The very words in our language are constructed to perpetuate the system of control for which we were created. In a court of law or in a classroom you are asked repeatedly “Do you understand?” Consenting verbally, with a “yes”, declares that you “stand under” whoever did the asking and whatever was asked. The askers believe that wielding power over you increases their own. Thus, they are threatened by any display of power they do not sanction. They have been misled and are themselves “standing under” other askers of manipulative questions. The burgeoning monetary systems, trusts and programs are external gateways for a change of control. In an illusory world, everything seems separate from you. All value systems that attempt to quantify something aren’t true. They are secondary lies. The first lie is that the value lies outside of you – you are the value. Those that set up this system knew that, they were playing with creation. You were created to serve and in order to get you to do so willingly, this system of slavery was begun. All debt perpetuates that system. A renunciation of current debt while maintaining a debt system is counter productive, counter intuitive and will not change a thing. This monetary system, which is a reflection of our perceived value, will have to be unraveled from within. The process of freedom needs to begin someplace inside. A good place to start is with our words. The whole concept of freedom has been interwoven with “another”. It is not necessary to declare “I am free”, for that implies there is someone with more power that you’ve broken away from. There is no other; none greater or lesser than you. There is only ONE. The only truth is I AM. There is a great deal of talk about “I am the value.” This is great, a beautiful contrast to what my dear friend calls “all victim, all the time”. Yet even declaring yourself as a replacement for gold is limiting. You are irreplaceable, unequalled and priceless. There are no numbers big enough. You are Gods. Once we accept the only truth, all false representations dissolve. Do you see? Look in your mirror and repeat “I AM”. This world has not yet seen a population of empowered. Let’s show them and watch what happens. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia
Every so often I stick my toe in the deep end of “popular” culture just to gauge its relevance. Feeling especially reckless, I may go as deep as to read the Reddit comments or listen to call in AM radio shows. In the midst of one such dip today, a sudden thought appeared “We are already living on more than one earth.” I’ve been holding out for one catalyzing event and a split. What I see today are many splits and multiple events. Perhaps we’ll all experience a singular, life altering moment, yet right now we are in the midst of a seamless, rapid, inescapable shift. I’ve crossed over and there is no going back. Violent conversations about the adultery of Clinton vs. the sexting of Weiner hold no fascination. I am not afraid of our government or law enforcement system, I am outraged. I no longer hold any definition of a “good” person – I see us all as One. Good or bad hold no meaning in regards to a person’s value. The cool thing is, as everyone becomes okay in my world, so do I. I discover this tender, gradual, awareness that we are all perfection – fat, skinny, homeless, wealthy, banker, lawyer, teacher, clown, fisherman or protester – I’ve been every one. To embrace oneness means unconditional acceptance. Agape is the only response I hold. Now for years this has been the subject of this blog, yet today it feels somehow solid. Maybe that’s what the prophecy of 2 Earths means. The absolute conviction of universal love defines everything around you. The firm belief in right, wrong, good, bad, slave or owner sets parameters and divisions that are visible. Both view points are firming up. There’s been a reference to 2013 as being similar in pattern to the course of a pregnancy. By the 9th or 10th month our new earths will be born. I’m not a prophet yet I see everyday my truth manifest before me. There was a time I stayed away from others with different values. No longer. Life right now is full of everyone that’s ever been there and includes all points of view. The change now is my own conviction. I don’t have to be right. I have to be me. That’s a huge difference. Barry Neil Kaufman wrote a wonderful book called “Happiness is a Choice”. So is suffering. There’s a 100% chance I’m living the life I’ve chosen and so are you. How we each feel about it is completely personal. We can either suffer or smile. The last two blogs have been about kiri campbell. Stories of her meditating in her jail cell and completing her speech in the courtroom without anger are breathtaking… She is not suffering. She is engaged in the direction of her self chosen life; getting out of it every bit of flavor she intended. I wish the same for all of us. We do not have to suffer. We have to choose consciously. As we construct our days we’ll build a life of clarity, peace, celebration and agape. We’ll create the world we’ve been dreaming of with each moment, every “yes” and all of our light. The new earth already resides in our hearts and when we connect we glimpse it in each other’s eyes. That’s when we breathe deeply and remember what we came to do. We are the one’s we were waiting for. ~Sophia As a response to the request of some readers, an easy to use petition on behalf of kiri campbell has been placed here: It can be sent BCC to all listed email addresses, and must include your name (lower case) and address to have the desired effect. kiri’s scheduled court appearance is Tuesday, July 30, 2013 so these need to be sent immediately. This is a moment of clarity and self definition. This is no longer about a separate being in a far away country; this concerns a vital component for each of us; our value as sovereign beings. As you send these petitions as well as your love, light and prayer to each embodiment involved, consider what Mooji has to say about aspiring to be free. This is the most vital of aspirations. We are declaring our value right now. It is up to us to do so; no one can do this for us. kiri campbell is us. We are the one we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia “A written word is the choicest of relics. It is something at once more intimate with us and more universal than any other work of art. It is the work of art nearest to life itself. It may be translated into every language, and not only be read but actually breathed from all human lips; -- not be represented on canvas or in marble only, but be carved out of the breath of life itself.” ― Henry David Thoreau, Walden This is an urgent call to the one people. WE ARE ONE. WE ARE ONE. WE ARE ONE. A PART OF US HAS STOOD UP FOR ALL OF US. SHE IS CURRENTLY BEING HELD WITHOUT HER CONSENT BY OTHERS OF US. HERE IS HER STORY. HELP FREE HER. This can be done with written words and presence and intention. It can be done kindly, gently, with determination and numbers. Another of us, a fierce advocate for sovereignty, has this to say: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Martin Luther King, Jr. (thanks Eric!) It is us. We are the One we’ve been waiting for.
Our enslavement is our compliance. We are not slaves. WE ARE GODS. BE THE GOD THAT YOU ARE. SET YOURSELF FREE. THIS MOMENT NOW IS THE MOMENT YOU ARE BEING TESTED, ASKED, URGED TO STAND UP. LET’S DO SO. ~Sophia 7 hours after posting, this off world message was received, including a message about Kiri : "The New Zealand's government is well understanding and one of few governments that People trust. This woman could be freed if many People would agree to sign a petitions and support her with peaceful rallies." Included as well was this song, "Final Hope", which is fitting. Listen to the words that resonate. Where you’ve focused until this moment continues to formulate your direction. Especially now, who and what you surround yourself with has everything to do with what you may label as a successful trip or a struggle. Consciousness asks of you everything; it is a rigorous task master. Look around and pay attention. You are not looking so much at mirrors just now, but partners. Those you hang with are the same ones you’ll be together with as you begin this next dance. Think about what this means. You’ve been given a chance, sans Karma, to freely choose your next steps, where you’ll place them and who you’ll walk beside. The chords that hold you together are tied only as tightly as you choose. Loosen the dense and Karmic bonds. It is in freedom where you’ll clearly perceive what is next. Bound by judgments or debt, you could miss it. What does this mean? It means you answer only to you. There is no judge, no jury, no mandatory behavior or owed payment. It means you hold the wheel and there is no teacher in the passenger seat to slam on the brake. You may hit something, miss an important turn, swerve off the highway or crash. This is all you – full on and free to be. The world is waiting with its slings and arrows to knock you back and keep you in place. Yet you are prepared, and you are perfect. Two nights ago I was woken up twice with the song “Titanium” running through my body. Titanium is a “lustrous, white metal when pure. Titanium minerals are quite common… It is marvelous in fireworks….is present in the sun, and….is recognized for its high strength-to-weight ratio. “ As I work out the meaning for this early morning serenade, I come up with – this is what we are – white (as a reflection of all the wavelengths of color), hot, strong and beautiful. I sense a tangible change approaching, as much from an internal clock as from messages from the other side. Those who’ve passed from this life have recently shown up to tell me that we are ready and that they are watching and with us. Ready for what specifically? We are all creating that. With a titanium core of Agape, it promises to be undeniably exquisite and exciting. Regardless of location or situation, you are the poster child for our new world. Unanimously chosen and perfectly posed, your gaze calls out to those still sleeping and reminds them of their core, asking them to dance. You are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia Its quiet here this morning, and cooler. The birds are not calling to each other, but chirping amongst themselves. A hawk soars overhead while the cicadas are silent. In the distance there are storm clouds. All seems not waiting so much as watching… what is coming is gonna be wild. The preparations have been made. There’s not much to say to each other now, we are down to the doing. By all reports we are feeling isolated yet no longer confused; we know who we are and what we came to do. What burns through us now is a knowing. The truth of who you are has spoken. Whispered or shouted it rings in your ears. Pay attention. We are integrating. It may feel like oil and vinegar. You can swish them together for something unique and yummy, but if left to sit, they will separate. Action is necessary for creation. We are here to DO. Until recently, we’ve relied on our tool kit. Carefully constructed, it has served us well, fortifying our false self. We know each piece intimately. Today though, as we face the same relationships and situations, these tools rest heavy in our hands. They are awkward, unnatural even. We look around, there is an empty box – this kit is brand new. It is up to us to fill it. What we select depends on who we choose to build. Our tools now must enhance our attitude. Our core essence will not be denied. Oh, we can try, because in the moment the familiar seems easier. Yet the familiar yields no satisfaction. We require the tools of a Master. We’ve been waiting a life time to use them. There are others out there, fellow artisans, who will point you in the right direction. You may have just met, and until now, they held little importance for you. There are no small moments or insignificant relationships now. We are integrating, returning to our core, becoming the powerful Ones. You are surrounded with help, let nothing pass you by. Dream your life into being for this is how it works. Things don’t happen to you – you make things happen. All that you are is right now in the body of you. As you mix it up, you may see, smell or taste things that surprise or even shock you. Explore them all – it’s you. As you love each thread you’ll embrace the entire fabric of creation. With just one thread cut, the entire piece unravels. Every part matters. As I write, a deep brunette winged dragonfly rests at my feet. It’s been there for quite some time, returning again and again. I wonder if it holds the energy of my baby sister, who is on the other side. Eight years ago, she told me to watch for butterflies and she’d be there. Usually there is one nearby. Today, it’s a dragonfly. Perhaps she too is discovering parts of herself she wasn’t aware of while on earth. This dragonfly’s wings are the color of her hair. The Masters are returning, and they are every One of us. You cannot be here if you are not a Master. Even those who have left are enjoying our becoming. Beautiful, powerful and surprising, it is an incredible moment, hand crafted by each of us. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia As our concept of family changes, questions are initiated. Does a new soul family negate the importance of the one we’ve always known? What will happen to the relations we share right now, our parents, spouses, children and numerous extended family members? Many of us relate to the feeling of isolation and lack of understanding in our light/life’s work. Does this soul family “calling of the clan” mean it’s time to move on? To leave those we love? Yes and no. Yes, it is time for movement. No, leaving anyone you love is not necessary or preferable. This is the age of unification. It does not mean we are all here for the same reason, with the same ideas or belief systems. It does not mean our families will be left behind while we soar upwards and onwards towards the light. We are each evolving, growing, and moving further along in a beautiful process of synchronization. Seen from a few steps back, this is like a practice session for synchronized swimming. It takes all sorts of abilities, movements and paths to create what seems to move as one and in the same direction. Some of us are maintaining the center, treading water; the pivot point from which the rest of the swimmers extend. Others of us use powerful strokes to span huge distances, stretching limits. Many of us adjust and maneuver in varying tempos and rhythms to shift the terrain. Every one of us is creating this show and necessary for it to succeed. There have been no mistakes. You and your current relationships mutually chose each other with purpose. Those we spend the first part of our lives with are our clearest mirrors and our deepest loves; despite what you may believe. Disagreement does not indicate distance. It is a component of the process of self-awareness. A natural part of this journey is movement away and we all seek it in our twenties. This new direction may be showing up in your life at a time a bit further on down the path (than your twenties). The difference now is it does not have to mean a physical move, as in, out of the house. It is a motion towards something, not away from anyone. Thus begins our expansion. Love is by no means singular or exclusive. Loving 100+ members of your soul clan that may or not include your current family is not divisive or wrong. It is part of the shift we are here for – no one get’s left behind. As you awaken, you’ll see how you can, by agreement, be in an exclusive intimate relationship that you call love, at the same time understanding that love is not exclusive. Love is anything but. Society’s imprint of right and wrong, good and bad, moral or amoral runs deep in our psyche. Operate at what feels comfortable if that’s where you are. Yet know that growth is uncomfortable and today it’s vital we examine all ideas about love, relationships, sex and family. We are stepping out of generations of programming and everything we believe we “know” is suspect. So, we may continue to live with our children, spend holidays with our families of origin while we create sustainable communities with our soul families. No one gets left behind. Last week, the “Calling of the Clan” brought together many of us. That call is still being answered today. In an effort to provide an easily accessible space where we can find each other, a “soul family” forum was created. Here you will find discussion topics, ideas for projects and introductions. Join us! The world is changing because we are changing it. The experiment has been called off. In a very real way it is up to us now. We are creating this next version of humanity with every breath; as we dream and move and love and BE and DO. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia A thick blanket of intense focus has wrapped itself around this place. Heat. The “dog days” of summer are here. Outside now, I witness their calling card – drooping branches, bleached flowers and burnt leaves. I wonder about the necessity for extremes. Sunshine and warmth are on one end required for life here; on the other – deadly. There is talk of a “heat index”. The temperature reads 96 degrees, while this index tells me it feels like 106. How does it know? Can an algorithm really understand what a specific temperature feels like to a human? Are not we uniquely suited to declare how hot we feel? In a profoundly uncooperative way, my cat insists on being outside today. I guess he hasn’t seen the “heat index”. These may be the ramblings of heat stroke or insanity, yet they are leading somewhere. Extremes, degrees, contrasts and predictions are intensely human. Regardless of how free spirited, we are similar at our core and vastly figure-out-able. This is why systems of corruption, religion, medicine and government are effective. They utilize methods that capitalize on us – both to our benefit and exploitation. The effects of either ultimately serve the controllers. It is rare indeed to find a program, action or conversation that is without manipulation. We witness evidence daily as whistleblowers and our own heart reveal a deeper purpose to the everyday actions we participate in. It turns out the only things certain are not “death and taxes”. The only thing certain is love. How do we infuse the everyday with agape? Constant consciousness; you are your brother’s keeper. Pay attention. Listen. Allow. I’ve been away. A change of location brings a new point of view. My primary relationship, photograph and direction have each undergone some introspection and alteration. I notice the off world contacts have been pointing my binoculars to places I may not have seen otherwise. A reference from this most recent conversation leaves me with this: Replace the word “government” with “gang”. Then decide, is this what you want to be party to? When the experiment ends, there will be left hierarchies and systems. What is corrupt about them is their ultimate intent. Those of us here now, reading this post and others, are here to level the playing field. It’s going to be necessary to start over. That is our job. Honor each age, nation and process while creating modifications that allow us all to thrive. This coming generation has new ideas; we are preparing the field for them. They are waiting. John Grey talks about men and women wanting the same things, differently expressed. Men call it respect while women would use the word cherish. With both attributes as a basis we’ll have achieved something we haven’t witnessed here. Agape in real time. This will take action, honor, respect, attention and love. It requires wisdom. It needs time. Start wherever you are, but start. “We may not have everything together, but together we have everything”; sounds about right. We are here together for a reason and with purpose. There is no “index” that will tell you yours, it is discovered in your deepest essence. Listen. Be patient. Listen some more and begin. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia We are hearing lately of people “finding” each other via the internet. We are calling them soul groups, soul families, clans or tribes. It is not the term that is significant but the feeling. We get a sense of each other through words and pictures, and we are drawn the familiar. We notice that there is a knowing of this one or that one, a certain resonance. This has been validated publicly with a few groups who’ve gathered now physically. They describe it like returning home, meeting brothers and sisters and speak of marathon sessions of joy, passion and collaboration. These reunions are purposeful. The work they came to do together is beginning. I’d like to introduce someone here now and share his words. If they speak to you, put “Ashuel” in the subject line and email me at [email protected]. I will send it on. Please share his request on face book and elsewhere. Many who’ve reached out to me describe a feeling of isolation. Perhaps one of the reasons for this blog is to facilitate a gathering of individuals. I believe that it is those of us who were here at the beginning who’ve come back now to insure things proceed as planned. Wild canaries, doves, robins, crows, chickadees and cardinals surround me this morning. They’ve been flying from tree to tree, seemingly searching for their own families. They’ve just settled in and are now quietly chirping in a sort of synchronized melody. Perhaps in the reading of Ashuel’s words, which follow, you’ll recognize the song. If so, go ahead and add your voice to the mix. ~Sophia “I am unsure of why, but something must be initiated. What follows is me following that impulse, pursuing a goal that I do not understand but must comply with. It has been asked of me. I have said yes, but have not as yet done it. You see, Sophia and I are old old friends. Family. It's one of those things I know without knowing how I know. Something I told myself. Learned from within. I trust the things I learn from within. Whenever I discuss anything with Sophia, the overriding overwhelming urge that frames my interactions with her is that 'the families are gathering'. I hear these words, but more importantly I feel the energy of it. That it is happening, or that it needs to happen. I don't know why it needs to happen. I don't know for what purpose or to what end. I am working under the assumption that no harm can come from finding soul family, and I trust that if we allow it then wonderful things will grow from the endeavor. So, I am declaring that I am searching amongst you for our soul family. I do not mean small scale family. I mean clans. I mean nations. I see banners of different energy. If you know my banner, then you know me and I am calling you to gather. Who am I and how will you know? I am injecting my energy into every word you read. That is primarily how I want you to initially know. I dislike writing about myself, but I will attempt it. I am old. I will dispense with adjectives and superlatives about how old. I'm just old. I see the energy of souls as being different ages, but I place no value on age. I have a strong disdain for rank, hierarchy and governance. Yet what I know of myself is that I have a role of leadership to play. I have avoided it. I have hid from it. What I see are unique individuals. I do not see beings as having jobs or titles. We have unique special personalities and strengths and our role is simply being who we are. The functions we serve and tasks we accomplish are simply natural extensions of our individuality. So when I say leadership, I do not mean or intend to lead anyone. It is just part of what I am. I see leadership perhaps simply as being someone who initiates what I am intending to begin by writing this. I am Ashuel. I am an incarnated Angel. I am Lion energy. I am a protector. A warrior. Destructive and violent. I am critical and forceful when my family is threatened. You are not being threatened by anything anymore so it is time for me to be the other aspects of myself. I will fight in whatever capacity is required. What is required now is a coming together. We must find each other and I will fight for it with words and love. If this hits you hard; If this feels important, then contact Sophia and she can give you my contact information. All I can tell you right now is that you are not alone. You shall not be isolated. I will connect you. I just don't know exactly how or why it should happen. One of you will know that part. I am not afraid of making mistakes. The only real mistake is allowing fear to prevent us from doing things. I have fought for you in the ways I know how to do. Now I will fight for you in a way I do not know how to do. Not knowing will not stop me from doing it.” Be Well, Ashuel |
April 2024