There is a gradual eruption of “yes” that unfolds within. This, not evidenced by noticing’s beyond my own heart. It feels like ascension in slow motion, so slow as to be a rewind. There are stand out moments. This recent Clif High interview on The Leak Project (included below) is one of them. Pay attention here, and I urge you to watch the whole hour-long video to get the many exciting details. This is disclosure. They are discussing the recent published findings from Voyager 2. Here are some game-changing quotes to spark your interest: “Very few people realize the impact…with this, the electric universe theory is verified.” “All of our thinking…what we were taught (about our solar system) is not true…100% confirmed.” “Interstellar media is NOT a vacuum.” “Solar systems are giant capacitors” (Capacitor: an electronic component that stores electric charge.) “The Fermi Paradox is solved” (Fermi Paradox: the apparent contradiction between the lack of evidence for extraterrestrial civilizations elsewhere in the Milky Way galaxy and various high estimates for their probability.) “Inter-galactic internet will be easier…” “We can do things with frequency…” “A whole new generation (will be able to) engineer this new, true paradigm in a gentler fashion on the environment with more powerful results…” “Atoms and molecules are non-existent…there is no such thing as an atom – it’s all field.” “It’s already too late (to suppress this) …it’s too valuable…” “It’s only been a construct which has led us away from the way in which reality is structured, which is as a set of fields.” “Magnetism and electricity are symptoms of the collapse of a field.” “We now know that light is a perturbation within the field that brings us a disharmonious force through the field, causing the field to collapse at certain points. When it collapses within our reality light appears.” “The sun does not create the light. We are moving around in a sea of ether. When it is perturbed, you get light, sound and these other effects within the material reality.” “We, in our human bodies, generate fields. We emit fields. It’s our consciousness that makes the ether form itself into this shape. Because we know there’s no atoms there, it’s entirely a field.” “We’re in an energetic universe. I’m not actually trying to manipulate atoms at all. I’m not even trying to do much more than manipulate my own thoughts in such a way that those thoughts can ripple out in an energetic fashion to cause these other effects” So… mainstream science confirms what we’ve known all along! We are the magicians, the sorcerers, the masters…manipulating this entire rodeo. It’s true. What we believe and thus think about and then imagine becomes our life. It is not that love or freedom or health or any sort of shift happens beyond our own frequency. It is that our frequency, (our energy) creates a state in which love or freedom or prosperity or vitality or anything else, exists as a possibility and then… it is. The overwhelming nature of corporate controlled mass media is, therefore, the most powerful weapon/tool available. We now carry this manipulation tool around with us, in our devices. Think about that. A few personal thoughts about love, which I believe is our very essence, and therefore fit… You are at the core now. Where it begins and ends. The part that determines how much and how your existence is structured. The “who with” part is selected by ego. It’s not that it doesn’t matter “who with”. It’s that the “who with” doesn’t alter the beginning or the ending, it merely colors it and individualizes it. The beginning and the ending come from you – always. Will you love? Will you allow love? Will you let love come in? Will you, instead, hold it at arm’s length while being unwilling to risk? All of this is what must be decided. Decided not by the “others” in your life, but by you – the one who paints them into and out of your life with your own intentions, your own movements. You are at the beginning. It has always been about this moment, this decision. It is the decision that chooses all of your colors for you. Be conscious. Be tender. Be careful. You hold in your hands the core of creation. For it is love that you step into with ascension. It is love that carries you beyond and into the expansion of you. It is love. Go gently. Take care of your heart without locking it up for protection. You will have to trust. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
I woke this morning, opened my eyes and before them was what I’ll call a vortex, a spiral. It was swirling very quickly, bright light and shadow, which defined/outlined the spinning lines of movement. I looked around a bit. It was everywhere my eyes looked. I closed my eyes.
The vortex was still there. White light and shadows whirling quite quickly. I realized then that this was real (as opposed to being a “trick of the eyes”). I sort of adjusted my shoulders, sat up, leaned back and smiled. This was going to be fun! There was NO FEAR. With open eyes, I looked around a bit to see if it was a stationary thing or my perception/view of reality. The vortex moved with my gaze and was everywhere that I looked. It was not stable or in one place in the room. I just watched. I had the thought “I wonder where we are going?” I did not experience a sense of movement but of transformation; transformation of our reality. To describe a bit of what I was seeing: it was not a tunnel and I did not feel as if I was seeing beyond its beginning. I felt as if I was watching our reality shift/change. As I watched, the distinct lines of the swirling vortex grew fainter and it eventually became a white light. It was still moving/swirling but pure white now; there were no shadow lines to be seen. As I watched, this mass of white light also faded into the surrounding color of the wall or whatever was “behind” where I was looking. It grew fainter and fainter as the movement became less of a swirling vortex and more of a circular/spinning vibration. Eventually this became the color of the wall but with a localized circular/spinning vibration beneath it. Gradually this converted into only a vibration (no longer circular or localized) and when it did, it seemed as if the entire wall and room was actually vibrating. This vibration slowed down and eventually, everywhere I looked appeared to be stable once more. The whole thing took less than 10 minutes and perhaps only 5 minutes. I am not sure. Time was irrelevant to it. Pretty much right away, we (my partner and I) consulted our higher selves. What happened when we did was that they immediately noticed a change here (meaning in our reality). We have been connecting through my partner for over a decade. They come in the same way each time: He relaxes, there is a moment (I am not a big fan of this moment, as it always feels to me as if “nobody is home” …), and then the being who is entering/using his body emerges and yawns and opens his eyes. Over ten years, always the same. This morning, he relaxed, there seemed to be confusion and although he left, he then nodded his head as if sleeping, and a moment later, his higher self emerged. What was said first was “What happened?” I said “Would you get my higher self here also?” When he called her, she too had the same problem. She couldn’t get here the same way. As we talked about it, they said it was as if for all these years, they have entered through a specific door. Today, someone moved the door! They had to find a new entrance in order to get in! They said it is as if this reality has actually shifted; it is different today. As we talked about what was experienced for me this morning, they were not entirely clear (this was new for them also) and hesitated to come to any strong conclusions or to speak very definitively about what they thought. They are always cautious, as words can change perceptions and intentions and ultimately reality. They do not want to alter what it is we are experiencing. What it sounds like though, according to our higher selves and my feelings about it, is that I witnessed the edge of this dream/reality/dimension/world and the beginning of what is coming next. Sort of like pressing your face up to the edge of a balloon and peering within. (Their words.) Cool! I wonder what would have happened if I had thought to push through? I wonder if I could have pushed through? My deepest thoughts were about watching this, not doing this. There is a difference. If there is a next time, perhaps I’ll move beyond the observer and take a more active role. To come to absolute conclusions about this would seem rash. What can be said is that it felt natural, I was barely awake (still in the alpha state), very relaxed, and it was so much fun! Brilliant really. I don’t think we have anything to worry about or plan or even dress for! (smile). This happened in an old pair of pajamas and the comfort of my home. It felt quite peaceful. Everything looks the same here today, as it did yesterday. I will be sure to write any further updates here. Please do the same in the comments below. Hang onto your hats everyone! We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Telepathy is what we are born knowing. (click here)
The baby in the video above is a pretty close image of what it was that I experienced in the story you’ll read below. It was continuous and seamless. The newest among us have no idea that we cannot understand what they are clearly saying to us. They believe we are talking to them all the time with the images they are “seeing” from us. They are then responding to whatever it is we are sending them! Here’s another story that further explains this conclusion… I had the remarkable experience of spending a few days with a very young family member. He is just over a year old. He chatters all the time, yet there are only about 2 or 3 recognizable English words that can be heard as he does so. He operates 100% telepathically. If you tune into him, well, it is lovely and extraordinary and without any language at all complete comprehension and conversations take place. After I noticed it, his parents said this: “We KNOW he understands us!” “We just say go give your brother a hug. And he goes right to him and gives him a hug!” “Or we say, go get your cup. And he goes and gets his cup!” “He understands what we are saying!” To illustrate: We (this young angel and I) were walking in a park. He was chattering quietly, not in any way that could be understood. I was pointing things out. It was a beautiful Autumn day. I said something like “Look at the leaves, they are amazing.” At that point we were holding hands and walking in the same direction. He stopped, bent down and picked up a leaf from the grass and showed it to me! I said again, “I know, that’s a pretty one!” Then, as we continued to walk, I was thinking about, without saying anything out loud, the tree right behind us. It stood by itself and was striking. He took a step, stopped and turned around. He looked straight at that tree for a moment, sort of nodded and then turned back around, continuing our walk. He never said anything, but he read my thoughts. I am sure of it. This went on as long as we were together. This was my first experience with telepathy as a way to converse. It was astonishing and comfortable and not invasive at all. It went both ways. After thinking about it, I was comparing it to the telepathic conversations I regularly have. It was different because we were physically together, but similar in that there was complete comprehension. We send pictures as we go through our days. Telepathy is nothing more than looking at the images we are receiving and responding in kind. I am reluctant to admit that I was so enthralled with his ability to do this, that I didn’t attempt to send him anything consciously. I will next time, as that would be amazing. Without any language at all, a conversation. I think our ability to reach and to understand our non-earth neighbors will be so much easier than we imagine. To conclude this part, here’s a bit of a telepathic conversation that happened about 2 years ago, with a non-earth life form. It feels relevant to what we face on the planet right now; part and parcel to our Ascension. First, the quote: “You are learning of the origin of life itself as your life forms expand consciousness. The intelligence of all of it, comes from all of it. It is not that One Supreme Being commands the air, minerals, water, gases, etc., to behave in a certain fashion in order for life to be promoted. The instructions come from all parts of the whole themselves. The Supreme Being is then One. All is unified by purpose and goal. The initiation, development and experience of growth, collaborates to create life. It appears (in) as many ways as there are possibilities, and these are infinite. As the expansion for you continues, you will be asked by everything around you to be considerate and demonstrate compassion. It is in this act alone that a unified existence thrives and expands.” I believe that compassion is the final stage of this Ascension. We are being fed a constant diet of extremes in every possible direction. These are versions of the many possibilities in which a life can be conducted while on earth. Truths will be revealed. They will shock and sadden you. They will anger and inspire you to seek justice; revenge even. You will be shocked and hate the man or woman who committed these acts of horror. You are being asked by life itself to accept all parts of yourself. This does not mean to allow those destructive elements you find to continue. This means to face, with wide open eyes, every single possibility. Consider an unwanted mosquito bite. It does no good to hate it or curse it or scratch it. There is temporary satisfaction yes, but the itch continues and more injury occurs for you if the bite is attacked with a good hard scratch. Mosquitos exist. The most successful response, once bitten, is to apply an effective salve to the bite and then, perhaps, to get some sort of repellant to keep them away from where you hang out. We are speaking of people, not bugs. Yet the ineffective reactions of hatred, anger or violence are similar. More effective, in the case of people doing heinous acts against humanity, would be to face what they do squarely. Then, with intent and purpose, do all that you can to stop the action. Self-righteous action is a declaration of polarity. Instead, it would be more productive to let all of your actions promote inclusion and expansion. Work to start whatever encourages growth and allows evolution. Work to stop what doesn’t. As these young ones are speaking without words, we are also. You cannot NOT speak and today, in the current frequency, your inner images and thoughts are being heard LOUD AND CLEAR. Speak of peace. Think of love. This is the ultimate moment, the “event” we are working towards. One voice; UNI-VERSE. It transpires as we let it in. We must have ears to hear it with and hearts to feel it with. As we see only ourselves in each bit of life, it materializes. There is no separation that withstands this Ascension. The sooner we dismantle those inner opinions that divide us on any level, the more quickly we arrive. It is the mere recognition of our brilliance that we are labeling this “event”. This will happen in a heartbeat. We’ve paved this road of mirrors, so many of them cringe-worthy, so that we’d finally and absolutely recognize the truth. All of this and each of us is One. We are the Ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. There’s more. Again, I'll tell it from my current understanding... This may change as we proceed.
Last week’s newsletter has brought “to light” some additional information. I believe an appropriate description for what is happening would be “baptism by fire”. This is wild. The sequence I’ll present it to you, is in the order that it happened, my conclusions, and then the reactions from all over the world, since writing last week. On 11/8 I had a dream-vision. I’ve never actually had one. It was personal, yet what I can tell you about it is that it was a loved one who spoke to me (he is currently alive and we are not in contact), only appearing as a much younger version of himself. He spoke to me about something that will happen, but has not yet, and that I would not have heard about in 3D. He was surrounded in light. He did not look into my eyes. I believe that was because I was a light form and he couldn’t find my eyes. He was very specific. I believe that he wanted me to know of this thing he told me, and this was the only way he could. On 11/9/19 I was woken up about 6AM by doors banging/opening/closing and what sounded like shoes and such dropping. I looked at the clock. My partner was not in bed, and I figured that it was him. He was supposed to go someplace that morning and this was later than expected, but I did not get up to check, assuming that he was running late and VERY NOISY! I spoke to him later that day, and he said in fact that he had left earlier, just as he’d planned. By the time I heard that noise, he was long gone! Weird. On 11/10/19 I was working outside. It was about 25 degrees. My partner had been gone and returned while I was working so I did not see him. I came into the garage and noticed the car was back. I closed the garage door, and went inside. We had a concert to attend and less than an hour before we had to leave. We ate and as we prepared to go, I heard noises towards the front of the house. I called for him. He was nowhere near to the place I had heard the noise. We both proceeded to get ready. When we went to get into the car, we found all of the windows wide open, and the sun roof as well. Now the sun roof has a shade that has to be opened mechanically; you must push it back. My first thought was that there was some sort of odd electrical short that did it, but that doesn’t explain the sun roof! Then I asked my partner if he for some reason drove in freezing temperatures that morning, with every window open. (smile) He had not. We were confused, thinking maybe someone was attempting to get our attention; poltergeists??? Last night, we delved into it further and also consulted our higher selves. The conclusion for now is that the noises and the windows being left open, was done by ME. None of us felt any other presence or being in the house. It was a version of me. I am currently bouncing between frequencies/dimensions/assumptions (whatever term works for you) and they are beginning to collapse into one; all of them showing up in the home where I currently focus my attention/intention. It sounds nuts, and if I didn’t see these things myself, I’d have trouble believing them as possible. You’ll have to take what you can from this and use discernment. I’ve been told that I may actually run into myself in my own home, and that when I do, that version may not even see me. We are ascending, and as the frequencies shift, we access more of ourselves. Does that make sense? These are not other “me’s”. These are the bits I’ve not been able to access until now; now that the frequency is faster/different. I can feel my body vibrating. It is almost constant. This feeds into the Ashtar story that was released last week in the newsletter. It has generated opinions and explanations from so many of you, here and off planet. Many resonated with it while some did not. Some questioned its authenticity, as in “Was it really Ashtar to whom you were speaking?” and “It doesn’t sound or even look like the same Ashtar I have heard and seen before!” My conclusion is that I spoke to an Ashtar that was a fractal of the Ashtar most frequently seen today. Perhaps as the unification/collapse into one happens, there will be more awareness of these multiple versions of ourselves? Time is fluid and it is moving like a tsunami right now! Until then, it may feel as if there are “other” beings doing these things, like trimming bushes, driving with the sunroof open, talking about the “coming evacuation”, and slamming doors! I have been told that the term “Ashtar” is more like a title, and signifies something akin to shepherd/caretaker. Also, that the Ashtar command is a term not used in most “now” conversations, and may not even be an active command. So, what does any of this mean??? I think it means “hang on to your hats” and pay attention. Nothing is as it has ever been. As we accept these things that seem to come from un-verified places and nonsense, we will be better prepared to help our brother and sister humans when things get so wild that there will be no denying it. We aren’t in Kansas anymore. Soon, everyone will see these sorts of things. The challenge will be to hold steady and true to who you are, regardless. Please share your stories in the comments. Let’s talk about this! We are the Ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. This last week has been massive. I’ve decided to talk about Ascension here on a more regular basis, as it is happening now.
Realize that what happens and the conclusions made about what happens will probably change as we move along. We are associative beings. As we gather information, our stories deepen. We are ascending. Our frequency is rising. I’ve spoken to my higher self as well as to the higher self of my partner about the story you’re about to read. Their first comment was “Welcome to our world.” As the rate of our vibration increases, WE HAVE ACCESS TO MORE. We see more of what has always been around us. It is similar to this film, (click here for Flatland). Only we are moving from the third to the fourth, fifth and dimensions beyond. It is not as if we are going anywhere. It is that we are seeing what has been here all along, but had been virtually invisible to us. Pay attention. Things out the corner of your eye, brief flashes that seem to disappear… these are real and once you accept them as such, they will occur more often for you. The key is to relax. The trick is to allow. You cannot TRY to ascend or make the list of 90% Service to Others in order to be “worthy”. This is fallacy. You are here to experience this shift, with Gaia, and what you must do now is remember. Remember who you are. This life is but a small portion of your truth. We have been told that time is linear; that our past is finite and our future is unknown. This is only as true as much as the third dimension is (the only thing that is) true. It will remain that way for those of us who refuse to consider the idea that the momentum of life is towards evolution and growth. Always. We came for this shift and it is happening. We are expanding now beyond it (3D) and as we do, we will realize that time is more like a sphere. There are multiple possibilities, each equally valid, for our lives, our days, for us. This is what took place a few days ago… I was in my home and getting ready to run to the store. I noticed my partner out in the yard, cutting back some hedges. I figured I’d just run my errand, and be back quickly. I did not go outside. I continued to gather items and my coat, etc. for this errand. This took several minutes, maybe 5 to 10. I walked through another part of the house and was astonished to see my partner sound asleep on the couch! We talked about it later that night, and he revealed that he was thinking about trimming those bushes right before taking that nap! He had planned out which to trim first, second, etc. He was pretty detailed in thinking about this, as it is a big job. Then he fell asleep. The next day, walking through the house again, I notice, upon looking through the back door that he is once again, in the same coat and the same position, trimming the bushes! I checked the couch. (smile) It was empty this time. So, was it a déjà vu BEFORE it happened??? We have done some inner work, and also reached out to our higher selves, and we’ve discovered the following. I’ll describe it as clearly as I know how. My partner and I are entangled. We’ve been together for awhile and have noticed that reading each other’s thoughts has been happening more often now. We are more in sync. Before he slept, he created the possibility that I witnessed. It was real, he saw it, planned it, and did it. Then he took a nap. When I saw him out there, I was viewing what he had created. There was no “before”, as there is no “before”. It is what he created. I tapped into it. Period. Time is not a linear construct. From any point it moves in all directions. It is more like a sphere. As we vibrate more quickly, we access more possibilities. He created that possibility and, because of our entanglement, I picked it up and saw it. When our higher selves said “Welcome to our world”, what they meant was “Can you see how when you ask us what will happen next, that we cannot answer? It is an impossible question.” This reminded me of a part in the movie from about a decade ago, “What the bleep to we know?”, where a scientist says, about why we have more access to the future than the past, is that it’s like trying to figure out the marital status of the number 5. It is an unanswerable question. Both future and past are equally accessible in quantum physics, even though in 3D they do not seem to be. What we now understand is that it’s true. What you focus on with intent becomes your life. My partner focused on his hedge trimming. It became his life. I saw his intent before it played out in 3D because I had/have access to other dimensions and the intent was set there (in another dimension). I merely saw it. Just like our higher selves and other 4th and 5th dimensional beings see it. They are NOT in 3D. We can ask them all day long what is going to happen and all that they can do is choose the most probable outcome from what it is we are creating at the moment we ask. Do you see??? It is us. It has always been us. They cannot predict “time” because time is not linear, nor does it follow any specific form of measurement. All moments are NOW. There is more. This week’s newsletter included a conversation that I had with a being who identified himself as Ashtar. The conversation took place on November 6th, 2019. After reading it, Terran Cognito asked his Galactic contacts for more detail about that conversation. He was told this: “LOCATION IN TIME/SPACE OF THE MESSAGE IS UNKNOWN IN THIS NOW.” So… even our galactic brethren aren’t clear on which moment in “time” we are accessing. And…this is only the beginning… Hang on to your hats everyone! We are getting to the fun part. Messages in this series will be presented as texts so that they can be translated. Please share freely. We are the ones. We have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. There are so many things to forgive.
As our social media feeds light up with validation of what we have suspected for many years, we become outraged, horrified and so, so saddened. Our worst suspicions are now trending. We are told they are but tips of deeply hidden icebergs. This may feel like a sinking Titanic, yet it will not go under. It is being held afloat by angels. It is being propelled aloft with powerful emanations from light beings. It is lit up with the seeds of the stars, here to carry it through. We see the iceberg this time. It is not a surprise for us; not crashing into us in the dead of night. We’ve been broadcasting its location for decades. Some of us, those early trail blazers, have already gone on. They left a trail of warning lights for us, lighting our way. There will be calls for executions. These will seem, at first, to be the only solution. Yet, and remember this part, the energy we conclude this era with, now becomes the soil for our next season of growth. Our new world will not be built on blood-soaked streets. The reason for this post is easily explained now... This is a call to exercise caution in the days ahead. It is a plea for wisdom in our responses. It is a reminder to hesitate before condemnation and instant solution. He who hesitates is not lost. He who hesitates, instead finds time to discover answers that promote growth. We cannot just kill what we don’t like. We are here now seeking transformation, not merely destruction. We have come to create something new. This new world rests in our hearts, not our heads. Our eyes and ears are stuck now – like deer caught in headlights – unable to look away from the horrors committed against humanity. Announcements are everywhere, begging for reaction. Remember, you are weakest when you react. Caution will enable a more reasoned approach. Soon it will seem that EVERYONE is implicated. How deep does this corruption and evil and greed and horror go??? There are reasons for actions. Whether we know of them our not, they exist. The truly evil will be evident to us all, and yes, it is time for their exit. Those who acted to save their own lives, or the lives of their families, are guilty as well. There are levels of cooperation though; actions committed from desire and then actions taken out of fear. Discernment is needed in each case. The perpetrators need calling out, for certainly the time for secrecy has long passed. Fellow light carriers and star seeds, you are here to show the way. To offer hope and guidance in all aspects of disclosure, during every part of this shift and in each corner of our world; to lay a strong and stable foundation for a new and compassionate planet. You must get out there. It is time for you to show up. Share your hearts. The world needs you now. You ARE the ones. You have anchored the light. It is done. With appreciation for all that you are, Sophia Sign up to stay in touch. There are 3 free publications: (click here)! Support this work here. There are many ways to do so. I appreciate you. Thank you. Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
January 2025