Every now and again, when faced with a seemingly irresolvable issue, I set an intention for the “highest and best for all concerned”, get in a quiet, meditative state, and write out a question. Then I listen. Sometimes the answers come loudly and quickly! They are recorded with my non-dominant hand. There is less editing that way, as my logical brain is occupied with making the pen work. The following conversation happened because of some current physical issues. These were things I assumed were fully healed and repaired. Maybe the answers will help you as well; we are One. Remember, we hold the answers to all of our questions, we only need ask. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ~~~ Question: What is going on with my body? It is your deepest 3D fear. How’s it going so far? This is what your fears are creating. How do I change this? This is not what I want. You have to look at your life squarely. (interrupting) I BELIEVE THAT IS WHAT CREATED THESE EFFECTS! Let me finish. ... (you have to look at your life squarely) WITHOUT FEAR. This is how things are altered. Are things created from fear? Things are created from focus. You are extremely focused and powerful right now. This is why you look and feel as you do. Please, I need concrete steps to change this. I am asking for help. Take a look, decide what it is you want, and focus there only – without fear. With determination see the changes you want. This does not mean avoid looking elsewhere. It is this contrast you are here for. Thank you.
We are completing our Quest right now. Today is the last day of this journey and we can see our destination. Although it’s always been there, it may well have been invisible. Wrapped in blinders of shoulds and judgments, you could not see Agape. It is obvious to you now. Clear vision is available to us always, yet it sometimes shows up in surprising ways. “Hook” (2003) is a story of finding yourself again, after a long time of loss. The three clips here illustrate the journey. Peter Pan has forgotten how to fly. What he needs is simple; he must find his happy thought. What is your happy thought? From Agape flows a constant stream of smiles. The point of this Quest was to find an eternal source of love. It has been here always, right there in your heart. Love yourself. Robin Williams took on a persona that was not his true nature; he left Never Land to become a Pirate. It took the smallest of the Lost Boys to see the truth; Peter Pan was still there, only hiding. What it took for Peter is a moment of decision; he had to first realize he had lost himself, and then admit he needed help to find the way back. He had to ask. This is the moment we each must create. By joining this Quest you made a choice to look for Love. Will you recognize it when it shows up? This is who you are. What is your happy thought? Find it, tuck it carefully in your pocket and repeat it relentlessly. It must run right through you to work – its power resides in its truth. You must not only believe that it’s true, you must know it. Know who you are. It is love that sources your power and will lift your wings in flight. Neverland or the Next Dimension or just plain happiness; it is found right here. You made it. A constant stream of “Yes!” will assure you never get lost again. Read your happy thought over and over until it remains a part of you. It is. You are meant to fly. Agape means its all okay. You are right on time and we are thrilled you found your way back. This is who you are. A force such as yours could not be denied. The light that is you is brilliant. We are only too happy to bask in your glow. We’ve been expecting you! You are the One we’ve been waiting for! Until next month, with so much love, thank you, Sophia (<<<An audio version is available by clicking this photo) Love is a truth. You can throw things at it, yell at it, call it names, hide it, cover it, refuse to acknowledge it, deny it or ignore it; it will remain. Love is the foundation of each interaction, every relationship and all of life. None of this would be here if not for love. We exist in a world of form; birthed from Agape. You are the outsourcing of God’s love. The acceptance of oneness is a gradual process. As you look into your own eyes and find your inner light, you simultaneously discover the light in each other. We are ever seeking beings, pushing forward always for more. Expansion and growth are the methods of our evolution. As you begin to love truly the One that is you, you naturally notice the love that is me. Love is not an end, it is the beginning. There is no end to Agape, for the One that you are is infinite. Love yourself and set free the bonds of ownership and duty that bind your relationships. Love cannot be owned and it is not exclusive. It is a force. Love is a fierce knowing of truth; an acceptance of every dark and wonderful, passionate and violent, hideous and exquisite facet of life. To experience Agape is a fearless act. There is nothing that cannot be said or done or looked at. It is acceptance without judgment. You are here because you are a fellow Master. If there is anyone who can pull off Agape in this controlled, violent, angry and divisive world – it is you. You were chosen to do this. You have all that is required. This Quest is not for the feint of heart. This is the Ultimate Quest. Fearlessly look into the eyes of all life that is before you and love. Whatever it takes to unconditionally honor – give it willingly. There is no loss in love. You have enough for me and the rest of us as well. Contrary to what you’ve been told, love multiplies as it is shared, exponentially. If we just practice acceptance, open our eyes and see the love that surrounds us, we would be astounded. We think that it will take so much effort, when in fact our reward will be beyond description. Agape is freedom; our gift to the world comes from our very own heart. See the One that we are and love yourself without reservation. It is a simple, yet revolutionary act. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. Thank you for being here. We meet tomorrow, for the conclusion of this Quest. With so much love, ~Sophia Today we are on the second half of our Quest for Agape. As we proceed, we’ll encounter lots of “Stitch’s”. In the movie, “Lilo and Stitch”, Lilo was consistent about one thing – love. The object of her affection was a destructive, mono-syllabic weird looking alien. There was nothing warm and fuzzy about this pet. Lilo decides he’s family and will not leave him behind; an extreme example of unconditional love. Lilo could not know the motivation of Stitch, yet she identified with him as another lost soul, lashing out at a world he didn’t understand and that couldn’t understand him. We are all Stitch to some degree. There are no exceptions. We are here for reasons we don’t fully recall, trying to fit in, do the right thing, find some love and happiness. We came to this life because we have an incredible opportunity. We are going to experience in one lifetime both extremes – polarity and unity. We will advance while physical, and the intensity of that experience is what we came for. Comparatively few beings signed on for this – being human is hard. Yet you did, confident you could pull it off. A shift of such magnitude that it’s been heralded “The Shift of the Ages” is what you agreed to conduct. You are not watching this happen, you are making it happen. In the home stretch now, you are looking around wondering how you’ll ever cross the finish line. You may also be contemplating what the prize is. First – the how – without judgment. Every circumstance, each mistake, every outburst or criticism or atrocity witnessed you’ll view without blame, accusation or fault finding. There is a difference between seeing clearly the person responsible for an action and hating him or her for it. The first demands clarity of vision while the second incorporates duality. Agape does not mean that suddenly all behavior is allowed to go on and that it is okay with you. In a world such as ours, which has been deeply enslaved in density and polarity, the complete change to “service to others” will take awhile. Many here will remain in the “service to self” modality for a bit. Our challenge is what to do when they impact our life. First, love. All are equal here. We are One. Hatred and punishment is not necessary, while removal and re-education most definitely applies. In our personal relationships, the option for re-education may not be there, yet we can always step away. “Service to Others” does not mean NOT service to you, it includes you. You are all others, they are mere reflections of the One that you are. This is where our Quest began and where it must go. Love that man or woman in the mirror. All actions, thoughts, and words support her; everything he does begins with acceptance. You are okay. You are more than okay, you are a champion. The prize is bliss. Absolute joy ensues when you see only love. Regardless of what your focus is, you are witnessing the workings of God. This is possible with agape. Loving the One that we are yields astonishing happiness. No longer are you wasting your moments in judgment or pain. You will stand in the truth of your divinity and establish a firm ground of love. All who enter will be encased in the radiance of Agape. No mistakes. No exceptions. This is where we are headed. It is what we came for. This prize cannot be measured in terms of earthly wealth, it is priceless. We are the One we are waiting for. Thank you. I love you so very much and this Quest is a gift. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia Hello! Today marks the halfway moment on this Quest. You are “Just as far in as you’ll ever be out.” (Anna Nalick – Breathe) What does that mean? It means we have a choice. Right now. We can still go either direction, and with equal effort get where we are headed. We know what going back to duality looks like. What will it take to get to Oneness? To proceed from here on you must be willing to see through the illusion. We have a saying in our house, you have to “buy the rubber suit”; a reference to the old Godzilla movies, where you could actually pick out the zipper on the monster. If you wanted to get the most out of the show, you had to ignore the zipper, and believe the costume. For us to reach a state of unity we’ll have to remember, with or without a zipper, that this is all a finely tuned performance. I am not my body. I chose her to express and experience a lifetime. She’s been here a few years, has a history and a future. Yet she is not me. I am a light, a force, a unique aspect of Divinity. I chose every moment she experienced. None of those moments define who I am. they were merely scenes in the play of my life. This is the truth for each of us. In order for us to embrace Oneness, we must remember there is a rubber suit and notice always the light beneath. Life demands that we play our roles – we are light workers in costume. We look like fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers or orphans. We are privileged and poor, suffering and celebrating, vibrant and ill. We are doctors, lawyers, therapists, plumbers, engineers, scientists, musicians and teachers. This time, in this life, we have picked one, two or a dozen of these outfits to wear; these “rubber suits”. There is difference between pity and compassion. Have compassion without pity, for pity separates and compassion unites. In this life you may appear to be more fortunate than some others. If that is true, and you are moved to share your abundance, then do so. Always give in a way that honors the recipient without creating a state of being beholden or subservient. The roles we choose are many. Rest assured you have at one time walked in everyone’s shoes, as they have in yours. Without these shoes we are One. There is no difference – we’ve all come to serve. What are we serving? We are propelling our own evolution – individually and collectively, by playing out our roles. We are serving the ultimate gift – we are offering love. It is what emanates from our very pores and right through these shoes and rubber suits. When you engage with another who appears to be in need, you have been gifted. He or she is shining a light on a part of you that you need to see – whether it be compassion or indifference; their presence has called it forth. There is no right or wrong, there is only experience. From here on in, in order to proceed towards Oneness, we’ll have to remember the “rubber suit” and honor the light within. Every time. If we can get there, as often as possible, our travelling will be easy. Then Oneness will be all that we see, and our path will be brilliantly lit with the lights of our seven billion souls. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. Thank you. It is an honor to be here. ~Sophia As we begin our third day, it becomes important that we look at all of the relationships currently in our lives; our physical, daily life contacts. You do not exist in isolation. Even if you live alone, you have a mail carrier, a grocer and a landlord. You have a job and work mates. Each of these counts. It is never true that you can see yourself as One with some of us, but not with others of us. One is a singular mindset. It sort of blows out of the water words like superior, prejudice, privileged, bigotry and segregation. This is not to say those thoughts don’t exist, they do, yet in the face of One, they become illusion. Can I declare with a straight face that one finger is better than another? Better in what way? All are necessary to the function of the hand. I will admit that my ring finger surpasses my thumb when it comes to wearing certain jewelry, yet I would mourn equally the loss of either. We are here for different purposes. We have incarnated to evolve and in this year, 2012, we have a ticket on the fast train to enlightenment. Our beginnings and paths differ, but not our goal. So, what does Oneness look like in a sea of faces and bodies and nations and religions? It looks like love. It means no one is dismissed as irrelevant; old or young, patriot or anarchist, Muslim or Jew, gay or straight, black or white, yellow or red, Republican or Democrat, off-world or on-world. “Ohana means family. Family means nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten.” (Lilo & Stitch, 2002) As we contemplate Oneness, start at home. We are One. All of us, together, speak a singular voice. When you hear someone that irritates, frustrates, offends or annoys you, resist the urge to correct or ignore or dismiss. Breathe. It’s all you and all okay. These are not lesser versions of Oneness, and they are not wrong, they are merely alternate expressions of humanity. Each expression is divine. We are One unique fabric called Man. Our richness and texture is expressed in our diversity. We are 7 billion+ threads – woven together with a Master’s touch. Relish the One that we are. You can see it everywhere, your mirror, your family, your street, your town, and our world. Start local, real local. Appreciate each component of you, and then move out to your community. “Nobody gets left behind. Or forgotten” Without any condition at all, I love you. You are the physical manifestation of One’s thought; a perfect intention, every detail a miracle. Your light illuminates our home; this planet is a beacon of love. See your reflection everywhere you look, it is – and you are gorgeous! You are the One we’ve been waiting for. Thank you! See you tomorrow, Sophia Welcome to our second day! With a full heart, for all the love found here, let’s begin. It is not true, not ever, that you are alone. Now, you may feel alone and look lonely, yet this is part of the illusion. The illusion of separation has been so powerfully magnified, we have even imagined isolation. If only you could step way back and see the magnificent being that is you, surrounded by the rest of us, you would know for certain this could never be true. We are One. You’ve been given this body, these eyes and heart to explore in tangible, physical ways what it is to love. To love in human form is an honor. Not every being has had this opportunity. You do. The physical world you inhabit is exquisite. Your eyes behold each finger, toe and body part, while sensing each gentle breeze, hot shower and passionate embrace. Your nose smells home cooked food today and memories fill your mind of another time and meal. Your senses are inundated 24/7 while your heart beats out “Love-Love-Love-Love”. To make sense of it all is a challenge. You look on the scale and see a few more pounds or hear your mate or child or parent complain and you imagine yourself imperfect. This is illusion and deep within you sense the truth. All the while, your heart is beating “Love-Love-Love-Love”. The din of society, government, anguish and fear threatens to drown out the truth of your heart. You heart will not be silenced. As long as you are here in the physical, it will continue, synchronized with mine and everyone else’s; “Love-Love-Love-Love”. To love is a privilege. One such as you only comes around once. There is no other who walks in your shoes. Only you understand what resides in your heart and propels your life. This is good news. It means, my fellow human, that there is no one who is better equipped to love you than yourself. For regardless of relationship, you will always be the closest friend you have. Love yourself. Be careful and tender; listen and allow. There is a reason for every emotion, thought, word and deed. You would not waste your time here in fruitless pursuits. You are a component of divinity, an integral part of the fabric of humanity. We are not complete without your particular thread. Be patient with yourself. Treat yourself as you would an honored guest – you are. Here now to help us all, you have arrived right on time and with all you need. Trust yourself, love yourself and be yourself. You are uniquely suited to do so! I am thrilled to take this Quest with One such as you. Thank you for showing the way. You are the One we’ve been waiting for! See you tomorrow, Sophia The Voice of One (Today's blog is the beginning of our 18th Love Quest. These notes will continue for seven days) We begin today our 18th Quest! We are in a fast moving, spectacular time in our lives and in the life of our planet. With each passing day, we become more aware of our unity. We are inextricably entangled, creating and experiencing the results of our work simultaneously. As time speeds up, it becomes more and more challenging to separate out where things start and where they end. We are on this Quest to explore Agape. Unconditional self love takes on a much larger scope when Oneness is part of your self definition. We are indeed the same stuff. This week will be about what that looks like in our every day. Quantum physicists speak of entanglement. Entanglement IS the dream. We are walking and talking, loving and living in a mutually agreed upon reality. I exist on a back drop of what you believe you see around me. I most likely agree with your perception. As we wake up, our consciousness expands to include other beings, dimensions, truths and possibilities. We see things we never noticed before. We are gradually realizing our world works much differently than we were taught. We are One. What does that mean? It means that in some intricate and beautiful way, we are connected. To illustrate, imagine being on the other end of my stick, sort of like a see-saw. When I sit down, you can’t help but be affected. You feel my reaction, and immediately I feel yours – up, down, up, down. In the same sense, you sense my pain, my joy, my love and my anger. You have to. This is how life works. We are One organism, opposite ends of the same stick. We are becoming aware now of the power we hold. It has been deliberately manipulated so that we’d compete with and fight and fear each other. We are not each others enemy. We are connected, very literally. To perpetrate anger at another being only intensifies pain, illness, war and hatred. The results of each are internalized in all of us. No one escapes. We are One. When you look in the mirror today, with gentle smiling eyes, say hello to the world. Love who you see standing there. He is a child of God. She is walking divinity. As we inch towards Agape, we will alter our world. That smile and gentle encouragement is felt by every bit of life in existence. We have access now to this truth. With help from many places and races, our minds and hearts are opening up. As we individually love, it all changes. Generosity and compassion become the order of the day. Empowerment insists on it. Love yourself and we will be blessed exponentially. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, Sophia We are swimming in a sea of shoulds. The list of what we must do in order to ascend is almost as long as our 3D list. These 3D lists were created by those who would keep you so busy being you, that you’d lose the very essence of your being. It would appear that we’ve traded one list for another. While it is true that there are things that inhibit spiritual growth and others that propel it; none of them exist outside of you. What this means is that any activity can become a sacred activity. It is the state and intent of our heart that determines our experience. In much the same way that you can manipulate the body to orgasm, you can orchestrate the body to spiritual heights utilizing certain practices. There is a difference however in the depth of orgasm as well as the radiance of spiritual light that you reach. That difference would be determined by the heart. This is your most powerful organ. In fact, the heart becomes critical not only to the fact of life (if it beats you have life and if it doesn’t, you don’t), but also to the quality of the very life that you have. Where the heart is involved there is a deeper level of intensity, a richness of sensation and completeness. Satisfaction and sustained effects are only possible in any lasting way, through the heart. You have all you need for bliss. Just love. Once you find and accept the divinity that you are, your every waking moment will emulate Agape. To achieve bliss is not possible in isolation. We are One. The One that you are, is evidenced everywhere. You cannot be alone. There is no sea of shoulds, there are oceans of possibilities. What you will never know is the path of another soul. It is not possible to know the motivation of another; it is only possible to discern your own truth. For truth is something that you feel. It has a frequency all its own. You recognize its vibration. It is felt deeply and resonates throughout your being. Self love brings us to a point of knowing. It becomes the salve to heal all wounds. Once you understand that all pain is self-inflicted, you can heal. We are here to transform a population. My evolution is yours as well; we are One. Our method is self-transformation. We are on the path of Unity; the road of the pure of heart. This is the place we each are headed. What I call love and another terms divinity are in fact one and the same. Both are the recognition of an inner God. This is the ultimate destination no matter the course chosen. It is the discovery that love, when felt for every nuance of you, is the truth dwelling in every flicker of light and life you encounter. It begins and ends there, at your core, your heart, your divine self. “You are no longer interested in being (INSERT YOUR NAME HERE); you are interested in being the physical expression of divinity.” * This is the ultimate truth, your purpose; it is completely attainable – now. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. *R.M.M. Your body is hanging on. It desperately wants you here. You have to let go. Let go – everything you’re hanging on to because of fear, or are doing a certain way because of fear, or not doing at all because of fear – is time now to take care of. This is the end of duality. You have chosen this. You have confirmation many places – here, your body, an assortment of scribes and teachers. All of these sources are telling you: - You have chosen this - You are changing - No one else knows how it’s going to go because you are creating how it’s going right now You have to let go. You have to let go. YOU HAVE TO LET GO. It is time. No longer do these very dense beliefs hold any fascination. You understand now the fragile nature of this dream. It’s been constructed, intentionally, by those who understood how it worked. For hundreds of years the plan has been laid and carried out. They utilized the power of emotion and set about to create a world of beings willing to give everything up for a cause. It didn’t matter the foundation, so several were chosen: - Religion - Wealth - Patriotism - Power Our minds have been filled with words and images, all of them resulting in blind obedience, subservience, greed, violence and separation. We have been taught to ignore our inner calling. Today though, it is more like our inner voice has a microphone! Shouting above the mainstream din are words of love, power, peace and unity. We’ve not heard this volume before and our bodies and minds are wrenched back and forth with the noise. The competing vibrations threaten to pull us apart, or so it seems. Should we listen to the side that is familiar? “Obey” “Be afraid” “Send us your money” “Hate this human” “Fight” Should instead, we follow this other voice? “You and I are the same” “We are One” “Love is the answer” “Above all, love yourself” Which is right? Which is wrong? How do we discern? Help!!! No one has a twelve step program for this one. This dimension is an addiction that’s never been released, until today. We are writing the steps right now. We are not doing so without help. We have teachers with processes and meditations, groups and seminars, books and workshops, videos and diets. If there was ever a time to utilize them, it is now. There is wisdom all around. It comes from the core of us. We are each others teachers. We have come to show the way. If you feel drawn to a particular web site, channel or conference – go there. It does not mean the others are wrong; there is truth in every creation. Some days a certain passage may sound brilliant and be just what you needed. While other days it would hold no relevance. Such is the nature of the times we are in. Each day is a new adventure. I feel either ten, twenty, fifty or eighty years old in alternating moments. I cook when I feel loss or anxiety. Yesterday I got some unexpected news that set me back. It was a huge “IT IS TIME TO LET GO” message. This happened as I was beginning to do some preserving. Today we have a zillion jars of fruit preserves. Washing, coring, cutting, and cooking apples were yesterday’s therapeutic processes. Now I guess that’s not a bad choice, yet I wonder if I would have enjoyed the whole day a bit more if it included flexibility. I’m hanging on with an iron grip. It’s time for some specific guidelines. I suspect unexpected news will come fast and furious these next three months. Perhaps, because we are used to naming things and following rules, we need to invent the list for our “3D ANONYMOUS”. Here is the first rule: 1. Let go. When surprised, frightened or angry, let it go. Today it’s a rigid belief – tomorrow it’ll be an entire dimension. This is good practice. Inelia Benz (ascension101.com) has some wonderful exercises that work for me, (perhaps I should have remembered this yesterday… ;). Yet it doesn’t matter how you do it, it matters that you do it. Let go. I don’t know precisely what Ascension looks like, yet I do know that I’ll be moving from one frequency to the next. Like tuning in to an FM station on my radio, I have to let go of whatever happens to be playing on AM. Experience tells me that my FM station has fewer commercials and a richer sound; altogether a better experience. I am betting 5D will be much the same. In fact, I’m creating it to be. Step 1. Let go. We have come to embrace our dreams. We are here to create the manifestation of truth – love. This is who we are. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. |
April 2024