(Re-post from November 16, 2011) This misunderstanding about love is perhaps THE MISUNDERSTANDING. Agape is unconditional SELF-love. To love without condition means to accept all facets of existence. Every dark thought, angry outburst and violent emotion must be absorbed into the fabric of you and loved. You can no longer afford to love half way or part way – the energetic push of creation in this moment now is asking of you – everything. This shift you are participating in is not just something you are watching, it is what you are doing. All of the wondrous changes you hear about in the next dimensions are possible when you leave the density of fear. They cannot be instilled onto a fearful population to eliminate the fear – they are the by-products of a fearless and loving heart. This is how it works. There are many visions of earth in the next dimension, and they include prosperity, health, happiness and love on a continual basis. These are visions of who you actually are – they are not new versions of you, but core expressions of your true nature. Fear is gone from these versions of you. The fear that pre-dominates your life is a lie. It is not true. Truth is love and that is what you are. You exist as a physical form expressing all possibility – a “thought form” as another teacher, (Eckhart Tolle), calls you. What is there to fear in a thought form? All thoughts can be changed. Most of you currently hold thoughts about your life which include concepts of blame. In order for those thoughts to hold any merit, (and so you do not consider yourself nuts), you must also think of someone, another person, to be at fault so that you can blame them. It could be a lover, a parent or a wealthy banker. You also hold thoughts of frustration and again, in order for you to NOT think of yourself as crazy, you must create someone or something to be frustrated about – a lover, another driver or a boss. You may hold thoughts of imperfection and so you create illness, handicaps, and bodies that fall short somehow of your ideal image. We are powerful creators. We are divine pieces of the ONE, experiencing ourselves as young, old, rich, poor, happy, angry, violent, peaceful, etc... We have created it all, as ONE, and right now we have chosen to change it up a bit. WE have done it ourselves. The changes we are seeing now have always been possible, only now more of us are seeing them. They will become your life when you believe them to be reality, not fantasy. The precise future can not be predicted because there is no future – linear time is a construct so that each idea can be fully experienced – aging, learning, growing, etc… Life is occurring now as you are creating it now. It evolves as your thoughts do. Each moment, each thought, is creative. So, what this means is that the shift in consciousness is happening and will happen as we all, as a collective, create it. Your experience of it will be unlike any other you’ve had because you believe that to be true. In order for this transformation to occur, we must do some internal transforming. The thoughts we hold around love are filled with fear. We have been taught these things and it is time now to trust what you know rather than what you think. Love is something you know. It is who you are and it resonates deeply. It feels good. It comforts. It is familiar. It knows you. It sometimes evokes excitement. It feels powerful. These are words attempting to describe the indefinable and the sacred. Love is the source. Words such as right or wrong or good or bad do not belong here. Love is. It will not be denied. We have been taught to fear it because it is the most powerful idea in creation and once realized and utilized we can no longer be controlled. Fear is a tool that has been used to manipulate and it no longer serves your purpose to be manipulated. We will have to accept all others as ok, and most importantly, love ourselves, for this transition to proceed seamlessly. Realize who you are and then understand that how you see everyone in your life is a reflection of how you feel about you. The world looks as it does because so many are fearful. The more we love without condition, the more the world will change. There is nothing else to do. It starts with you. It ends with you. It is only you. You are the One we’ve been waiting for.
It is self forgiveness that becomes the key element here, a vital ingredient for ascension. For blame and doubt are hallmarks of third density. Realization of truth and acceptance of the One that you are erases all that is unreal. What is non essential is any idea contained in your mind that you MUST have something. This is not the same as desire, for desire is the fuel of creation. Consider the things we admire in each other – passion, dedication, drive, determination. All are driven by desire. the process and progress of creation occurs as a direct result of desire. We want something. The value in achieving whatever it is we want is ours to decide. Is it that we must have this thing to be worthy or that we’d like have it as an experience? As we move closer to a faster vibration we become conscious of the many possibilities available. We are moving from an understanding of the known universe to awareness of the multi-verse and the potential held there. Our perception expands. In order to keep up we have to release this baggage of self-doubt. If we aren’t sure we can fly, we’ll never take the leap. Questions about the state of our physical bodies or whether or not we did it right or loved enough, weigh us down. They become irrelevant on the path to ascension. My partner is a deep trance channel. Several years ago he did just that for a group of us, usually four or six at a time. Present during our gatherings were the “greater selves” of whoever was in the room, as well as other entities who were interested in the conversation or were our friends or who just wanted to help us find answers. His perspective at these times was as an observer. His “higher self” was the voice who spoke through him and answered our questions, speaking for the collective of entities present. He’d often remark on the sharp contrast between what he was seeing, our magnificent greater selves, which to him appeared as huge, beautiful balls of light; and what we were saying, “How come I can’t do this? How come I can’t have this? How come I can’t be this?” It seemed ridiculous to him. Here we were, these incredibly powerful beings – equal in every way to everyone else who was gathered, pretending we weren’t! We are at the moment now when we can stop pretending. It has been one heck of a costume party, but we no longer need to believe in the suit to enjoy it. We can believe in the truth instead. The truth is, we are capable of answering our own questions. The power to create the life we’ve dreamed of rests in our own hearts. All negativity stems from ego – that part of us that remains attached to this third dimension and self-limitation. Do not regret the ego. He was necessary to navigate the terrain and you needed her to get to this moment. It is time now to absorb the lessons of ego without believing it is who you are. You are an infinite particle of love, burning with the light of a thousand suns, here now to illuminate our shifting, morphing reality. You have come to love. There is no one else more capable or suited for the job than you. You are lesser than none. As we morph through the next six weeks, let go of anything that tells you otherwise. It is time to step into your truth. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. For a few days now there hasn’t been much to say. Or, more accurately, it’s felt as if there wasn’t much useful to blog on about. Then yesterday there was a thought. It began like this – “How come there seems nothing to say? It’s not as if nothing is happening. A ton is happening! Yet, it all feels 3D, mundane and internal. What is this pre-occupation with 3D, after a solid year of focus on everything else? Has time slowed down?” After rolling these questions around for a bit, it comes to this blog. Perhaps you’ll find it useful. You are becoming that which you are. You can no longer leave her behind. She is in every part and each moment of your life. You are in a process of integration and your life has not caught up. The events and responsibilities feel all over the map, as you have been – until now. You are honing in and hunkering down – morphing into the multi-dimensional, multi-faceted being that is your core. You do not so easily slip into the mainstream mold; it is not your comfort zone. You are leaving all of this behind. You’ve read again and again that 3D will continue, yet that does not mean that you’ll continue in 3D. You’ve chosen another way. This way that you’ve chosen is another density – a more complex density. It makes sense that you are feeling a pulling in because YOU ARE. It is not that you are shutting out the world – you are taking in the world – absorbing all that you see and all that you are – into YOU. This is not an ending, but a beginning. The new you that is birthing is all of you – every part. You are not in a place where you can deny any part of you or any segment of your life. It’s part of the package of you. Every bit of you will ascend, will condense. What you are leaving behind is the ego – that part of you that doubts and second guesses and takes offense and judges. It is not that you’ll leave your opinions behind – you’ll leave your need to voice your opinions behind. You will still have preferences, favorites and things you choose to avoid. You need nothing yet everything is available. Yes, it’s all changing around you as you change – a confusing and perhaps crazy time. This is not a time to despair; it’s a time to rejoice! You are taking the reigns of your life and steering – heading for deeper levels, more freedom, love, joy and abundance in all things. You are bringing yourself to the place of your dreams, literally, and doing so with a full complement of YOU. None of you gets left behind. Your loves, your favorite slippers and your gorgeous physical self is flying into this deeper complexity, as ONE. Relax and enjoy this ride. You are gathering all of you together so when the time comes you can take off! We are growing our wings. It is almost time to fly. With divine perfection and pin point accuracy we are right where we need to be. If it occurs to you to take that job offer or buy that jacket – do it! We are not leaving ourselves behind, that is the point. All of us will arrive as ONE; a singular, multi-faceted, brilliant particle of creation. These months and years of contemplating our divinity and our truth are coming to fruition right now. We are about to experience our own unfolding. It promises to be exquisite. Love every single moment your life shows you today, and rejoice! You are the ONE you’ve been waiting for! Welcome to the Love Quest, which this month coincides with “The Day Of Decision”. This was not planned consciously, yet there are no accidents. It’s time to decide. Agape is a fearless act. Are you up for it? It demands honesty, bravery and belief. In order to love ourselves we must first be aware of whom it is we are loving. The blindfolds are off, the shields are down; ego does not need protection from agape. What we need is acceptance. The only word is “yes”; it answers every protest. “Can I love myself knowing all I’ve done?” “Can I love myself even when I’m angry?” “Can I love myself after I screwed up?” “Can I love all of my human faults?” “Can I trust myself?” “Can I fearlessly scrutinize my body and love all my parts?” “Can I let go of self-blame?” “Can I stop all this judgment?” “Really?” On the face of it, love seems an easy choice. Would I rather be happy and uplifted or frustrated and miserable? Within us, is from where our happiness springs, and the only thing that’ll lift us up permanently. Love is not found “out there” and does not originate anywhere but your own heart. Your loves are reflections of your deepest beliefs about you. Although intellectually the choice is an easy one – our childlike tendency to be thrilled with ourselves has been eroded. Our elders and our society have taught us guilt and judgment and we’ve learned well. This is not truth. We are on a Quest for truth and it must be taken alone. No one but you knows the depths of your self loathing or the images that you fear. It is time now to see clearly. These ideas have not served you. In this year of Revelation we are beginning to see the manipulation and control that was our life. As facts are uncovered and the plans are exposed, we are empowered. We’ve been lied to by every institution we believed in; religion, government, financial, health and education. The time now is not for blame or regret. It is time to rebuild; the moment to love has arrived. Unconditional and fearless agape is what will empower us to demand truth and transparency from each other. For we are worth it. One such as you is a gift to all of mankind. Your arrival was planned and celebrated by all of creation. This moment now is about the realization of your worth; the acceptance of your divinity. We are One. Source energy, God, the Creator or whatever term works for you had a brilliant plan. The success of that plan depends on you. Your part is simply told – you are here to love fearlessly. In doing so, the realization of Oneness is achieved; we will all walk in Paradise.
It is an honor to walk by your side. Our Quest continues for 6 more days, thank you for showing up! We’ve been expecting you. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. Much love. See you tomorrow, Sophia Your body is hanging on. It desperately wants you here. You have to let go. Let go – everything you’re hanging on to because of fear, or are doing a certain way because of fear, or not doing at all because of fear – is time now to take care of. This is the end of duality. You have chosen this. You have confirmation many places – here, your body, an assortment of scribes and teachers. All of these sources are telling you: - You have chosen this - You are changing - No one else knows how it’s going to go because you are creating how it’s going right now You have to let go. You have to let go. YOU HAVE TO LET GO. It is time. No longer do these very dense beliefs hold any fascination. You understand now the fragile nature of this dream. It’s been constructed, intentionally, by those who understood how it worked. For hundreds of years the plan has been laid and carried out. They utilized the power of emotion and set about to create a world of beings willing to give everything up for a cause. It didn’t matter the foundation, so several were chosen: - Religion - Wealth - Patriotism - Power Our minds have been filled with words and images, all of them resulting in blind obedience, subservience, greed, violence and separation. We have been taught to ignore our inner calling. Today though, it is more like our inner voice has a microphone! Shouting above the mainstream din are words of love, power, peace and unity. We’ve not heard this volume before and our bodies and minds are wrenched back and forth with the noise. The competing vibrations threaten to pull us apart, or so it seems. Should we listen to the side that is familiar? “Obey” “Be afraid” “Send us your money” “Hate this human” “Fight” Should instead, we follow this other voice? “You and I are the same” “We are One” “Love is the answer” “Above all, love yourself” Which is right? Which is wrong? How do we discern? Help!!! No one has a twelve step program for this one. This dimension is an addiction that’s never been released, until today. We are writing the steps right now. We are not doing so without help. We have teachers with processes and meditations, groups and seminars, books and workshops, videos and diets. If there was ever a time to utilize them, it is now. There is wisdom all around. It comes from the core of us. We are each others teachers. We have come to show the way. If you feel drawn to a particular web site, channel or conference – go there. It does not mean the others are wrong; there is truth in every creation. Some days a certain passage may sound brilliant and be just what you needed. While other days it would hold no relevance. Such is the nature of the times we are in. Each day is a new adventure. I feel either ten, twenty, fifty or eighty years old in alternating moments. I cook when I feel loss or anxiety. Yesterday I got some unexpected news that set me back. It was a huge “IT IS TIME TO LET GO” message. This happened as I was beginning to do some preserving. Today we have a zillion jars of fruit preserves. Washing, coring, cutting, and cooking apples were yesterday’s therapeutic processes. Now I guess that’s not a bad choice, yet I wonder if I would have enjoyed the whole day a bit more if it included flexibility. I’m hanging on with an iron grip. It’s time for some specific guidelines. I suspect unexpected news will come fast and furious these next three months. Perhaps, because we are used to naming things and following rules, we need to invent the list for our “3D ANONYMOUS”. Here is the first rule: 1. Let go. When surprised, frightened or angry, let it go. Today it’s a rigid belief – tomorrow it’ll be an entire dimension. This is good practice. Inelia Benz (ascension101.com) has some wonderful exercises that work for me, (perhaps I should have remembered this yesterday… ;). Yet it doesn’t matter how you do it, it matters that you do it. Let go. I don’t know precisely what Ascension looks like, yet I do know that I’ll be moving from one frequency to the next. Like tuning in to an FM station on my radio, I have to let go of whatever happens to be playing on AM. Experience tells me that my FM station has fewer commercials and a richer sound; altogether a better experience. I am betting 5D will be much the same. In fact, I’m creating it to be. Step 1. Let go. We have come to embrace our dreams. We are here to create the manifestation of truth – love. This is who we are. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. Like the rain here this morning, readership is steadily increasing and very welcome. It’s interesting that as more people read this blog, I struggle with why I do it. I love to write. I also write to love. I can do both more effectively if I get out of my own way. I am my ego, and sometimes she is roaring. It feels great to have recognition, yet that is not the point. The point is love. I started writing in earnest six years ago, as a method of transformation. I discovered I had access to a deeper and wiser part of myself there. She is a part of me that I don’t want to lose touch with. Yet there are times when she sits in the background while I strut around, basking in self-importance. She doesn’t say anything, but waits and watches. Her expression is contemplative. She knows self destruction is coming. She can wait. This ego roar cannot sustain itself long. When my ego roars, it’s so loud I can’t hear myself. If you’ve ever heard the roar of a lion, you know the volume and range it commands. For that moment it is the only sound. You never forget it. This ego noise is similar, yet it leaves a sort of hollow ring. You may remember hearing it, but its meaning escapes you. I am not here to roar, I’m here to love. There is a ripple effect. Eventually, everyone is breathing the same air and feeling the same love. That’s how it works. To focus on numbers is to become enmeshed in the illusion. We are not these bodies; they exist as a vehicle for our light. We get caught up in the drama so easily here. It’s a constant chorus of better, worse, more, less, right, wrong, good, bad, beautiful, homely, popular and unpopular. The volume is deafening. It’s a great show and there are some who came only to watch. Not us. We are here to bring in some light. Our purpose is love. In my dream (L.O.H.) several nights ago, there were none who shone any brighter. It was our combined light that formed a cushion of love. We easily supported each other. There were no illusions of self-importance – the One trumped all. This is why we are here, and we can feel it when we hit that note. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. There is so much drama and ego in posts and reports and updates and replies. It is becoming a challenge to discover clear motivation. What comes through loud and clear is the intent behind every action. It is not what you are doing, but why. Understand what is really going on here. We have hoped, prayed, wished and meditated for a very long time for a better life; for happiness, prosperity, health, love. These things are forthcoming. In many places they are here. Rather than scale back our vision to focus on our deepest wish – we are observing the scenery and judging its merit. We can no longer afford the luxury of an opinion. We are here to make a decision. Our planet has been controlled. This year, for a brief moment, we are being shown the whole story. Who showed us or how they did so is not relevant. What we are seeing is vital – we are being introduced to the truth. Real freedom assumes we understand the importance of each thought word and deed; the only one responsible is us. A focus on love is what will get us to the other side of this – whole, unified and speaking as ONE. Agape is the answer. Unconditional self love is the key to oneness, to peace and to clarity of vision. We are individual expressions of Divinity, only we are still seeing our differences as faults. There is no fault. There is only ONE. Our task now is to love all our parts, all of our problems, challenges, failures, successes and illnesses. As we morph into a body that vibrates quicker, we are sort of “shaking off” the heavy stuff that can’t keep up. Therefore, we notice it. This manifests as illness or argument, relationship or financial struggle. Let it go – just love it as it leaves. It’s all you. You, in your brilliance, have created a perfect scenario for the dance through this year. We, as a collective, share a host of characters; Cobra, Drake, David, Kerry, Ben, Bill are just a few in our line of sight. They each chose to illuminate the dance floor with information and excitement. What a gift they are! As we accept ourselves as perfect, we will see them and all others as the perfection they too offer. Unconditional love means it’s all okay. Trust. This will happen. You are more powerful than any delay and bigger than any mistake. Our divisive viewpoint is holding up the works. There are not better or worse parts of us. All is perfect. Start with you. Love every blemish, decision and action. Each is a step on the way to amazing. It is vital that you love. It is okay that you disagree. Just understand that everyone is right. This is an intense moment in our transition, a time of amplification. Things will “stick out like sore thumbs” so we can see clearly and decide. We are casting a “vote” with every thought, word, post and action. Will you choose love? Will you choose fear? You have come to share your wisdom; to dance into the next dimension. Let us learn from your steps how it’s done. This is the real “Dancing with the Stars”. It is us; we are the stars, every single one of us – no exceptions. We are the ones we are waiting for. Let’s dance. This transition is happening by divine decree and by the will of the people. This race is being afforded this time in this year to learn truth and then to choose. As a people we have been lulled into complacency with the tools of fear and debt; subservience and control. Deliberate and brilliant, the motivation behind the effort sprung from greed and a worship of all things physical. We have been trained to think we must work and fight and compete for every facet of our life. This is not truth. In this universe, all things are given. Yet this illusion is inbred so deeply within the race now, that we police ourselves. For many years David Icke and others have been “truth shouters”. Now that the oppression is so blatant and severe, we can see it clearly. Our eyes have opened. Knowing of a crime without doing anything to correct it is a form of consent for the injustice.
The negativity in your minds has become so deeply imbedded you believe that you put it there yourself – that this is just the way things are. This is not true. You did not start out this way and if you watch a very young child, you will see we are not born hating ourselves, we learn to. Life is about to get very different. The Reboot of the Grid is your chance to speak. Negativity is not natural; it springs from abuse, low self esteem and fear. Not only have these things been a constant, but they have been intentionally inserted into the field on which we play. Try to imagine a world where nothing from outside you was feeding off of your labor, anger, sadness or grief; a world in which everyone was working towards the same end. That end includes expansion, prosperity, vitality and love. In that world you have no enemies – we are one. Not figuratively, but literally. There are no threats in a world full of mirrors. Fear is unnecessary. Today we have the chance to activate our own Ascension. We are being asked to participate in our complete liberation. It is time to step forward and shout our own truth. It is time to make a stand. Ascension is not for sissies. Today we will meditate to liberate. This is our moment. We are called now to actualize the light that we are. You are a divine being of immense power, here now to free a planet and her people from eons of darkness. You chose this, and were eager for this very day. There is no one better equipped. We can do this. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Reboot of the Grid – Details and times found here - http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/ Inspiration found here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLHyxvwx9tU It feels sort of like taking your child to the doctor. You are saying a bunch of calm words, painting lots of pretty pictures about the ice cream cone that’s coming after the office visit, yet you know there is a part that’s painful. You hate that part. My children wised up to the idea and ask before we get there, “Am I gonna get a poke?” That’s what I want to know now. “Are we gonna get a poke?” We’ve been living in a controlled, tightly limiting world and are told every day of the wonders that await us. Yet, beneath it all is buried a nagging sense that there is something we need to shore up for. My kids put their game faces on. They know it’s quick, necessary and there is a treat at the end. Although they didn’t like it, they have lived through it and emerged more powerful and sure of themselves. We will too. Ascension, this Shift and the Golden Age is waiting for us. As eternal beings of immense power and unlimited love, we would create nothing less. The controls are completely in our hands. We know how to use them now. It is my very human part that wants to know, “Am I gonna get a poke?” Some days I don’t care, and they happen with more frequency. What’s on the other side of the poke, if it comes, is more than amazing. I know this. I have seen some of it already. We can do anything we set our hearts on. This is truth. We are an unstoppable force; the force of One. I have seen miracles. The greatest one is reading these words right now. We are the ones we are waiting for. As you remember yourself, you may be surprised. This ego self is very loud. He or she is the only you you’ve ever known. As an infant, you began creating him or her as a response to your environment. As a third dimensional being, you understood immediately what was necessary in order to receive what you desired. You were looking for love. You emerged from a bath of love, swimming in the knowledge of yourself and everyone else. You opened your eyes in a world that was not the same. Although you felt each being in the room, there was a barrier. They did not feel you and the understanding of each other was gone. You began to forget. Although you recognized love and felt love, you knew this was no longer a universal knowing. Separation began - first you from your own body and then you from all of the “others”. There came names and definitions - separators. These names and ideas were taught to you by the beings you could see with your physical eyes, and so you listened. When you did so, following the rules they taught, you received physical expressions of what you longed for – love. Smiles, hugs, laughter, food, care, warmth and comfort seemed to come in response to things that you “did”. You began through all of this to define and create your ego. As a young human, you were immersed in your ego, trying on this one and that one, watching and learning and yearning for adoration from these souls you were with. You began then to define yourself by their reactions to you, rather than by your own internal knowing. These “others” became reflections in which you could see yourself. You did not forget completely who you were – that is why you skipped and ran and laughed and tumbled and played and smiled relentlessly. You were still filled with the expectation for love. So deep was your knowing of truth, that it took more than a decade for you to forget. Somewhere before your second decade as a human, you gave up. A new way to physically give and receive love was introduced and you became sexual. This sort of trumped everything else. It felt just like it had in the place from which you came. Sex became your focus. You may or may not have called it love, but you knew you had discovered again, truth. You eagerly soaked in these new rules and patterns; you wanted to learn how to get more of this sex. It felt like home. Waking up from our slumber now, we have given our ego a bad name. Our ego is us, here in this 3D world. It was created by us, so that we’d stay here and function at this vibratory level. It was fed and nurtured along by every new definition of love we discovered. We had been looking for validation, and with our emotional habits, (our “ego”), we got it. Our ego gives us the reinforcement we perceive is necessary. It is not “bad” or “good” – it either serves us or does not. Awake now, we realize the truth. We are conscious of our divinity. This version of us is not where we begin and end, we are infinite, powerful, multidimensional beings enjoying a human experience. This body we occupy is one we will transform into a new vibratory pattern without having to leave it to do so. We came to do this, and the ego has been a necessary component of the process. The ego is the only way we could define ourselves here. We have a new definition now and it is love. Love does not look like a specific answer or body type or action or reaction. Love looks like it all. It is the air we breathe, the trees that shelter us, the arms around us and the rush of emotion coursing through us when we recognize truth. This feeling, these chills are where we began. Our source is love. You are a physical manifestation of truth. When you arrived, you knew who you were. It is time to remember again. You are love. It is you who you’ve been searching for. |
April 2024