This again, is a time of Awakening. There are states of “wakefulness” if you can call it that, and what has been brewing within for several years now, perhaps many years, is coming to fruition. Long have you felt an intellectual understanding and agreement with “new” alternative philosophies around life, love, leadership, prosperity and independence. Yet the daily living of such seemed a “pipe dream”; more fantasy than practical. You've adapted in your ways – either dropping out of main stream or maintaining one foot in two worlds. Neither choice has been comfortable or felt complete. Authenticity occurs when you respond to life in each moment from your core. Not some fabricated version of you that has adapted to Slavery's rules and systems – but your very essence. We are so very close now. In each conversation and every action you may notice the choices at hand. They either ring true or feel repetitive and constricting. It is as if the bonds of control have been pushed against for so long; stretched as your heart expands, that they've become frayed. No longer can your heart voice be contained. More and more, you are using your heart to choose. This is the Shift upon us; the grand Awakening. Do not mistake the lack of global prosperity packages or ships in our skies for “nothing happening”. Think of it this way. It's been like running a marathon. What is seen by the world is you crossing the finish line on the day of the race. One nan o-second at the end of countless hours of preparation and training. The story is told not there, but in the months of training, every set back and each muscle cramp. Your body had to prepare for that crossing. So do you now, and you have. Ideas around unity, sovereignty, worth and agape are more than thoughts for us now – they are felt in our hearts with increasing emphasis and repetition. We are not the same as we once were. When we completely “grock” our immeasurable value – abundance is realized. Once we harbor no division based on color, nation, opinion or creed – full disclosure happens. We see now a ramping up by governments utilizing false flags and extreme efforts at control. What will stop them is quiet revolution. You are ready for this. Instigating panic is only necessary if you are attempting to incite fear in a populace. It is being utilized now because in a state of fear you are easily manipulated. There are things you can do right now to cancel the effect of that manipulation. Humans are very predictable in states of fear. A different response will not “feed the beast” of power-over and manipulation; it will instead stop this abuse and halt further attempts at control. What is desired is obedience. Instead, try these: A non-response A looking right at what is being done (rather than being sucked into the “false flag” A resistance A refusal A GATHERING TOGETHER Any effort to join mankind has produced change. With these latest scare tactics of “disease”, an attempt is being made to isolate you from your #1 Power Source – each other. See these events for what they are; there is nothing to fear in your fellow humans. It is Unity that will refute any plans at ultimate control and manipulation. What they don't want is what you must do. This is perhaps a new thought for us, as we spend our days locked in our homes and habits. This is what you are here to do. We are together here; we've come for the same reason and it is upon us now to remember. We are the ones we are waiting for. Much love, ~Sophia Check out my website for Quests, Sessions, more Blogs and Mandalas.
We’ve woken up. We can clearly see our slavery. We bought the story – hook, line and sinker. Did we put up a fight before we were snatched from our sovereignty? I believe so. Elements of the fight are everywhere. There have always been revolutionaries, whistle blowers, and conspiracy theorists. Their language is becoming mainstream. You hear words like “private agenda” and “line their own pockets” on Capitol Hill and on Main Street. Movements to “access our value” are a growing part of the conversation. It’s true, we’ve been robbed, if willingly. Yet there is something alarming (IMO) about a monetary value being given to our eternal essence. We became convinced of the necessity to “earn a living”. Think about those three words. Do they naturally fit? What is “a living”? I submit that each of us reading these words and breathing this air have “a living” going on. End of story. No earning necessary. Lie #1. We were told that: Some of us and some of Mother Nature’s stuff have more value than others of us. Lie #2. There are things we “need” in order to “get” some of that more valuable stuff. Lie #3. The only decent, honest way to get these things we “need” and this more valuable “stuff” is to “earn a living”. Lie #1. Systems are in place to regenerate this circle of lies that surround our slavery. Those systems exist to keep less than 1% of us very fat, very happy, and stocked with an eternal supply of bait. Bait to fish. The “more” does not cease, there is never enough. They are fishing for slaves. Any bait will do. The truth we’ve woken up to informs us of our worth. It shouts at us. We are made of the stuff of Gods. We are priceless. Does God have a price tag? How much Source can you cash in for $7 million? $7 billion? $7 trillion? Are you, as a God, willing to contract with the system set up to enslave your body for ANY AMOUNT? What will the terms of a “Contract of Being” look like? This plan for the enslaved human race is brilliant and has taken many lifetimes to unravel. Any documents introduced to the same players will merely prolong the play and necessitate new strategies. The game will only end when we stop playing. I have an older brother and sister. I looked up to and wanted to please them. I once gave my brother my allowance in exchange for an IOU he convinced me was just as valuable. I once gave my sister a brand new top in exchange for a worn out t shirt she convinced me was just as valuable. I was the lesser aware partner in these trades. I am suggesting we consider here, are we? This is not about a few dollars or a piece of clothing – we are talking about our soul. Documents are being prepared that give away representations of portions of our eternal essence. For cash. For the system that was set up to enslave us in the first place. The system must be changed, yes. We do not need to “earn” anything. We Are. We Are Gods. The stage we are at now, the one where we are creating documents of value carried by groups of eternal essence embodied, is pivotal. It clarifies our sight. We need nothing to be the Gods that we are. You certainly don’t need to accommodate a system that keeps you beholden to it. That keeps you coming back for more and more and more. That keeps those fishermen well fed; with plenty of time to come up with new bait. Bait for us. God’s don’t ask permission. God’s DO what serves them and the whole of creation. This moment is about releasing the stranglehold this 3D program has on our heart and soul. As we separate and contemplate, what are we really saying? Remember who you are. Let every action serve your absolute value. This is not held in any contract. This is held only in your heart. You are living light, walking love and God in human form. You are a brilliant force. You are here to create a new way, a new home, one fit for 7 Billion Gods. You are the One we are waiting for. ~Sophia Words like “should” and “owe” and “debt” and “obey” are uncomfortable. They rest uneasy on my BEing. Faced now with Freedom, where do they fit? Guilt is a dress I have worn often, as has my mother and her mother before her. It feels familiar yet it no longer fits. It feels more like a strait jacket – meant to hold me in. I’ve begun to take it off, noticing the awkward, sort of exposed feeling that results. What to do with all these parts – loose and able to move? As we look around, we notice others like ourselves. Some of us are looking for other strait jackets; even trying them on. Some of us are selling new models of the same dress our grandmothers wore. Some of us are tentatively moving a few of our parts and giggling as the sensation of “free” runs through our bodies. We are whispering to each other, frightened and thrilled all at once. We are not sure how comfortable we are yet – but there is hope. We can’t take our eyes off of those who’ve left their old dress crumpled in the corner. They appear to be naked; without shame, regret, embarrassment or doubt. They are fierce in their display; almost daring us to look away. We can’t. We want to know what it is they have that looks so good. It didn’t cost any money. It is no different than anything I’ve got. It’s easy to tell without the dress – everything is just out there, free to see and to BE. All at once Freedom sounds wonderful and terrifying. Life has been spent paying someone to take care of us – to finance things we couldn’t afford and decide for us what needed doing and correcting. We’ve become lazy and comfortable in our mother’s dress. Yet is has cost too much, much too much; not only monetarily – but emotionally, spiritually, mentally and physically with our labor, our signature and/or our pledge. I’m done with that. I’ve seen the naked ones and they just look so damn happy! I don’t think we came here to be comfortable, wearing our mother’s dress or our father’s shoes. I think we come here naked with good reason – so that the first thing we have to do is pick out our own clothes, or wear nothing at all. We are here to push the limits that someone before us decided to stay within; to see just how far we can take this human suit. We are born with everything we need. We are the one’s we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia I do not want to change your mind. I want to touch your heart. With your heart engaged, your mind can’t help but make the right choice for you. Notice the landscape. Do not dismiss these new features. They demand closer inspection. Decide what resonates. Listen, discern and act when you are moved to. The OPPT asks nothing of you. It is like a soundtrack, playing in the background as you construct your world. Consider your life; some things you want more of, others less. There are tools and there are obstacles. Decide which is which and use what serves you. There is no coercion in these filings. How you interpret them in your day to day is completely up to you. Decide what serves you. Do your own homework. The OPPT-Isn’t: a law something to sign something to join a conspiracy a constitution something to pay for a requirement something to follow a demand a trick corrupt invasive more debt a movement to follow a set of rules to obey a fad a suggestion a club a group a list of suggestions a country a government a financial system an educational system a cult a puzzle something to vote for something to fight for a lie fraud deceit a demand a problem to decipher going to hurt you going to enslave you going to tax you going to ask you for money going to foreclose on you going to put you in jail something for only the next generation easy to comprehend The OPPT-is: simple to embrace a re-statement of our worth, the value of the One People a re-statement of the Declaration of Independence for all generations transparent legal worldwide free freedom What happened in 1776 was that the Declaration of Independence said “We declare these truths to be self evident…that all men were created equal…” Since then, governments were corporatized and banks and schools have been corrupted and controlled by their CEO’s. As the depth of this corruption was discovered and uncovered, a solution was offered – foreclose the corporations and return the power to the people themselves. The UCC filings took care of that. Your life only has to change if that is your choice. You stand without requirement. Can you see yourself without bonds or binds of any kind? When you can, this Trust, the Public Trust of the One People, will have served its purpose. The OPPT isn’t the answer. It is a catalyst for you to find the answers within. Search your heart. Your value, truth and treasure are not found in any document. They reside within every single one of us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Welcome to the Quest! In truth, although we talk about it for just one week each month, it is ongoing. Life is the Ultimate Quest. There is so much to look at that I am not sure where to focus. Personally and globally we are being asked to declare what we know and who we are. There is only Truth. It rests in two words. I am. Embracing truth is another thing altogether. Whether you are aware of it consciously or not, you are, with each decision, choosing. We’ve heard about this next dimension. With our own set of beliefs and expectations, we each began this transformational year. It has been just two months since our ascension experience. We are firmly and absolutely in the next dimension. What it feels like is up to you. Contrast is everywhere. As One, we experience individual lives. On these monthly journeys we’ve explored love. Love is Truth. Love is Freedom. Love is us. What does that even mean? This is the year we are going to find that out. “Walk your Talk.” How do you “walk” Love? Most mornings you’ll find me at a local school where my son studies jazz. There is a blind young man there each day; walking the neighborhood with an aide and a cane. I’ve watched him for six months now. At first the aide was right next to him with hands on and verbal instructions. Today, she’s several paces behind not saying much. He is leading the way with a huge smile on his face. One day he’ll walk on his own. Freedom. In order to walk the Truth, we will need to give up our personal aide. What is your slavery/ownership crutch? Until you are willing to drop it, you are not free. This is a process. A year ago, we didn’t remember the truth of our BEing. We have a lifetime entrenched in laws and debt and ownership and rules and shoulds and shouldn’ts. We are, right this very moment, defining what Love looks like as it walks around in this new dimension. What do you have to let go of? To feel the fullness of Agape you must stand unencumbered. It is a scary thing, to realize you walk alone here. Yet, this is a physical incarnation. The journey you are on now began with your first breath and will end with your last. No other being does that for you. It is you, all you, nothing but you. Who are you? You are a spark of eternity, birthed from Source. You are equal in every way to kings and criminals, popes and prophets, beggars and beauty queens. Anything written or spoken that claims ownership or control over you is illusion. All are One. There is no hierarchy of worth. As we begin this month, consider the “ties that bind”. Whether they be rings, contracts, numbers, debt or laws does not matter – they signify ownership at some level. You are an eternal bit of Love, unable to be bound. You have pretended, in a game of slavery, to be less. You are so much more than you know. Realize that as you consider letting go of things, rings, rules and obligations – you are not changed. You will always honor the truth of your BEing. You cannot help but BE. No, you will not change, yet you will BEcome the fullness of who you are; a fascinating, individual, indescribable and gorgeous bit of Love. Like the caterpillar, you have built around yourself a cocoon, holding you in one place so that all of your focus could rest on what you came to do – transform. It is time to fly. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia If you listen, and direct the lyrics to whatever bond is still holding you down; whether it be a relationship, a contract, an attitude, a belief, a habit or a debt - this song is about empowerment. This months Quest is about release and our subsequent flight!
We are not changing so much as becoming. The difference is that in the first, you keep looking back to what was and it slows you down; comparisons and judgments are heavy offerings. The second is a brand new BEing, with a way of DOing that has never existed. There has very recently been a new addition to my family. For sure we are all watching “who he BE and what he DO” with nothing but joy – he is brand new! So are you. This day, with this body, these thoughts, feelings and abilities has never been. History is being re-written. Throw out society’s expectations. Pick up your own pen and script your life. What does that mean? It means we are conscious and becoming stronger and more savvy every day. It means now we are free. We have chosen. No longer will we be defined by others. We are filling in our own lives. This is not multiple choice; it’s open ended and there are no limits. Take as long or as short as you wish; all possibilities exist for you now. You are free. Freedom is an attitude. Adopt it. Choose only what serves you. Expand YOU to include everyone breathing the same air. Life gets much more interesting and fun when you lift your head up, smile, hold the door for someone, lend a hand or share a moment. Take all the time you want. Why do you rush through your moments? This day before you holds infinite possibilities and a thousand connections. Be sure to seize them. Play. Play with money, gold, children, each other and all of life. This is why you came! OPPT-IN! Put your photo out there and declare your sovereignty. We cannot do this alone – we need you. We need every single One of us! We are the ONE we’ve been waiting for. It is the idea of freedom that we are defining. It is not the fact of freedom. We are free. Bashar defines abundance as “The ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it.” Sounds like another way to define freedom. Both assume sovereignty. What do you know without question? Who are you? We are being asked now these questions. Your response will structure your reality. This life is a choice. Which outcome are you most invested in? Your answer is given in where you spend the bulk of your time. Energy invested yields equivalent results. Choose intentionally. Freedom demands responsibility. It does not involve subservience, obedience, allegiance, ownership, fault or debt. You Are. Imagine your first day free. You will notice an absence of blame. Everything starts and ends with you. There is no other. It is awesome and wonderful and terrifying in an instant. What I decide, I have. What I choose, I do. What I believe, I am. There is only choice. Do you understand that the Cabal/Illuminati is here as contrast? That they exist in this reality and in fact at this point are everywhere in our lives because we see ourselves as powerless, unworthy and lesser than? That as soon as we understand we are unlimited, powerful, free and equal – we ARE??? (and the Cabal/Illuminati is powerless) This is all illusion. As real and painful and broke and angry as it has become – none of it exists beyond our perception of it. It can be gone and will disappear as soon as we are done playing with it. Are we done yet? You are beholden to none. You are magnificent and brilliant living gold – priceless and beyond measure. We are, right now, creating our new world. How much fun do you want to have? How much gold? How many rules? How many rulers? How many limits? How much abundance? Your life is your fault. Consciously now, choose. Your friends, your words, your thoughts, your doing. You are free. You are limitless. Let yourself go anywhere and with full awareness, BE who you are. You are the ONE you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia It's not like we haven't been warned about this. Plato's Cave tells our story. Bill Hicks spoke about it. George Carlin joked about it. David Icke warns us about it still. About five years ago, Dream Hopper had the following dream which is a foreshadowing of now. He lived in a place where everything was available to him. Life was pretty straightforward. There wasn't much to do, but it wasn't necessarily painful or difficult either. Yet, everyone was shackled. Now these chains were long. He could move around freely and do pretty much anything he could think of. People chose where their chain was worn, the ankle, the wrist, the waist, the neck. These chains were not locked. But they were worn by everyone. Every once in awhile it would occur to someone that "there must be something better than this." They would unhook their chain and go out the door. This had been going on for quite some time and there were stories about the result. Going out the door was risky and always ended in some sort of destruction for the one who did it. Sometimes people didn't come back. The ones who did had horrible stories, to include losing tons of money, falling off the grid, not being able to get anything going and being worn out bodily, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They just couldn't do it anymore. They believed the others, the ones who had never come back, must have met some untimely end. DH unhooks himself and goes out the door. He struggles and finds himself out of money and out of time. He does notice while this is going on, that those who hadn't returned were not dead. They seemed to have figured it out. They were doing okay. He, however, was not. He couldn't figure it out. He went back and re-attached his chain. He gave in to the strong desire for it to be easier. Time passed and again, he grew tired of the chain. He left, this time with a new strategy. He decided to get to know the successful ones. He would learn from them. He noticed what they did. They did not negotiate with the "owners of the room" he had been chained in. They just did not deal with them at all. The only way to not be a part of that system was to just not be a part of that system. He tried it their way. He only dealt with and negotiated with people who were successful. He did not deal with those "in charge of the room". Once he started doing that, he became successful. It wasn't instant but it worked. Excited with his discovery, he ran back to the room, threw open the door and said "You don't have to be in here! There is another way to do this! Come on!". Nobody moved. He said it again. Mostly no one responded. So he left. He woke up before hearing the end of their stories. We are in new territory. Our chains have been removed for us with the UCC filings of the One People's Public Trust. It is upon us now to Be. Be Free. This will take bravery, tenacity and belief. We are challenging all that we have ever known. It is up to us to go out the door first, and then return and tell the others. No one is going to open the door or separate us from our chains. We have to do that ourselves, each of us, in our own way. Freedom isn't something that is granted to you, freedom is something that you take. It is something that you know. It is truth. Free is what you are. Love is who you are. Understand the truth of what has happened with the One People's Public Trust and then return and tell the others. This is why you are here and the moment is upon you right now. We are the One's we've been waiting for. It’s taken 150 years. On January 1, 1863 Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and “proclaimed all those enslaved (in Confederate territory) to be forever free, and ordered the Army (and all segments of the Executive branch) to treat as free all those enslaved.” (Wikipedia) The thirteenth amendment, ratified in 1865, declared slavery illegal in the United States. On December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger. Martin Luther King gave his “I have a dream” speech on August 28, 1963. Barack Obama was elected President of the United States on November 4, 2008. To quote Rosa Parks: "People always say that I didn't give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn't true. I was not tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day. I was not old, although some people have an image of me as being old then. I was forty-two. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in." It is 2013 and still we are slaves. We the people are tired of giving in. Slavery is slavery and what was true for the plantation owners (the Cabal) in the 1800’s is true for the bankers, world leaders and elite (the Cabal) right now. Think about it. As D. indicates here, understand what lengths they will go, to keep us slaves to their system. It is a sweet deal. Their lives are built around it. They’ve had generations to plan this and although their actions may be predictable, they are tenacious and determined. They will not give up. Change to the slavery system threatens life as they know it. We will not get anywhere with combat. Our best and most powerful agent for change is to create something entirely new. We may have just woken up to this corruption, yet we are deeply familiar with struggle, debt, loss and illness. We’ve seen enough of what is criminal and life draining – it’s time to focus elsewhere. We’ve remembered the power of our thoughts; it is time to ramp it up a bit. For certainly there is not one among us who has not thought about free, not dreamt of prosperity, or not imagined their own vitality. Lately, in contrast to our current life, we think about little else. Yet what do we talk about? Is it the good stuff or the struggle? Six years ago began a “No Complaints” campaign. The goal was, and is, a complaint free world. Bracelets were sold and the idea is that you switch wrists with every negative outburst. Eventually you’ll have trained yourself to stop complaining. Now, to fill in all those empty sentences… In the beginning was the Word. The Word – an utterance, a sound, an audible vibration. This is the key to the kingdom – the very tool of creation. The Word started it all. The Word is needed now, to start it again. Pick a word, a phrase, a mantra – and speak it out loud. Say it in your bathroom, your car, on the walk to the train. Say it. Speak it. Give it voice. The world was created with The Word. It will Be again. We are creators. This is what we Do. The “owners” know the power of words. Hence we have mandatory schooling and mainstream media. We’ve been forced to recite their words when we were young, so we’d give up everything to their cause when we grew up. Not today. Today we have our own cause. Freedom. Sovereignty. Prosperity. Say these words or choose your own. Yet begin with the truth – “I AM.” Because YOU ARE. Nothing else out ranks you – not a person. Not a corporation. Say it and feel it. “I AM.” Get into it. Play music that stirs your soul and speak your truth. “I AM Free.” “I AM Love.” “I AM Prosperous.” “I AM Worthy.” “I AM Strong.” “I AM Vital.” “I AM Wise.” “I AM.” There is no other. There is us. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. WE ARE the world. WE ARE the children. Sounds like our song. |
April 2024