The old stuff isn’t working. The energy we are currently in, well, this is what it looks like from here: In the children, there is excitement. They are pushing limits and looking around wondering who will tell them when to stop, or what to do. This may not sound so different but somehow it is. Those kids who are used to being blamed or blaming aren’t having either right now. The adults in charge are too pre-occupied to blame anyone. All sorts of “ailments” are flaring up. These may be physical or habitual. Ways of coping with them that used to work – aren’t. Personalities are sticking out all over the place. Secret tendencies are no longer so secret. We are seeing our true selves. We are asked now to decide who we be. The controls have lifted. This is the only way I know how to describe it. There is a change in the energy of places. Before now, I could “feel” a room and it felt sort of contained and reachable. Not so now. The rooms are still filled with us, and our energy signatures, yet there is not cohesiveness. It is a room of individuals, all on their own. No one is “in charge” but us. We’ve moved from controlled to freedom and are being asked now to create in real “time” – everything. This is what we’ve chosen as a race. There were options – and humanity chose self-determination. Who we be and how we govern ourselves is up to us. Every moment is a creation moment. A short look around will show you evidence of system failure and personality explosions. This is an intense time. We must go easy on ourselves. The controls are off and it’s sort of like our first time riding a bicycle without training wheels. We are going to fall off a few times. I am seeing miracles and extremes in health, as well as reversals in temperament, as we each see the “played out” and unrestricted versions of ourselves and then decide – Who am I? These are heady times. We’ve only just begun. This is Boots on the Ground Ascension. Everything is self-determined. We are at constant choice. Our new earth will be unlike anything ever witnessed. It will be exactly what we believe it can be. It will be specifically what we intend it to be. Intend abundance. Breathe compassion. Believe love. This is why we came. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Note – After writing this first piece in the middle of the night, I was contacted by someone from the Pleiades. I have not spoken to this being before. I am including it here with this post as it is relevant to the subject of these new energies. This took place on October 26th, 2015. My part of the conversation is in bold type and italics. If you would like to read other conversations I am having, you can sign up for my newsletter here. “Who wants to connect?” Yes. Settle in and we will communicate. Something has occurred. What do you refer to? Something in your world and as well, your physical self is different now today than it was the last time we reached you here. You are experiencing the results of the impact. The impact of what? The impact of the force stream of awareness – you are being flooded now and as these things take hold you will react in some sort of response. There is no way to plan for this precisely as there are no forerunners. Its never happened and never been done. Not while physical and not under the deep constraints that have held you apart. Apart from truth and without assistance. You have been “protected” while “controlled” from any extreme fluctuations of force. You are not now shielded in the same way. Oh, there are forces/beings scrambling to regain footing but they have no effect. Not in this now moment. Humanity is on her own in a very real way. Things like organizational systems, medical, government, educational, spiritual – they are not now being pushed around and put in specific places that serve a single small group. The head of the snake has been removed. This is not Medusa, where 2 grow back. This is now a headless creature. What must happen is new ways of sight, and direction and control of the body needs to be established. What is seen now is a form of quiet chaos. This energy is individually felt, assessed, absorbed and assimilated while on the run. New behaviors are emerging. As you ascertain their effectiveness, you’ll decide if they are something you want to continue or not. Guidelines are just not there. Without them, an absence is experienced and a sense of the loss. It’s not something you’ll miss; it’s something you’ve never been without. This moment is about self-realization and creation. Who you want to be is who you will eventually, it seems like, settle in on. Who is this? I am an observer of your shift. I have not interacted with you prior to this now moment. I am from the Pleaides. At this point I had a phone call and this interaction ended. This was sort of an echo of my earlier thoughts, as written in the blog post above. I suspect that’s why I was contacted. I don’t know if the message was complete, but I don’t think so. This validated (for me) the extreme changes I have been both witnessing and experiencing internally these last several weeks. Particularly the children, who I refer to as the canaries in this coal mine, are sort of off the charts in behavior extremes, and mostly very happy all the time, regardless of what is happening around them. Something has changed, for sure. It feels like we are only at the beginning… One more “noticing” is that those beings out there now are of a different sort. When opening yourself for contact of any kind, it is beneficial in a very real sense to declare “Highest and best for all concerned. Just love. Pure love.” We generate a great deal of interest and are drawing crowds! It is a simple thing to guarantee all are being served with the contact. With love, ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here.
This Quest continues. Thanks to all of you who’ve responded via letters and posts to last week’s question! It has taken these many days to ponder them and offer more. Our collective journey affords insight as well as numerous opportunities for further expansion. As we travel – situations, people and beings show up – each of them asking for growth. This is why we came together. We can’t do this alone. Last week’s query used the words “without depending on evidence”. It was written that way deliberately. “No evidence” asks us to “know” evidence is there without sight or sound of it. It’s like knowing Santa Claus is real because there are presents under the tree. Can we believe without ever seeing who put them there? Can we accept love in any form? What is love anyway? There is passion and creativity, laughter and support. There is truth. There is life itself, in all of its raw intelligence. These current energies are washing us, cleaning away the debris and leaving us naked in front of the crowd. It’s not always pretty. It’s not always fun. Yet it breathes authenticity, it whispers “Psst…. Over here, you may have forgotten this part, this too is you.” Can you love it all? Mirrors abound. Personally, I am weary of the view. I am dizzy with the force. I am simultaneously aware that this is the most incredible moment that has ever been. I see blatant exhibitions of it all – depression, meanness, excitement, passion, beauty, confidence, love, intelligence, gratitude, compassion. It is simple truth. We are boundless and ripe with possibility in this NOW moment. It sounds trite yet words have not yet been imagined for what it is we are doing. We are re-imagining ourselves. The pictures we held of need and lack are dissolving and in their places we are inventing Agape. This is everyday Agape. This has not been done. This means that in your quest for happiness you discover that answers exist locally. They have been hiding in plain sight. You are asked to love all of you. No exceptions. The sadness and pain and lack are answered with acceptance. Habits of drama are not useful. Habits of awareness can replace them. There is nothing wrong. Right now you are fine. I am fine. We are good. The past does not exist, nor the future. The power of love is right now. And now. And now. And now. It all happens now. I don’t know your specifics but I know your blueprint. It was drawn in pure light and saturated with love. This is the time for your emergence. WE NEED YOUR LIGHT. We are, each of us, coming to terms with parts of ourselves we find distasteful. These parts have been pinned on others until recently. There is no blame in Agape. The mirror’s reflection does not lie. It was you all along. One of you said, in response to my question, that we came together for a reason, and that maybe, its okay to need each other. Maybe the reason is to understand that it’s all okay. It is, in truth, always a group effort. Oneness is complicated that way… hard to dissect. One and all are the same. We are actualizing oneness in real “time”. We came together to help each other in a myriad of ways. It is not just our favorite ones that are a part of our soul group, it’s everyone. I think it is a choice. That I can choose in each now moment what it is I want to play at, to reflect, to feel, to be. That it can all be okay. That it is a journey and with each step a new path is laid out, showing me yet more opportunities for expression. I think that needing and wanting are different. That I can let go of needing love from another and just want love from another, knowing that if what I want doesn’t show up this moment, there is always another moment waiting. That in each of these moments, I AM love, regardless of who does or doesn’t show up to reflect that. I think that I will look for agape, and see what shows up. This Quest continues… have a great week! With so much love, ~Sophia Please sign up for my newsletter, here! Being immersed in my own process creates a challenge – to first of all be willing to peek out and engage at all, and second to find something worthwhile to discuss? Because more than anything else, this current focus is on self. With a magnifying lens pinned squarely on my heart – a variety of images appear. They morph and shift and re-form into situations and people and obstacles – each carrying the same lesson plan. What is clear here is that not only are we born alone, and do we die alone, but we expand alone. Enlightenment is not accomplished via title or specific process or group or increased vibration – it emerges from self-acceptance. What doesn’t matter is who you’ve been or how many things you’ve done while being her or him. What this depends on then, is who you are now. And now. And now. And now. A dear friend of mine told me about the book “The Presence Process” by Michael Brown. It is “a journey into present moment awareness”. It is not a course. You can’t sign up for it or have anyone lecture you about it. He doesn’t teach it. You have to read it and do it yourself. I love that because of where it puts the responsibility – right on us. We can’t short-cut or smiley-face this one. As “time” moves and I find more acceptance of “others” I also discover the real one I need to accept – myself. What surprises me is how much this surprises me. The deep self-acknowledgement that accompanies sovereignty leaves no doubt as to worth. There is no room for fault or blame in absolute awareness. How do we overcome what may amount to years of self-abuse? How do we stop? If we accept that this existence is a hologram and “as above so below” and “there is no out there, out there” – then there is only one place to go for this love we are seeking. It is to our very heart. I realize I held love Quests for years in an effort to discover the keys to Agape. Today I cannot run a 7-day-in-a-row Blog/Quest, due to current “jobs” and “time constraints”. I will, however, hold a Love Quest. It may go on for weeks. On this Quest I’ll search out loud for Agape. I’ll start here, today, with a question. We’ll continue on Facebook Here, and on the blog Here; with comments and more questions. The Question is this – “How can we let go of our dependence on “other” for love/validation/worth?” I’ll end here. Facebook will not allow me to invite guests, so please join here. If you are not on Facebook, please use the comment section of the blog on my website here. I love you all so very much. I’ll continue soon… ~Sophia PS – In my newsletter is a “soft disclosure” via conversations with a wide variety of beings. Sign up here! Akin to ocean waves, this recent energetic pulse is a huge force. It will not be stopped. It has been building far off from the expanse of the cosmos. It brings things with it, washes over whatever it touches, and carries things out with it. AND IT TOUCHES EVERYTHING. Like a steamroller, it sort of rolls over the landscape to make it all equal. What we’ll have then is a starting point. This will be disruptive at first and for sometime after. As the new levels adjust, there will be peace in your breathing and from within – your world will turn around. It starts with you. Everyone will be taken off guard, not able to stand still or in one place, holding their ground. You will be knocked off balance. What happens when you are knocked off balance? You reach for the first supportive and nearby thing to grab onto – to hold you steady so that you can regain your footing. It feels like this wave is meant to be ridden. Standing still while it floods in will be near impossible. It’s time to “go with the flow”. I see this played out in children, co-workers & myself. Most children and a surprising # of adults are excellent surfers. They are confused, yet energized, busy and engaged. They are explorers and sort of resemble the “deer caught in headlights” look. Those that haven’t yet learned to surf are crabby, sour faced and struggling to hang on. The foundations they’ve counted on to support them for so long are crumbling. They feel lost and react with more severe attempts at control. It’s sort of a glorious mess. This process, foretold and planned these many years is happening in our lifetime, right now and before our eyes. Our bodies and hearts can’t help but respond as well. The old is being turned over, washed up, exposed and altered or dragged out. Surf’s up! Time to learn to “hang ten”. (Or some other way to ride this wave, see video below.) We will navigate this, either smiling, screaming, or both. We came for this. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here! |
April 2024