![]() The two videos that follow were produced in 2011 and 2012. The message still holds. This post is a response to a request from one of us. We are the Ones we've been waiting for.
![]() ~ Re posted from December 2011 ~ I can't help but notice the striking polarity all around... our dream is shifting and we are all feeling the change in resonance. If there is one thing we can be sure of it is that "this too shall pass". (12/9/11) Love is love, and we are one. It is universal. It is complete and whole and it is you and it is me and it does not matter if we ever meet. We are the same stuff. I read about nationalities and star nations and generations and sexes, yet truly, it is all just costuming. Yes, there can be different degrees of comfort but truly, once you see without the lens of judgment you will see only love. Those that are the least lovable are our greatest teachers and our brightest lights. (12/11/11) You are here to remember who you are. This is not a state to be attained while meditating on a mountaintop. It is an awareness to be realized while changing diapers and pumping fuel. The life you have chosen is one of absolute glory - to recognize the beauty in the mundane and see the sacred in the ordinary is a gift beyond measure. It guarantees your cup will always be full. (12/12/11) To live without judgment is to live without fear. It begins within. You are on a circular route and repeatedly enter and exit at different points. It has taken many lifetimes, as existence holds infinite possibilities and this is merely one of them. It is not the only one or the final one or the most important one, for they are judgments. Every moment in each lifetime holds equal value. (12/14/11) The sameness of your days does not diminish their importance. See all as equal. Love every nuance without judgment. It is your goal to love yourself, to see yourself as Source beholds you. There has never been one such as you and there never will be again. You are unique and this moment, with your contribution to it, is perfection. (12/13/11) You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia ![]() “We are like the caterpillar now; not knowing yet it is a butterfly, but seeing bits of light as the cocoon it has been slumbering in is dissolving... Our wings are still wrapped close around us, as it is our belief they are for protection. We do not need protection, for we can fly.” (re-posted from December 2011) Today, “Wake Me Up” is the number one song in seventy countries, making it the most popular song in the world. We are collectively speaking, sensing our re-birth, and celebrating it! “Life’s a game made for everyone, and love is the prize”! (Wake me up-Avicii) As our birthing progresses, we discover our core selves. You may not turn out to be as you suspected. Yet you are familiar, and you are you. We are not cookie cutter beings. We are unique and united, an especially elegant trick. Source wants to experience every possible permutation of us. We are the creators. We are the angels. Accept your wings, with all of their flaws and abilities. You are the One you've been waiting for. ~Sophia ![]() This misunderstanding about love is perhaps THE MISUNDERSTANDING. Agape is unconditional SELF-love. To love without condition means to accept all facets of existence. Every dark thought, angry outburst and violent emotion must be absorbed into the fabric of you and loved. You can no longer afford to love half way or part way – the energetic push of creation in this moment now is asking of you – everything. This shift you are participating in is not just something you are watching, it is what you are doing. All of the wondrous changes you hear about in the next dimensions are possible when you leave the density of fear. They cannot be instilled onto a fearful population to eliminate the fear – they are the by-products of a fearless and loving heart. This is how it works. There are many visions of earth in the next dimension, and they include prosperity, health, happiness and love on a continual basis. These are visions of who you actually are – they are not new versions of you, but core expressions of your true nature. Fear is gone from these versions of you. The fear that pre-dominates your life is a lie. It is not true. Truth is love and that is what you are. You exist as a physical form expressing all possibility – a “thought form” as another teacher, (Eckhart Tolle), calls you. What is there to fear in a thought form? All thoughts can be changed. Most of you currently hold thoughts about your life which include concepts of blame. In order for those thoughts to hold any merit, (and so you do not consider yourself nuts), you must also think of someone, another person, to be at fault so that you can blame them. It could be a lover, a parent or a wealthy banker. You also hold thoughts of frustration and again, in order for you to NOT think of yourself as crazy, you must create someone or something to be frustrated about – a lover, another driver or a boss. You may hold thoughts of imperfection and so you create illness, handicaps, and bodies that fall short somehow of your ideal image. We are powerful creators. We are divine pieces of the ONE, experiencing ourselves as young, old, rich, poor, happy, angry, violent, peaceful, etc... We have created it all, as ONE, and right now we have chosen to change it up a bit. WE have done it ourselves. The changes we are seeing now have always been possible, only now more of us are seeing them. They will become your life when you believe them to be reality, not fantasy. The precise future can not be predicted because there is no future – linear time is a construct so that each idea can be fully experienced – aging, learning, growing, etc… Life is occurring now as you are creating it now. It evolves as your thoughts do. Each moment, each thought, is creative. So, what this means is that the shift in consciousness is happening and will happen as we all, as a collective, create it. Your experience of it will be unlike any other you’ve had because you believe that to be true. In order for this transformation to occur, we must do some internal transforming. The thoughts we hold around love are filled with fear. We have been taught these things and it is time now to trust what you know rather than what you think. Love is something you know. It is who you are and it resonates deeply. It feels good. It comforts. It is familiar. It knows you. It sometimes evokes excitement. It feels powerful. These are words attempting to describe the indefinable and the sacred. Love is the source. Words such as right or wrong or good or bad do not belong here. Love is. It will not be denied. We have been taught to fear it because it is the most powerful idea in creation and once realized and utilized we can no longer be controlled. Fear is a tool that has been used to manipulate and it no longer serves your purpose to be manipulated. We will have to accept all others as ok, and most importantly, love ourselves, for this transition to proceed seamlessly. Realize who you are and then understand that how you see everyone in your life is a reflection of how you feel about you. The world looks as it does because so many are fearful. The more we love without condition, the more the world will change. There is nothing else to do. It starts with you. It ends with you. It is only you. You are the spark of creation and the source of this shift. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. In Lak’ech, ~Sophia (reprinted from November 2011) ![]() Two years ago, a message was sent to our off world neighbors (here). The response came two ways. One was in the comments section of that video, a conversation that is ongoing (here). Another is a visit, described (here). Today, some thoughts emerge. The January 1, 2012 video describes us – brilliant beings of light. It invites interaction. Not government sanctioned interaction or contact when we are “worthy”. It is an invitation, period. It operates as any other invitation and can be accepted or refused. What’s happened since then? We’ve woken up on a grand scale. We made a choice to shift this planet ourselves, which is not surprising for a population of Masters. UFO sightings have increased tenfold. UFO landings have not. That’s fine. The invitation still stands. They know where we live. They even know who sent the invite. We have woken up and thrown off our covers to reveal our sovereignty. We are not meek or subservient, but absolutely brilliant. Any conversation that leaves us waiting or having to perform yet one more thing in order to receive something is not worth having. Recognize a continuation of the experiment wherever and whenever it shows up. It may spring from an unlikely source, yet the feeling of waiting and unworthiness is unmistakable. Now I’ve looked for ships, seen ships and spoken to their inhabitants. It’ll be great to meet them and get to know each other. That could happen anytime. There is nothing left to do in order to receive a response to an invitation. Once sent, the ball is clearly in another court. Do you realize what you’ve done? The cabal is coming down. Not because someone else from someplace else brought them down, but because you did. You planned it that way. You’ve succeeded. There is nothing more powerful than a self aware being. You are lesser than none; a beacon of light. The veil has been thick and obscured your vision. It can be a bit blurry when you first emerge – confusion results. You’ve mistakenly believed that the light was emanating from some other. Not so. Those are mirrors. The reflection of your light is blinding. In this time of emergence, carefully evaluate everything. Songs, conversations and actions are reflections of where we are. Anything that empowers and instigates fun and joy without requirement or judgment is growth producing. It’s a tricky moment. We are equal to everyone. Not greater. Not lesser. Equal. Expect as much respect as you offer. Regardless of worlds from which we spring, we are One. Worldwide disclosure will catapult many events and expose eons of hidden history. We’ve been clear on our intent. We’ve spoken as One. We do not need to speak again. The invite was sent and received. Why it hasn’t been accepted is not clear. Yet one thing is. Any message that informs us there is still something we must do before it is, is just a continuation of slave talk. That experiment is over. Be ready for the new and expect your wildest dreams. You are beholden to none, whether on or off world. We are at the threshold of amazing. This demands a willingness to trust yourself, to love without condition and to hold yourself in a place of power. If you’ve ever heard the expression, “He’s more afraid of you than you are of him”, consider the idea that it doesn’t only apply to wild animals. This delay of contact would seem to imply that it references our off world cousins as well. Understand the power you hold may be perceived as dangerous or unpredictable. Send only love, acceptance and unity without fear or subservience. Embrace a world that includes all possibilities for creation and life and that is the world we’ll inhabit. This is our intention, our creation, our world. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ![]() It is what holds you apart from your power. It perceives weakness. It imagines need. It sees the source of your essence outside of yourself. This final illusion is the greatest of them all. This last and greatest illusion is that you are less. This keeps us at bay; relentlessly asking, constantly searching, always doubting, never sure, forever waiting. It tells us fulfillment comes from someone, something, or someplace else. It is never here, not now and most certainly not you. The specifics matter not. What defines this illusion is that it depletes you. This last and greatest illusion is that you do not know the truth. It is not true that someone else should love you – you must love you. It is not required that someone else show up to save you – you must save yourself. This is not anyone else’s life. This is your life. We have birthed a new age together. Like a newborn, it is the care in these early moments that shapes the life to come. It is not time to wait for a person, law, bank or god to give you the atmosphere you think you need for happiness. That baby is here right now, breathing in the air all around it, taking whatever nourishment you are offering. This is the foundation from which it will grow. Think about what you are offering. Unity, joy, strength and compassion do not spring from name calling, finger pointing, doubt, subservience, blame or accusation – no matter how cleverly given. What you give, you see more of. What you believe becomes your life. This is truer today perhaps than it has ever been. There is a line from the Harry Potter series – “constant vigilance”. It is worth keeping that in mind. There are no small moments or inconsequential acts of love. You have been placed here now to usher in Agape. Your mind operates in relentless pursuit of data – what do you fill it with? Self-doubt, criticism and descriptions of pain and cruelty are creative thoughts. You’ve been deliberately misled by mainstream media to think you must see, experience and share each horrific event as it happened. That somehow knowing all the grisly details of the latest crime makes you a compassionate human being. It does not. Fill your mind with the world you’d like to be living in. This does not mean to stick your head in the sand. Yet it does mean to pay attention to where you dwell. Do not underestimate the knowledge of those who’ve held the keys to our education and information for a very long time. We’ve learned from a young age that someone else knows the answers, that we can “fail” and that we are powerless to lead ourselves. It is with that in your mind now that you search for answers outside of yourself. There is only one question, and its answer will tell you what it is you seek. “How does this person, place, action, thing or subject matter make me feel?” The answer to this will direct you. Rules and sins be damned. You are trustworthy. You are good. You are, in fact, quite a decent and intelligent human being. You know what serves you. You really do. You have just forgotten how to listen. We are One. What serves you, serves the whole. Trust your inner sense. It does not lie. There is no one greater or lesser than you. The value you hold has been marginalized, bonded and squandered without your conscious intent. You hold the truth now. Your essence is unlimited. Your power is exceptional. Be vigilant. Use every bit of it. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia ![]() How many times must you read or hear or see something that validates your own knowing – before you trust your own truth? The ones that have come before you, those you’ve heard tell of, that have done the seemingly impossible – did not hold any greater power than you do right now. The difference is that they believed. They did not come up to the moment and look around for some greater or wiser “other” to explain to them the process. They showed up and did what came naturally to them. They operated from their core truth. It was all they knew. It was enough. The ideas embedded deeply in your subconscious around hierarchy, worship, fear and payment were planted there intentionally from the beginning. They come from training, not truth. As the story of the origin of man is told, it sounds familiar. There may be a part of you questioning which chapters are true NOW. There have been so very many lies. But you know. It is held within you. There is no place in which you are less. Throw out the word “only”. You are not merely a color or a gender or a name – you are a god. You hold no limitations. Your life is not here to be spent, as if in exchange for something else, something better. It is meant to be lived. In all cases there is nothing better to trade it in for. There is right now, the focal point of creation, the moment where it all begins. What will you do with this treasure? There is no greater gift than NOW. Enlightenment does not take you away from anything. It exposes what’s been there all along. You do not need to learn how to be what you are. Listen. You’ve carefully placed reminders all around you. They show up in whispers and websites, neighbors and strangers. This is not a test and no studying is necessary. You cannot cheat. You wrote it and are taking it as a sort of game. You can play as long as you choose. As we engage you’ll recognize and remember moves you’ve made before, many times. There are old favorites, signature strategies meant to supply specific emotional content. Now they’ve been exposed. You are free to choose the outcome of this round. The familiar pulls but you are aware now. You know a fruitless effort when you see one. No one has to tell you what doesn’t work. The amazing part is here. It’s like nothing you’ve imagined and better. This is so because, as master craftsmen and women, you’ve held a picture of the exquisite always in your heart. It’s what you do. Many billion versions of perfection are creating this moment with full hearts and wide open eyes. You were there at the beginning, eagerly nodding your head as you signed up for this experiment. Why? Not for pain or suffering or loss or debt, although you knew that was included. You signed up for right now. The realization and recognition of your eternal essence is beyond your wildest imaginings. As our friend Bob Wright said so beautifully, “Look into each others eyes and see the angels that have been prophesied. It is you.” You are the ones we’ve been waiting for. In Lak'ech Ala K'in ~Sophia |
January 2025