There is something to be said about the heart. It is your most powerful organ. Once it stops, so do you in this realm. So it functions as a motor; beating out a daily rhythm to the life you are living. It is more than that. It has a role as the guide, the conductor of virtually every other facet of life. The energy supplied by the heart does more than pump blood through veins and arteries. It supplies feeling and infuses life with purpose. You are more than a physical machine. You are a biochemical love producer. As the amount of love cannot be measured or weighed or even seen, how can it be known? What is its purpose in the overall plan for life? It can be felt and it is here that it alters everything else. The climate and environment in which all human organs swim and live can be altered by emotion. Stress, hatred and sadness have a harsh effect on a biochemical level. Love creates the opposite reaction. The emotion of love supports health and increases longevity when all other factors are operating normally. It is an elixir of youth. I speak here of the love that is felt through your body, generating an effect that actually shifts the chemical balance within. None of this probably matters to you on a day to day basis. Love just feels good. It’s what we are all searching for. It’s what propels us forward and sets a kind of equilibrium for the rest of your days. What is the rest, if not love? For love is a part of every action and interaction. Each moment holds within it a possibility to love and to both give and receive the blessing it offers. You can pump gas with love, make breakfast with love, answer the phone with love and pay your bills with love. Love does not exist for some and not others. This includes moments as well as people. There is always more love. If you see a place that appears devoid of love then you are witnessing the effect of confusion. It is possible to alter circumstances in such a way that they appear hopeless and hateful. It is not possible to remove love from the situations. Guns, anger and fear are powerful techniques to hide the love that is present. Yet they do not have the ability to eradicate it. Fear is the opposite of love. It is present when confusion shows up and truth is not remembered. It cannot force out the fact of love, although it can appear that way. It may seem pointless to consider loving when you are hurting, possibly sick or in less than perfect physical circumstances. Yet nothing would aid the situation more than love. It is magic when understood. How each idea and moment is approached can determine its outcome. Love looks like a smile, joy, confidence and hope. Love sees truth and colors it with patience. There is a moment today when you will have the opportunity to either love or be afraid. Love, because fear is a fruitless enterprise. Your life is limited only by your ideas about it. You can see it as cold or view it as warm and with possibility. It is difficult to speak of love and not include the opinion that to love is very much dependent on circumstances and luck. It is your choices that determine your life, and included in them is the choice to love. Say “yes” to love and do it despite all opposition. Loving anyway creates a field of positive energy around you and every part of your days. Love your cat, your mail carrier, your banker and your ex. Love in each moment and the effect will be exponential. You’ll find a string of days filled with promise and know a deep peace that does not exist when fear and “no” instead predominate. The amazing thing is this. Say “yes” for you – not because it’s the right thing but because it’s like swimming upstream with the current – easier and faster without struggle. Say “yes” because of how good it feels for you. Then watch the world around you change. Everything becomes crystal clear through lenses of acceptance. Through eyes of love your world unifies. It becomes One. What feels good for you, feels good for everyone else. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia
For three years there’s been Quests for Agape. Searching, losing and finding deeper and still deeper levels of what we call love. Still now, surrounded in answers, the question remains. How do I love? How do I wake up, go to bed, day after day love? I can talk about what it means to love. It does not mean the things you imagine. It does not mean always getting your way or having someone cooperate and do things for you; even do things with you. It means honor the ground they walk on. Be a positive force for them. It means gently absorb them as if they were your final breath. Not gasping and clawing for them but breathe them in quietly for the gift that they are. Love does not hurt and does not have an opinion. Do you know a relationship that does not include an opinion? If you do not, it is not because you do not love, you do. The thing you do not do is unconditionally love. The one you do not unconditionally love is you. Regardless of question asked or reason given, when you speak about loving another it is always an illusion. For “other” does not exist, all is One. If you understood that, all questions would cease. “Other” is a reflection. Relationships are played out versions of self love. For you are creator gods. You imagine there is a way for some “other” to hurt you. Your imaginings cause you real pain. You came here to help each other. To teach each other. About love. All love is self love. All questions are questions about you. It is always you. So turn it around. Everyone is right. You will have to see with new eyes. What do you want? What do you intend? It is your intentions that create your life. Sometimes, you will have to let go to get what you want. You do not understand love and still imagine it requires some “other’s” response to you before it can be felt. While it is true that the physical expression of love requires a partner – it is untrue that love does. To love is to give to the world all that you are. Holding back or having an opinion is not included in the expression of love – but only evidence of fear. You can hold in your heart a desire for love, for its true expression. You can let go of judgment, expectation and opinion for none of that is love. You are lonely not because the “other” doesn’t give you want you want, but because you don’t. You do not need the “other” to be a certain way in order for you to be happy. The need is self-imposed. Allow yourself to be happy. Allow yourself to be loved. Make no mistake. You are working out self love in every relationship. There is something honest about being who you are everywhere you go. It is up to you. You have truth. The answer you will give yourself. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia There are conditions of daily life that occur on a regular basis for the majority of humans. These include a lack of opportunity to experience self-determination, a pre-arranged location, and an income; without which you’d be unable to survive. These conditions, seen as normal and necessary, are actually preferred. When an adult has reached the age of eighteen years, most of their orientation is focused on creating them for themselves; this, in order to achieve “worldly success”. In fact, under the current arrangement, you congratulate each other for having secured a “good” job. This “job” grants you “freedom”. “Freedom” in this case means moving out of the home of your parents. It means being on your own. It means having the chance now to stop living off the “job” your parents held, and starting your own. You are “free” now and willingly join the ranks of the others in volunteer slavery. You see, freedom is an illusion in this scenario. It is dangled out there like the carrot on the string. This carrot is never to be eaten. It merely hangs there, inches away, just out of reach. It is the unattainable dream and it keeps humans eagerly moving out of situations they consider confining and constricting into brand new cages, created just for them. There is a reason it’s referred to as the rat race. The rat is free to move – yet just in a specific path and within a pre-defined area. It can only do so when the door is opened by someone else, someone who owns the box. The rat is fed according to how “well” it “performs” and thus kept alive – all by the owner. The lack of ability to choose how you spend your days is a condition of slavery, not freedom. This is regardless of compensation. Reaching the age of maturity and choosing the same path chosen by the adults before you is the single choice offered. It is inside of an enclosed system that depends on continued servitude. If choices are limited in scope and number, you are controlled. In a system that included self-determination, things would look vastly different. There would still be adults providing for children and each other, yet they wouldn’t necessarily start and end their “work” day at the same minute. Variation would rule the process and each day would differ rather than follow a specific and predictable pattern. “Work days” would be replaced by days. In such a system the continuation of the race would be the driving force. The purpose of your chosen activity would be visible and understood by you, and it wouldn’t necessarily be a paycheck. This way of life is unimaginable not because it wouldn’t work. It is a vision of life that exists elsewhere, just not on earth. On earth, self-determination of each sentient being has been replaced with servitude. The many work for the few, follow orders and obey. To join the ranks of “adulthood” means you willingly engage in this prescribed path. Chains are not necessary; the invisible tie that binds you is the necessity of money. In a system that is not controlled by beings with an unspoken ownership agenda, life is very different. There are conditions in place that provide life sustaining necessities for every man, woman and child. The whole notion of debt is not present and its opposite holds no meaning. Freedom is a hollow notion without enslavement. Control is another empty concept in a world of self-determined beings. Certainly care for the young and their safety means providing safe places for them to thrive. Yet it does not mean a strict schedule of mandatory schooling and regular testing to ensure conformity. Unique abilities are sought and discovered in such a world. The whole idea that an entire population could successfully run their own lives sounds ludicrous, not because it is, but because the generations of elders before you have paved the path so well you see no other possibilities. Ideas of right, wrong, good and bad surround and include adjectives like success, failure, respectable and disgrace. These ideas have been fed to humanity as a steady stream so that policing them is no longer necessary, you police yourselves. You do so not with guns but with words. Congratulations are generously offered when a “job” is secured. These affirmations by your peers and society in general hold a great and invisible power over your actions. Going outside of the expected ands accepted behavior of polite society is frowned upon and seen as selfish, perhaps childish; strong words for a people who value freedom as much as you do. The effect of failure and disappointment is more than enough to hold the system of slavery in place. The reference here is to areas on the planet that have systems in place to provide these “opportunities” for paid servitude. There are countless areas of rampant starvation, illness and poverty that could only exist within a system of hierarchy. You have not been told the truth about how it works and therefore move through the maze unaware of your effect on the whole. The restricting of each being to a daily struggle for survival creates conditions that seem beyond your scope and ability to change. This is by intent. Hopelessness is a false notion and one you had to be taught. Children have no such notions. You can change all of this with a systemic alteration of core beliefs. These would include a shift from “owe” to “embrace”, “learn” to “become”, “earn” to “expand”, “follow” to “be”, “debt” to “give” and “fear” to “love”. Sustainable freedom includes ideas that fly in the face of societal norms, conformity and current standards of success. These will take time to understand and appreciate as valid options. Every step towards unbinding the ties of slavery moves in that direction. This cannot happen overnight. Pay attention to the youngest among you. This does not mean handing them the reins yet it does mean considering their ideas for life as valid options. Their focus on community and play and a constant sharing of information is evidence for the truth of your connection. You are One. The “success” or stagnation of just a single human affects the whole in ways that are felt rather than seen. When each component of life is provided for equally – the whole thrives. Change is necessary. Maintaining a focus on self-determination and allowing alternative paths will provide fertile ground. Patience and acceptance are key. Let go of judgment, and understand that ideas around good and bad have been fed to you intentionally as a steady diet of manipulation. Decide what freedom really means. It is never true if slavery exists for any one of us. Freedom cannot be granted; it is synonymous with life and can only be realized. It exists because you do. Freedom has not been taken from you so much as hidden. It is visible beyond the maze. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia There is little need for a judge and jury in a place of equality and sovereignty. In fact, these terms would be obsolete; reminders perhaps of such notions from a time long ago. The whole concept of one sovereign being standing in authority over another sovereign being is very much like the bully in the playground. Cartoon depictions of this child show him to be typically male and larger than average with less intelligence. This image defines the justice system as it currently stands. For what is the definition of justice? Fairness and tacit compliance with the law of the land. And what is the law of the land? Responsibility for self, love your neighbor and equality seem to have nothing to do with it. The law currently followed assumes division, ownership and punishment as inherent components. It calls up images of protection from harm, locks and keys, fear and potential damage. Each of these applies when you are dealing with a playground bully and not another sovereign being. It is true that there are disputes among equals that could and do benefit from expert arbitration, as such guided by someone not personally involved. It is not true that a firm hand is necessary to settle situations. What is required is time, patience and indifference. The playground bully has a definite agenda, as does the justice system. When judges are elected or appointed and paid, there is present a debt to those doing the electing or appointing. This fact colors each “decision” made by the judge. The fact that you would stand in a room and submit to such a system of judgment and then abide by any decisions that result indicates the level of fear that is present. For it is fear that is running the show, the same gut level emotion utilized by the playground bully. Make no mistake, if you are ever in a place that requires you to abide by its demands and obey its rules – you are being manipulated. Manipulation is not the same as justice. When harmful intent is assumed, a chain reaction of false ideas begins. It is necessary to believe the “other” has an agenda that is potentially damaging. For justice to be necessary, the playground bully must exist as a constant threat. That bully is seen as potential in each situation. Someone else is out there always, wanting to harm you or to take your stuff. Ideas around the need to stop the bully are begun from thoughts of separation, “value” and “more”. There is a pre-supposed condition present from the start. That thought includes an idea that separates you from each other. Words like more and less, good and bad, need and lack, strong and weak all stem from a system of slavery. If instead of guilt, honor is assumed – the whole thing changes. The view on an equal playing field is very much different than a hierarchal one. A “justice system” was necessitated and begun by the thugs who initially decided they had something to protect that was more valuable than anything else – their power. Misunderstanding of the source of that power begat fear and the playground bully. The bully needs someone to steal from or control with force, or he considers himself weak and without power. The same is true of today’s control/justice system. The game ends when you stop playing. A court room where authority dispenses justice is merely a dressed up playground. It is only necessary when there is an agenda of “power over” rather than a mutual recognition of “power within”. In fact, a courtroom only recognizes the power of one thing – “the law” and the person paid to dispense it, the judge/bully. Any system of power that is dependent on another to thrive is weak. The justice system currently in place serves the playground bully with subservience. It does not serve justice. The whole notion of good/bad, gain/loss has no place from a sovereign state. Imagine a room of your peers and within it, a disagreement. Harmony will ask each of you to participate in a solution. The solution will serve the group, using discussion. If there is a law guiding the discussion, it is “love one another as you do yourself.” Guilt and innocence doesn’t enter the picture because they are recognized as subjective opinions rather than statements of fact. For what is one guilty of other than life? Relationships demand discussion. Guns and fear enter only when one party misunderstands the origin of power. It is within. We are the ones we are waiting for. ~Sophia |
April 2024