the veil. Yesterday, as is my habit, I went on a walk. I unplug the phone in order to create an atmosphere of presence. At approximately 8:30 AM (this was and is a best guess, as there was no phone to check with!) I filled up with emotion and joy. I knew that it had no source in my thoughts at the time. Our family is expecting 3 babies this year, and the first one was due this past Monday. My mind then visualized his parents and what I said to myself was “Welcome to the world little guy”. I was crying. About an hour later, when I got back home and turned on my phone, swarms of texts greeted me with the news that he had arrived at 8:25 AM! A few hours ago (earlier this morning) I sat down in our backyard and as I gazed at the garden, I saw what I can only describe as an invisible 3 to 4-foot form moving vertically along the lilies until it reached the cement edge and was no longer discern able. It was a large blob of undulating transparent mass. It was weird. I blinked on purpose to be sure it wasn’t a trick of the eye. It wasn’t; it was still moving across the leaves after the blink. I had no sense of what or who this was, but I have no doubt something or someone unusual joined me in the garden today! So, things are happening. The only way for us to proceed, and that seems clear and necessary, is one led by an open heart, wide eyes and a willingness to both leave things behind and follow where they take you. This cool stuff happens more often as we make room for it. What’s here for us now is the letting go. The unpacking of earthly 3D things and strings and ties that bind you here. We are each proceeding according to our own levels of awareness and capability. We are looking at our own core. This must be done in solitude, not because it should be hidden, but because it has to first be discovered and we are the only ones who know where it is and what it has been hiding beneath. It will not help to be distracted with an audience. We’ve spent a lifetime now seeing ourselves reflected and through the behaviors and people around us. These have been our mirrors. We’ve seen enough; we are past the need for mirrors. We take these next steps without them. It is the only way to go forward actually, moving one foot in front of the other. Take just one step at a time and before you know it you are someplace else, somewhere new. It works faster and you are oh so much lighter on your feet if you let go of stuff weighing you down. Start with the mirrors. Let go of every judgment or insult or blame or fault or reason or excuse or doubt or angry condemnation found there. These can be hiding in your bathroom mirror or a politician or family member. Just let it all go. It was never about them. It’s been always about you. Oneness is realized in these current moments. The unpacking leaves us standing unencumbered and without any more questions. It leaves us with the answer we’ve held all along. It has always been One. You are embarking now on a journey to your deepest truth. You will discover that you are made of strong stuff; the strongest actually. That you will, at the other end of this, find true happiness; joy even. There will be laughter. You will discover a version of life that pleases you and carries with it freedom. You will not see any of this until you unpack this earthly baggage you hold. Let go. Trust in love as a force that propels you forward and allow. It will move you as nothing else ever has. It will take you beyond anything that keeps you rooted to your habits of hatred. There is nothing else or anyone else that will supply the fuel for this current journey. It’s always been love and you’ve always been its source. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. To be continued… With appreciation, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free separate publications: (click here)! Support this work here. Thank you. Check out my newest book “Join me on a Love Quest” by clicking here! This book takes you on a journey to self-love; the foundation for the trip we take as One, the realization of sovereignty. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
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When the “worst” or “best” thing happens, you find out who you really are. It’s just the way it is with humans.
Each day, you wake up and follow some sort of routine or path. Depending on your age, the time of year, part of the world and day of the week you are in, your life follows a predictable pattern. This pattern is performed by a predictable you; you the mom, you the son, you the dentist, you the student, you the waitress, you the bus driver, you the dad, you the teacher, you the current costume you are wearing. Bits of YOU may peek out from around your corners, yet the vast expanse that is your truth, your core stuff, stays behind the shield. Today, I’d like to take down some of those shields. Personal moments have ripped them away and I suspect you may be helped if I do so here, on this screen. This Ascension trip is taken without shields. It is taken without anything or anyone else at all. Like birth and death, we face it alone. What I’m looking at today, as far as I am along the way, (and until recently I had imagined this was pretty darn far) is an empty place. It is the place that had been filled with “other”. Other to validate (me), other to comfort (me), other to blame, other to pre-occupy my life with. “Join me on a Love Quest”, which was just published this month, chronicles and offers for your participation, the journey taken 7 years ago from forgiveness of self to I AM presence. Yet, I stand here today knowing that the road taken then, all those years ago, dropped me off right here. And… I just noticed that there was no one else on my stop. It’s only me. It’s a bit of a shock. Oh, I feel the others, there are lots of them – you, our non-terrestrial friends, my higher self, my angels. Yet right here, right now, this next part, the stop coming soon, waits for me alone. It will not show up until I am ready, it makes no difference how many others are aware of what is going on. This particular door, the one leading to my own unfoldment and evolution and to what we are calling Ascension, is only opened when I grab the handle and swing it wide. It is then, unencumbered, that I walk through. So today, having just realized that my stop is approaching, I begin to un-pack. For this is a trip without baggage. I’ll set down the remnants of expectation, sorrow and disappointment. I’ll abandon need for validation. I’ll release my grip on must-have. I’ll let go of my demands. The empty places left behind I’ll saturate with acceptance, drape lovingly with agreement, surround with a forgiving smile and believe them all full to bursting with self-love. For self-love asks us only to know ourselves complete. There is no “other” from which it springs. This stop to Agape is yours alone. You’ve got the only ticket. When all of the “others” have abandoned you, when you finally notice the open door, your full heart will propel you to open it. It is you that you’ve been waiting for. To be continued… With appreciation for you always, Sophia Support this work here. Thank you. Check out my newest book “Join me on a Love Quest” by clicking here! Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. We are sitting around a campfire. The brown-eyed 5-year-old blurts out “Neptune is one of the farthest planets in the solar system”. His parents, visibly surprised, say “Where did you hear that?” “In school”, comes the reply (he’s been in day care since birth). “Why don’t you tell us the things you learn in school when we ask you how your day was?” “Because, he patiently asserts, “this is relaxing, around the campfire time. It’s not fast drop off, pick up time of usual. The is the relaxing time, when we talk.” There is a moment of silence as we all take this in. I spent the weekend in the woods with this remarkable, brilliant child and the rest of our family. Although his wise words could lead us into a lengthy conversation about the “rat race” of 2018 family life and what that is accomplishing, instead let’s take another direction. This “rat race” contributes not only to a lack of communication within families. It offers up an expectation for quick answers that are given to us within designated pre-planned time allotments. We think that what will satisfy us is a controlled plan of things we can count on. Yet the moments we remember are those that delight and surprise us; the two tiny paws of a racoon on our arm as she peeks at us over the hammock’s edge, the butterfly on our tent stake, the shooting star seen through the tent screen. It’s the stuff of our best recollections; these moments make our memories. Our deepest truth is the moment not called forth with thought, but instead resting within. These are our drivers, pre-installed into our human form and consistently fueled with delight. This is love expressed and bliss in human form. It’s what draws us back to this little planet over and over again. They rule the playback of the events of our life. You’ve seen this message on your device, haven’t you? “The driver for ___ must be re-installed.” Nothing happens without it. Consider then creation. The manifesting of anything begins with your intent, belief, imagination and core-self. In this self is held the ruler of your life; although invisible, it drives everything. Nothing happens if not driven by your core self. Consider “the Event”. Months and years pass with the same questions. When? How? Where? Who? How long? These are questions for dialogue perhaps, yet they do not begin in our core self. Instead, our driver insists on surprise, joy and wonder; the emotions fueled with love. As we move closer to discovering our inner truth, we simultaneously create a life built on that truth. We’ve imagined the event to be a single moment that will surprise us and infuse us with love and occur at an expected time so we can be prepared. So, we can quit or not quit our job, move or not move from our current location, leave or not leave our current lover. To some extent we’ve all asked these questions. They’ve been answered unsatisfactorily every time. Either because a date or an answer was given that didn’t transpire, or because a date or event was never even given. This, I’ve come to believe, is because we are creating it all and our deepest truth and core aspect, the driver of this life, wants a memory worth remembering, a surprise “Event” infused with love that we’ll carry with us always. Our evolution demands increased awareness and pushes us ever forward. It takes us to ourselves, our inner light and unspoken imaginings. As we evolve we create as well as experience physical ascension right where we stand on solid ground. No one can tell us how this Ascension is done – it remains un-manifested until we believe it into reality. This core belief, the driver of your dream, operates on what enchants you; it is fueled with passion. Expect the “Event” and subsequent Ascension to be bliss-filled and wonder-full. It is this self that holds your truest longing, and your ego persona that clutters all of that up with fear, judgment and anxiety. Seek not answers to your worry-filled requests, but responses to your full and perfect heart. It is these that create for us a life worth sharing in campfire stories; that emerge during our “relaxing times”. Our anxious opinions and fret-full inquiries serve to slow down and interrupt what is a natural evolution that is happening seamlessly, in each and every “now”. We need only believe it, intend it, and wait for it. This requires trust; trust in ourselves. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With appreciation and love, Sophia Support this work here. Thank you. Check out my newest book “Join me on a Love Quest” by clicking here! Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. I reached out today to One, as it has been awhile and I felt inspired to do so. I’ve also just released a book, “Join me on a Love Quest”. It is a journey into self-love, and that is what I believe is necessary for all of us now as we proceed through to the upcoming changes. It is one that was taken 7 years ago, by many of us together, on Face Book. It is, I believe, what has led to my own expansion. It was made into an easy to follow format so that others of us could easily explore the nuances of getting to know, forgive and ultimately love yourself. There is a book trailer for it included below this conversation. Notice that the cover is a star map, for indeed the Quest to your center will navigate back to where it all began, where you all began. Check it out! Sophia Here is the conversation. (We had already been speaking in regards to the reader’s questions that will be a part of the next newsletter, to be published next week.) “What can you tell me about this current moment? About the Event? About Earth changes, including the volcanoes erupting? It has been sometime since we’ve spoken.” Yes. There seems to be a focus now on delays, destruction, and on the horrors of crimes perpetrated against humanity. As this awakening of the collective proceeds, all of it becomes visible. It has been there always and it is this idea alone that gradually occurs to the human mind. All proceeds as it is called forth to proceed. It can be no other way. The absolute conviction many humans hold in rightness, wrongness, good or evil perpetuates polarity. It is this final lesson perhaps that remains elusive and then holds at bay (a) rapid, expedient progression. For even those of you who many would claim to be highest evolved, hold deep in your heart ideas of separation. These notions of “other” must be released. You wonder even now, why, in answer to your query about the Event and earth catastrophes, that this is the direction of the response. This, because my beloved one, it is in all ways and will always return to you. For until you accept responsibility for all of it, you will not realize your true nature. You hold within the essence of God-hood. The keys to creation are not hidden from you, yet they are covered still in blame and shame. A God does not point fingers. You are stepping closer to your nature, helped along by your inner drive towards evolution as well as (by) these rapidly accelerating frequencies. As you do so, the most heinous crimes show themselves in the light of day to those with eyes to see. These are not all eyes. It is for this reason you are here in such massive numbers now – those of you who originate not on earth but elsewhere. The reason for your presence and relentless hope is due to an inner calling. You want everyone along for this progression, this Ascension. You firmly believe that if everyone knew the truth, the truth of the program of control here, that they would choose to join you. You must let that notion go. For in it is held a deep-seated belief that you hold the only true, right answer. That indeed you know the way. In a sense you are requiring others to “follow” you in order to ascend. Gods do not follow. Gods create. It is here where you’ll realize all answers you seek. These are found not in predictions or calculations or observations even, but in belief. Gods know. In these words, let there be comfort as well as conviction and determination and realization. You will create each moment from your core self. This happens in a place of pure knowing. When there are no longer questions, you will have all the answers you seek. That is all. Thank you. * * * Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Whether or not you believe in aliens, channeling, the reval, the event or any other unseen promise – you’ve got to believe in yourself. For this reason, I’m thrilled to announce the release of a book which was 7 years in the making; “Join me on a Love Quest”. You’ll find the trailer for it below. Some of you took the Face book Quests back in 2011. We were tiptoeing into self-love then. It was a collaboration, a mutually defined exploration. This book is a tool to what I believe is a journey we all must take; an inner journey towards self-acceptance. It is necessary for Ascension. Oneness demands self-love. Self and other are One. This is the ultimate truth. Love starts with you. This love you are capable of is bottomless, limitless and endless. We’ve all felt alone, hurt, rejected, abandoned even – by God, the Government, our families, friends, lovers and deepest aspirations. We have felt abandoned because we have assumed union. What if there is no “other”? This is what you must consider. Not that you are alone, but that you are everything. This is the Ultimate Quest; the end of searching. For you are complete, whole and singular – you must love in that knowing, from that full place. This is a place of presence. It was these Love Quest journeys that led me here. This knowing rests in self-love. You will no longer seek to be filled by another for validation. You will notice your life as filled with opportunities; moments to notice love. For it has been there always, quietly waiting for your awareness. Despite all that’s going on in your life and in your world, you must love. You may imagine yourself sitting in a deep well of alone – love anyway. Start with the one in the mirror. This evolving and ascending into love is not the same love you’ve heard about all these years. It is not “two becoming one” but “two creating one” – a new One, born from the intertwining rather than the dissolution of selves. Do you see? It starts always with you. We’ve reached the moment where our sentence gets completed. We answer with our heart, knowing it is not broken but breaking free. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for always. I hope to see you on the Quest. With love and appreciation for you, Sophia Support this work here. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
April 2024