Hello and welcome to our 2nd day! It’s a struggle this morning to come up with what could possibly be relevant in these days of December 2012. Everything has been said. In the final analysis, none of us are sure what an “end of times” actually looks like. It’s not available on You Tube, Reddit or Pinterest. No one has seen it and shown up now to tell us. Oh, there are voices that describe possibilities. We each have our favorites, some we believe and like; others we aren’t so sure about and most we read every day, regardless of opinion. We’re looking for something that’s not here; not yet. In these end times we are getting in no uncertain terms the manifestation of our deepest held beliefs. We’ve lived through generation after generation of manipulation by those who see us as one mass of humanity, here to be controlled. We are waking up and finding our voice and our truth. This life is ours to control. The key to creation is within. We know this now, so it’s no more “same old, same old”. We don’t know what to expect, this is new territory and it’s driving us nuts. We don’t trust the “powers that be” to give it to us straight; we aren’t sure who to trust. Trust yourself. Your body, your heart and your soul know exactly what they’re doing. Each has been waiting for you to stop running the program of low self esteem, self doubt and self hatred. All this love you’ve been keeping from yourself but projecting onto a God, human, animal or cause – is itching to reach you as well. You just didn’t know. It’s okay. We’ve been slumbering together, a sort of pre-cursor to Oneness. These are the End Times of Mass Deception. We have entered the Beginning Times of Mass Uncovering – The Age of Enlightenment. We are opening our hearts; this will be the best gift ever. Agape is like nothing you’ve ever felt. It is freedom. It is pure, unrestricted and fearless. There are no doubts in a heart that knows truth. In the face of every confrontation, challenge, hardship or setback – nothing is lost. Agape yields a constant state of abundance. This is the secret the manipulators have used to keep us in a state of subservience, lack and slavery. Self hatred is not natural, yet we’ve each felt it. If you want to completely dominate someone, create fear in them. They will act or not act accordingly; always as a reaction to you. Self determination is not in their repertoire. It is instead a life of self-preservation and safety. This is the life we are ending; the “end of times”. We’ve been here so long that we are in the habit of looking to someone else to tell us the truth so we know how to react. Life is an active endeavor, not a reactive event. The times of believing we are controlled by others more powerful than us are over. There is no one more powerful than you. These are the end times. You don’t need anyone to tell you what comes next. That’s the whole point! You only need to trust your inner voice, and then tell yourself the truth. This is how you create the beginning. We are God consciousness, seeing ourselves as if for the very first time – enamored with the vision. These are not times to fear or to look for someone else to tell us about. These are the beginning times; our start as Agape sourced Masters. We are beholden to none. We are One. The voice of truth, this inner rhythm of love has now seen the light of day. It’s okay to love yourself. You are perfect; an expression of joy without limits! Treat yourself tenderly, lovingly and lavishly. Then, when your eyes behold the rest of us, they will be all filled up and overflowing with Agape. We will be encased in a field of unconditional love; the state of divinity. These are the beginning times. They are worthy of the Masters who created them; us. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow, ~Sophia
It’s tempting to make light of the U.S. Presidential election. Either because in the next dimension it won’t matter who holds office, (it’ll all be love and light), or because there will be no political agenda where we are headed or because it doesn’t really matter who holds the office, all are equally corrupt and capable. This election matters if only because it is the first one held with so many of us awake. Being awake doesn’t mean you ignore things that don’t resonate. There is a potential now for you to see clearly. It all counts. Our world is being re-created now and now and now and now and NOW. You never intended to doze through 2012 and then wake up, ready to engage, on the morning after December 21st. You showed up to participate. You are one of the producers of the show. What kind of election are you going to hold? Once it’s over, what kind of President will hold that office? A reader shared with me this poem, which was dreamed into reality the night of the first presidential debate: Our Manifesto We love You. We call upon All leaders everywhere in every position and capacity: We love You. Either lead and serve Us, the people, the 100% Equally, benevolently and lovingly Or step down. We love You. Please pass this on We love You This is beautiful. As a producer, this is the sentiment I’d like to bring to the set. When producing anything, you first need to be aware of the end result. What would you like to create? It is tempting for us to attach a whole set of personality to the results. Personality is temporary. It is a platform on which we play. Personality enables us to see who we are, reflected back through each other. I didn’t see the debate. Instead I was blissfully engaged in a theatrical performance of “Alice in Wonderland”. My son has a lead role. One of the scenes from the play sort of jumped out at me: Alice is confused and the animals are speaking nonsense. She asks question after question. “Who am I?” “How do I get there?” “What do you mean?” “Where do I start?” At one point the White Rabbit answers: “That all depends on what’s in here” (pointing straight at Alice). It always depends on us. Regardless of who plays the role of U.S. President, we can intend for that man to operate from his deepest truth, empowered and sovereign. We can encase both men in love and support, seeing the outcome that supports the country in the best way possible for every citizen. We can do that in every case, for each country and election. Leadership happens with our consent, one way or the other. We are participating with our action or inaction, with our words and our efforts. We are One. It is not true that there are winners and losers. Victories and losses are temporary. Ultimately, we all end up as One. It is the place we began, the place we actually are, and the place we are headed. We are in this together and responding with love works every time. This is what we do best, and what we came here now to do. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. I am filled with hope, love and excitement for what is to come. Something has changed recently and although I cannot show you a picture of what it was, I can tell you what I see. I see all of us right. There are so many versions of truth. What if they were all correct? We stand today a divided planet. There are nations and within them states and within them counties and towns. Within the towns there are men, women and children; from every nation, following every religion, team, political party, interest and sexual preference. Within each of these you will find a belief so strong that it seems unchangeable. Here is a version of life I am coming to resonate with, for it allows for every difference. We are all right. The Cabal has infiltrated the speaking of the “Channels”, while there are some authentic “Channels” as well. There are man made ships as well as off world ships. There is both divine and human intervention. There is a dark force looking for domination and destruction while there are very human men and women who have followed the “service to self” route all on their own. There are “Archons” wreaking havoc and there are Alphabet agencies of human beings carrying out criminal agenda’s. All stories contain truth. Everyone is right. Everyone is love. You chose to be part of a grand plan – to lift the Earth out of the darkness she has been in; to ascend. The stories are all true. You are here to participate, not because you are better than anyone else, but because it is time now to restore balance to the Earth. The depths of the darkness demanded a great deal of light. You are that light. There are forces for balance and forces for destruction and forces for peace. The sacred texts speak truth, although the literal interpretations have led to division and speculation and misunderstanding. Many of them were taken out of context, which does not negate their value, or make them irrelevant. The force that yields the greatest power is the force for One. You are that force. The One has asked for a great influx of light to the earth right now because there is an imbalance; the dark/destruction has seized and held this planet for long enough. Our work is not complete. The balance must be maintained once it is achieved. We have free will. Man chose this path. We have been (unknown to our conscious selves) collectively in service to a destructive force. This force has one goal and it is absolute – it creates and then destroys as a show of power – absolute power. That is its only purpose. War, ownership and corruption are its methods. When it realizes there are no longer possibilities for domination it moves on – it has. Its minions, the Archons/Illuminati, do not realize yet that the game is over. They will continue. Like chickens without heads, they are unaware and still running around, doing whatever chickens do. This is where the free will of man comes into play. Man must now continue to make a stand against destruction by resisting those efforts. He will be helped by off world sources if he chooses to be helped. We have to ask for help, not ask to be “saved”. We do not need a savior; we are here to save ourselves. We are the One. We have come here ourselves, to save ourselves, in service to humanity; the One. It would appear that we have asked. Although our history is filled with darkness, the overall picture of things is not. We must get past the horror and disbelief of our past and move on to action in our present. It is time to do what we feel called to do. There are many possibilities. We’ve learned that there is corruption in our banks, corporations, religions and governments – we can start just about anywhere. Think of things to do that will no longer support a self-destructive system. Self reliance and collaboration is key. It’s not necessary that we all get on the same train, yet it is time to start moving. We are here with purpose. We are here to love absolutely. This may not always be easy, but it is necessary and will alter our world. Balance means that both sides always exist. This is the lesson of every spiritual teacher we’ve encountered. The earth is a template for growth and evolution. The challenges propel us; we are here for the stimulus they offer. We have come to learn. We are Master creators. We know what to do. We all planned this party, ages ago. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ~ Re-post from 4.20.2012 when it was called "Paradise" ~ Someone reminded me of this one, catching and sort of re-working one of the lines. I like it ~ "Thrive anywhere. Regardless of product used, money spent or effort given, the battle seems won by the weed." So, thank you for the reminder! This is what we are meant to do. We are meant to "Thrive Anywhere". ~~~~~ A field of yellow catches my eye and I turn to enjoy the view. This little patch of dirt, squished between cement sidewalk and highway, is awash with color on this rainy spring morning. I am surprised. I drive by here every day and have never noticed. A closer look offers an answer, these are weeds. Relentless and persistent, dandelions thrive anywhere. Regardless of product used, money spent or effort given, the battle seems won by the weed. A dear friend of mine loves them and looks forward to their emergence. It does seem to be merely a preference instead of a fact that dandelions are an eyesore. You’d be hard pressed to tell the difference from a distance between a field of daffodils and a field of dandelions. One you plant, the other you pull. We have in our midst many “weeds” that are about to be pulled. They must be. Like the plant, once they gain strength in an area they choke out all other life. All resources support them. Nothing else can thrive. It is the way weeds work, in human and plant form. They know nothing else but to infiltrate and dominate. “Weeds” are not less than the rest of us. They are not supportive however and it is time to get rid of them. We can no longer thrive with them in our midst. The movie bearing that name illustrates what has been happening. This is what we are doing as a race. We are removing those that would take over and destroy the rest. It is necessary in order to continue. Hating the dandelion or getting angry at it is not productive. A clean removal of the entire plant must be accomplished. We have discovered the root and we are digging it out. We want a field of different flowers now. We want to plant them ourselves rather than being overrun. We are wildflowers, every one. We are looking now for fertile ground. Whether we find it or not depends on how we get rid of the weeds. The normal stuff isn’t working. It is time for a new plan. Twice I’ve removed persistent, giant, deeply rooted weeds. The first time I hated that weed. It had destroyed parts of my fence and numerous, expensive ornamentals that I had carefully planted. I dumped a quart of gasoline on it – in the process killing not just the weed, but everything else. It’s been years and still nothing grows there. The weed is gone, but at the expense of all life. The second weed was more of a small, ugly, relentless bush. We wrapped a chain around it and a truck pulled it out. It took effort, a group of us, planning and precision. It was taken out, roots and all, and has never returned. Flowers grow beautifully in its place. We are seeing the depths of the roots of our human “weeds”. They need to be removed, not destroyed. Respect for all of life demands that each action benefit the whole. Once these weeds are gone, we are going to need fertile ground. We are gardeners, not weed killers. Once a dandelion is removed at the root, you only need to drop it on the nearby soil, exposing the root. It can no longer grow and will naturally decompose, nourishing the ground beneath. We are being called now to proceed with wisdom to activate the love that we are. It is this love that supports all of life. We are seven billion and more powerful than the weeds. They have no choice but to yield to our decision. All of life flourishes when love dictates each movement. You have come to show the way. These “weeds” in our midst understand only dominance; divide and conquer. They require removal if really aggressive and re-education. Proceed with love. Hatred is a fruitless enterprise. Growth is paramount. Collaboration for mutual benefit is what we are here to do. You have come now to energize us all with your love and your light – to nourish this beautiful home called earth. Love in every moment. This is how we get to Paradise. We are the ones we are waiting for. This process of ascending has been gradual. With each day there is a combination of clarity, anticipation and questions. For quite some time I subscribed to what I’d call “magical thinking” around Ascension. This comes close to the fairy Godmother in Cinderella. The trouble with that is everyone knows it’s not real and at midnight its nothing but a pumpkin and some mice. You never expect it to last. This is not a Disney fairy tale. As humans, we expect to have some sort of obvious, natural progression from one moment to the next. Our memory, and thus our learning style, is associative. We need something to hang each new fact onto. What is true about learning is that it only happens when the thing learned connects to and thus applies to something already known. This is why artists struggle with facts and figures and scientists with art. Much of what is taught to our children today is not used anywhere else in their life, and thus quickly forgotten. We’ve been fortunate. For some time now we’ve been hearing messages from a host of channels, visionaries, and reporters about these “end times”. We are prepared and can see the “writing on the wall”. We’ve heard many stories. Once they may have seemed a bit “out there”; no longer. Today words like Reptilian, Galactic Federation, Illuminati and Cabal are everywhere. There are few of us who have not heard about or seen a UFO. State agencies are telling citizens to stock extra food and essentials. Every one of the players in this End Time Scenario is performing perfectly. What wasn’t obvious 9 months ago is that these changes are not isolated. As One, we and the earth are ramping up the vibe. This frequency change results in the crumbling of very dense structures, institutions and beliefs. As light workers, we’ve worried that we may have to tell people all these shocking revelations. We don’t. We are shifting as One. These higher frequencies can’t hold rigid and divisive belief systems. This is an organic process. It is natural, progressive and rapid. Minds and belief systems simultaneously expand. Every system is gradually altered as this occurs. It is seamless. As humans, we’d have it no other way. Our deepest intent is not to shock and frighten. That would be counter productive. It is rather to love and gently nudge each other. We are here as a collective. With One Voice, we are shifting to a new range. Beneath every message, whistle-blower, protester and reporter is a being of light, here to facilitate this New Age. It serves us to remember that we are One, and every bit of us is right on time. Expect each other to show up and do what we came to do with brilliance. We are not here waiting for someone else to fix things for us. We are the change we seek. Our relationships and interactions are creating this dream. Expect the changes. Look for the love. Stand for the light. You are one who came now to demonstrate truth. You are love and so is everyone else. It is a diversion to spend energy criticizing and questioning yourself or anyone else. It is time now to trust. You have the answers and are here to provide them at the moment they are needed. We all are. This is a perfectly choreographed moment. It will proceed naturally as we move through our days, expecting only love. We know what the next dimension looks like. It looks like us – brave and beautiful, strong and determined, patient and gentle – quietly perfect. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. A solo fishing pole runs towards the lake, taking with it a sneaker clad little boy, holding on to a tackle box. He looks back often, smiling at an older guy who takes his time to catch up. It is a chilly morning. Dark clouds announce the coming rain and this fishing trip will either be a short one or a wet one. It’s not the weather that’s in that young boy’s head, it’s the fishing. Threatening weather, illness or discomfort stops many adventures. When young children are involved it’s different again. Through their eyes, the world becomes a playground. In “Yes Man”, Jim Carrey discovers what he’s been missing with “No”, and falls in love. It’s easy to say no. There are so many valid reasons – not enough time, not enough money, not enough guts, not enough knowledge. It all comes down to lack, which in this world is the physical expression of fear. I began saying yes in 2008, after seeing this movie. Eventually my children caught on and we ate a lot of pizza and ice cream for awhile. I joined some organizations I wouldn’t have normally. I began writing in earnest. I write this blog because 4 years ago I said yes. The anti-drug campaign in the schools around here is titled “Just Say No”. Once I remembered the Law of Attraction, I noticed the futility of that. A great way to attract anything is to surround it in a big red circle and include the word “NO!” What we resist persists. Life is supposed to be fun and we have forgotten. That little boy with his dad or uncle is making a memory; the rain is just mixed in with the story and was never the point. Both will pass quickly, making way for the next moment. Just say yes. Practice for our next moment. Ascension or The Shift or The End Times or the Event or whatever we call it, it’s a new adventure. How are we going to let go and fully experience this massive change if we can’t get out of the house? We’ve chained ourselves in imaginary bonds of fear. This was a deliberate act, perpetrated by those who would enslave us. We are not slaves, we are light workers. Our light dissolves these invisible chains, our love sets us free. Realize in every moment the power you hold. Look up! We are all around you, waiting to meet your gaze. One of us has to begin; it may as well be you. Even going to the grocery store can be a blast when the trip includes some love. That’s the whole point! We are not just background and scenery while you “get your work done”. We are your work! Look around, smile, and connect. It’s incredible how that lifts you up. Say yes, and watch your world conspire to create more for you to love. Our purpose is expansion. We are here to evolve. We came to love. It starts with yes. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. For it is love, self love, that brings you to an “ascended” state. It is agape that is key, the pivotal action; necessary in these times of upheaval. Remain steadfast in your love. There are no greater or lesser beings than you – you are One. A mass of love, all rolled into One – humanity. We have not known this truth. We’ve been admonished via our religious texts to love as an action, as something we must do. Yet their missing ingredient is a definition of where this action called “love” is sourced. It comes from you. You are the wellspring of agape. The supply of love in this world does not come from outside you – it springs from your soul. You are love; not a body with a soul, but a soul with a body. The soul/heart/generator of life is love. This is truth. This is you. We are drifting in a sea of dates, predictions, wishes and fears – conditions. The truth is without condition and exists without requirement. Stand in your power and love. This is who and what you actually are. What you can do right now is utilize your power of visualization to get you through this swirl of conflicting reports and information. When overwhelmed or confused or anxious, recognize that now your love is needed. It is needed more than ever. For love is truth. See yourself lock arms with every other being, our feet firmly planted on a groundswell of agape; the force of our light emanating out, altering our world. This vibration of love attracts every light being and repels all that are not. We are a force that broadcasts “The dark shall not pass”. The dark does not penetrate the light; it is the other way around. It is our light that calls forth every good thing, every positive action. Whatever is not in harmony with agape will not pass our unified field of Love. Force is not needed, you are. The power resides in your heart. See this in every anxious or uncertain moment. No special time or date is required, this is our new world. It is a world without corruption or destruction. It is a world bathed in light. We will activate this ascension. Our love will initiate every positive change. Our fear only repeats negative patterns. Love halts the cycle and initiates these end times. The curtain is rising and we hold the script in our heart. We’ve walked on stage. It is time. Lock arms with me and love. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. We are a unified collective. Our hearts beat as One. This we have always known, deep within; it explains compassion. You have come here to create. Every impulse you have that supports life enhances the experience for each of us. With truly a ripple effect, your words, thoughts and actions touch us all. The element of linear time impacts only the moment when the effects are felt or witnessed, not the fact that they do. They always do. Yet understand that self hatred results in global warfare as surely as self love becomes joy. If you take away just one idea from these words, let it be this; it is critical that you love yourself. Our world starts and ends with you. The secret kept from you and me and most everyone else is that the most powerful person you know is the one looking back at you from your bathroom mirror. This shift, these end times, hinge on our hearts. With revelation after revelation, as awareness slowly gives way to shock, it is an old ineffective pattern that keeps us stuck in horror and upset. We are gradually becoming conscious of the depth of the control and corruption that has been our life. Things are not as we’ve imagined. What can we do? We can love. This is our deepest truth. The negative outcomes of this corruption have manifested in every self-directed judgment and criticism. Your strength and power have been hidden beneath layers of “not good enough”. You are more than good enough. You are chosen. What does it mean to be picked for this part? You are best suited for your role, right now. Of all the possibilities, the perfect individual to interact with everyone and everything in your life – is you. You are not the understudy. You are the One. It is not true that you are undeserving, or lesser than any other. You’ve been lied to. We all have. The levels of deceit go so deep that to attempt to unravel them for blames sake is wasted energy. Use that energy instead to repair your heart. We need all the love we can get. Love yourself. As we are One, that self love will spill out and encourage our children, nourish the environment, assist our neighbors and lighten our planetary burden. There is nothing wrong that cannot be repaired with love. It is who you are. It is what you do best. You are a light worker. Your light is needed right where you are and not in just one place, in every spot you find yourself. The entire world needs your love, right now. Love yourself. With a full heart your brilliance will help illuminate every dark corner. Concentrate only on love. The news may be mesmerizing. Yet understand that it is deliberately so. Even now, the efforts continue to remove your focus from the one thing that will source a complete shift to love. Anything to distract you will do – as long as you are weakened. The truth about you is known to everyone but you. You are divinity, all wrapped up in humanity, here to carry out the shift of the ages. Love always that which you are and your light will be unable to be doused. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. I wonder what my backyard is like in the next “dimension”. Are there locusts and crickets? What other colors are the flowers? Do I hear the A/C kick on or is there a form of soundless energy? Is A/C even necessary or is the air temperate always? What do the birds sound like? As I go through this summer of 2012 and we rapidly approach whatever it is we are approaching, I have been considering beyond 12.21.2012. There is one, you know. For all of us. This point was driven home for me a week ago as a pregnancy was announced in my family – due date February 2013. As ridiculous as it now sounds, I hadn’t thought much about anything past December. I suspect I traded in my rose colored glasses and instead I’ve been wearing my blinders. There is always a future. You are walking into tomorrow, taking with you whatever baggage you decide to hang on to. Our focus decides what we see. Our intentions determine how it works for us. There are no dimensional erasers. You will be right where you find yourself now, only a bit “shinier”, I suspect. Your light will be more evident. There are so many components of our lives – our government, our bodies, our relationships, our source of energy, our shoes. What we believe we are will always be true, until we believe something else. In these days of exposure and awareness, we are getting a bird’s eye view of what we’ve believed. Seeing the truth is great, it’s part of the process. We are working up to creating a new truth. Some of us have stopped waiting. Where do you stand? There are many places to plant those shoes you firmly believe in. You could wait and see, join up, construct a plan, listen and advise, work behind the scenes or do nothing at all. Every action is an answer, and the answer is either – “Yes, I am a sovereign being of light and I choose something different than what I now see”, or “Yes, I am a sovereign being of light and I’m good where I am right now”. You could flip flop once a day, once an hour or not at all. You are always giving your answer. As we move from polarity to unity we find ourselves faced with very polarized viewpoints. We are massively changing, this is how it works. We never knew we had a choice. Now we know. Our steps now are “walking our talk”. Once I had a new floor put in my home. It was poorly installed and needed to be replaced immediately. It was my entire first floor, I had babies, it was a mess and I was completely distraught. I believe it took as long as it did, which was months, because I told everyone I ran into how awful and unfair it was; complete strangers, friends, family, co-workers, neighbors. It was the only topic of my conversations. My walk was consistently “Do you know how torn up my house is?” and it stayed that way. Whatever we talk now will define the tomorrow we walk into. I choose responsible government, health, prosperity, clean energy, love and colorful flowers. Our choice is in our every breath. We’ve come now to consciously step into the new as we create it. We are actors on this “End of Times” stage, setting the mood for the next scene. We’ve all been perfectly chosen and our shoes are right where we meant them to be. We are the ones we are waiting for. We are in the “end times”. Business as usual no longer applies. What has always been polarized just won’t survive. We are moving into oneness. It’s time to let go of whatever side you’ve been fiercely grasping onto, and allow yourself to drift into the center. This strong tide is pulling on us equally; we’ll all get there eventually. Every one of us is love. We are each divine. We may disagree and part company, yet we are never separate. We are one. As one we are finishing a chapter, and we are writing the ending. Here’s what I see – from absolute darkness a miniscule light emerges, then another, then a few more. In that darkness the brightest light is perceived. You are that light. Soon, it will be all that can be seen. The source of your light is love. This love is not reserved for a special few. This love is splashed all over and dripping off of everyone. There is gratitude and courtesy, kindness and compassion, listening and assertion, waiting and positive action. This love looks like a smile. It could be a holding back when internal frustration erupts. We are light workers. We work for the light. It is time to surrender to the love that you are and let go. You have spent too much energy hiding, defending and protecting. All that you must do is acknowledge your love. Love is not always hearts and flowers. Love is respect. It is truth. It is life. How is it that we have strayed so far? It all matters. Love demands a listening and then action. Injustice is not love. Criminal corporate policies are not love. Government corruption is not love. Poverty, prejudice and violence are not love. Your eyes are open now. You can see the truth. You can feel what is happening. It is happening within and around you. The sun blazes here (Midwest USA) as we are literally “cooking”; our DNA is changing: http://consciouslifenews.com/scientific-proof-galactic-energies-triggered-worldwide-consciousness-expansion/114819/ We are extremely tired as our bodies morph. All that I’ve wanted to do recently is sleep. Honor the call of your body. Love yourself. You are not wrong or ill, you are perfect. Listen - first to your physical body and then to whatever else shows up. Your children, your fellow blog posters, your pets, your mail carrier, your garden, your grandparents, your city could all use some love. What are they asking for? They are reflections of you, here to help this transformation. Respect and respond if you hear the call. Keep always in your heart - “what would love do now?” You will know. You are love and every answer resides in your heart. None of us escapes this ending. Parts of it shout to get my attention. It seems that once one aspect is answered, the next rears up in full view, demanding my focus. AA has a saying “One day at a time”. With this current speed of linear time, I’d change that to “One moment at a time”. Answer with love. Keep your eyes open and your head up. You’ll soon see another place calling for your light. This is why you’ve come. Stand in your power and love. Now is the time. We are the ones we are waiting for. ~~~~~~~~ Here is a gift. This video was produced with quotes from our monthly Love Quests; “You are the one you’ve been waiting for” Please enjoy! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9HxMewnVxXw |
April 2024