Recent insights bring a new conclusion. All this “time” of discussing, seeking, asking and most of all WAITING for something to happen or break or give or land has felt like a merry go-around; only a realllllyyyyyy big one. We are going in a predictable circular movement, watching the same scenery, over and over again. We could dig out blogs and articles from 2011, when this blog was added to the noise, and re-post them. The message would still feel relevant. That’s because we are still on the same ride, going in circles. So here is where this is going… What if the gods are us? I do not mean that as a cute phrase to inspire action, but as fact. We are more seasoned than we were in 2012. We understand on some level that we’ve been lied to about almost everything relevant and unless we take the reins, it will happen again. There have been characters, whistle-blowers, channellers, prophets and reporters – each of us relaying the scenario created by “someone else”. There is an inevitability to these stories. There is repetition. There is, repeatedly, someone to blame and someone to save. There is hope and there is despair. There is everything, it would seem, but freedom. None of these players feel free. Even the cabal, or so we are told, answers to a greedy energy that constantly demands more. It would seem that the “source” of everyone’s power resides elsewhere. What if we stop trying to tell someone else’s truth and start trusting our gut to tell us our own? What if we stop looking for answers any place else? What if we each make decisions about our life – its level of health, activity, love, wealth and joy – and accept the result of those decisions without guilt or blame? What if we embrace our creator-self? Not with inspiring poems, pictures and videos, but with our arms and hearts? What if we stop believing someone else is running the show? What if we run the show? Any movement of conscious self-awareness is a step. It’s not that these blogs, videos, pictures and poems are not useful – they have been wonderful reminders. But enough already. Gods don’t need encouragement. Gods create. For almost four years I’ve been signing “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for”. I wasn’t kidding. Let’s be done with the waiting. Time for the doing. You see, I believe it’s only semantics that moves us over the tipping point. The world I see today IS different than the one I saw in 2012. People smile from their eyes more. There is an abundance of generosity from strangers. There is more transparency. There are fewer expectations for perfection. There is more acceptance. We did that. We didn’t wait. Maybe all we need do is acknowledge what we’ve been doing right along. Maybe all we need do is say: “I did that.” And “it is good.” With that mindset, we will continue running our creation machine as if we knew exactly what we were doing. If we find ourselves displeased, we’ll simply create again, something different this time. If our most powerful tool is our imagination, and if these many years we’ve been imagining ourselves “un-ascended”, “un-finished”, “dis-satisfied” or “un-able”; then we are. If instead, we see ourselves as creators, then we are. We are gods, every one of us. These worlds we create are as real as the ones we read about in ancient texts. The difference is, those dudes knew they were gods and someone wrote down what they did with that knowledge. Maybe humans are a new kind of god – one that needs no worship or affirmation. Maybe we just “get ‘er done” at our own urging. Maybe now we have reminded ourselves enough. Maybe the “Event” we are all planning on is self-initiated. Maybe the huge love blast that transforms and upgrades our DNA and results in self-actualized sovereign humans is not initiated by an outside decision – BUT BY AN INTERNAL ONE. Decide you are done waiting. Accept the god that you are. Love yourself with wild abandon. Fly. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. It is an honor to be flying beside you, ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here! You tube link: Emergence
What is being considered now is this concept of ascension, which, by all reports, is just more of what you are right now. In that arena, it can be called expansion. (Thank you KK!) You aren’t going anywhere. No one is higher up or going up. Everyone is expanding in their authenticity, right where they are. Your authentic self is love. You may be 16 or 66, blue eyed or black haired, tall or short, Plieadian or Lemurian and it doesn’t matter. Not now. Oh, it looks like it matters and each attribute will color your process. But that’s only cosmetic. Within – it’s all love – becoming more so. I imagine it means lots of adjusting. We are defined by our personalities and driven by our addictions. Love doesn’t care about those. Love is universally recognized while remaining undefinable. This, because love isn’t something you say or see or even do. It is your essence. Love is something you know. Love is who you are. And we all know who we are, deep down, beneath all the costuming and desires. I don’t imagine we’ll lose our personalities. I imagine that it won’t be just our personalities walking around now. I see love walking around, once we’ve expanded enough to let it pop through. This is so very exciting yet it won’t make headlines. And that’s okay. Headlines aren’t required; this expansion is recorded in our hearts. I am. Today that expression includes deep contemplation around “more love”. What does it look like? What does it feel like? What does it sound like? What does it taste like? I keep wanting to call it “grown up” love yet that would be a misnomer. Love is every expression, and seen at each physical age. Do you remember who you are? Perhaps with the expansion we can do away with reflections (and mirrors). Without “needing” another to mirror you – you will stand in full acceptance of your magnificence. This will occur without names or “others” to validate it for you. You will then stand free. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. With absolute love, ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter, here What’s been rolling around in my head for weeks now is acceptance. We are, as of late, exponentially expressing ourselves. There is no getting around or away from whom we are. It’s all okay. We’re all okay. What this looks like on the street is extremes of personality, played out before your eyes. I was going to title this “egos are us”, yet it’s more than that. Having an ego is a given. So too, is being sort of “quirky”. Until lately however, there was, in most of us, an attempt to hide those we thought were less acceptable. Today, all bets seem to be off. This is, I believe, what has been happening since March of this year, and what some have called the splitting of earth. We are choosing our world. Each life is self-perceived and self-motivated, depending on our current addictions. Whatever you believe you are, you’ll see evidence of it everywhere now. Those inner conclusions are now shouting at us, really loudly, from each embodied essence. “Truth” is an interesting subject. Mine may differ very much from yours and yet I can “prove” it to you. It’s all hearsay. It’s all subjective. It’s all biased. Quantum physics bears this out. This is a holographic dream. If you are reading this, you are awake and aware and most likely wondering who to believe? I can only offer this. Whatever resonates is your truth. I believe our truth changes as we get more experience and information. I am not talking about absolute truth here. That is unchangeable and the thing to hang on to when the rest goes nuts. There are none of us more “valuable”, less “quirky” or “better” than any others of us. Sometimes the cast of characters reminds me of a giant game of “Whack a Mole” – we are all sitting around, equally “ascended” until one of us rises to the top – in clear view of the rest of us. This one enjoys the “specialness” of being “on top” for a few moments. Until, inevitably, they are whacked back to equality. Now equality is cool and where it’s at. Make no mistake. This song validates the power in the individual, in you, in me, in us. In absolute truth it is all of us who decide what, when, where and how life progresses through this shift. Every emotion, word and effort counts. Each “quirk” is sacred. It’s all a part of the plan. That plan, is being formulated by us on the go, as we live it out. Celebrate your quirks and enjoy the show the rest of us are putting on for you! It’s a wild time to be here. That’s why you came. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. It’s an honor to be here with you, ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here! Most of what I want to say is in the video below, produced 3 years ago. It’s one of my most viewed, despite some blurry images and the fact that the ending is at 4 minutes, while the video runs to 6 minutes. I believe this is because truth is spoken here. I spent the last weekend “nesting”. I’m quite familiar with what it signifies. It is a “getting things prepped” and “gathering together” activity that is done in preparation for an arrival. Today, my “house” is ready and I am expectant. I have no sense of a precise “time” for the arrival, only that it’s guaranteed. My “spidey sense” is in concert with other predictions you’ve probably seen, on this site as well. (I have come to despise predictions ;-) What differs in each is what it’s being called and what it includes, as well as when it is to occur. I can tell you for certain who it includes, regardless of name. It includes us. Not just one of us, a few special ones of us, or a specific larger group of us. All of us. The reason for this is obvious once you understand creation. Creation is a self-generated, self-fulfilled prophecy for life. It is about belief. It is about intent. It is about expectation. It is about words and it is about doing. If you are waiting for someone to tell you when things are going to change in YOUR life, then you’ve misunderstood creation. If you believe one person is doing the “heavy lifting” in this shift to greater consciousness, then you’ve misunderstood the truth of ONE. If you are expecting a windfall to change your life, then you’ve misunderstood manifestation. It’s all about belief. It’s all about intent. It’s all about expectation. It’s all about words and it’s all about doing. Each of us contributes, each of us initiates, each of us experiences what we believe is possible and likely. Creation is a self-generated, self-fulfilled prophecy for life. In a vast number of different ways, the majority of humans of all ages are saying the same things, feeling the same emotions, wishing for the same changes. In a general sense, those things are freedom of expression, prosperity, health, peace and agape. We are ONE. We are the ones creating this shift. The timing of it depends on us. No one does this but us. Love, our core essence, is approaching its birth. Garrett John portrays the process beautifully, here. (Thank you Cath.) ."I see you, you are not alone, we are in this together, you are loved." We are the ones we are waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter, here. If you click on the image above, you'll be taken to Soundcloud and a recording of what came through 2 days ago. It is 15 minutes long. With the publishing of this, it has now been noted. There is nothing in our way but ourselves. We are the ones we've been waiting for.
With absolute love, ~Sophia If you would like to receive my newsletter, sign up here! This week we'll be talking to a "smallish being". What is coming up now is balance. What is being felt here is essence. What is happening today is a return to center; the place from which manifestation begins. It is true that creation is a constant force. What we’ve come to appreciate is the ability to skew direction of that force with suggestion, with ideas, with systems, with advertising and primarily with emotion. Today we begin actual comprehension of our potential. This is not the same as understanding. Understanding is STANDING – UNDER. There is no one standing over you, giving you truth. You are beneath no system, no being, no personality, no situation, no law. Comprehension is self-actualization. It does not come from an outside source, it emerges from within. How this plays out is with an acceptance of self. Perhaps announcement is necessary. A statement of knowing, an acknowledgement of self. This time, without apology. I AM LOVE. Today, love looks like this, prefers this, expresses like this, feels like this. Acceptance is key. It’s all okay. For, once you accept yourself, your world follows suit. As Master Creators, it has no choice but to. YOU ARE SOURCE. It all springs from you. Focus takes energy. With focus, intentional creation occurs. The playing field is prepped now – what will you plant there? Pay attention. It is the optimum moment. Master gardeners recognize this. If you are distracted – pointing fingers, blaming or making excuses – you may miss it. A neglected field will grow only weeds. These are relentless things you’ll have to then work very hard to eliminate. A Master Creator appreciates the moment, fills the field with whatever she wants, focuses on what matters to him and expects miracles to grow. Distraction takes energy too. Where will you place your energetic signature? What is your image for the field of creation spread before you now? Imagine. Focus. Accept. Allow. These are the tools in your toolkit. A being of Absolute Love, you are pure potential. The essence of creation runs through your core. The field has been cleared. All is prepared. For you. For now. Plant your wildest imaginings. Nurture them. Use your toolkit. Love with abundance. It’s game time. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. With absolute love, ~Sophia Subscribe to my newsletter here. This week we will be talking to “a being who is small-ish”. You tube link. (This is the Moment) |
April 2024