Click on the picture for the Audio Version of today's post. ~~~~~~~~~~ It’s like watching an image, once pixelated, come together. There is evidence in the everyday. When the channellers emerged en masse two years ago, the message was clear. Inhaling the enlightened fumes, arrogance emerged. We were played brilliantly. Misfits all of our lives, it was like giving us crack – we ate it up. We were the Chosen Ones, the Special Ones, the Enlightened Ones, here to finally claim our untold worth. Long life, prosperity, joy and beauty – this is where we belong. The separation which had been only slightly obvious to us, clarified. It was us who had the answers. It was our job to enlighten those who didn’t know. They were the many, we were the few. As Oneness creeps quietly in, what surprises is what it looks like in the everyday. It looks like friendships renewed with those previously neglected because they didn’t “get it”. Everyone’s included. It looks like saying yes. Everything has merit now, the “no’s” come too, and with them the understanding that “no” is not rejection. It is a matter of preference. I choose what serves me and that benefits the whole. I do what I like. You do the same. It’s all good. There is an acceptance. Ways to be, dress, eat, dance, sing, love and play are not good or bad – they are choices. Love trumps everything. Relationships take effort. It’s about intent. It’s about choice. There’s an addiction to something we’ll have to face. We are looking to fly. This addiction holds us to the ground. It’s about control. It’s about trust. It’s about letting someone in, leaving the door open. Wide open. The specifics for each of us differ, beneath them we are One. What holds us back is fear. You see, we are the Chosen Ones, the Special Ones, the Enlightened Ones, here to finally claim our untold worth. Every single One of us. There is nothing you need now – you are perfection; ready to fly. The only thing left to do is believe. With every thought, know that you are Gods. When you wake up in the morning, look in the mirror, walk out the door – believe. Believe in your power. Know who you are. Stop hiding. You are God. As things come up, and the pixelation returns, look right at it. Stand your ground. This thing, this thing bringing up the illusion, is not bigger, better, more beautiful, stronger, smarter or richer than you. It is you. It’s all you. Just love it and absorb it into the life force that you are. We are the best and the worst of us, the oldest and the youngest, the cruelest and the most sainted, the horrific and the breathtaking. We are One, here to join together. We’ll have to come out of our cage to do so, step off our cliff, let someone in, give something up, release the wheel. Our power is in Unity. We have trusted and been lied to and hold onto that fact as a shield. We crafted, told and believed that lie, hence its brilliance. Put down your shield. It was you who lied, you who believed and you who know the truth. Remember. It is time. We did this on purpose. The bravest, strongest, softest, gentlest, most intense and stimulating beings are us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia
Embrace your inner bad ass. Forget the inner child. That was when you needed taking care of. You can take care of yourself. Twenty or seventy, your age has nothing to do with this. Midwife or firefighter, your occupation doesn’t matter. This is about that fearless you that sings in the shower, grins at strangers and does whatever the hell she wants, anything he wants. You are needed. Those that have been in control until now don’t know how to say goodbye. They need you to help them. It is way past over. Bees have shown me the way. Several weeks ago our son discovered a parade of them burrowing along the perimeter of the garage. Turns out they’ve been there for much longer than we realized. A huge hive was under the door, destroying property and growing. First, we energetically/psychically messaged them, asking them to move on. No response. Then we hired a “green” exterminator to gently encourage their departure. He returned three times and they did not budge. As a last resort we plugged up every entrance to the hive with cement. It was an epic battle in the final stages. There were casualties on both sides. DH was stung once; the house was splattered with cement as he bravely waved his spatula at them, sealing off their last entrance. A few bees were squashed. That was a week ago. Today we have a newly patched and paved driveway. In our backyard those same bees have re-built a hive. We are okay with this location and they are content, busily going about their business. Everyone won. DH did what had to be done. Somebody had to. What’s running through your veins right now is YOU. This power is ready to be used. It’s humming with anticipation. Our fellow creators, (the ones who don’t know how to say goodbye), will only go when there are no other options. This relationship will end when we activate what has been our truth all along. As D (from Removing the Shackles) put it: “Fuck Off! I AM a Beacon of Light!” We cannot sit silently by. Not if we want to get to the next part. You’ll have to do what has to be done. There are no controllers on a bad ass planet. When all is said and done, the question will come – “Who made the deciding move? Did they stop or did we seal up all their access points?” We may never know. We humans like things seamless, with a happy ending. It won’t really matter anyway. What matters is the experiment is over and we did it. We stepped up to the plate and took a swing, with that uniquely bad ass style of ours. We did not disappoint. We were the Ones we were waiting for. ~Sophia It’s not writers block. It’s identity crisis. “Who are you?” has been the perpetual question this week. It is sort of like being a vampire. I am surrounded by mirrors that offer no reflection. People and problems used to keep popping up like springing targets in an arcade game, needing removal. They were handy excuses, blames and faults for what was wrong. With me. Each health crisis, relationship breakdown or financial hardship had different non-me pop up culprits. They’ve vanished. There is only me. This comes as a surprise. We are sort of like eggplants. These tiny lavender blooms stretch out, completely invert themselves and emerge again as something completely different; fuller, richer and with more depth to their skin. They have become what they always intended to be; eggplants. Now this is not a surprise to anyone but them. With space, nourishment and encouragement they came out exactly as predicted and expected – bigger, just as beautiful and now useful. We’ve stretched, pulled in and are gradually emerging – as gorgeous, immensely powerful beings of light. Until now, the mirror showed us ridicule and hatred, self-defeat, corruption and lies, lack, imperfection, opposition and grief. We accepted the images, identifying completely with each manipulation. Today we’ve reached within and touched the face of God. We are not any of those things. We are love in human form. It does not serve us to focus on evil. Negativity’s only purpose is to spark creation of the opposite vibration. This is a game and we now know the rules. We are just figuring out what kind of player we came to be. You see, it doesn’t matter who you saw in the mirror yesterday, what matters is today. Your mirrors are empty. Who are you? What kind of game did you come to play? In every new moment, you are standing alone, without excuses and ready to engage. What will you do and how will you do it? Who are you? Let go of the past. You are not what you were, you are now. In this moment the future is determined. What will you make? Doors have to close, chapters end and credits roll before the new can commence. We are writing the script here and the final act is upon us. Know that there are those still attempting to sabotage a graceful transition. They have engaged alarmists and fear mongers because they don’t realize we are onto their tactics and playing our own game now. Our strategy doesn’t require weapons or marches even, but conviction. Our method springs from the ultimate power source – our heart. Produce peace. It is called upon you to do so. Refuse all but love. See only the deepest truth in each soul and you will discover we all seek the same thing; the expression of eternity in physical form – life. We are hear to express and realize our deepest knowing – Agape. Truth has no room for fear. As history ends, begins again and is written you’ll decide who you are. We’ve come to the moment of our self-definition. What you say and believe is your reality. What world are you choosing? Choose love. Produce peace. Live abundantly. Laugh. Your best parts are exuberant, honest, transparent, compassionate and here. This is it. Like the eggplant, you are emerging new, as we knew you would. This relentless push for transformation demands your participation. You cannot avoid this next part; you are the one who will decide what it looks like. Embrace your future without hesitation. At some point you’ll remember this moment without regret. A game played well demands honesty as well as an exploitation of the best in you. You were chosen to make all the difference and you do. Show us everything you have. You are the one we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia You are human. Gloriously, exuberantly, perfectly human. There is no better version of you. Let go of your “higher” self. You are multi-faceted. You have lots of parts. There is one version of you, the one with an expanded view, who has decided to watch you now, joining this life you are living. Your life. The messy one. The one with you in it. What is going to emerge at the other end of all of this is another version of us. Call it what you want, time is an illusion and Oneness is truth. This means that we didn’t “start” anywhere and there are no “higher” parts of ourselves holding wisdom we don’t yet have. It’s all you, all the time. What we need are new words. Words to unleash the creativity of a world full of multi-billionaire light beings. What does a world with no restraints feel like? Can you imagine life without financial, spiritual, mental or physical limitation? Can you even visualize ten billion dollars? It is a one, followed by ten zeros. Those zeros, that seem to have all the power, are just a whole lotta nothing. It is the One in front of them that makes it all happen. That One would be you, the force of creation, here now to craft a world without limits. The whole point seems to have been to drive ourselves to the edge of insanity, waiting, wondering and miserable; only to realize no one is coming. It is done. There are no ascended masters, galactic saviors or “higher” versions of ourselves on the way to save us. This is our planet and we love her. We are the Masters, the ones here to shift with her. This was the trip you came for. You have everything you need. No extra attachments are required to utilize the power here. The power source is you – you’ve just forgotten how to turn yourself on. You’ve done this before. Today you are here to do it as a human. You chose and were chosen to do this. You are not alone. We knew before we came that we’d have to get to this breaking point before we realized the truth: The only answer is us. The only place to be is here. The only time is now. The only ones to do it knew that they could, and that when the moment arrived, they would. It is upon us now to find the new. We need words and tools that never were. That 90% of unused stuff in your brain is getting itchy. Your ability to create is legion. It’s why you were chosen. Take the crayons out of the box. Work some magic. Start happening. Imagine eternal vitality, relentless abundance, pervasive peace and wild joy, right alongside no traffic, great parking spots, good hair days and free concerts. Hold happy. Breathe music. Whisper trees. The vision you are holding is the life you are molding. We are addicted to ourselves and there is not a 12 step program. We wouldn’t join one if there were. Humanity is the hottest game in town. Everyone is watching and wants to join in. We are passionately unhappy, dramatically ecstatic and violently loving. We create things just to tear them down from boredom. We run too fast, hide in corners, sing off key and gossip. The human condition is us, and we love every inch and nuance. We excite ourselves. There is no better version to become. We are here to harness our innate essence. While every single channel we listen to tells us how cool we are, we continue to believe we’re supposed to be something else. These voices are reminders, nothing more or less, and we put them there. This entire life is our creation. We were never supposed to change. The answer is not outside of ourselves. We planned to fall desperately in love – with us. We’ve hidden our magnificence in gold, in others and in promises of more. We’ve blamed our failure on lack, on others and on outside limitation. There’s no place else to go with this. We’ve reached part 2 – self-emergence. Your emotions are the trigger and the best part of you; they fuel the human experience and create worlds. Enjoy them and watch what happens. You love to emote, to feel and to push beyond. The angst of your heart is the subject of every song, each story and all of your favorite movies. To dream is your birthright. You’ve grown up inside institutions and ideas that said looking out the window was wrong, wasteful even. This attempt to systematically erase your core truth has failed. You are bigger than any method of thought. Embrace your humanity. Your emotions are key to your power. You only need desire and it is done. Love who you are, see what you want and don’t stop until amazing happens. Contrast fuels creation. We do that for each other. We supply contrast. We give each other sparks. We are the Masters and the answer to every prayer. We know what to do. The reason we haven’t seen it yet or heard it yet is because we haven’t done it yet. We’ve been waiting. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia We were wrong about love. We know what it feels like; yet just a few of us know what it looks like. We’ve tagged it with promises, dressed it up with rings, burdened it with contracts and misidentified it with more words – words like loyal, moral and only. Love is not any of these – love is what you are. Without the baggage, love is remarkable. It shoots out at everyone indiscriminately; there are no loyalties or labels. There is no hesitation. Those of us reading this blog have learned the rules of love and either successfully or not, live within those definitions. These new ones, born after December 21, 2012 – could care less about our boxes for love. They’ve arrived with box cutters for the rest of us. These are old souls who may or may not have been here before now. There is no karma; they are here for the party. Connecting with them is like enjoying the buzz with another soul who gets you on every level. It is bliss, and bliss is where they reside. They see and love us equally and exuberantly. Contact with them could be cut off at any moment depending on their interest, yet there is no sense of loss or feeling cheated. On the contrary, you are enlivened and grateful. These individuals get it. They are not here to bash through and change things as the Indigo’s have been described, or to demonstrate compassion and peace as the Crystal children. They are lovers. Those of us who’ve grown up already cannot envision the world they see, not clearly. Our sight is limited and constrained by boxes. Marriage and family, religion and sex, skin color and age, class, income and nation are the walls we see through. They have no such ideas; for them, we are ONE. This is not because they are too little to understand. They are ancient and they understand perfectly. With them comes a new energy, the energy of play, of joy, of unencumbered life and of indiscriminate love. They have no concept of illness or restraint. They do not understand having to do or to hold onto anything. Everything they do is consciously self-driven. They are completely chill; watching and waiting and happy. They will re-define child care, human development and love. Their world has no concept of a box. It is their world we are setting up now. A huge letting go will help us adjust. This doesn’t mean throwing away current commitments or relationships. We’re here with different agendas. It does mean releasing judgments around lifestyles, living arrangements and moral codes. I suspect the highest expression of agape is completely amoral. There can be no restrictions on a being of light. If we are to transcend this density with comfort and ease we’ll take a cue from the newest amongst us. They demonstrate a purity of intent, a focus and a force of passion that until now we’ve never seen. The next time you run into one, reach out energetically and welcome them. They are waiting and will eagerly blast you with enlightenment in physical form. Let them show you what your new world looks like. Without rules and absent limits, it is dripping Agape. Their arrival is solid physical “evidence” that we’ve done it. Your effort, your light and your love have created a world ready for these enlightened ones. It is done. You were the ones you were waiting for. ~Sophia What we feel is not so much a sense of discomfort, as different. As with anything new, this requires adjustment. This place we are living is being reformed at our command. With the energetic contribution of 7 billion+ beings, a new reality is being birthed. None of you can say precisely what it’ll look like as its something else again. All of our contributions are equally represented. This is the unraveling. Think of a rope. There are many strands interwoven to reinforce the ONE. It is actually made that way on purpose, for strength. It is ONE rope, yet within it, co-existing, are all these strands wrapped around each other. They each do the same thing from a different perspective – acting as ONE, yet distinctly unique. As the unraveling proceeds those at the start of the chord move further and further from each strand. They are the first to notice the separation. You at the front are right at the edge now, having pulled away long ago. You are feeling the separation from the rest. As the chord unravels at high speed, the base from which you began seems to disappear. It is as if you are alone and unsupported, as if the rope has vanished. Yet nothing could be further from the truth. There is no truth in solitude. Those that seem furthest away are in fact instantly pulled to you with your eyes and heart. We are ONE, and you are the first to uncover this truth. Those now pulled away for the very first time are looking around, grasping for a stronghold. Go to them. You only need to remind them - they are never alone. Witness the power of unity. You are the brightest lights here to illuminate the process. The parts unraveled first (you) are weaving in and out and through each other at the other end – in new and unexpected ways. Our rope of unity is coming together, stronger than before. The paths and patterns of oneness are intricately, indestructibly gorgeous. There is a noticing now. We see each other as if for the first time. Just yesterday I danced with, laughed with, joked with and stopped strangers in their tracks. These are fellow first responders, joyfully playing with our unity rope. I was also honked at, frowned at and ignored by those of us confused and frightened. The absurdity of fear is occurring to all of us. This response is habitual, distasteful and fruitless. It may show up when the unraveling begins. Fear does physiologic harm to our bodies, and keeps us separate. We were meant to be together. Fear disappears with unity and light. We knew when we began this dream how it would end, so we left ourselves clues. As we discover these self-hidden clues, we remember what they mean. It is all happening perfectly, just as we planned. We would have it no other way. The brightest of lights are necessary when it gets really dark. That would be us. We are the ones we are waiting for. ~Sophia What is happening now is extraordinary. In this fictional arena called time we are becoming One. It transcends language so hang in there as a telling is attempted. (click picture for audio) Yesterday polarity roared, gasping for breath. There was a moment of confusion. Within reach and in plain sight were the oxygen tanks; familiar and easy to operate. Yet nearby, something else insisted; something new and untested. It was not reached for as much as it arrived, right on time. In one bold moment of unity, agape arrived. It said “I know you. I have seen you. There is nothing you can do to change the way I feel for you. You are no parts distasteful, hateful, repulsive or disappointing. You are me. How can I hurt or hate that which I understand? I am you.” This answer came clothed as a human. Another who knew the question without sound or words; who felt it and responded. Oneness. The oxygen tanks remain unused, we are breathing new air. Oneness transforms everything. It is not taught so much as recognized; learned so much as remembered. The precise moment in which you realize that God has always been within you, you know truth. You are God. As God, there is no other. None to judge. None to blame. None to fight. None to harm. None lesser or greater. Just One. One to love. Yesterday life played its songs and stories, reminding us of what we are doing. We are closing not just a door, but a plot line. Its recurring roles and lives and struggles were lived so that we’d understand completely. We do. We can walk as One now. We can trust each other. We are One, in real time. The walls must fall. It’s the only way. Acceptance of love erases any risk. We must be willingly, unconditionally ourselves. All the walls were glass anyway. We just pretended they were either mirrors or bricks. We’ve moved past the need for pretense. Oneness breathes only love. When you meet another who breathes that air, joy sort of melts from their pores. Look around, it is happening in surprising faces. You can see it in their eyes; agape. If you close your eyes, you can feel it. You’ve been here before. Remember. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia As we dance through our days, the unexpected and potentially shocking can emerge. It is not just the landscape that is changing. The life within the backdrop is taking on a different hue. These may not be colors or shades you knew were there, yet their effect is not to be missed. This is you. The feelings erupting now appear raw and unfamiliar, maybe welcome, yet strange. This time will proceed and change all of us. How we weather these alterations is up to us. We are all moving or being forcibly moved. Every day this week I’ve witnessed major life changing events crash into people I love. Deaths, near deaths, accidents, moves, and work or relationship changes are whizzing by at heart stopping speed. These moments will bring us all to our knees, one way or the other. Love is the topic, yet what is the point? We are finding out that love is what we are. The rest is all window dressing; things we came to play with while here. Rules and religions, bodies, preferences, colors, opinions, beliefs, bank accounts, habits and addictions are the stuff of dreams. In a moment of truth, it’s only you. We are One. God is oozing out all over the place right now. I suspect that these billboard moments are necessary for those of us who have largely and until now missed the point, myself included. The scenery has been so mesmerizing as to be believed. These days ahead will bring us all to truth, everyone included. We are about to discover, individually and collectively, what’s important. It’s not what we thought. Love is undeniable. It does not always make sense in the life we’ve constructed, yet inside our heart it is recognizable truth. Brought to your knees in a moment of clarity - love will be the only thing you see. We may perceive of our lives as without love, yet longing for love is never true. You cannot long for that which you are. You may be wishing for an expression you’ve defined as love, be it a promise or a person or an action or a specific relationship, but you are never without love. It may take a moment on your knees for you to realize this truth; once you do you will feel only gratitude. All of it is love. My partner DreamHopper is a deep trance channel. The energy that comes through is that of his greater self, who has not ever fully integrated as a human. He is often shocked at the constant distractions, stimulation, sensations, sounds, smells and tastes. In describing his point of view, he refers to it as “the jello” and describes it as only love. There is no contrast. It is the contrast that sparks creation and spurs rapid growth. This contrast or “third dimension” is not separate from love, but love in another form. It is yummy and stimulating and exciting and all of it agape. We are coming to a point now where understanding is enmeshed within the contrast. This may not mean we like it any better, but we “get” the reason for it and can choose consciously. All (my) sources predict rapid and unrelenting change right now. As we engage, it just may be our moment to shine. When the whole world seems to be changing, our weirdness won’t stand out quite so much. Years ago, while in Ireland, we sat in a tiny, local pub where my sister, mom and I were definitely the only tourists. A woman leaned over and asked my sister if she was enjoying her holiday. My sister, rather surprised, asked “Is it that obvious?” In a lovely Irish brogue her answer came “Aye, I’m afraid you stick out like sore thumbs.” A world in upheaval will appreciate consistent faith, truth and love, however out of place it may look. As light workers, your expertise is needed now more than ever. Not because of what you tell or show someone, but because of your demonstrable ability for authenticity. The truth of us will be evident in your every step. You are love. You are light. You are Gods. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia |
April 2024