Two and a half years ago this video was produced. It began a conversation with GE and was the catalyst for several off world "encounters". Today, the message is still relevant. The audio has been enhanced and music added, c/o GE. Please enjoy and share. We are the Ones we are waiting for. ~Sophia
This journey we are on, called life, is one of the most spectacular trips available. The experience of physical existence has within it every possibility. This planet is filled with over 7 billion humans – there are many who choose to visit here. To be clear, all facets of this life are known as possibilities before birth. There are no tricks played or secrets kept. In full awareness we incarnate, happy for the chance to live again. This talk of an “experiment” may have led you to think otherwise – to think that you’d been duped and your plan to be here at all was made under false pretenses. This is not how it works. Before being human, the “you” that is, knows every aspect it has ever been, as well as the aspects of others. It is not possible to “hide” the truth of you. Knowledge of each other comes with contact. This inability to deceive creates every possibility for clear choices and transparent decisions. This kind of clarity goes away from the human as we dive more deeply into this “reality”. All of this is part of our plan. The thing that humanity offers us by way of experience is emotion/passion. This is not to say that other beings are void of emotion, because they are not. Humanity holds within its makeup a deep well of passion and belief in the sanctity of life. The way in which mankind expresses love and beauty and hope and hate is unique; beneath it lays an unwavering faith and trust that it’s meant to be fair. Despots and dictators arise because they know that belief exists and there exists a chance at manipulation and perceived “power” because of it. They are here to “play” with that. Potentials for all possible ends of the spectrum of control are exciting. When not human, there are limits as to how much emotion/feeling will be a part of creation. There is desire and personality always. Yet the extremes of passion are possible only in a life while human. This is the source of unparalleled heights and depths of feeling; a wealth of addictions. We have labeled these “addictions” as negative and “work” to overcome them. This is interesting because they are the whole reason we are here. It may be more prudent to celebrate them! They make up the most exciting parts of you! When addictions are referred to here, it is not in the sense of chemical addictions only – the kinds that are ingested. It is behaviors; those that stimulate the process to create the chemical for you. These behaviors become habitual because they afford a sensation you crave. That is addiction. It could be any behavior at all, yet it will lead always to a familiar sensation. The thrill of that sensation excites you and inspires a desire for more, as if it were a drug. In fact it is, but not a drug we are taking, one we are making. You will search for opportunities in your days to do it again and again. Consciousness implies an awareness of these physical tendencies, acceptance for them as facets of the personality and an understanding that they are not “faults” but very human traits – one of the reasons for being human at all. They are not “bad”; they are part of the program. It becomes a challenge to remove “you” out of the equation; everything here is taken personally. The ability to love and live without judgment is the goal here. In order to embody unconditional love you must understand every condition that is its opposite. The exquisite feelings of love, the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat – each of these are addictions. You will repeat them until every nuance is understood. This has been the plan. Today it is widely understood that many of the reasons for the most violent extremes of these emotions – the hardships and challenges of human slavery – have been fabricated. There are beings who possess intimate knowledge of the human psyche and have used it to manipulate man for their own addictions of power and worship. You are at a point now, the ultimate point in the plan, where you have a choice. What will you do? How will you judge? Will you judge? What is unacceptable to you? What does freedom mean? Is such a thing as punishment necessary or is Karma enough? Will you seek revenge? This is the choice of mankind and what is done here will reverberate to every other life in all of creation. If Oneness motivates the decision, there exists a possibility for compassion that until this moment did not exist. The force and effect of cruelty and pain is felt in each heart. It is there now that the possibility for unsurpassed acceptance rests – agape. Now that you know the truth, the power to change all of creation rests in your hands. The slave has come full circle. Ownership is not possible; a sovereign being realizes its possibilities for expression – all of them. Knowing what you are capable of and what has been done before – what will you choose now? The results are in. This was an experiment to reach for the light. It is within your grasp. What you do now changes everything. You are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia ~~ (reposted from 1/2014) Check out the other pages on my new site! In gratitude for all of you, I am gifting both a personal Mandala and a session this week! Find the link on the home page for your chance to enter! Much love and peace everyone...~~~ "Today we embody our power and speak as One. Embrace the globe with a single word – peace. Let peace birth your every thought and direct each movement. See our earth transformed. She is not a mess of countries and conflicts but One star, encircled by light. She is lit from within, gorgeous and luminous with our brilliance, the light of eternity, the radiance of One."
~Sophia Good morning. How perfect that our conclusion is reached on World Peace Day. For self love is peace; Agape is that quiet within. Once found, for however fleeting a moment, you know truth. There is nothing to worry about. You know where home is. You know how to get there. This was not supposed to be easy. It was supposed to be formative. We came here to grow, to evolve, to remember truth in the most dire of circumstances. We are not thrown here, as if to the lions. We arrive upright, excited and ready. Remember that. It will alleviate your self pity and righteous indignation. We are One. Today’s global meditation gives us a chance to consciously choose together. We’re always choosing, and our united voice/choice is absolutely creative. Yet on most days it’s diluted with 7 billion+ varieties of focus. Not today. The opportunity for creation today is astounding. Alone we have this opportunity each and every moment. The creative spark for our own lives does not require a match or global participation. It requires intent. A direction/focus that spans every interaction; one thought that moves with you through the “time” you experience. For “time”, illusory as it is, becomes a powerfully creative substance in that where you spend most of it is who you become. We are associative beings. There is truth in the idea that none of this is real. Yet that truth requires the 60,000 foot point of view. We are right here. This life we love is created by our viewpoint. I focus on yesterday’s disagreement and I feel pain, disappointment and guilt. Each article and conversation I participate in, while allowing that focus to permeate my day, will contain some element of pain, disappointment or guilt. This is how it works. What you do with the illusion of “time” becomes pivotal. “Time” is a powerfully formative substance in that where you spend most of it is who you become. Part of the last 7 days has been spent considering self-love. This Quest is at an end. I, like you, have been to life changing workshops and read transformative books that lost their power once I stopped going or reading. The difference was where my head and my “time” were focused. There is no magic Agape button. Returning to “life as usual” will only be altered if your desire for joy and power, freedom and love, overrides your addiction to emotional trauma. You’ll have to want it so badly that you are willing to continue trying for it, regardless of opposition. This world isn’t currently set up for 7 billion+ sovereign beings; who stand sure and compassionate and unyielding. Perhaps today, with the end of our Quest and a global voice speaking “Peace”, the preparations can begin. It’ll take a gentle reminder: “love yourself”. It’ll take a constant intent: “love yourself”. It’ll take a daily focus: “love yourself”. It’ll take a new direction: “love yourself”. To find Agape doesn’t mean you’ll be “right” every time; it means every time you’ll be love. It’ll take effort and self discipline. You are a way-shower. Examples to follow are scarce. Do not be afraid or discouraged. This is why you came. You are fully equipped. All that you need is found in your heart. I love you without condition or reservation. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. It’s been an honor to travel together. Perhaps we can do so again on our next Quest, October 13th, 2014. Look for your invite on Face book. It the coming 3 weeks there will be more gifts (and my blog) found on the new website. It is a month long celebration! Please come and visit at Namaste’. ~Sophia Enjoy a selection from my son, a composer. Its description fits ours as well: “dramatic, uplifting, and epic”! Hello! Welcome to Saturday. We’ve almost reached the end of this Quest. We’ll finish on Sunday, which is technically the beginning of next week. This is intentional and perfect as we are eternal and this journey is circular. It never ends.
We will have another Quest on October 13th, 2014. As Facebook does not allow for the addition of new dates, look for another event invite in a few weeks. As we uncover self love, we discover beneath each layer is only more. There is not an end to love, a limit to how much you get to have or a time when your heart can’t take anymore. More love is just, well, more. I am not sure what draws you here but I know why I’m here. Like you, I have a head full of aches and a heart full of broken things that I’d rather not be there. It’s not that I think about them consciously, yet they protect/prevent me from full on exposure – sort of like a wet suit. We can be, and we are actually, swimming in love without feeling it as deeply as is possible. This protective suit has it all under control. It feels risky to love without the suit. Exposure has been known to create all sorts of damage. Who, in their right mind, wants that? Love is about the heart, not the mind. Words and events that create pain, hurt because your thoughts say they hurt. Your heart knows what’s true. Nothing exponential is ever achieved without risk. You’ll have to take off the suit. You’ll never get the “full effect” with it on. Now your head will come up with all sorts of reasons to keep covered. In a logical and predictable and Newtonian world, they make sense. We’ve moved beyond logical now. We’ve inched ever so much closer to miraculous. In your very depths is this huge capacity for compassion. The most hideous and desperate are sacred there. Every millimeter of you is faultless. Deformity is not an option through lenses of love. Pain is not perceived by a pure heart. How could it be that this “other” could hurt you? This “other” is you. Open your eyes and see yourself. In all your anger and sadness, accusations and self pity, there rests just one truth. This is the recognition of love. Love is remembered, it is not found. In your first moment, birthed from Source, love was all you knew. Your glory lit the sky and we all gave thanks for your arrival. Hidden beneath your fear of exposure is that brilliance from your beginning. It peeks out the cracks in your armor and tells us we are the same. We are bits of light, moments of love, armfuls of happy. We are so much more than any logical, fearful thought. Our time as human is limited. None of us know how long we’ll be with each other. Embrace the moment you know you share, this moment now, with both hands and let go. Enjoy the ride. Scream with joy, scream with fear if you must yet don’t let the possibility of pain stop you from taking this ride. You are here together for a reason. Your only chance at finding it is on the other end of control. Free is the gift of Agape. Self love opens all your closed doors and lets us in. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia My website has been published and you can go there to sign up for next weeks drawing – It is our fifth day. Love yourself. It sounds like a simple thing, doesn’t it? If it were, most of us would be there. Like riding a bike.
We learned about bike riding and self love around the same time. We were very young. When learning both, there was this gentle period of acclimation where someone – mom, dad, big brother, big sister, uncle or aunt – held you until the right moment. It was that moment when you were on your own. Your balance, speed and success were each self determined. You were heading out into the world – solo. What you gleaned from the lessons they gave very much decided how you approached both self love and bike riding. Did they hold on a little too long out of fear? Did they push you away too soon? How they reflected both for you is evidenced in your style. We are associative beings. We watch, listen and decide for ourselves what will work. Typically, we mimic. It is time for a new approach. We are all grown up now. We no longer “need” to be held; although some days it feels like that. On those days we comfort ourselves with any one of our addictions. We may blame someone for cutting off our supply, self-medicate or decide to be stoic. Each approach ends with a hollow spot. This is not Agape (self-love). It can be scary to decide to love anyway. Despite what you may have learned from your elders or any internal objection – you are absolutely lovable. There is no fear in self-love. You don’t need make up, great abs or a large bank account. Whatever you have right now is enough. You hold a spark of eternity. You are love embodied. Today. There is no fault that separates you from being worthy of this love. Its discovery is sort of like that moment when you realize no one is holding on to the bike (or to you) and you are moving on your own; shocking and thrilling all at once. When it happened for me, I opened my mouth to yell with joy and a bug flew in. Not what I expected and sort of gross. I kept on riding. The thing is, you can keep going with your mouth shut worried about the bug possibility or you can keep going screaming with joy anyway. Both will get you there. One way sounds like fun; the other sounds like work. I don’t know about you, but I’ve got enough to do. I’m not looking to give myself any more jobs. Self-love is not something you have to earn. It is free and equally available. No one else is counting how much you take or worrying about you getting theirs. No one is keeping score. You are the only one who actually knows how much you’ve got. Sometimes you see people and they arrive full out. Nothing is missing with them and as a result they expect nothing from you. They are not asking you to support their anxiety or fill up their empty spots. They are present. Whether you like them or not, you can’t help but appreciate their lack of dependence. It is refreshing. Agape is not something that was on the to-do list of those who came before us. If you were shown how to love yourself as a child, you are quite fortunate. If not, doing so now will bring up all sorts of anxiety. It will feel “wrong”. It is not. It is just different. You are okay, all by yourself. You are good enough to shower with love. Treat yourself tenderly, this is new ground and you may want training wheels. Go ahead, be good to yourself. Give yourself whatever you need. Smile. This is one thing you have to do alone. It is time. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia Check out the drawing for this week! Welcome to day 4! At the midpoint of our Quest today, we are “just as far in as we’ll ever be out”. (Anna Nalick) There have been some times I’ve seen with my heart and some times I’ve seen with my head. My buttons are still there, waiting to be pushed. The difference now is that rather than being swallowed up by them, I know where they are. I recognize them and feel when they are being pushed before I respond. At that point, I am more in charge of my responses than I’ve ever been. Agape is power. It takes control of your life and adds order to it. Until now, you may feel somewhat pushed around by the events, people and even the places of your days. The ups and downs of your moods are dependent on what or who you run into. This can change. Unconditional love is a force. It is already running through the very heart of you. It has just been camouflaged with judgment and blame; with failure and defeat. These emotions are not truth. They are markers. They point out places where love is hiding. There are no parts of you imperfect. Loves imprint has marked you permanently. You are love. Nothing you can think, say or do changes that. At your very core is acceptance without condition. To live this way is not something you’ll have to learn, it is something you’ll have to remember. Moments of remembering are announced with happiness. Joy is the companion we seek. Until now she has arrived unbidden. We can call Joy forth in every moment with unconditional love. This is the power of Agape. In order to utilize this power, you’ll have to change your operating system. You’ve engaged the world as if it has control and determines your mood. It has looked like this: You are walking along, singing a song and someone approaches. You stop, look at who they are and feel however they make you feel. The options are many. Your new operating system has been designed in reverse. You are walking along singing a song and you feel grateful, loving, happy, abundant and peaceful. Someone approaches. You stop and look. Your feelings can no longer be manipulated by your environment. You’ve set them to run on self-love 24-7. What happens now? You can predict the outcome of every encounter. You are in control; dependent on no one to fill you up or push your buttons to get you going. This is a powerful place in which you stand. It is a place of sovereignty. It is where you are home. Your operating system can be changed regardless of your age or history. New hardware is not required. This is not an upgrade. It is more like a removal of a malicious virus. Once accomplished, you are ready for whatever and whoever you walk into. Power comes from knowing the answer. You do. It is resting in your heart and available for every question, encounter and seeming setback. Life happens. Sometimes we are broke, broken or broken hearted. These feelings do not define you, they are landscapes. Backdrops for the unique and gentle stroke of your hand, your heart, your light. The answer is Agape. Love your self in every encounter, circumstance and moment. There is a part of you that does you know. He or she has been waiting a very long time for you to get with the program. YOU are the One you’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia It is our third day. Perhaps you’ve begun to see with eyes of Agape. Perhaps not. Sometimes we look without seeing anyone at all. Not because there is no one there; it’s that we aren’t seeing.
Your heart asks you to pay attention to everyone within view. Everyone. If you consider the thought that you know almost everyone you’ll see today – from the days before today – why then would you need to focus even more on them? You’ve encountered them before and are pretty familiar with what they will probably say. Perhaps they ring up your groceries. Perhaps they sit at your dinner table. This doesn’t appear to demand your full involvement. What if you were told that today you’d meet Source. You weren’t told who Source would show up as, but you were guaranteed that one of your conversations today would be with him/her. Now that would get your attention! What an incredible opportunity; to connect with Absolute Truth, Eternal Essence and Pure Love. You would be on high alert. Everyone would matter. Everyone. Everyone does matter, and when you start to connect with them as if they do, magic happens. There are no small moments. There are no insignificant acts of love. Your heart knows this. Seeing with your heart is sort of like using “X-ray vision” glasses. Only instead of bones you are looking at Truth. What’s there is a being, defining him or her self with each word and action. Although you may be hearing the words they are speaking, they are not about you. They are echoes of the internal dialog going on inside their head. If you listen with your head, you’ll hear echoes of your own internal chatter. It’s a wonder any of us manage to communicate. Seeing and listening from your heart opens up a whole new world of calm. Suddenly no one is at fault. Empathy becomes the great equalizer. Agape erupts without a sound. The heart sees only unity. Today, see everyone as Source and watch what happens. When we sense familiarity and acceptance, we light up. It’ll be like walking around engulfed by “motion detector” lights. We are One and we sparkle like a star studded sky… We are the One we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia Welcome to our second day! We’ve noticed what Agape is NOT. Let’s move along a bit further. We can see now parts of ourselves we’ve found to be unacceptable - so much so that we cannot look at them. The first step towards changing anything is recognition. What’s not working? This journey is not so much about fixing what is wrong as seeing what is going on. We are not broken. We are in varying levels of pain and healing. To move through these parts we’ll have to accept them without shame. This is not a pretty process or a simple one. None of us are exempt. How do we see with our hearts instead of our heads? Compassion is key. Look at each other. Find not fault, but empathy. I am your sister. He is your brother. You know how we feel. You’ve been here on some level. We are not “wrong” or “strange” or “uncomfortable”; we are doing the best we can with what we have. As your emotional trigger gets pushed, and you feel the rise of anger, pity, annoyance or opinion – STOP. You are looking right now at an aspect of yourself you’d rather not. This “other”, the one killing your otherwise sunny disposition, reminds you of you. This memory is familiar. It is uncomfortable. You’ve labeled it “not good”. You want it to stop. It reminds you of why you feel so bad sometimes. You are not wrong or bad for feeling this way. You’ve been trained by a lifetime of habit. Very early on you learned specific responses; they are engrained in your brain. You feel familiarity around them. You may actually seek to create them if they are not already there. You label them your personality: “I am me. I like these types of things and people. I don’t like these types of things and people.” You are speaking here as the little you. This is the you that is determined by circumstance. It is not the Great You. The Great You is self defined, embodied and present in every moment. The Great You greets every circumstance, welcomes and embraces it. The Great You has preferences without opinion. He or she may like a certain color more than another. I was with a little guy this past weekend who is just learning his colors. So far he knows “yeyow”. His response to any “What color is this?” question is exactly the same: “yeyow”. To him, color is in a category of One. He is proud and happy to tell you his newly discovered truth. Now next week he’ll learn another color and the separation begins. There will be “not yeyow” things he’ll have to decide about. What attributes he puts on these new colors will in some way decide how he sees the world. It is that way for all of us. There are all sorts of “not yeyow” things we’ve already formed opinions about. These decisions feel right and comforting in a constantly shifting world. We can “hang our hat” on these thoughts. We’ve held on to them for such a long time – they must be true. Yet the number of absolute truths can be held in one hand. The rest are momentary truths and depend on the subject, the speaker and the “time”. To embody Agape asks that you see with your heart. The heart knows Truth. It can be trusted. You will recognize when your heart is seeing. It sees only love. It sees only Truth. Sort of like seeing all color as “yeyow”, your heart sees all of us as infinite expressions of life. Your heart sees you as exquisite. The heart sees One everywhere it looks. The inner discomfort you feel when your buttons are pushed is not a signal of error or wrongdoing or imperfection. It is a message from your heart. It is whispering “I know the perfection that is you. Remember. This judgment you are forming is of the little you. I know the Great You. Remember.” So we spend our formative years learning to categorize and label this 3D world. Then we wake up. We realize these names are just conventions. They are useful in conversations perhaps; not so much in forming beliefs. Names are separators. All is One. The little you needed them to communicate and make sense of a very big world. The Great You does not. Observe them, yes; and then without opinion see with your heart. What you’ll find is that reflected in each bit of life and every face is a bit of you. Look directly at yourself and accept each gift. For you are so much greater than the sum of your parts. You are so much more than a name, age, color, title, job, relationship, gender, religion or nationality. You are heaven itself, all wrapped up in a being that, for now, is human. This Great You is multi-dimensional, the embodiment of Eternal Essence, and certainly bigger than any opinion. This Great You is an honor to know. Thank you for showing up. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia Welcome to our Quest for Agape. To love without condition is surrender. It is ultimate truth. There is nothing that stands in the way of this love; nothing to hide, to protest, to blame, to judge, to avoid. There is nothing to risk. This is not to say that it feels this way, for it does not. On your way to Agape you’ll want to hide. You may perceive hiding as the safest route to take. Once taken, you’ll realize something; you are not in Agape, you are merely alone. Although love begins within, this is a physical existence. It is meant to be lived out loud, with all of us. In 2011 these Quests were begun as a path to discover self love and self forgiveness. After 2 years of monthly journeys, we reached a point of understanding. Intellectually we comprehended our own worth. Yet today, 1 ½ years later, do we experience everyday Agape? What does that look like anyway? It is there I’d like to take us. We have all chosen beautifully. Our life is made up of mirrors. We are surrounded by each other; gauges for the degree of love which is present. Look around. If someone enrages you internally, you’ve seen your own self-loathing. This is how it works. As long as there exists in your heart any reason to hate or to be annoyed or to be afraid or to judge or to blame – you do not love. We are all lovable. How is this true? It is true because we are One. Unity is the answer for every conundrum. Recently I experienced physical evidence for this. An accident left me physically, but temporarily, sort of deformed facially. It’s been 3 weeks and part of my face is still black and blue, while there is a lump protruding from my forehead. Only now do people not look away from my face in public. Three weeks ago this was not the case. The thing is, I have not changed on the inside. I AM me. I feel whole and attractive and strong and love and the same. In the eyes of almost everyone I’ve met, I am not. I have not been offended by their discomfort and avoidance, just curious. After many repeated and uncomfortable encounters it became perfectly clear who we are. We are self defined. The awkward feelings and silent judgments of each stranger I encountered say nothing about who I am – but volumes about who they are. How we react and feel about what and who we encounter outside of our bathroom mirror is a clear image of who we are; clearer than any piece of glass can provide. I was a problem for everyone but me these last few weeks. I am not diminished by their judgment, while they suffer. I know I am more than these lumps and bruises. I am a piece of eternity; whole and beautiful; as are you. You are a Master; only Masters can incarnate as human. You have come here to challenge yourself, to see yourself with lumps and bruises and to remember who you are. Love is not perfectly dressed, photo-shopped, planned, or performed. It is sometimes lumpy and may leave ugliness on the outside. Love doesn’t show on the outside. On the outside is “window dressing”, which is fun and part of being human but not the point of this Quest. This Quest is about finding what’s beautiful on the inside. That’s where you are. Remember. Remember who you are – a bit of Source who showed up on planet Earth to show us how it’s done. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia |
April 2024