Hey everyone. This is being unexpectedly written in anticipation of the approaching solstice 12-21-2017; please excuse any errors, it was done in a hurry. I saw a hawk today. In one trans-formative moment, while watching it land magnificently, I had an epiphany. I don’t see many hawks in the ‘burbs. This one watched me drive by, solidifying its impact. The red-tailed hawk is my talisman. When one shows up as he or she did today, it signals a crossroad. We are choosing right now, our forward direction. This epiphany went something like this – I am so, so sorry. For all of the times I assumed to know what’s in you, what’s best or right or good for you. I am so, so sorry for, at any moment, disregarding your ability to choose and do what is in your highest and best interests. I am so, so sorry for ignoring your needs in favor of my own. I do not have a right to any of those decisions or opinions. Opinions spring from ego. Ego is the voice of our addictions; my ego is the voice of my addictions. What I am most sorry for is assuming at any moment that you were less than superb, that you were other than perfection, or that you were anything but excellent. For that, my dear, dear friend, is what this experiment has been about these many years; convincing you that you are lesser than gods. You are so much more than you have imagined yourself to be. This crossroad is asking you to choose. Who do you believe that you are? Where do you believe you are headed? What do you expect to create when you get there? Your answer is your GPS. This crossroad where I found myself today is looking like Golf Road and Mount Prospect Road – a mundane set of suburban streets where a red-tailed hawk asked me which way I was headed? Ego or Heart? Which one takes me where I want to go? Which one takes me where I claim to be heading? Because my ego wants to have all the answers and say only perfect things in socially acceptable ways while looking smashing and being brilliant and loved. While my heart? It just wants you all, wants us all, to be okay. It wants the experiment over, the slavery ended and the prosperity and love to rain from the heavens ON EVERY ONE OF US. I’m not smart enough to know how to make this happen – BUT WE ARE. This crossroad is looking to be pivotal. To go down one path, I have to leave another behind. Here’s my plan. It will more than likely include setbacks and mistakes. It definitely has one ingredient – that would be my heart. It definitely leaves something behind, that would be my ego and all of its hollow addictions. On the solstice, I will join a meditation. Every day following that, I will meditate and the point and focus will be our liberation. Everything I do from here on out will have that goal at its core. I am not perfect, but I am determined and my light is strong. Our combined light is right now blasting through the cosmos, signaling our tenacious heart. I can use my voice and my pen. Each of us is here with something to contribute, and this, right now, is my purpose – TO AID IN OUR LIBERATION. You see, I’ve been so angry for so long at what has occurred here on Earth. I’m going to use that emotion, not as an excuse for depression or opinion, but as a stimulus for action. Hundreds of humans have gone beyond the call of duty to get the truth out there, to wake the rest of us up. Enough already. Enough of us are awake. We can make a difference. Choose your focus. THERE IS NO MORE TIME TO WAIT. There are layers of corruption, and many, many are and have been leading the charge to dismantle them. You know their names: #HATJ, #RKB, Corey Goode, David Icke, David Wilcock; the list is huge and their numbers are growing daily. Humans are awesome (click here). It is the season of giving. Let’s give in some way to one of these light warriors who are in the thick of it right now. If not with a donation, then with your pen or your voice. Spread the word, share their cause, join their effort. We don’t all have to agree. We all have to unite. With one voice this ends. Speak from your soul, for that’s the voice that is loudest. I hope this stirs something inside you. It was more of a rant, yet at its deepest level it holds a question – Will you now follow the path of the heart? I am so very humbled to be on this planet with you today, witnessing your brilliance. With every breath honor who you are. If each of us did that, we’d already be on our new earth. In all of the non-human beings that I’ve spoken to, none has matched the exquisite, passionate wonder of the human. Thank you for all that you do and for all that you are. You most definitely are the ones we’ve been waiting for. You are anchors for the light. Let’s do this. With so much love for a blessed Solstice, ~Sophia Check out my new book Sī bôrɡ (click here) ! Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
Hey guys. There’s this song I have listened to again and again and again. It speaks to me and yet, well, I won’t let it touch me. Do you know what I mean? We started out as one, and on this day at this moment, we are playing out everywhere the truth of our singularity. There is not one of us that will remain hidden in this blackness. We are, in fact, coming out of the dark. We are doing it in headlines, boardrooms, bedrooms, kitchens and cell phones. No longer will your light be hidden. Five years ago, we expected a glorious emergence. We’re not quite there yet. First comes the shedding. This can get ugly. Do not cower or look away. These parts are you also. Those parts you refuse to love are the ones who most need acceptance. Until and unless you clearly see who you are, you remain unable to forgive. It’s all okay you know. There is no almighty god with a tally sheet determining your worth. You are worthy right now. This part is really important. The part where you question everything you’ve done, everyone you ever been and all that you believed was true about you. Don’t skip it. I promise you, the answer is better than you think. Everything you’ve done is in the past. You can’t see it and it is only as real as your memory keeps it alive. Everyone you’ve ever been only exists as long as you insist they do, with repetition of their behavior. All that you’ve believed was true about you? That depends. The good parts are true. Anything less than glorious is ego. You are not your ego. You are a powerful, radiant piece of forever, housed in this beautiful bit of flesh called a human. A human being. Being what? Well that is the question now, isn’t it? Because you see, the veil is gone, the curtain is up, the masks are off and we are naked in front of the world. Right now. It is time to love without opinion. Don’t kid yourself, this is not about loving every public figure being thrown under the bus with illegal, amoral and predatory allegations. This is much, much harder. You will have to absolutely love every inch of you, inside and out. You will have to forgive all that you’ve done and all that you’ve thought of doing. You will have to accept that you are capable of exquisite emotion and brilliant action as well as some not so noble stuff. You will have to embody compassion and breathe forgiveness. You will have to inhale humble and exhale gratitude. You will have to love without condition or exception. For at the end of the day or the conclusion of a life, what matters most is the love you give. And when you give love internally, you’ll find that you were never alone. We have all been here, waiting. Seven and a half billion lights, perfectly reflected, ready now to blaze forth. We are so happy you have finally seen the truth. All that was needed, was you. And you are the one we’ve been waiting for . Thank you for your forgiveness and for your generosity. Thank you for your love and for your light. All that you are, we are too. With so much love, ~Sophia Check out my new book Sī bôrɡ (click here) ! Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. Storm:
month. It was without preparation, and when I realized I was at its onset, I did nothing substantial to brace or protect myself. Perhaps it was due to my gradual awareness of the rising conditions, as I, with all the fervor of an addict, feverishly checked my device over and over for updates and stories. The consequence has been a repeated emotional and spiritual bashing by headline after video, after tweet, after post. I began looking and feeling a bit raw; a bit beat up by the news. For so long I stayed away from the frontpage, realizing that major happenings were sort of “in the air” and I would hear about them always – without being plugged in. This time felt different; things were spinning and changing by the hour; it felt epic. It was addictive. With this sharing, comes an umbrella and a rain jacket, along with a hoodie, some boots and mittens with hand warmers. We will get through this without permanent damage. This is a storm that can feel like a paroxysm – sudden, accelerating and aggressive. Realize that the reason it feels that way is because you’ve been expecting this, you’ve seen this before, and the familiarity of it sort of exacerbates it. It feels bigger than it actually is because it’s a repeat. It’s a familiar refrain. This is to your advantage. Realize you have the upper hand. Nothing is actually a shock for you. You know what these sorts of programs and beings do to empower and control populations. You’ve seen it before. It’s why you volunteered to be here now. Let’s do away with names and titles and even jobs. Let’s focus on the current conditions, how we can navigate successfully through them and even move beyond them. Let’s not label ourselves or sequester ourselves into small groups with specific talents. For this conversation, let’s look at the whole enchilada, the big picture. We are absolutely in the storm of disclosure. This will lead us to our new world. In order to put each story into its proper perspective; hang onto that idea. The movement towards a new earth will only happen if it looks absolutely better than the old one. We humans are like that. We only jump fences if the grass is really, really greener on the other side. Oh, some of us are risk takers and adventurers, but by and large we like our stuff to remain solid and dependable and unchanged. So here we are, in the midst of the onslaught, with full awareness that the beginning is like a summer’s day compared to the apex. Those standing nearby don’t know this, but we do. Remember? We’ve seen this before. It’s why we came now. It is time, dear, dear reader, to remember who you are. You will have to intrude into your awareness of current events with an equally powerful onslaught of your divinity. This does not mean you’ve got to quote scripture to people or attend religious services. Yet you will notice there is an increase of that sprinkled in the most unlikely of places. No, this is because the truth of you has been largely defined within that atmosphere, and that’s okay. It’s all okay. In preparation for the effort ahead of us, go within. Do it daily. Do it more than once a day. We’ve had lots of years to prepare for this. YouTube and our personal libraries are packed with remedies and methods, meditations and prayers with one message. That message is one of empowerment, of inner radiance, of self-forgiveness and finally of unconditional love. These characters and costumes are showing up right on time. They are not unexpected. They are here for our use. They are here, demanding that we love. It does not mean for-get. It means for – give. You see, this verb is set up so that in doing so, nothing is removed or taken. Life is an action of creation and ultimately, our evolution demands that our actions proceed always consciously towards that outcome (creation). For – give someone and you’ve both received the gift. You will move ahead with a fuller appreciation for the variety of possibilities and they too, will benefit. Without your judgment, they will be left to assess themselves. This is the ultimate test of maturity and development, no? The act of self-examination. We came to deliver a gift you know. The time for its offering is right this moment. Stand up and remember your light, it is so very much needed in these dark and disturbing days. Once you turn on the switch, the dark vanishes. Just realize where the switch stands. It rests in your heart; the brilliant light of self-love that illuminates the darkness. In times such as we now face, the onslaught of announcements brings daily bouts of self- examination. These are mirrors we set up eons ago, nothing more; judgment is counter-productive. I am finding that all of my practices are helping now… meditation, visualization, the repeating of mantras. I need a strong base. I’ve been asking myself, “We signed up for this?” “What were we thinking?” The trick seems to be remembering how many tools we have at our disposal, and accepting who we are. We are not better than any other, we ARE every other. Which is why, I suspect, this violent storm, this paroxysm, is experienced viscerally. Who better than us to turn this around? We are creator gods, brilliant beings of light all dressed up for the greatest show in all of creation. It’s been perfectly cast and the set itself is dazzling. It’s show time. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are anchors for the light. Let’s do this. In gratitude and with so much love, ~Sophia PS – My books and newsletter are available here. If you shop on Amazon, starting here will support my work! Thanks for writing a review! Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged. |
April 2024