As we reach ever closer to the edge of November, a time predicted to be of Great Change, personal changes are contemplated. This human life is strewn with addictions. Those that are physical are readily identified. Those that are emotional, not so much. However, this Fall they’ve been laid bare. In the midst of crisis, (family in this case), I find myself reflected on every available surface. Questions arise. “Is this my best side?” “Is this a helpful aspect?” “Does this serve anyone?” “What is being perpetrated here?” “What are you looking for with this comment or action or attitude?” “Does this serve the greatest good?” ‘What would love do?” It is interesting and unexpected. All of life asks the question – “Who are you?” The response comes instantly alongside a new thing – a third person’s view. Is this the beginning of multi-dimensionality? I watch myself be myself and then contemplate both. The Chinese Curse is upon us. “May you live in interesting times.” The energies washing over us now bathe us in intensity. There is a fine point put on each interaction. Our life is being outlined for us this time with a Black Sharpie Marker, so we can’t miss any detail. This helps us to define what is kept and what is tossed. We are choosing who we be. Is it weird to say “I’m not what I expected?” Or that, maybe, until now, I’ve never really put it together? It’s as if there was wood and nails and a hammer and a saw and a cushion and some fabric lying on the floor. While I stood in the room, saying over and over, “I wish I had a chair so I could sit down.” Until I first saw the component pieces and then figured out how they went together in a way that I wanted them to, I remained uncomfortable and complaining. I’ve noticed the parts now. Their sharp outline has helped a great deal. It is sort of a mess with them lying all around. Yet I see how they could be put together into something comfortable and useful. There’s a more than good chance it won’t look like the chair I had pictured. That one was designed from a magazine ad and a window display; colored with my addictions. This one will be easy on the eyes and comfortable, which is just what I need. It is also; it turns out, the only one that pretty much follows the original blueprint. This blueprint is the one I had clutched to my heart while I drew my first breath. This time right now is about choosing and then making physical, who we be. There are so many mirrors to choose from! Once you settle on one, relax and get comfortable. The Sharpie Fine Point outline will get to work. Who you are will be so bold and clear there will be no duplicates. You see, we’ve used each other for ideas and suggestions and even directions (when we were really confused). This moment now demands self-definition. The ONE that we are needs the one that you are. Oneness is not identical. Oneness is a symphony. Your part is both necessary and unique. This moment brings forth your individual note. It will get louder and louder until you recognize it and accept it as you. Acceptance yields power. This is you. Love yourself without exception. Enjoy this song you’ve helped us play and find the best seat. It’s show time. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. In gratitude and with love for all that you be, ~Sophia PS Sign up for my newsletter here! Check out the Guardian, and find out how to read the first 6 months of our conversation for free, by clicking here! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
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The Event and the Ascension are separated by causation. The Event is spurred by physical action and the Ascension by personal internal evolution. Will it be like the chicken and the egg? Will future versions of us ask – which caused the other? Will they happen simultaneously? Does our worldwide debt slavery (click here) stimulate, even necessitate, our internal realization of sovereignty and result in an instant evolutionary moment? OR… Does a personal awareness of divinity propel a rapid-fire instant view of the chains around us and shatter them - resulting in freedom? The Event includes a banking collapse, a Reval and disclosure of the non-human presence and its available tech. The Ascension is a shift in consciousness, from polarity into unity, often described with numbers and dimensions (as in 3rd – 4/5th). These are independent happenings. The Event will be the game changing end for generations of human slavery on this 3D Earth. This sort of slavery is repeated elsewhere in the cosmos, so we are told. It is done by the same race who started the current Earth version. It (the Event) then must be repeated elsewhere, as this debt enslavement and resource monopoly fails every time, and must, eventually, end in a similar fashion. A parasite that destroys its host is a dead parasite. The Ascension will take us away from this assumption of physicality and polarity and fear, assuming only love. What if, once love is assumed, fear falls away? Or is it that once fear falls away, love is assumed? The term “assumed” here signifies dimensions. In truth, we go nowhere. We are always now-here. There are some who will tell you they know how this will play out, sometimes predicting dates. These too, become part of the process and our progress. Linear time eventually becomes irrelevant. Today though, with bills to pay, bodies and land to heal and causes to promote, time is very relevant indeed. When? It is the question on everyone’s mind. What is seen and heard from here now is evidence of our choosing with BREXIT, the US Presidential election, mainstream exposure of the mass network of corruption at high levels and this most recent update from Corey Goode, along with a few things I’ve been told, (but am not at liberty to share). What each represents is visible movement towards change. What cannot be seen is the surprise part in all of this – our Sun. The Sun will act as the gun shot in a foot race – with a blast of energy that alters it all. This moment is meant to be a surprise. Each one of us will face it without warning. Perhaps this initiatory blast kicks both the event and the ascension into motion in one instant. Maybe it forces the Ascension which in turn brings out the Event, or vice versa. In either case, this moment is meant to impact our view of life as we know it today. Life as we know it has changed, if gradually. We are more aware now of corruption, alternate life forms and advanced technology than we’ve been prior to now. We designed this life with one mind. As beliefs are changed, so does this reality. Perhaps what we’ve done is prepared ourselves for disclosure with these gradual and yet rapid revelations. This has been and continues to be our show. We wrote it and we are acting in it while watching ourselves. There are a few stars, right out front and grabbing the spotlight. Yet they have Teleprompters which each of us add to. This is collaboration. What starts out as a polarized question then – “Which comes first, Ascension or Event?” – becomes finally answered. Both do. Infinite wisdom determines ultimately that initial blast which incorporates a moment of sovereign awareness. Whether that moment appears to expand over days and months in our linear time line or occur in an instant – matters little. We collaborate with one mind now and the outcome is clear. The shift and freedom of Gaia and her people are guaranteed. Relax and follow where your heart leads you. It knows. There are no wrong answers. We wrote the questions, remember? We hold the answer key, and always have. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much gratitude and love, ~Sophia PS – If you can see ARRIVAL in theaters, do it. Check out “The Guardian” here. Sign up for my newsletter, here! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. History used to sneak up on us. The last time the Chicago Cubs won the World Series it was 1908 and radio hadn’t yet been invented. It was 1920 before the US Presidential Race was broadcast via radio, and then only to a few thousand people in Pittsburgh, PA and Detroit, MI. Baseball didn’t hit the airwaves until 1921. When history happened back then, we found out much, much later. This month, only 11 days old, has brought massive numbers of us into mutual focus. We have been zeroing in on two history making moments. It did so as they occurred, in real time. These are world changing moments. What part will you play in our history as it rolls out on the ground you walk? Our collective power is exponential right now. Emotional energy is creative. It is the biggest reason humans are so powerful – our feelings propel our vision and build worlds. As you hear, see and even attend these current protests and celebrations, do so consciously. Never before in recorded history has our potential been so very keen. We are making history. The depth and strength of human emotion directed towards two major events so close together has sort of magnified our oneness. Unity doesn’t mean we all agree. It means we are all in this together and we realize it; humans – being. We mutually recognize similar things about ourselves. We are One. It’s interesting that there is so much anger. Anger is one of the stages of mourning. Anger necessitates an “other” to be angry at. Anger divorces us from responsibility. Anger is a part of the process of separation. It would seem then, that anger is appropriate. We are separating from the old world. There is hate though, seeping through and disguising itself as anger. Hate is the extreme edge of anger, just as passion is the extreme edge of love. Hate isn’t a necessary part of this process, yet we are all noticing it. It’s showing up in social media, media broadcasts, and drivers on the road, along with protesters and help desk employees. When you notice it, bless and release it. There are record breaking amounts of energy available to us now. We aren’t used to it yet. Confused, surprised and a bit dazed, we respond forcefully and emotionally. Let’s realize where we are and respond consciously. We are living history. It is history we are making. The playbook has been thrown out and there are no instructions. Choose what serves you and do that. In such a moment of unified power, all choices serve the whole and have an impact in ways and places unseen until now. As creative beings we can take hold of this moment and steer. The moment of choice is here. Today is a day focused on Disclosure, (See video below). It couldn’t come at a more synchronistic moment. Whatever you do with your feelings and subsequent responses (to what your world shows up as) – do it with clear intent and the results of your efforts will astound you. Take this anger and astonishment and grieving energy and pour it into the world you want to live in. Join a movement or start a movement; it matters not which direction you head, but that you head there awake and determined. You are making history. We have not known exactly how our historical shift would play out, only because we weren’t there yet. We are there now. You have brilliantly crafted a way to draw us together, to enable the manifestation of our new world. Who would’ve thought? A baseball team and a reality TV star led us right to where we need to be – on the cusp of creation. You are magnificent. I can’t wait to see what you do next. Smile. This is the greatest show on earth and one we have all worked on for a very long time. It is going to turn out better than your wildest expectations. Bravo. Thank you. You are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia PS Check out my first book, The Guardian, here. Sign up for my newsletter, here! Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. It’s Election Eve in the USA. My friends from several other countries have said to “expect a disruption of power”. I would rephrase that to “expect a disruption in perceived power.” The power is us. I’d add “embrace the emergence of real power.” You see, we are poised, right now, on the edge and looking down at the focal point of what a major portion of our species is focused on. This is unprecedented. The Rally in Chicago last Friday for the Cubs (celebrating their World Series Victory after 108 years) drew 5 million people. It is being reported as the 7th largest gathering in human history. And that’s not counting those watching from their homes and phones. That was just a baseball game; this election will have global repercussions. Studies in global consciousness use Random Event Generators to mark changes in the field. These Random Number Generators run for years and establish a baseline. Then, when an event of importance to many of us shows up, their output changes significantly. These changes have been noted during events like Princess Diana’s funeral, Mother Theresa’s memorial or a global meditation. Our collective focus is the only thing that differs at these times and our combined energy has an effect on the physical Random Event Generators, along with the field itself. If there was ever a time to infuse your intent into the collective, it is right now. There is such anxiety with this election and it is felt across the ages. Six year olds to 80+ year olds are asking the same question – “What’s going to happen if ___ gets elected?” People are angry and confused and frightened. People are feeling powerless. With each day bringing us closer to 11/8/16, I find myself becoming quieter, meditating more, and contemplating what matters. I realized in the middle of the Cubs craziness (I live in Chicago) that we are at a unique moment. A moment we are all in agreement about on some level. We agree that something different is needed now. We see (in these characters running for the office of President), the absurdity and corruption of cartoon personalities – only they are real and we put them there. Perhaps in hindsight we’ll see the wisdom in their candidacy. We’ll look back from some day in 2017 and say “You know, if those two candidates hadn’t been running last year – nothing would have changed.” Because change is upon us and it’s coming fast. I choose to believe we’ll create the outcome that benefits the most of us; and that an election of such divisive and explosive emotions will yield its opposite – a powerful, collaborative and restorative peace. We sure could use it. Most of the predictions you’ll read now say massive upheaval is what’s coming next. A change of such proportions demands first a breakdown of what exists now. We have the power to ignite and fuel the world we want to thrive in. Go within. Reach for your truth, and then hold on to it. Your light is needed and it’s needed now, regardless of your current homeland or favorite candidate. This shift begins in your heart and shows up as your deepest held truth. These candidates for US President are very loud expressions of what used to be labeled “important” attributes for success. For most of us today they are instead hollow caricatures of humans & what they are shouting about matters little. What’s ultimately important is what’s in your heart. For there you will define how you love. As the Random Event Generators illustrate, we don’t all have to agree to effect change in the world. We actually do live in unity – let’s utilize that real power and do what we came to do. Demonstrate love at every opportunity. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. In gratitude, peace and so much love, ~Sophia PS One of the things The Guardian said was that Barack would be the last US President. Read the first 6 months of our conversation for free, details here. Sign up for my newsletter, here. Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Here is a good start to changing the field: There doesn’t seem to be a perfect place to begin. Not because there is not a subject, but because there are so many. The general subject is this shift and how it feels. Yet this brings up questions: “How does it feel for me?” “How does it feel for others I know?” “How does it feel for the US Presidential Election?” “How does it feel for the Sioux at Standing Rock?” “How does it feel physically?” etc… What I hear, see and feel about all of the above is best described as an unravelling, discord, a revelation and emergence. These very specific words about this personal global effect deserve some explanation. The old stuff isn’t working. What we are each coming face to face with is whatever false personalities, ideas and conditions that we’ve hung on to – until today. These are things we assumed made us happy, safe, loved, healthy, vital and secure. We assigned faith in them. We believed they were necessary and that we needed them. We depended on them and in their absence we are unhappy. It may be a system of beliefs once held as sacred or absolute in things that were right and things that were wrong. It may be the presence of something – love, a partner, a full bank account, a job, a person you depended on, an ideal. It may be health. It may be control. Whatever is your thing, you may find it unraveling. As it does, all efforts to restore it prove to be futile. We are walking on new ground. This unraveling causes discord – it’s uncomfortable and the next step is not laid out for us or obvious to us. We are uncertain. These uncertainties reveal ourselves to ourselves and to everyone we engage with. There is no escaping who you are now. With wide open eyes we are seeing each other. Emergence is the next part. As we are faced with new situations without our old resources to keep us steady – we’ve no choice but to pull up from within whatever parts of ourselves we wish to express. We are at choice. Amidst the chaos and dismantling we are deciding who we be. Pay attention, this is your chance to get this right. You can continue to rail at the unfairness, injustice or discomfort of it all or you can decide something new. You are free. This energy is off the charts, we all feel it, yet remember what is being ushered in with it; another way to do this. Listen to your body, your heart, and your “gut feelings”. They are more accurate than the old repetitive stuff you are used to being fed. Consciousness asks you to pay close attention. Nothing is actually as it seems. It’s time for all parts of you to engage. Let go of habits that no longer serve you. This new you is waiting. The Sioux Tribe, (along with about 500 other Native American tribes), is standing their ground in North Dakota and has been since last April. They are not pipeline protestors, but Water Protectors. Their peaceful and determined action and response is finally being heard as the world joins them. They show us how to do things in this new world – you do them with conviction and you do them as One. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. With so much love and gratitude, ~Sophia PS – Sign up for my newsletter, here. What follows is a comment on “The Guardian”, which can be previewed and purchased here. “As I read the 2nd Chapter of your book the tears were free.. I felt a connection as I read so strong wanted to thank you in person. I have no idea where the insights will take me in your book but am very happy to be connected to you. Thank you for your sharing it is a great help.” Usage Policy: Please post this article everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
April 2024