For a few days now there hasn’t been much to say. Or, more accurately, it’s felt as if there wasn’t much useful to blog on about. Then yesterday there was a thought. It began like this – “How come there seems nothing to say? It’s not as if nothing is happening. A ton is happening! Yet, it all feels 3D, mundane and internal. What is this pre-occupation with 3D, after a solid year of focus on everything else? Has time slowed down?” After rolling these questions around for a bit, it comes to this blog. Perhaps you’ll find it useful. You are becoming that which you are. You can no longer leave her behind. She is in every part and each moment of your life. You are in a process of integration and your life has not caught up. The events and responsibilities feel all over the map, as you have been – until now. You are honing in and hunkering down – morphing into the multi-dimensional, multi-faceted being that is your core. You do not so easily slip into the mainstream mold; it is not your comfort zone. You are leaving all of this behind. You’ve read again and again that 3D will continue, yet that does not mean that you’ll continue in 3D. You’ve chosen another way. This way that you’ve chosen is another density – a more complex density. It makes sense that you are feeling a pulling in because YOU ARE. It is not that you are shutting out the world – you are taking in the world – absorbing all that you see and all that you are – into YOU. This is not an ending, but a beginning. The new you that is birthing is all of you – every part. You are not in a place where you can deny any part of you or any segment of your life. It’s part of the package of you. Every bit of you will ascend, will condense. What you are leaving behind is the ego – that part of you that doubts and second guesses and takes offense and judges. It is not that you’ll leave your opinions behind – you’ll leave your need to voice your opinions behind. You will still have preferences, favorites and things you choose to avoid. You need nothing yet everything is available. Yes, it’s all changing around you as you change – a confusing and perhaps crazy time. This is not a time to despair; it’s a time to rejoice! You are taking the reigns of your life and steering – heading for deeper levels, more freedom, love, joy and abundance in all things. You are bringing yourself to the place of your dreams, literally, and doing so with a full complement of YOU. None of you gets left behind. Your loves, your favorite slippers and your gorgeous physical self is flying into this deeper complexity, as ONE. Relax and enjoy this ride. You are gathering all of you together so when the time comes you can take off! We are growing our wings. It is almost time to fly. With divine perfection and pin point accuracy we are right where we need to be. If it occurs to you to take that job offer or buy that jacket – do it! We are not leaving ourselves behind, that is the point. All of us will arrive as ONE; a singular, multi-faceted, brilliant particle of creation. These months and years of contemplating our divinity and our truth are coming to fruition right now. We are about to experience our own unfolding. It promises to be exquisite. Love every single moment your life shows you today, and rejoice! You are the ONE you’ve been waiting for!
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Welcome to our second day! With a full heart, for all the love found here, let’s begin. It is not true, not ever, that you are alone. Now, you may feel alone and look lonely, yet this is part of the illusion. The illusion of separation has been so powerfully magnified, we have even imagined isolation. If only you could step way back and see the magnificent being that is you, surrounded by the rest of us, you would know for certain this could never be true. We are One. You’ve been given this body, these eyes and heart to explore in tangible, physical ways what it is to love. To love in human form is an honor. Not every being has had this opportunity. You do. The physical world you inhabit is exquisite. Your eyes behold each finger, toe and body part, while sensing each gentle breeze, hot shower and passionate embrace. Your nose smells home cooked food today and memories fill your mind of another time and meal. Your senses are inundated 24/7 while your heart beats out “Love-Love-Love-Love”. To make sense of it all is a challenge. You look on the scale and see a few more pounds or hear your mate or child or parent complain and you imagine yourself imperfect. This is illusion and deep within you sense the truth. All the while, your heart is beating “Love-Love-Love-Love”. The din of society, government, anguish and fear threatens to drown out the truth of your heart. You heart will not be silenced. As long as you are here in the physical, it will continue, synchronized with mine and everyone else’s; “Love-Love-Love-Love”. To love is a privilege. One such as you only comes around once. There is no other who walks in your shoes. Only you understand what resides in your heart and propels your life. This is good news. It means, my fellow human, that there is no one who is better equipped to love you than yourself. For regardless of relationship, you will always be the closest friend you have. Love yourself. Be careful and tender; listen and allow. There is a reason for every emotion, thought, word and deed. You would not waste your time here in fruitless pursuits. You are a component of divinity, an integral part of the fabric of humanity. We are not complete without your particular thread. Be patient with yourself. Treat yourself as you would an honored guest – you are. Here now to help us all, you have arrived right on time and with all you need. Trust yourself, love yourself and be yourself. You are uniquely suited to do so! I am thrilled to take this Quest with One such as you. Thank you for showing the way. You are the One we’ve been waiting for! See you tomorrow, Sophia The Voice of One Today begins the second half of this Quest. The path to Agape will take us to Oneness. Self love is love of the One that you are. The One that you are is a piece of divinity. We are connected. We spring from Source, and we have never let go. So we are moving in a circle, finding our way home, returning to the beginning, which is One. The path to Oneness is Agape. Do you see how this works? Absolute love for you yields Universal Unconditional Love. There are in fact no separators between you and us. Once you accept yourself completely, we all start to look a whole lot better! It is not that you tolerate or overlook our faults. It’s not that you would have made every choice in the same way that we did. It’s not that you even want to spend a great deal of time with us. It’s that you understand at a very deep level that we are alternate versions of you. Loving you means, by definition, that you love the rest of us. It’s that easy and that challenging. Our world is a hologram. The best science today doesn’t know precisely how it works, yet quantum physics tells us what’s in our minds is projected out to become what’s in our world. What you think about yourself is what you will see in everyone else. Fill your head with love and what will happen to your life will astound you. Imagine a world filled with people who loved themselves. This is what we are here for; to create and participate in that world. We’ve been practicing for such a long time – trying out a little agape here and some unconditional love there. Never sure when the show was set to begin, we fell back often to self hatred. There have been so many reasons! Our bodies, our jobs, our grades, our past and our relationships each offer plenty of opportunity for failure, disappointment and blame. Well its show time. We’ve had our dress rehearsal. We know our lines and we know how this story ends. This curtain will close on a myriad of wonderful depictions of unity. We’ve been singing songs of love and writing movies of success forever – now it’s time to sing them in our everyday and watch them play out on our streets. We’ve been telling ourselves our own story – we just never knew it was real. It is real. Most of what we’ve been force fed is the lie. You have no enemies. God has no favorites. There are no mistakes. Judgment is an archaic idea that creates fear and diminishes your power. It is not possible to hold judgment while loving absolutely. Your power resides in your love. This strength is yours right now. Call it forth. This light is what you are. Feel it rise up and watch the faces of your loved ones light up when you shine it upon them. This is what you’ve come for; to love. Once you love yourself, the entire world is your Beloved. We are One. One spark, here now to get this whole place lit up! Our light has been hidden beneath shame and sadness, fear and debt, servitude and low self esteem. No one has been able to convince you of your greatness – until now. We know now that to claim our perfection is not arrogance, but truth. We are components of the One; self-love is the key to Ascension – Ascension for all of us. We are the One we are waiting for. It is an honor to share this time with you. See you tomorrow, Sophia Today begins our Love Quest. For the next 7 days we will explore agape and this blog will essentially move there – to a face book event. You can join via this link and receive each daily note to your inbox: Here is our first day’s note, just to get the idea… Hello! Welcome to our Quest for Agape. I am so grateful to be here again. This time we will explore deeply the truth of our connection – oneness. For as One, we are beginning to appreciate just what that actually means. Agape takes on a whole other “dimension” when you understand that the One you unconditionally love – is us. I was recently asked, “What is a Love Quest?” Those of us who have been here since they began (a year and a half ago) will remember that we started by loving ourselves in our bathroom mirrors. These Quests are the ultimate journey to truth, the path to Ascension. Ascension is a rising up to a faster vibration. The hallmark of this place we are moving to is love. We are not truly going anywhere. We are becoming that which we are. We are love. When you understand deeply this truth, you find something that may surprise you. It is okay to love yourself. In fact, it is necessary. For what is held in your head about this being that is you, will radiate out to become your entire world. This life that is yours is a projection of whatever it is you believe. What you believe, you perceive. Believe in yourself. You chose and were chosen to be here today. You are the Master, it is not necessary to seek truth in another, you only need remember. You are love. A God particle shot from Source, here to love in the darkest place in the universe. Earth has been your home not as punishment or because we are lesser beings, but because we are brilliant lights. Only one such as you could handle this dimension. Only light such as yours is brilliant enough to sustain itself while immersed in ideologies of war, greed, subservience, slavery, illness and pain. Not only have you maintained – you have become a beacon of light and altered the course of humanity. Our favorite movies are those in which the odds are clearly stacked against the lead character and he or she triumphs anyway. This is because we’ve been watching our future, writing our own story, and remembering why we are here. Every thought, word, and deed, whether self or other directed is a line in the script. We know this truth today. It is time to write each line with one focus – love. This is why you are here. Intend only love. Your power is unmatched. We are surrounded with off world beings not to help us so much as to watch us! We are transforming ourselves and the planet on which our feet are parked, with not more than our faith to go on. Our inner promptings have led us here, to a place of choice. In the sharp contrasts we encounter each day, we see clearly the options; to see ourselves as separate and judge or to see ourselves as One and love. What you do, think, and feel in each moment becomes your life. Love yourself. Give yourself a gift today. Begin this Quest with immersion in adoration. Take a walk, a few extra moments and honor the One that is you. He is beautiful beyond description. She is powerful beyond measure. You are the Master of the Universe. Uni-Verse. One Verse. One Song. Us. There is no other here to sing this song. It is you. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, Sophia What feels like judgment enfolds us within this transitory, tricky spot. As we figure out just who we will create ourselves to be, we aren’t sure of ourselves and can’t handle any opposition. These are the tender steps of becoming something we’ve never been. The caterpillar doesn’t know it is a butterfly, yet an internal mechanism begins and he builds a cocoon – a shelter – protection. No naysayers or other opinions are available while he changes. There are no conflicting thoughts reminding him of which colors would be better or what wing size would be the most effective for speed or distance. No, the caterpillar effectively hides and emerges as another thing altogether – beautiful perfection on wings. There are none who would second guess a butterfly. Without the luxury of cocoons, we are choosing our colors and building our wings. The choices made today spring from our core – this was a clock set eons ago. We have begun a process; unfolding to complete a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual metamorphosis. All eyes are on us as we morph; judgments at the ready. Surrounded in mirrors, we must refuse to believe what we see or hear, and listen to what we know. We are butterflies, building our wings, shedding our skin, leaving our feet behind. In many ways it’s a sort of hideous process, yet we chose to do it right out in the open. There are no human cocoons. As we let go of our caterpillar ways of getting around, there will be many who will run after us with new sorts of ill fitting shoes to protect our disappearing feet. These will feel heavy. We will soon see they don’t work well. We are in an awkward moment – sort of a caterpillar and almost a butterfly. Our wings are not fully formed and sort of hang there, quietly fluttering. Our caterpillar feet are not very useful. We look and feel sort of a mess – unformed and out of place. We must trust the butterfly blueprint in our soul. It is there. We feel it in moments of pure love, absolute connection and surrender to the One that we are. These losses we are experiencing are like many tiny feet on a caterpillar. We don’t need them anymore. We’re programmed to fly. Our time for takeoff is fast approaching. We are the ones we are waiting for. Marching along the green grass before me is the gaggle of geese, the lame one hopping and fluttering in their midst, while that huge white bird dives again and again into the water, beneath the hawk circling high overhead – it’s dinnertime on my last day here. It’s as if they’ve all shown up to say goodbye. Next week school begins. I will miss this beautiful lake, tucked in between the suburbs. Minnow buckets and fishing poles remind me from where I came. This is a part of me I’ll keep. We are being asked to let go. As I sit here I wonder if there is something else I should be doing, because frankly I don’t get it. The advent of school begins a four month countdown until 12.21.12. Four months! We’ve finished 2/3 of this pivotal year. Is it possible there is something I missed? It feels right in front of me, yet not. An hour has passed since I got to the lake today. How can that be? Did I fall asleep? I’m consistently tired, and yet there are times I can’t sleep at all. My internal motor turned on again today and now I am humming. There are sparkles of energy shooting up and down my limbs. I read about the necessity of chakra activations and third eye openings and I don’t connect with any of it. What’s happening for me is organic and without a name. I feel it yet I have no words to adequately define it. I cannot in good conscience tell you what you will experience or how. I can only tell you to trust that you will. These definitions and deadlines and processes we are reading about are all subjective. I’m coming to disbelieve in dates. Now, I have children and obligations so I must therefore pay attention to the calendar and the clock, but it is a challenge. As we move toward Oneness I find each definition and name more divisive than helpful. If this process is anything at all it is internal. I guess I am letting go – releasing my stranglehold on perfection and blame. That’s not to say it’s gone – lately I notice opinions in every corner of my psyche. It would seem my ego is not happy about the idea of moving on – she has filled my head with doubt and judgment. Homemade bread, peach cobbler and a rich stew fill my house with delicious aromas – I cook when I feel uncertain. Something about the smell and sight of freshly prepared food settles me. Perhaps I’m looking for home. This accelerated passage of time creates a sense of being late to the party. It’s illusory – there will come a moment of “no time” to make and “no other” to judge. I can feel this happening already. We chose this. When the energy of ascension or whatever you are calling it overwhelms you, remember this was a ride you stood in line a long time to get on. It’s an amazing trip, one you’ll never forget. This lake and these birds are part of the landscape and forever imprinted on my mind. I am so grateful for them. Another hour has passed. The birds here have settled in for the night and I will do the same soon. With all the symptoms, energies and changes – we are human; sparks of divinity poking at us from the inside, faster and faster now, just itching to be free. Maybe it’s not time that’s moving faster. Perhaps it’s us. We’ve waited for so long for this freedom to be ours and we can sense it getting closer. These symptoms are nothing more than us – straining at the bonds of density, pulling us up towards the light that we are. We are the ones we are waiting for. It’s okay to love yourself. In fact, it’s more than okay, it’s necessary. We are coming to the end of duality and the contrasts are everywhere, trying to get our attention. The sharpest ones have to do with your worst fear. Your worst fear is so intensely personal; you may never have put voice to it. Yet today, if you think for a moment, there it is. It is asking for your attention, wanting to be examined, waiting for release. You don’t need it anymore, and the part of you that is ready to move on knows that. Where we are going, there is nothing to fear. We are heading towards agape, a place without conditions. Our deepest fear is that somehow we aren’t good enough; that there is an unmet condition. If only we could meet it, we’d be fine. We are chasing after that carrot on the stick – so close, yet ever out of reach. This condition is not something you need, it is something made up, a part of this third dimension you’ve decided to hang on to. Let it go. Maybe it’s a body or a bank account, a status or a role – if only you had it, you’d be perfect. Perhaps its forgiveness, a big eraser that will wipe out all the terrible things you’ve done, thought about, or still think about doing. Without these, you’d be worthy. We’ve arrived here, suitcase in hand, all of our baggage intact. It’s time to check it at the gate and move on. It will be safe amongst the baggage of the rest of us, stored away in the room of judgment. One day, not too far from now, you’ll remember you left it there. It will be like that one box that never gets unpacked after a move – you’ll find you didn’t need it after all. You see, there is nothing you need that you don’t already have. You are perfect where you stand. Source energy, from which you spring, is delighted with everything you are and do. Each “mistake” and every “fault” only adds to the variety of life. This is why you came. Let it go. You are so much lighter without this baggage. Be what it is you are – your beauty comes from there, from that deep place where love is sleeping, safe within truth. Let her out, he wants to play. You are wild and wonderful pieces of heaven, all wrapped up in this very dense third dimensional body, expressing yourself in this life you are living. There is nothing wrong with you. Love who you are. With that love as your base, nothing will be beyond you. Once you forget about judgment, you can do anything. A fearless life is not one in which someone is protecting you, keeping you safe. A fearless life is one in which you are free – free from judgment. You are the only one who can get you there. Love yourself; not in spite of what you’ve done or haven’t done, but with acceptance for all of it. It’s all you. It’s all good. Without any conditions to meet or standards to accommodate, you are an integral part of this universe, absolutely perfect, right now. You are loved beyond your wildest imaginings; held as sacred, your unique contribution to the whole is vital. Every aspect you are is necessary; we could not be us without you. Fearlessly accept yourself – just as you are. There is nothing else you need to be love. You’ve got it all, right now. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. We are a unified collective. Our hearts beat as One. This we have always known, deep within; it explains compassion. You have come here to create. Every impulse you have that supports life enhances the experience for each of us. With truly a ripple effect, your words, thoughts and actions touch us all. The element of linear time impacts only the moment when the effects are felt or witnessed, not the fact that they do. They always do. Yet understand that self hatred results in global warfare as surely as self love becomes joy. If you take away just one idea from these words, let it be this; it is critical that you love yourself. Our world starts and ends with you. The secret kept from you and me and most everyone else is that the most powerful person you know is the one looking back at you from your bathroom mirror. This shift, these end times, hinge on our hearts. With revelation after revelation, as awareness slowly gives way to shock, it is an old ineffective pattern that keeps us stuck in horror and upset. We are gradually becoming conscious of the depth of the control and corruption that has been our life. Things are not as we’ve imagined. What can we do? We can love. This is our deepest truth. The negative outcomes of this corruption have manifested in every self-directed judgment and criticism. Your strength and power have been hidden beneath layers of “not good enough”. You are more than good enough. You are chosen. What does it mean to be picked for this part? You are best suited for your role, right now. Of all the possibilities, the perfect individual to interact with everyone and everything in your life – is you. You are not the understudy. You are the One. It is not true that you are undeserving, or lesser than any other. You’ve been lied to. We all have. The levels of deceit go so deep that to attempt to unravel them for blames sake is wasted energy. Use that energy instead to repair your heart. We need all the love we can get. Love yourself. As we are One, that self love will spill out and encourage our children, nourish the environment, assist our neighbors and lighten our planetary burden. There is nothing wrong that cannot be repaired with love. It is who you are. It is what you do best. You are a light worker. Your light is needed right where you are and not in just one place, in every spot you find yourself. The entire world needs your love, right now. Love yourself. With a full heart your brilliance will help illuminate every dark corner. Concentrate only on love. The news may be mesmerizing. Yet understand that it is deliberately so. Even now, the efforts continue to remove your focus from the one thing that will source a complete shift to love. Anything to distract you will do – as long as you are weakened. The truth about you is known to everyone but you. You are divinity, all wrapped up in humanity, here to carry out the shift of the ages. Love always that which you are and your light will be unable to be doused. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. There is so much drama and ego in posts and reports and updates and replies. It is becoming a challenge to discover clear motivation. What comes through loud and clear is the intent behind every action. It is not what you are doing, but why. Understand what is really going on here. We have hoped, prayed, wished and meditated for a very long time for a better life; for happiness, prosperity, health, love. These things are forthcoming. In many places they are here. Rather than scale back our vision to focus on our deepest wish – we are observing the scenery and judging its merit. We can no longer afford the luxury of an opinion. We are here to make a decision. Our planet has been controlled. This year, for a brief moment, we are being shown the whole story. Who showed us or how they did so is not relevant. What we are seeing is vital – we are being introduced to the truth. Real freedom assumes we understand the importance of each thought word and deed; the only one responsible is us. A focus on love is what will get us to the other side of this – whole, unified and speaking as ONE. Agape is the answer. Unconditional self love is the key to oneness, to peace and to clarity of vision. We are individual expressions of Divinity, only we are still seeing our differences as faults. There is no fault. There is only ONE. Our task now is to love all our parts, all of our problems, challenges, failures, successes and illnesses. As we morph into a body that vibrates quicker, we are sort of “shaking off” the heavy stuff that can’t keep up. Therefore, we notice it. This manifests as illness or argument, relationship or financial struggle. Let it go – just love it as it leaves. It’s all you. You, in your brilliance, have created a perfect scenario for the dance through this year. We, as a collective, share a host of characters; Cobra, Drake, David, Kerry, Ben, Bill are just a few in our line of sight. They each chose to illuminate the dance floor with information and excitement. What a gift they are! As we accept ourselves as perfect, we will see them and all others as the perfection they too offer. Unconditional love means it’s all okay. Trust. This will happen. You are more powerful than any delay and bigger than any mistake. Our divisive viewpoint is holding up the works. There are not better or worse parts of us. All is perfect. Start with you. Love every blemish, decision and action. Each is a step on the way to amazing. It is vital that you love. It is okay that you disagree. Just understand that everyone is right. This is an intense moment in our transition, a time of amplification. Things will “stick out like sore thumbs” so we can see clearly and decide. We are casting a “vote” with every thought, word, post and action. Will you choose love? Will you choose fear? You have come to share your wisdom; to dance into the next dimension. Let us learn from your steps how it’s done. This is the real “Dancing with the Stars”. It is us; we are the stars, every single one of us – no exceptions. We are the ones we are waiting for. Let’s dance. (Re-posted from October 2011) We are finding a voice. We are challenging institutions and on the brink of taking control of not only our money, but our lives. I don’t know that this has ever happened world-wide, and it feels like an important step towards unity consciousness, towards empowerment. My hope is for a continuation of this movement towards unity, while retaining and utilizing individual power. Personally, I realize that for unity to exist as a force, I must stop seeing separators. When I look at anything, I have noticed how my immediate reaction is to categorize it, label it even. Thoughts such as “there’s an overweight teenage boy, why is he wearing plaid?”, “here comes a crabby, skinny old lady”… do not serve my intent for oneness. In order for a shift in consciousness, I must stop separating out the wealthy 1% as evil, the old as helpless and the young as incapable. I must stop separating, period. Here’s the thing, there is a fine line between noticing the differences and holding an opinion about them and labeling them. Life simply exists here as a platform in which to experience ourselves. True non-judgment is a very rare thing to discover in another human. It signifies an evolved soul. Not judging does not mean living without preferences. I do not enjoy popcorn. I do not think there is something wrong with my children because they love popcorn. Perhaps, if I was unsure of my decision about popcorn, I would ridicule popcorn lovers and make them wrong for their choice. Perhaps I would attempt to get them to come over to my side, the side where all the intelligent, popcorn haters sit. This would bolster my self esteem, my belief in the “rightness” of my popcorn beliefs. There are no “right” popcorn decisions, just as there are no “right” ways to live your life. All is choice. When you understand, absolutely that each choice you make is only a choice for a singular moment and nothing more, you become much less attached to the choices of others. Each life is a singular moment, filled with decisions/choices. Freedom is non-attachment. Freedom is love. Each lifetime chosen provides a different approach, another way to experience creation. This is why there is no cause for fear. Fear only exists because you believe you can lose something – your life, your reputation, your money, your love – you cannot lose what isn’t real. What is real is you. It is love. Love truly felt is something never lost. It is something no one can take from you. It exists as truth. You are the one you’ve been waiting for all along. |
April 2024