I thought I'd make a video to start off 2013 and I still may, but linear time is moving fast. So I'll just say now thank you, and welcome to the rest of our story. It's been one heck of a ride, 2012 is a year that we aren't likely to forget. In it we found the outrageous, the heavenly, the galactic and the deeply spiritual. We are left now looking only at ourselves. What a glorious view that is! We hold in our eyes the greatest of all possible outcomes; it is us. We are the best part of our own story! Funny, quirky, talented, determined, brilliant, loving, forgiving and forever hopeful - we are human. 2012 was the Year of Revelation. We've seen now the truth of our oppression and what have we done? We've declared ourselves an independent race. We are One. It is an honor to be part of this group called humanity. Thank you for all that you are. You are the ONE we were waiting for.
This day dawns like any other and yet it is not. This day opens a new realm of possible outcomes as our awareness of what’s possible hits fertile ground. We are as likely to be rich as poor, healthy as ill, fearful as fearless, happy as sad. No longer are the odds stacked against you. The deck was re-shuffled a week ago – every possible outcome has a chance at manifestation without protest or opposition from an unseen hand. What has been impossible is within reach. We are not blocked by anything but our own habitual ideas of “no” or “can’t” or “that’s never happened”. To be sure these thoughts will be mirrored in each other and some systems still in place, but we are light workers. We are not fooled with smoke and mirrors. The landscape has shifted and the odds are stacked in favor of the light now. Business as usual is no longer; we are system busters. Now our work begins. We’ve come as the part of the seven billion from which the Golden Age emanates. Envision the planet of humanity. Interspersed every so often is just the brightest light – turned on full force. With every “yes” our light increases until there are no longer any dark places. Our earth is radiant. We’ve come to do that. Each moment you love instead of resist has a ripple effect; you know not where it ends. You will find now more open ears, helping hands and questions. You may not have all the answers, but one will suffice – “I don’t know, let’s figure it out together”. We are One. December 21, 2012 was a great equalizer. All of us woke up from it as one humanity on one earth. This is fantastic news! We cannot hope to embrace Oneness while fiercely holding on to ideas of “more enlightened”, “higher evolved” or “right”. There is no “better” and none of us are “wrong”. We are a diverse, beautiful, complex particle of eternity – individually and collectively. As we head into 2013 I find myself surprised and refreshed. It’s sort of like starting over without the handicap. The burden of judgment is gone – it’s obvious I don’t have all the answers or know precisely what tomorrow will bring. I am as clueless as everyone else. We are up to the moment of creating it. We’ll all find out together. When we say “Happy New Year” in a few days it’ll be more than a familiar greeting. It’ll be our declaration, our starting point, and our marching orders. Doing it our way means doing it with “happy” as the underlying principle. It is up to us to surprise and delight with each new moment we enter. As tough as it was to get that we aren’t going to transform in an instant, it is equally empowering. You see, we are going to transform, in fact, we are in the midst of transformation right now. This story will be written and told by us alone. We are the one’s we’ve been waiting for. Let’s imagine a world where everything is fair. Looks like someone in Hollywood already has – This movie comes out in June of 2013 (preview shown below): http://www.nowyouseememovie.com/ And here is a group of people who have been gathering our wealth for us, waiting for the moment when it can legally be returned (Peoples Trust 1776): http://www.peoplestrust1776.org/ There are other groups as well. Pick a part of life you’d like to be different and join them! Its time to dream, with only one requirement, every dream has a glorious ending. It is our time everyone, we have come to create a new world. We have loads of help; we have each other. Just love. Imagine paradise. Intend for the universe to handle the details. We hold the key to everything we’ve ever wanted. Let’s use our imagination; it is our greatest and most powerful tool. Emotions are the key so stir it up!! See it, feel it, taste it, touch it, smell it, be it! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for! (Okay, and here is one more .... because I think we have a little help from other places as well, and this just makes me smile...) Moving now into this heralded “golden age”, we come to this – full realization. Without separation there is only love. Any division takes place within, as it is there creation is birthed. The spark of desire drives it all. Collectively we awaken and begin to see past one or the other, to all. We are One, there is no other. The sharp division of days, ideas, people and their truth is everything but. A moment in time is indefinable, except by emotion. There is no clock to signify it has begun or ended; no calendar to prepare for its emergence. A moment simply happens. It is unrecognized until it is reflected upon. We hold now the possibility of reflection and self-determination. It is within us. We’ve moved through this pivotal date, 12/21/12; it’s time to say goodbye. We can all agree on at least that – it is over. Anticipation, prediction, preparation or inquiry is no longer necessary, whew! Perhaps the reason for all the hoopla and the “end of times" label was to get us to understand that time is not the point. There are those who tell us that the “dimension” beyond “third” is that of “time”. We’ve talked before about our clocks not working. I can report that there are periods of “time” when even my cell phone tells me it’s a different day and hour than most of this time zone seems to think. This then requires a complete reset, with power source removed, to get back in sync. Time appears to be a random and subjective measurement. So, as we move through this moment now of “after the shift”, how will we proceed? To be sure there will be more predictions and promises of dates and events; yet all fall under “the beginning times”. We’ve hung tightly on to beliefs, definitions and attitudes. This next phase is about letting go; of clocks, dates and ideas that separate. All is One. Unity is possible. Oneness is perceived via the heart. It is our head that clings tightly – our heart knows only freedom. This moment we’ve collectively stepped into will utilize our heart as the primary organ of perception in a conscious way. It’ll be okay to set as primary objectives things like understanding, equality, mutual benefit, collective progress, empowerment and universal success. We’ll declare it to be so. Because we are human, we’ll create this beginning in a unique and exciting way. It’ll be just as we like it best, filled with passion, thrills and edge of your comfort zone choices. It will have contrast and comfort, expansion and steady growth. This is our moment. It cannot be foretold, it must be felt. There will come a point when we’ll look back and reflect, and perhaps agree “Those were the beginning times.” For today though, dates no longer have relevance – it is only now that matters. There is no such thing as late or missed your chance – we are exactly where we need to be. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Here are the lyrics in English for this beautiful song (Time to say goodbye): When I'm alone I dream of the horizon and words fail me. There is no light in a room where there is no sun and there is no sun if you're not here with me, with me. From every window unfurls my heart the heart that you have won. Into me you've poured the light, the light that you found by the side of the road. Time to say goodbye. Places that I've never seen or experienced with you. Now I shall, I'll sail with you upon ships across the seas, seas that exist no more, it's time to say goodbye. When you're far away I dream of the horizon and words fail me. And of course I know that you're with me, with me. You, my moon, you are with me. My sun, you're here with me with me, with me, with me. Time to say goodbye. Places that I've never seen or experienced with you. Now I shall, I'll sail with you upon ships across the seas, seas that exist no more, I'll revive them with you. I'll go with you upon ships across the seas, seas that exist no more, I'll revive them with you. I'll go with you. You and me. I trust the other because I trust myself. Because I trust myself, I trust the other. Distrusting the other, I question my own decision to be where I am, sharing relational space, thus distrusting myself. The other represents an experience I chose, a relationship I created, and in doubting the integrity of my creation I cannot help but doubt the integrity of myself as the creator. I trust I knew what I was doing in the act of creating any given relationship. I choose not to doubt it, holding an understanding that choosing to embark on a creative journey means choosing to be surprised, and that choosing to enter into the creative relational process with another is the antithesis of drawing up a contract and codifying the specifics: true creation inevitably moves into the unknown. Were I only to have relationships within the sphere of what I already know and understand there would be no newness, no discovery, no great learning. It is by trusting the creative impulse that moves me to enter into unknown relational spaces that I am able to stay calm when the relationship travels beyond my comfort zone. By choosing to trust the people in my life, (most especially when the territory of that relationship becomes unfamiliar and the more fearful bits of me begin to mutiny) I choose to trust myself. Link to blog: Ascending Spirals of Understanding : http://curiouscatalyst.blogspot.com/ We rest in varying levels of doubt as this pivotal year ends. I introduce this blog, Ascending Spirals of Understanding, from our Aussie Angel who starts right off dealing with our ultimate dilemma, who can we trust. It is us. We are the ones we've been waiting for. Sometimes there is nothing to be said. Words do not improve art, once viewed the message is complete. As many times as I’ve watched George Bailey’s transformation in “It’s a Wonderful Life”, it’s held a different sort of inspiration. Today I see George's life and transformation as a mirror to ours this 2012 year. Despite everything, the treasure he was searching for was in the eyes of the people he was surrounded by. The answers came from there. The solution was love. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Happiest of holidays. ~Sophia With 3D eyes, December 21, 2012 looked like this: from 4:45AM until well past midnight I sat, danced, walked or sang in meditation. There were hours of solitude, some spent in a darkened room, and others in a sunlit room. Tears were shed in deep grief. Anger and confusion emerged. Parts of it aren’t remembered. I slept on and off. With 5D awareness there was a corridor of golden light beams, sparkling showers of light, with wave after wave of pulsing energy moving through my body – sacred geometric forms swirled around me – still now the visual and sensation of it is instantly accessible. Joyous blasts of bliss enveloped me. Yet all around me looks the same. So what happened? First let me be absolutely clear – I am speaking to that which is not able to be defined. As these words leave this screen and begin to be processed by the left side of your brain, this becomes a fruitless enterprise. I cannot write here about ascension because ascension is not learned, it is done. I would not pretend to know what it is for your soul. Music, the language of the soul, comes closest to voicing the experience. Ascension is a release, a letting go. I write to you now from my ego self; a desire to reach out and connect, to share, to explain, to touch, to love – all motivate these words. How are you now? Disappointed? Blissful? Angry? Joyous? Doubtful? Confused? The number one 3D thing I am not – is changed. I don’t look any different. There isn’t any evidence in my bank account, on my street, in the age of my body or my health. Those hopes were dashed in my 3D brain, hence the emergence of anger and confusion. I will admit to being tired and to feeling blame; I want someone to fix this. I’ve waited many lifetimes and expected ecstasy, perfection and every dream fulfilled – I am due. The 21st of December, 2012, was heralded as the beginning of a New Age – a moment when we’d feel the force of God throughout our being. We’d then begin to live as we were meant to. Every perceived promise and description of this time beyond that one comes from ego. Reality is subjective and you and I cannot subjectively experience the same thing – ever. Those who channel and predict any event cannot tell you about your experience, as it is both created and lived by you alone. We’ve wanted them to. We’ve read and listened and asked for specifics. We’ve watched the skies expectantly and packed our physical and emotional bags, and waited. If this moment is about anything at all it is about transformation. I don’t know whether the descriptions and promises were deliberate manipulations or misinterpretations or misunderstandings; but I know this. For a year or so I’ve been saying “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” There is the answer we seek. It can not come from outside of us. Finally now we must believe this truth. In a population of 7 billion, light workers are not the majority. There are maybe a million of us. We’ve come to this planet at this time to hold the light. We have. On the 21st of December 2012 we shifted. A new age is upon us. It will not be an age described or defined into reality by anyone but you. You cannot look beyond your own heart for the answer you seek. December 21st, 2012 was a moment of choice. From that day forward we proceed in full consciousness; led by either our mind or our heart. Choose now and in each new instance. You are here because you love the physical, emotional being that is human. Make no mistake; this is a delicious life; addicting at every turn – high, low, joy, pain, anger, calm, laughter and passion. We are free. We emerge together from the weight/wait of expectation, disappointment and judgment of ego into the fullness of love, truth and autonomy of our divinity. No longer will we stand for domination, war, poverty, corruption, injustice, hunger or disease of any kind. We are One – a living, breathing, feeling, tasting, touching, brilliant being that is humanity. That is what happened on the 21st and the fullness of it cannot be told. It springs from within and erupts unbidden – an energetic orgasm of living, breathing love – agape. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for and I can’t wait to see what we do with this! If there is one thing the entire Universe knows about humans it is that you don’t want to tick us off. Time to channel on our own – no more questions – only answers. Let’s do what we came to do. The waiting is over, it’s up to us. We are the One we’ve been waiting for! The message here showed up in my inbox today, along with the videos below. Link to full conversation here: http://www.sophialove.org/conversation-with-off-world-source.html Sophia and all who follows the words of Ancients, starting from tomorrow 18th and ending on 24th will be the days of Creators. Three days before the date of alignment and 3 days after the alignment are like the points of old end and new beginning on a much larger scale. This will be the beginning of Aquarius Era, the washer of impurities. Like fishes humanity was living, waiting to be caught and be eaten, in complete fear and obedience to instincts. Now humanity will control it's own existence and will wash away all that fear that haunted this civilization for a very long time. No thing exist within Creation without a purpose. Searching for the meaning, leads to paths of right and wrong. There is no right path, everything You choose is legal. Choosing is making the needs to exist. Needs creating rules and laws for sharing with fair. Laws and rules that binds You, are necessity to prosperity and order. Prosperity is what makes You dance and smile. What makes You smile are Your fruits, what makes You dance is Your legacy. In the hallowed halls of Consciousness everything is clear, One is Every Thing and Every Thing is One. Let One give You all the Blessing and let humanity bring fruits of Joy and Prosperity for themselves and to Universe! It feels like we are waiting for the bus on the first day of school. Our shoes are shined, our pencils, notebooks and crayons are neatly packed in our brand new backpack. We are wearing an outfit that was carefully chosen for just this moment. It is a perfect hair day. We can’t see the bus, but we are in the place where it’ll arrive and we are early. There’s nothing else to do but look around and pass the time. The bus will be here any minute and will take us someplace else. We have heard about where we are going, yet we’ve never been. We feel apprehensive, hopeful, brave, excited and anxious. We don’t have much to say. This is almost too much to bear. Our internal reserves and our faith are the only things that will help us now. If there was ever a time to believe, it is this time, this day, this week of 2012. Something is happening that comes from Source itself. These end times are real. They will be played out in a way that leaves no doubt that God has spoken. Divine Intervention will occur. It has to. The corruption of those who are part of creation knows not how to stop itself. Now they will be stopped. It is not over yet. It can only be this; the One wishes to live truth in physical form; which is love expressed. This is why you are here. You are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~ Click on the photo here for the audio version Not thirty minutes ago, a pair of brilliant red mittens attached to a small brunette human in a soft blue sweatshirt jogged off to my right. She just emerged again from my left without breaking her stride. It is as if she is in a loop. Even the birds this morning are circular. Wildly swooping around and around and amidst each other, the herons and geese flock in front of me. None of them stop to fish or eat or rest; this mass of crying, flying wings is seemingly stuck together. It’s like watching a vinyl record with a skip in it. Perhaps it is this chem. trail laden sky they’ve been forced to fly through – it’s messed with their GPS. Until one breaks through, lifts off above them and heads east – straight for the rising sun. Three of them have done this so far – a goose and two herons. They have not returned and do not seem to be missed. Perhaps this is a dress rehearsal. This frozen lake and small grove of bare trees plays out our world’s ascension. Unaware, you could drive by and miss the whole event. The bird sounds, foliage and water appear unchanged. It’s the life within and around them that’s different. A week from now it’ll all be over. We’ve been told that some of us will remember and some of us won’t, that some of us will be gone and some of us won’t, that we’ll be meeting new allies from off world and re-structuring the way we do just about everything. It’s sort of mind blowing and yet if unaware, you could be right in the thick of it and miss the whole event. Don’t miss it. Take your eyes off this screen and settle in. This event, 26,000 years in the making, is not happening on any electronic device, no matter how good the resolution. It’s happening beyond your front door – it’s time to take it to the streets. There is nothing any of us can say that is worthy of removing your attention from the only place you came to be. The shift of the ages is happening in YOU. No teacher, blogger, guide, ascended master or off world channeler can tell you what this means for you. It is time to go within. It is up to only you. You are ready. Put your focus on your heart and love. Whether you stay with the flock or fly off towards the sun, you’ll choose perfectly. For that is what a Master does. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. |
April 2024