![]() There is a fog this morning, so thick that if not for the lights I wouldn’t be able to see. Answering some inner longing, I’ve returned to my summer lake. It is invisible beneath the mist, beyond my perception. I will remain here though; I need to see what happens. Memory tells me the sun will burn away this ground level cloud and it will evaporate. Yet there is doubt. After years of perpetual hope, I sit in a state of disbelief. This fog is getting deeper in spots now, closing in, rolling over and hiding the outline of trees on the shore. I turn on the car so that I will be visible, should anyone else venture here this morning, needing to see it happen. An hour passes. The shoreline seems to be coming into focus. What at first look to be moving mounds of lake grass turn out to be geese, hunting for breakfast. Life goes on despite the density. Perhaps that’s the message by the lake here this morning. I still cannot see the sun yet I’m beginning to trust it is there. There seem no other options. Ever human, this desire for dramatic show burns deep. It is not to be, yet a gradual picture emerges slowly from within the clouds. Life and perception will not be denied. If not for the lights I wouldn’t have found my way in the darkness today. We are not lost in the density any longer; our light is showing the way. I can feel the sun now, clarity and a view of this beautiful little lake will surely follow. It required, simply, trust, as well as faith. Sometimes we can feel truth long before it is evidenced in what our eyes are looking at. We will awaken tomorrow to begin a thirty day countdown to December 21st, 2012. We’ll need to light the way for each other, and trust. Once the density clears, the view promises to be spectacular. We have come for just this moment. Yesterday I mentioned several others who have said: “We are the Ones we are waiting for.” The Hopi may very well have said it first, in August of 1999, if my sources are correct. Please enjoy this wisdom from one of their Elders… A Hopi Elder Speaks "You have been telling the people that this is the Eleventh Hour, now you must go back and tell the people that this is the Hour. And there are things to be considered . . . Where are you living? What are you doing? What are your relationships? Are you in right relation? Where is your water? Know your garden. It is time to speak your Truth. Create your community. Be good to each other. And do not look outside yourself for the leader." Then he clasped his hands together, smiled, and said, "This could be a good time!" "There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly. "Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, Least of all ourselves. For the moment that we do, our spiritual growth and journey comes to a halt. "The time for the lone wolf is over. Gather yourselves! Banish the word struggle from you attitude and your vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. "We are the ones we've been waiting for." -- attributed to an unnamed Hopi elder Hopi Nation Oraibi, Arizona
![]() It snowed last night. Not much, but enough to send the geese south. There has already been a dozen flocks overhead, headed that way, and it’s barely 7:00 AM. Regardless of the date or celestial happenings, time marches on. This November, for all intents and purposes, looks pretty similar to last November here on earth. That’s the thing about time, illusory or not, it is not stagnant. This past weekend, walking out of the laundry room, a thought emerged; “Someday is here.” A small idea really, just three words. Yet it put so much in a brand new light. The eternal optimist, there has always been something better coming. “Someday there will be dishes that match.” “Someday these nails will get a proper manicure.” “Someday there will be a trip to that really beautiful bright blue water where you can see all the fish.” “Someday the Thanksgiving dinner table will look just like a Norman Rockwell painting.” This “someday list” is all stuff. Einstein said “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.” The someday list has not been fulfilled because although the words were there with a tinge of hope, the actions never backed them up. As we approach December 2012, our authenticity is sticking out everywhere. We can’t help but be who we are, and it’s all okay. Sometimes these nails get painted and the house is typically full for Thanksgiving. The truth is, we are living the life we’ve chosen right along. Only now, with the clarity of awareness, we are seeing what it is we’ve wanted all along. It has little to do with what the media has been telling us we should want. It comes from within. It is there you’ll find your deepest truth. We may not be exactly who we thought we were, but we are perfect. Acceptance and love is what will gently nudge us towards ascension. Those geese are moving this morning in the direction their internal guidance system pointed them. That’s exactly how it’ll be for us. Our heart will take over and do the driving. This is the year we all get to “someday”. Whether our dishes or our clothes match is hardly the point. We’ve come now to actualize love. What does love look like in human form? It’s us, in whatever form we choose. There is no method or product that can prepare you to be who you are. There is only acceptance and allowance. He’s been waiting for as many years as you’ve been breathing and she’s been planning for just as long. You are now and always have been, love. Just be. Contentment and peace are by-products of loving without exception or condition. The realization last weekend was that everything is and has always been here. Someday is now. Love is what’s been on the table all along. Love is what you bring to every table, every day, regardless of décor. It is here because you are. Welcome to “Someday”! You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ![]() Fully engaged in breakfast, the gaggle barely moves with my arrival. The lake is quiet, all are intent on eating. One lone long neck stands above the rest, ever vigilant; when this head bends down for some food, another pops up to take its place. Order and cooperation rule on the lake shore this morning. A loaf of French bread, tossed in their midst, changes everything. No longer content to search on their own for what they need; the geese now race to this gift from their human benefactor, honking and pecking to grab what they can. The air is filled with their fighting; all memories of this peaceful morning are gone. One after the other, they grab the loaf, which is many times larger than their beaks can hold, and run away. It is no longer about getting enough to eat; it is about ownership and having the most. Peace does not ensue again until the entire loaf is gone and there is nothing to do but search quietly in the grass for sustenance. The lame goose is the largest. I suspect because he spends a great deal of energy hobbling to catch up, and is always building muscle. He doesn’t stop to eat until he’s surrounded by the others. His limp did not allow him to enter the battle for the bread. He stood within the storm, quietly eating while the noise and anxiety swelled around him. His focus never changed. This story is ours. The bread thrower is the cabal; the geese, humanity. Ownership, scarcity and the compulsion to win are not natural. They are manufactured reactions to intentional outside manipulation. When I arrived this morning, these birds needed nothing. Their perceived dependence on the bread and the bread thrower was created. It ended as soon as the bread was gone. Our bread is just about gone. We’ve forgotten how to keep ourselves going, but this doesn’t mean we won’t survive. We need to remember how to cooperate and keep our focus. There is plenty for everyone. Panic and anxiety don’t serve our intent; they are time wasters and serve only to weaken us. It’s quiet here now. The sun is a bit higher in the sky. The lame one has been surrounded with the other geese for quite some time. Their focus has returned. Once we remember that all we need is here, we’ll let go of our own fear of loss and dependence on the “bread throwers”. We are here to create. All that we need is focus, intent and determination. At first glance, the lame goose was disadvantaged yet he is the biggest and strongest and seems to lead with his quiet resolve. This is who we are. We are brilliant, strong and determined; here to create abundance and amazing – not for a few of us, but for all of us. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() Marching along the green grass before me is the gaggle of geese, the lame one hopping and fluttering in their midst, while that huge white bird dives again and again into the water, beneath the hawk circling high overhead – it’s dinnertime on my last day here. It’s as if they’ve all shown up to say goodbye. Next week school begins. I will miss this beautiful lake, tucked in between the suburbs. Minnow buckets and fishing poles remind me from where I came. This is a part of me I’ll keep. We are being asked to let go. As I sit here I wonder if there is something else I should be doing, because frankly I don’t get it. The advent of school begins a four month countdown until 12.21.12. Four months! We’ve finished 2/3 of this pivotal year. Is it possible there is something I missed? It feels right in front of me, yet not. An hour has passed since I got to the lake today. How can that be? Did I fall asleep? I’m consistently tired, and yet there are times I can’t sleep at all. My internal motor turned on again today and now I am humming. There are sparkles of energy shooting up and down my limbs. I read about the necessity of chakra activations and third eye openings and I don’t connect with any of it. What’s happening for me is organic and without a name. I feel it yet I have no words to adequately define it. I cannot in good conscience tell you what you will experience or how. I can only tell you to trust that you will. These definitions and deadlines and processes we are reading about are all subjective. I’m coming to disbelieve in dates. Now, I have children and obligations so I must therefore pay attention to the calendar and the clock, but it is a challenge. As we move toward Oneness I find each definition and name more divisive than helpful. If this process is anything at all it is internal. I guess I am letting go – releasing my stranglehold on perfection and blame. That’s not to say it’s gone – lately I notice opinions in every corner of my psyche. It would seem my ego is not happy about the idea of moving on – she has filled my head with doubt and judgment. Homemade bread, peach cobbler and a rich stew fill my house with delicious aromas – I cook when I feel uncertain. Something about the smell and sight of freshly prepared food settles me. Perhaps I’m looking for home. This accelerated passage of time creates a sense of being late to the party. It’s illusory – there will come a moment of “no time” to make and “no other” to judge. I can feel this happening already. We chose this. When the energy of ascension or whatever you are calling it overwhelms you, remember this was a ride you stood in line a long time to get on. It’s an amazing trip, one you’ll never forget. This lake and these birds are part of the landscape and forever imprinted on my mind. I am so grateful for them. Another hour has passed. The birds here have settled in for the night and I will do the same soon. With all the symptoms, energies and changes – we are human; sparks of divinity poking at us from the inside, faster and faster now, just itching to be free. Maybe it’s not time that’s moving faster. Perhaps it’s us. We’ve waited for so long for this freedom to be ours and we can sense it getting closer. These symptoms are nothing more than us – straining at the bonds of density, pulling us up towards the light that we are. We are the ones we are waiting for. ![]() (The audio version can be accessed via this picture.) Before me now is an old fisherman with a minnow bucket followed by two dark haired women in sunglasses and visors, deeply engrossed in their conversation; all of them waiting for a brightly orange vested gentleman on a brilliant blue tractor pulling a grader. This is humanity; diverse, individual and unique. None of these folks know each other, yet all of them silently communicate and get their needs met on this path by the lake this morning. Now a gaggle of geese move in front of me, with one amongst them lame. He hobbles a bit, and at times uses his wings to propel him. He gets much further this way, yet the effort exhausts him; he stops and rests often. The rest of the group slows down, and one in particular sticks close by so as not to lose him completely on their breakfast stroll. As we walk into these last weeks of summer, I am reminded with each passing day just how much closer we are to the final season in this pivotal year. Time seems to be rushing us towards the answers to all of our questions. What will happen? Will we do what is necessary to ascend? Will our off planet family ever show up? What will they look like? What will we look like? How will we supply ourselves when everything collapses? Is it all going to be okay? It is time for faith. The answer to all of it is YES. Not because we sat on the sidelines and waited. The lame goose had to use his wings to catch up. The others understood and patiently acquiesced. This is life – created in this brilliant, intricate balance that demands collaboration, action, patience and love. This is who we are. We are love in physical form, light, expressed as a fragment of humanity. Without conscious thought, we move always towards more; more love, more light, more life. The end result is a sure thing. Our bodies are morphing with no verbal instruction. They are begging us to move ahead and allow this full force of light to emanate. Can you feel it? Each day there seems a physical shift; something that no longer agrees with me or works the same. The goose gave up on his foot and used his wings. It is up to us to do the same. Let go of what doesn’t work, be it a kind of food, relationship, type of bank or form of government. Trust. We will go much further with wings then we will with lame feet. Life always continues its relentless push for more. We cannot grasp this light that is before us while hanging fiercely on to what is present now. Have faith. Somewhere inside you know what to do. You have to let go. We are brilliant beings of eternal light here with a definite plan. Our plan will carry us ever forward, with our lights blazing. This shift will happen because of us. Our efforts, our love and our light insist on it. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. |
January 2025