There is plenty of polarity to go around. Revolutions all over the globe offer up a world view that is anything but united. We are pushing the limits, testing the restraints, seeing just how far it will hold before it breaks. Children do this. Place a limit or a rule on the behavior of a child and he’ll immediately almost break it and watch what happens. If there is no reaction she’ll move closer to breaking it, awaiting the repercussions. If they are not decisive enough – the rules are blatantly ignored; to hell with the consequences! What has been forbidden is just too good to ignore, at any cost. Despite every effort to the contrary, oneness is upon us. We as a species have seen beyond the chains that bind us. We’ve decided that’s where we want to be; indeed we’ve discovered our truth. There will be no stopping this shift until our unity is palpable on every shore and in each heart. We’ve done this ourselves. There has been One force that enlivened our transformation and that force is love. We have chosen love. As my son said a few days ago, we’ve tried everything else. Nothing else works. It is the truth of our very essence that is our power. We are love. We are moving very quickly now towards the galactic alignment that we’ve been told will signify the end of duality, a shift in our way of life. Despite predictions and promises, none of us actually knows what it’ll look or feel like, not exactly. Yet there is one thing that can be surmised from even a cursory view at current headlines. We are coming together as never before. Whether this is due to a criminal banking system, a corrupt government or a natural disaster; we have joined hands, hearts and minds to find solutions. This is unity. It gets stronger every day and is felt in surprising places. The energy of our light is so very powerful. It’s broken through the cabal-inflicted darkness and flooded the place. There is nothing we can’t do. This simple decision, to love, is transforming the world. You are, without exception, exquisite. Take a look into your eyes today and say hello to a piece of divinity. You did it! You have hung in there at every impossible moment and met each obstacle. You are here now because of your sheer will and absolute love. In truth, many times it wasn’t that much fun. You stayed anyway. You’re doing a great job. I’m not sure what precisely you are here to do, yet I can tell you will full confidence what you are here to feel. You are here to experience agape. With every ounce of emotion you have, love yourself. You are one in seven billion and absolutely perfect. God, in putting this whole thing together, needed just one more piece in order to pull it off. That piece is you. You complete the puzzle; it is now a work of art. This masterpiece that is creation is alive and crawling with artists. Each moment there’s a new stroke, a bold color, or a subtle nuance added. We are the painters and the patrons, the brushes and the paint, the canvas and the pencils, the mind, heart and soul of this work. Our masterpiece evolves as we breathe in and out…love. This world is an emission of our brilliance, a product of our combined agape. Our eyes behold the reflection of One. There is no other who holds the brush; this work is our very own. We are the One we’ve been waiting for.
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You come with all your parts in order and with every potential realized. You only have to awaken to this truth. There is nothing you cannot experience if that is your wish. You are Gods. Creator beings experiencing the results of your thought while forgetting it was you who thought them there in the first place. You’ve woken up. With an open heart look beyond what yesterdays dream has shown you, and dream tomorrow. It has no choice but to be realized in the Now. This is how it works. This moment in time has amplified everything. Use it to your advantage and step into the world you’ve longed to inhabit. Whatever it takes to see, smell, taste, touch and hear the life of your deepest longing – do it. Use vision boards, post it notes, audio recordings, magazines photos, wish boxes and conversations to rev up your perfect world. Are you gorgeous? See it. Are you vibrant? Feel it. Is there peace? Love it. Is there abundance? Share it. Are you loved? Of course. We’ve created 2012 and we are, right now, creating 2013. With joy, exuberance and relentless optimism let’s visualize our future. This is where we are now. No longer are we looking for someone to tell us what will unfold – we are pulling back the curtain ourselves. We’ve accomplished the incredible so far – let’s be sure to pat ourselves on our backs while we reach ever further into our dreams. This dense fog of duality will not stop showing us whatever we’ve believed was true. We know better now. It is only true as long as we believe it is true. The truth is that all you see, all you are, and all you are here to do, is love. My sleep dream of a few nights ago had me deliberately drive my car straight into a tree. My family was there, watching me do it. They did not try to stop me. No one was hurt, but the car I was driving was no longer functional. Stuff was leaking from the bottom of it and spewing out the top. I’d definitely need a new one. This reality is no longer working. With deliberate intent I am constructing its demise. I’m done. This no longer works. It is time to move on. The destruction of the car signified a choice point, exactly where I find myself now. In the dream, I kept on going after the crash, as well as my family, but the car was finished. It served me right up until it hit that tree, the tree that was placed strategically at the end of the driveway. We are finished with this 3D experiment. It’s time for another choice. We can so do this. We showed up for this very moment. It is time. We are the one’s we were waiting for. It is self forgiveness that becomes the key element here, a vital ingredient for ascension. For blame and doubt are hallmarks of third density. Realization of truth and acceptance of the One that you are erases all that is unreal. What is non essential is any idea contained in your mind that you MUST have something. This is not the same as desire, for desire is the fuel of creation. Consider the things we admire in each other – passion, dedication, drive, determination. All are driven by desire. the process and progress of creation occurs as a direct result of desire. We want something. The value in achieving whatever it is we want is ours to decide. Is it that we must have this thing to be worthy or that we’d like have it as an experience? As we move closer to a faster vibration we become conscious of the many possibilities available. We are moving from an understanding of the known universe to awareness of the multi-verse and the potential held there. Our perception expands. In order to keep up we have to release this baggage of self-doubt. If we aren’t sure we can fly, we’ll never take the leap. Questions about the state of our physical bodies or whether or not we did it right or loved enough, weigh us down. They become irrelevant on the path to ascension. My partner is a deep trance channel. Several years ago he did just that for a group of us, usually four or six at a time. Present during our gatherings were the “greater selves” of whoever was in the room, as well as other entities who were interested in the conversation or were our friends or who just wanted to help us find answers. His perspective at these times was as an observer. His “higher self” was the voice who spoke through him and answered our questions, speaking for the collective of entities present. He’d often remark on the sharp contrast between what he was seeing, our magnificent greater selves, which to him appeared as huge, beautiful balls of light; and what we were saying, “How come I can’t do this? How come I can’t have this? How come I can’t be this?” It seemed ridiculous to him. Here we were, these incredibly powerful beings – equal in every way to everyone else who was gathered, pretending we weren’t! We are at the moment now when we can stop pretending. It has been one heck of a costume party, but we no longer need to believe in the suit to enjoy it. We can believe in the truth instead. The truth is, we are capable of answering our own questions. The power to create the life we’ve dreamed of rests in our own hearts. All negativity stems from ego – that part of us that remains attached to this third dimension and self-limitation. Do not regret the ego. He was necessary to navigate the terrain and you needed her to get to this moment. It is time now to absorb the lessons of ego without believing it is who you are. You are an infinite particle of love, burning with the light of a thousand suns, here now to illuminate our shifting, morphing reality. You have come to love. There is no one else more capable or suited for the job than you. You are lesser than none. As we morph through the next six weeks, let go of anything that tells you otherwise. It is time to step into your truth. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. For a few days now there hasn’t been much to say. Or, more accurately, it’s felt as if there wasn’t much useful to blog on about. Then yesterday there was a thought. It began like this – “How come there seems nothing to say? It’s not as if nothing is happening. A ton is happening! Yet, it all feels 3D, mundane and internal. What is this pre-occupation with 3D, after a solid year of focus on everything else? Has time slowed down?” After rolling these questions around for a bit, it comes to this blog. Perhaps you’ll find it useful. You are becoming that which you are. You can no longer leave her behind. She is in every part and each moment of your life. You are in a process of integration and your life has not caught up. The events and responsibilities feel all over the map, as you have been – until now. You are honing in and hunkering down – morphing into the multi-dimensional, multi-faceted being that is your core. You do not so easily slip into the mainstream mold; it is not your comfort zone. You are leaving all of this behind. You’ve read again and again that 3D will continue, yet that does not mean that you’ll continue in 3D. You’ve chosen another way. This way that you’ve chosen is another density – a more complex density. It makes sense that you are feeling a pulling in because YOU ARE. It is not that you are shutting out the world – you are taking in the world – absorbing all that you see and all that you are – into YOU. This is not an ending, but a beginning. The new you that is birthing is all of you – every part. You are not in a place where you can deny any part of you or any segment of your life. It’s part of the package of you. Every bit of you will ascend, will condense. What you are leaving behind is the ego – that part of you that doubts and second guesses and takes offense and judges. It is not that you’ll leave your opinions behind – you’ll leave your need to voice your opinions behind. You will still have preferences, favorites and things you choose to avoid. You need nothing yet everything is available. Yes, it’s all changing around you as you change – a confusing and perhaps crazy time. This is not a time to despair; it’s a time to rejoice! You are taking the reigns of your life and steering – heading for deeper levels, more freedom, love, joy and abundance in all things. You are bringing yourself to the place of your dreams, literally, and doing so with a full complement of YOU. None of you gets left behind. Your loves, your favorite slippers and your gorgeous physical self is flying into this deeper complexity, as ONE. Relax and enjoy this ride. You are gathering all of you together so when the time comes you can take off! We are growing our wings. It is almost time to fly. With divine perfection and pin point accuracy we are right where we need to be. If it occurs to you to take that job offer or buy that jacket – do it! We are not leaving ourselves behind, that is the point. All of us will arrive as ONE; a singular, multi-faceted, brilliant particle of creation. These months and years of contemplating our divinity and our truth are coming to fruition right now. We are about to experience our own unfolding. It promises to be exquisite. Love every single moment your life shows you today, and rejoice! You are the ONE you’ve been waiting for! Today we are on the second half of our Quest for Agape. As we proceed, we’ll encounter lots of “Stitch’s”. In the movie, “Lilo and Stitch”, Lilo was consistent about one thing – love. The object of her affection was a destructive, mono-syllabic weird looking alien. There was nothing warm and fuzzy about this pet. Lilo decides he’s family and will not leave him behind; an extreme example of unconditional love. Lilo could not know the motivation of Stitch, yet she identified with him as another lost soul, lashing out at a world he didn’t understand and that couldn’t understand him. We are all Stitch to some degree. There are no exceptions. We are here for reasons we don’t fully recall, trying to fit in, do the right thing, find some love and happiness. We came to this life because we have an incredible opportunity. We are going to experience in one lifetime both extremes – polarity and unity. We will advance while physical, and the intensity of that experience is what we came for. Comparatively few beings signed on for this – being human is hard. Yet you did, confident you could pull it off. A shift of such magnitude that it’s been heralded “The Shift of the Ages” is what you agreed to conduct. You are not watching this happen, you are making it happen. In the home stretch now, you are looking around wondering how you’ll ever cross the finish line. You may also be contemplating what the prize is. First – the how – without judgment. Every circumstance, each mistake, every outburst or criticism or atrocity witnessed you’ll view without blame, accusation or fault finding. There is a difference between seeing clearly the person responsible for an action and hating him or her for it. The first demands clarity of vision while the second incorporates duality. Agape does not mean that suddenly all behavior is allowed to go on and that it is okay with you. In a world such as ours, which has been deeply enslaved in density and polarity, the complete change to “service to others” will take awhile. Many here will remain in the “service to self” modality for a bit. Our challenge is what to do when they impact our life. First, love. All are equal here. We are One. Hatred and punishment is not necessary, while removal and re-education most definitely applies. In our personal relationships, the option for re-education may not be there, yet we can always step away. “Service to Others” does not mean NOT service to you, it includes you. You are all others, they are mere reflections of the One that you are. This is where our Quest began and where it must go. Love that man or woman in the mirror. All actions, thoughts, and words support her; everything he does begins with acceptance. You are okay. You are more than okay, you are a champion. The prize is bliss. Absolute joy ensues when you see only love. Regardless of what your focus is, you are witnessing the workings of God. This is possible with agape. Loving the One that we are yields astonishing happiness. No longer are you wasting your moments in judgment or pain. You will stand in the truth of your divinity and establish a firm ground of love. All who enter will be encased in the radiance of Agape. No mistakes. No exceptions. This is where we are headed. It is what we came for. This prize cannot be measured in terms of earthly wealth, it is priceless. We are the One we are waiting for. Thank you. I love you so very much and this Quest is a gift. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia Your body is hanging on. It desperately wants you here. You have to let go. Let go – everything you’re hanging on to because of fear, or are doing a certain way because of fear, or not doing at all because of fear – is time now to take care of. This is the end of duality. You have chosen this. You have confirmation many places – here, your body, an assortment of scribes and teachers. All of these sources are telling you: - You have chosen this - You are changing - No one else knows how it’s going to go because you are creating how it’s going right now You have to let go. You have to let go. YOU HAVE TO LET GO. It is time. No longer do these very dense beliefs hold any fascination. You understand now the fragile nature of this dream. It’s been constructed, intentionally, by those who understood how it worked. For hundreds of years the plan has been laid and carried out. They utilized the power of emotion and set about to create a world of beings willing to give everything up for a cause. It didn’t matter the foundation, so several were chosen: - Religion - Wealth - Patriotism - Power Our minds have been filled with words and images, all of them resulting in blind obedience, subservience, greed, violence and separation. We have been taught to ignore our inner calling. Today though, it is more like our inner voice has a microphone! Shouting above the mainstream din are words of love, power, peace and unity. We’ve not heard this volume before and our bodies and minds are wrenched back and forth with the noise. The competing vibrations threaten to pull us apart, or so it seems. Should we listen to the side that is familiar? “Obey” “Be afraid” “Send us your money” “Hate this human” “Fight” Should instead, we follow this other voice? “You and I are the same” “We are One” “Love is the answer” “Above all, love yourself” Which is right? Which is wrong? How do we discern? Help!!! No one has a twelve step program for this one. This dimension is an addiction that’s never been released, until today. We are writing the steps right now. We are not doing so without help. We have teachers with processes and meditations, groups and seminars, books and workshops, videos and diets. If there was ever a time to utilize them, it is now. There is wisdom all around. It comes from the core of us. We are each others teachers. We have come to show the way. If you feel drawn to a particular web site, channel or conference – go there. It does not mean the others are wrong; there is truth in every creation. Some days a certain passage may sound brilliant and be just what you needed. While other days it would hold no relevance. Such is the nature of the times we are in. Each day is a new adventure. I feel either ten, twenty, fifty or eighty years old in alternating moments. I cook when I feel loss or anxiety. Yesterday I got some unexpected news that set me back. It was a huge “IT IS TIME TO LET GO” message. This happened as I was beginning to do some preserving. Today we have a zillion jars of fruit preserves. Washing, coring, cutting, and cooking apples were yesterday’s therapeutic processes. Now I guess that’s not a bad choice, yet I wonder if I would have enjoyed the whole day a bit more if it included flexibility. I’m hanging on with an iron grip. It’s time for some specific guidelines. I suspect unexpected news will come fast and furious these next three months. Perhaps, because we are used to naming things and following rules, we need to invent the list for our “3D ANONYMOUS”. Here is the first rule: 1. Let go. When surprised, frightened or angry, let it go. Today it’s a rigid belief – tomorrow it’ll be an entire dimension. This is good practice. Inelia Benz ( has some wonderful exercises that work for me, (perhaps I should have remembered this yesterday… ;). Yet it doesn’t matter how you do it, it matters that you do it. Let go. I don’t know precisely what Ascension looks like, yet I do know that I’ll be moving from one frequency to the next. Like tuning in to an FM station on my radio, I have to let go of whatever happens to be playing on AM. Experience tells me that my FM station has fewer commercials and a richer sound; altogether a better experience. I am betting 5D will be much the same. In fact, I’m creating it to be. Step 1. Let go. We have come to embrace our dreams. We are here to create the manifestation of truth – love. This is who we are. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. We wake up each day, holding within us the keys to the kingdom. A force, if unleashed, which could alter our world. We’ve been unaware. No longer. Those that have held us in their grasp have minimized, sentimentalized, diminished and sexualized love. In an intentional effort to hide from us our most powerful asset, they’ve crafted a heart shaped emotion used only on special days or with certain people. They would have us believe the love of power surpasses the power of love. In our very dense, 3D existence, they’ve created an illusion that in all appearances looks true. The kings, presidents, banksters and power elite have all the money and wield all the control. We’ve allowed that to happen because we’ve been asleep. The few of us that woke up and tried to warn us were gone before we knew it. Not today. Many of us are rousing from our slumber. We are paying attention now. What we are here to do is love fiercely and completely and absolutely. Love is not a greeting card. Love is a force. The cabal understands power by force and control; on that playing field, they hold all the cards. They do not know what love can do, although they suspect. That’s why it has been reduced to a sexual game. It is the only thing they understand; competition and conquest, fight and win, then own. Love is none of that. Love is a raw, deep and powerful emotion. It is unmistakable. Love is never felt inappropriately or misdirected. Love is truth. The chill that runs through your body when you feel someone’s touch or hear or read certain words is love. Love expresses itself to you in the grocery store, in the bedroom, in the board room and on the street. It is life and it is just oozing out of everything! These “holders” of our civilization are not going to give up. They know only the love of power and will stop at nothing to win it all. It is up to us to show them the power of love. With every ounce of generosity you have, love them. Visualize them encased in love. They too are human and on their own evolutionary path. They have corrupted this world and are comfortable in its’ atmosphere of fear and control. A climate of unconditional love will no longer feed them. They’ll have no choice but to move on. Sometimes it becomes necessary to remove a few rotten apples from the basket to save the bushel. This is where we are today. It will take strength, determination and absolute unconditional love to do so. Hate is no longer an option. We’ve been there and know where that’s gotten us; division, segregation, poverty, war and pollution. Our playing field is one of love. It looks like removal without destruction, education not punishment, collaboration not control. We are here to unite, not separate. We have come to show the way. September 16, 2012 – October 16, 2012 has been called the time of choosing. What world will you choose? It is changing and today we are at choice for which way it goes for us. Your heart is big enough to love our oppressors. It is, I am sure of this. Loving them does not mean you want them over for dinner. It means you understand they are you. As fellow pieces of the whole, bits of divinity, they are sacred; as are you. Show us what your love can do. Your feelings are not about them anyway, not really. Your feelings are about you. You are worthy and wonderful, powerful and perfect and so ready for this. Just love, it is what you came to do. It is time. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. This process of ascending has been gradual. With each day there is a combination of clarity, anticipation and questions. For quite some time I subscribed to what I’d call “magical thinking” around Ascension. This comes close to the fairy Godmother in Cinderella. The trouble with that is everyone knows it’s not real and at midnight its nothing but a pumpkin and some mice. You never expect it to last. This is not a Disney fairy tale. As humans, we expect to have some sort of obvious, natural progression from one moment to the next. Our memory, and thus our learning style, is associative. We need something to hang each new fact onto. What is true about learning is that it only happens when the thing learned connects to and thus applies to something already known. This is why artists struggle with facts and figures and scientists with art. Much of what is taught to our children today is not used anywhere else in their life, and thus quickly forgotten. We’ve been fortunate. For some time now we’ve been hearing messages from a host of channels, visionaries, and reporters about these “end times”. We are prepared and can see the “writing on the wall”. We’ve heard many stories. Once they may have seemed a bit “out there”; no longer. Today words like Reptilian, Galactic Federation, Illuminati and Cabal are everywhere. There are few of us who have not heard about or seen a UFO. State agencies are telling citizens to stock extra food and essentials. Every one of the players in this End Time Scenario is performing perfectly. What wasn’t obvious 9 months ago is that these changes are not isolated. As One, we and the earth are ramping up the vibe. This frequency change results in the crumbling of very dense structures, institutions and beliefs. As light workers, we’ve worried that we may have to tell people all these shocking revelations. We don’t. We are shifting as One. These higher frequencies can’t hold rigid and divisive belief systems. This is an organic process. It is natural, progressive and rapid. Minds and belief systems simultaneously expand. Every system is gradually altered as this occurs. It is seamless. As humans, we’d have it no other way. Our deepest intent is not to shock and frighten. That would be counter productive. It is rather to love and gently nudge each other. We are here as a collective. With One Voice, we are shifting to a new range. Beneath every message, whistle-blower, protester and reporter is a being of light, here to facilitate this New Age. It serves us to remember that we are One, and every bit of us is right on time. Expect each other to show up and do what we came to do with brilliance. We are not here waiting for someone else to fix things for us. We are the change we seek. Our relationships and interactions are creating this dream. Expect the changes. Look for the love. Stand for the light. You are one who came now to demonstrate truth. You are love and so is everyone else. It is a diversion to spend energy criticizing and questioning yourself or anyone else. It is time now to trust. You have the answers and are here to provide them at the moment they are needed. We all are. This is a perfectly choreographed moment. It will proceed naturally as we move through our days, expecting only love. We know what the next dimension looks like. It looks like us – brave and beautiful, strong and determined, patient and gentle – quietly perfect. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. Today begins our Love Quest. For the next 7 days we will explore agape and this blog will essentially move there – to a face book event. You can join via this link and receive each daily note to your inbox: Here is our first day’s note, just to get the idea… Hello! Welcome to our Quest for Agape. I am so grateful to be here again. This time we will explore deeply the truth of our connection – oneness. For as One, we are beginning to appreciate just what that actually means. Agape takes on a whole other “dimension” when you understand that the One you unconditionally love – is us. I was recently asked, “What is a Love Quest?” Those of us who have been here since they began (a year and a half ago) will remember that we started by loving ourselves in our bathroom mirrors. These Quests are the ultimate journey to truth, the path to Ascension. Ascension is a rising up to a faster vibration. The hallmark of this place we are moving to is love. We are not truly going anywhere. We are becoming that which we are. We are love. When you understand deeply this truth, you find something that may surprise you. It is okay to love yourself. In fact, it is necessary. For what is held in your head about this being that is you, will radiate out to become your entire world. This life that is yours is a projection of whatever it is you believe. What you believe, you perceive. Believe in yourself. You chose and were chosen to be here today. You are the Master, it is not necessary to seek truth in another, you only need remember. You are love. A God particle shot from Source, here to love in the darkest place in the universe. Earth has been your home not as punishment or because we are lesser beings, but because we are brilliant lights. Only one such as you could handle this dimension. Only light such as yours is brilliant enough to sustain itself while immersed in ideologies of war, greed, subservience, slavery, illness and pain. Not only have you maintained – you have become a beacon of light and altered the course of humanity. Our favorite movies are those in which the odds are clearly stacked against the lead character and he or she triumphs anyway. This is because we’ve been watching our future, writing our own story, and remembering why we are here. Every thought, word, and deed, whether self or other directed is a line in the script. We know this truth today. It is time to write each line with one focus – love. This is why you are here. Intend only love. Your power is unmatched. We are surrounded with off world beings not to help us so much as to watch us! We are transforming ourselves and the planet on which our feet are parked, with not more than our faith to go on. Our inner promptings have led us here, to a place of choice. In the sharp contrasts we encounter each day, we see clearly the options; to see ourselves as separate and judge or to see ourselves as One and love. What you do, think, and feel in each moment becomes your life. Love yourself. Give yourself a gift today. Begin this Quest with immersion in adoration. Take a walk, a few extra moments and honor the One that is you. He is beautiful beyond description. She is powerful beyond measure. You are the Master of the Universe. Uni-Verse. One Verse. One Song. Us. There is no other here to sing this song. It is you. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, Sophia Marching along the green grass before me is the gaggle of geese, the lame one hopping and fluttering in their midst, while that huge white bird dives again and again into the water, beneath the hawk circling high overhead – it’s dinnertime on my last day here. It’s as if they’ve all shown up to say goodbye. Next week school begins. I will miss this beautiful lake, tucked in between the suburbs. Minnow buckets and fishing poles remind me from where I came. This is a part of me I’ll keep. We are being asked to let go. As I sit here I wonder if there is something else I should be doing, because frankly I don’t get it. The advent of school begins a four month countdown until 12.21.12. Four months! We’ve finished 2/3 of this pivotal year. Is it possible there is something I missed? It feels right in front of me, yet not. An hour has passed since I got to the lake today. How can that be? Did I fall asleep? I’m consistently tired, and yet there are times I can’t sleep at all. My internal motor turned on again today and now I am humming. There are sparkles of energy shooting up and down my limbs. I read about the necessity of chakra activations and third eye openings and I don’t connect with any of it. What’s happening for me is organic and without a name. I feel it yet I have no words to adequately define it. I cannot in good conscience tell you what you will experience or how. I can only tell you to trust that you will. These definitions and deadlines and processes we are reading about are all subjective. I’m coming to disbelieve in dates. Now, I have children and obligations so I must therefore pay attention to the calendar and the clock, but it is a challenge. As we move toward Oneness I find each definition and name more divisive than helpful. If this process is anything at all it is internal. I guess I am letting go – releasing my stranglehold on perfection and blame. That’s not to say it’s gone – lately I notice opinions in every corner of my psyche. It would seem my ego is not happy about the idea of moving on – she has filled my head with doubt and judgment. Homemade bread, peach cobbler and a rich stew fill my house with delicious aromas – I cook when I feel uncertain. Something about the smell and sight of freshly prepared food settles me. Perhaps I’m looking for home. This accelerated passage of time creates a sense of being late to the party. It’s illusory – there will come a moment of “no time” to make and “no other” to judge. I can feel this happening already. We chose this. When the energy of ascension or whatever you are calling it overwhelms you, remember this was a ride you stood in line a long time to get on. It’s an amazing trip, one you’ll never forget. This lake and these birds are part of the landscape and forever imprinted on my mind. I am so grateful for them. Another hour has passed. The birds here have settled in for the night and I will do the same soon. With all the symptoms, energies and changes – we are human; sparks of divinity poking at us from the inside, faster and faster now, just itching to be free. Maybe it’s not time that’s moving faster. Perhaps it’s us. We’ve waited for so long for this freedom to be ours and we can sense it getting closer. These symptoms are nothing more than us – straining at the bonds of density, pulling us up towards the light that we are. We are the ones we are waiting for. |
April 2024