“A written word is the choicest of relics. It is something at once more intimate with us and more universal than any other work of art. It is the work of art nearest to life itself. It may be translated into every language, and not only be read but actually breathed from all human lips; -- not be represented on canvas or in marble only, but be carved out of the breath of life itself.” ― Henry David Thoreau, Walden This is an urgent call to the one people. WE ARE ONE. WE ARE ONE. WE ARE ONE. A PART OF US HAS STOOD UP FOR ALL OF US. SHE IS CURRENTLY BEING HELD WITHOUT HER CONSENT BY OTHERS OF US. HERE IS HER STORY. HELP FREE HER. This can be done with written words and presence and intention. It can be done kindly, gently, with determination and numbers. Another of us, a fierce advocate for sovereignty, has this to say: “Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.” Martin Luther King, Jr. (thanks Eric!) www.davidicke.com It is us. We are the One we’ve been waiting for.
Our enslavement is our compliance. We are not slaves. WE ARE GODS. BE THE GOD THAT YOU ARE. SET YOURSELF FREE. THIS MOMENT NOW IS THE MOMENT YOU ARE BEING TESTED, ASKED, URGED TO STAND UP. LET’S DO SO. ~Sophia 7 hours after posting, this off world message was received, including a message about Kiri : "The New Zealand's government is well understanding and one of few governments that People trust. This woman could be freed if many People would agree to sign a petitions and support her with peaceful rallies." Included as well was this song, "Final Hope", which is fitting.
Welcome to our third day. The David Icke seminar, “Remember Who You Are” just ended. I’ll include here a song that he closed with. It was perfect. Some will find David hard to believe. He’s been telling his story for two decades and it is being validated again and again today. His message resonates because it does not back away from the hard stuff and concludes always with love. It is this conclusion we are looking to reach, as One. Oneness is a singular decision. It is truth, yet today we are realizing how our beliefs and societal structures have held it to be fantasy. It takes commitment and tenacity to work at understanding this; oneness is a foreign concept. In order to change our belief systems we must first accept the possibility of unity. Unity demands clear vision and unconditional acceptance of ourselves. Only with blinders off can we love absolutely. We, who know every inch of ourselves, are not here to judge that which we know. We, who are unlimited consciousness, are here to love our limited physical selves. It is only through the realization of our infinite divinity that we can see clearly. This is what this journey is about – we are on a Quest for the Truth. The love that you are is the purest force you command. It is the core of your power; the center of life. This is how your world is created, it springs from intent. See through every false image to your deepest truth. Intend only love. For love is your starting point, your finish line and every inch in between. There is nothing but love in your blueprint. You cannot escape love, it is your foundation. Anything else is mere decoration, pretty, but only on the surface. Agape is deep self acceptance. This Quest takes us past our human trappings, into the raw center of our souls. We are One – a force of unprecedented power. This moment on our journey asks us only to love. It is the most challenging, yet simple request. Do you love yourself? Do you love me? How about every one else? Do you love yourself without reservation or hesitation? Say yes. Choose love. You are beautiful, powerful, joyful light beings, here to discover your brilliance. Your light is so very much needed now. It is no accident you are reading these words, for they are written for you. With a full heart, take your love and visualize it spreading from your head to your toes and back again. Feel the beauty of who you are. Imagine all of us feeling the same. This wave of agape will heal us all. We are One, we are Love and we are so ready to do this. Just love. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia Fear vs. love. What does that even mean? I’m reminded of the “Push Me Pull You” of Dr. Doolittle. Internally I am stretched and yanked from one extreme to the other. Neither direction is permanent; the tussle is continuous. A sign from someplace else would be nice. Do you feel that way? Looking up to the heavens this morning, I whisper “A little help?” The overwhelming conditions of my 3D life are screaming, daring me to love in spite of them. How will I respond? I don’t need a calendar or anyone else to tell me we’ve arrived at a choice moment. With every cell of my body; I know. The quiet love song I carry is struggling to out-shout the drama. There are moments when I don’t hear the melody at all. That is when I see the fear. The choice becomes clear. Is this all there is to life? The video below seems perfect for this moment. It was just sent to me. Maybe this is the “little help” I asked for. The thing is, holding this knowing is what it’ll take. It is no longer a question of knowledge; it is a question of belief. Do you believe you are love? Do you know with every morsel of your being that you are pure divine consciousness? Can you feel that truth? Access that part of you as often as possible. Forgive yourself. You have come with the intention to love. The one you are here to adore is reading these words. She looked at you in the mirror this morning. He brushed your teeth. There is no need to look further. This is our moment. We came now for the opportunity of a lifetime. We know the plan. Quiet introspection and meditation will give us access to it. Trust yourself. Know that whatever you are seeing on the surface is temporary. It is a reflection; a reaction to past beliefs and conditions. All of this is malleable. It is up to you. What will you choose? In the face of every fearful image there is only one truth; “This is not who I am”. For you are not fear, you are love. There is no loss or pain or injustice felt in the depths of your soul. That is where the God spark rests, igniting the force that is you. For make no mistake – you are a force. You have come here now to demonstrate truth. It is the strength of this force that has called up the loudest opposition – daring you to fear. You will not. You cannot. For you are the One we’ve been waiting for. It is hot here, beastly hot. The thermometer has held steady at 100 plus degrees for days now, with no relief in sight. Our sun seems to be making a statement. It occurs for me that our sun is the force for all life here. We depend on and are at the mercy of this star. We are beginning to harness its energy with solar cells and panels. Take a look at the image of the sun on this blog. It is dated July 2nd, and you can’t help but notice someone or something “parked” there who must be much further along with solar power than we are. This puts things in perspective. Whatever this time may be, by whatever name you call it or whose prophecy you listen to – it is happening to all of us; as One. There can be no escaping the fact that we are all under one sun. Its rays land on every one of us without bias. Everyone gets sunshine; ornamentals and weeds alike. We are One. There are some of us who have moved out into the open and they are taking a beating. They have come to help us grow. They go by many names; truth tellers, whistleblowers, freelance journalists, Resistance Movement members, David Wilcock, David Icke, Benjamin Fulford, Bill Brockbrader, Cobra, Drake – to name a few. These brave members of our human family are providing us with an immeasurable service. They are helping to open our eyes. Yes, they are biased; as humans, they can’t help but be. So are you and I. The difference is they are sharing what they know, bias included, so we can make an informed choice about our life and our world. They could use our support. We are One. Let’s act like it. Let’s support them all. The gifts they bring are changing our world. They have responded to an internal call and their response is helping to enlighten us. Without them, we’d all be in a completely different place right now. Let’s speak as One and support our brothers and sisters, regardless of whether we agree with them or not. Our beauty exists in our diversity. We are different by design. These light workers are putting their names and lives on the line for all of us. In principle we want the same things; freedom, love, prosperity and growth. As One, we can show we support them with a donation of any amount, we can buy one of their books, and we can attend one of their seminars. We can intentionally hold them in the light of our love and empower them. We can thank them. They are not paid to do this. They are called to do this. They are doing this for love. They are the parts of One that chose in these times to risk it all for the benefit of the whole. We are the One that benefit by their actions. Let us offer only help. The voice of One spoke when Bill Brockbrader was able to make bail. The voice of One is speaking with every war and every protest, each healing meditation and consciousness seminar. You are that voice. Resist the urge to hold back your love because of an opinion or a need to be right. Everyone is right. Everyone is light. Some of us are beacons right now. Let’s give them some juice so they can keep going. We are the ones we are waiting for. |
April 2024