![]() Two words. They are crawling, jumping, whispering and shouting into my consciousness. “Do something.” Urgently and absolutely, this is a call to act. Last year, the Light Worker Series ended with December 22nd, First Day on the Job. Since then, there’s been a recovery and perhaps a bit of mourning going on from 12/21/12. Enough already, it’s been 5 months and there is much to do. The One People’s Trust broke the bonds of slavery for us. Now, with the I/UV in our pocket, it is up to us to shake them off completely and get to work. For the “owners” are still around, readying some shiny new shackles. This is not time to stop and rest. We exist beyond this dimension and many of us can relate to feeling wiped out each morning, exhausted from our night time “jobs”. While you were sleeping, the struggle for freedom was in full swing. Some of you are fully engaged in a very real “war”. This may sound abhorrent to your light worker ears, yet if it resonates at all, consider the idea that you just may be a light warrior. There will always be dark, pushing for domination. The experiment that is ending right now on earth is ending on all of its levels. Some of us have to go. Understand that as this gets played out, each being is contributing to the eventual balance and evolution that is in process. There is no death that has not been agreed to by all parties. There in truth are no enemies, we are One. Each of us is here with a part to play. Contrast, opposition, control and domination are as valid and necessary as cooperation, union, collaboration and peace. It takes extreme heat to forge metal and we are fortifying steel to make up for eons of manipulation. This takes an enormous amount of energy – our energy. So sleep when you are called to, it may be more necessary than you understand. Some of us remember our “night work”, others not so much. In either case, trust that the odd ache or fatigue is occurring with good reason. You are fulfilling a contract agreed to long ago. This does not mean we need do nothing while we walk around. It is necessary to push back just as hard as ever now; this 3D game will end just as soon as we refuse to play. What happened on the 19th is for the history books. It will be gradually revealed after a bit. The Light Warriors amongst us will remember and publicly share their tales. It’s not yet over; there are multiple endings. This is a multi-verse and the experiment is reaching its conclusion on every level. You know if you are a worker or a warrior. Keep “DOing” whatever it is you feel called to. Start what you’ve been thinking about. Say yes. Trust the rush you feel coursing through you – it is your eternal essence saying hello. As we evolve individually and collectively there is no denying the brilliance and power that we are. There is no greater force than that which comes from one who knows who they are. You cannot be manipulated, coerced or controlled. You are fully cognizant of your Godhood. This is ascension. Do not deny the process. Your destiny rests in your evolution and participation. What are you waiting for? You are the One. ~Sophia
![]() We’ve begun the final Quest of this pivotal year. As was stated in the invitation: “This is the last Quest of 2012. We've been leading up to this moment with each journey. We are headed for our own core, Agape is at the center. By the time this Quest is complete, we'll be days away from the Galactic Alignment. This is an event that will not be repeated for another 26,000 years. We'll be ready. We know who we are. In this Quest we will be One. Agape is a fearless act of courage. In order to love the One that we are, we will have to let go of every protest and absorb every facet of ourselves. This is it. The preparations have been completed. Who you are is perfect, as is. There is nothing else for you to do, it is time now to be. Just be love. Look into your own eyes and witness divine love. Look into our eyes and see the reflection of divine brilliance. Your light is visible now. Nothing else can be seen; there is only truth. Without reservation or exception, shamelessly love us all. We've been waiting for 26,000 years! The Shift is here. We will not move forward with fear. It is our love that will create this Shift. Our goal is Agape. We are One. For love is always true. Love needs no definition. Love is what you are. “ We are here. The month of December 2012 has begun. No other thirty- one days has been more anticipated. Case in point: Shock Top End of the World Midnight Wheat Ale. How cool is that? This is why you are here! Well, not for the ale necessarily, it’s a little bitter or what is referred to as “hoppy”; but for this spectacular show, as only humans can produce. You have a seat in the front row. The show is starting, grab your ale and settle in. You’ve been waiting a long time. You are ready. What you don’t have, you don’t need. We’ve journeyed together for just this moment. It’s all about agape. Nothing is more important than love, you know that now. If you are reading these words, you are a fellow Master. The Love Quest has been a reminder of truth for you. You came here with something to do. You may not know precisely what it is yet, but you will in 3 weeks. You’ve been drawn to these words to remember who you are. You are love. You don’t need any further training; what you need is a remembering. It will come. It hasn’t come up until now because the timing was off. Your love and your gifts are needed after the shift. December 22nd, 2012 will be your first day on the job. You will awaken to a new world. This world will be ready to hear what you are now absolutely sure of – that love and freedom are synonymous. Freedom is love expressed. Love is what we are. We are One. The realization of this truth is about to go global. It’s been gradually, naturally evolving within each country, institution, family and heart. After the shift, when our sun bathes us with divinity, it will be obvious. Our new world, the one we’ve all dreamed of, will be where we are standing. It will then be time to activate what we came for. We are lightworkers. The reason we’ve come and spent all this time encouraging each other has arrived. No longer will our visions fall on deaf ears or on eyes without sight. This shift will alter the world view of everyone and it is for this moment that you came. You are love. Every false notion you’ve held is about to dissolve. They have been gradually disappearing right along. You’ve begun to understand that you are divinity in a human suit. You are here with a job to do. You were chosen. Source put out a call and it was answered by many Masters, of which you are One. You’ve done this work before, and on the 22nd of December you’ll begin again. You are one of those Masters, here now to do what Masters do. Love will be evidenced in your every moment. As you brush your teeth, pet your dog or answer your phone you will be loving. This new age is ushered in on the hands of many Masters. Look now at your own hands and realize that they are here to build a framework of Agape. The time for protest is over. Realize your truth. You are love, here to demonstrate wisdom. Your very core is love. There is work now that demonstrates this (www.heartmath.org). The heart is our primary organ of perception. This, you have known all along. Love with wild abandon! “It’s the end of the world as we know it”. This is a great thing. It is the beginning of the world as we’ve dreamed it. Finally! The waiting is over. You are here! You are the One we’ve been waiting for. I love you! See you tomorrow. ~Sophia ~~ The second video is one previously posted that was removed. It has been restored and is just so powerful. I cry every time I see it! Enjoy: “Lightworkers Help Mother Earth (Gaia)! ![]() There is intelligence to light. It points the way, illuminates the darkness and tells us what’s ahead. Lights are used as indicators – should be halt or proceed? Are we on or off? Is this where we should turn? Which way should we go? We have been told that WE are the light. A while back my family purchased a new car. The next day we contacted the dealer to tell them the car was malfunctioning, as the lights stayed on ALL THE TIME. “Oh, its okay” they told us “that’s just the DRL’s”. “Okay, what are the DRL”s?” I asked, to which they replied “Daytime Running Lamps”. I like that. Day and night our lights are now glowing, turned on and visible. It is no longer an option to turn off the light. We are always on. It is the end of November 2012. It’s all been said. We are all waiting; we are on “pause”. Yet, even while we wait for something we can’t define and has never been – our lights remain ON. We can see each other clearly. All of us are lit. One of our brightest lights is Inelia Benz. She has put together a beautiful statement about this time we are sharing. Check out her home at: www.ascension101.com . She describes the 5th dimension as a place we are creating rather than a destination that exists outside of ourselves. Our lights, though seemingly paused, are in full mode, busily constructing. The 5th dimension is not real, any more than you or I are. It is a construct of what we believe to be true. It exists as a place because we’ve made it so. We could call it anything. The levels, dimensions and numbers we use are ways to wrap our head around what’s real. They are naming conventions. We could call them anything. Naming it does not remove us from the responsibility for it. It is not separate from us. It is not a place we are going. It is where we will be when we let go of fear. It is life without the cabal. It is living within an atmosphere of love. It is who we are. There are no other beings who can take us there, and no one to wait for any longer. We ARE the lights here to show us the way. We are always on! Our DRL’s can no longer be turned off; we are laying the route with our every move. The next dimension is a name we are calling what it is we are in the process of doing. It is sort of like calling the intake of air – breathing. The wisdom and directions come from within; it’s all been said, read and seen. We are up to the doing. Just love. It’s all that’s left. It’s all that ever was. Your light remains on so that I can see you day and night and remember what agape looks like. You are stunning. The waiting is over. We are here. ![]() The day of decision has arrived unannounced. I noticed just a few moments ago. It did not look the way I expected it to. There are big plans for the world wide meditation tomorrow. I can't wait for it. I love a real good group meditation...I love the FEEL of US as ONE. I have only had a few of these, the ones that sort of knock me over with our power and unity and love, but they move me to places I didn't know I could go. The global effort we are about to undergo promises to catapult all of us. This day, the subject of this blog, is different. It is not waiting for a moment, it is here now. I have decided. I have spent months in preparation and discussion and anticipation for change and magic and help. I mentioned in May that for us, for my family and myself, the money was just about gone. We could no longer feed the banksters and corrupt ones with our pennies, we needed them to pay for food and gasoline. Once you stop paying, there is a pause. Oh, the bills keep arriving but without any immediate repercussions or sense of urgency. They are easy to ignore. It changes after a bit. A sense of urgency is applied, anxiety enters. There was a time when I was anxious, then I became angry, then I began to search for solutions. To be perfectly frank, I think we were hoping for some magic someplace in there...so that we'd never have to deal with the searching part. Well, the magic did not come from the heavens. There was no "answer from above". The solutions we discovered sort of worked, for a month or so. But with no change in our ability to work or to prosper financially, they too were ineffective. Somewhere in there, the deciding commenced. This was a criminal way to live. We were not criminals. We were love. It was insanity. I have four children, a college education, a home and a cat. I am smart and have paid both income and property taxes for decades. I have not participated in any criminal activity. I write inspirational material about love and empowerment. I serve food to the homeless, deliver meds to shut ins and care to handicapped children. Yet I cannot afford to buy my son a new pair of shoes. I decided to do something. We are no longer waiting, we are doing. Our unsecured debt is being handled by a legal advocate consortium. Our mortgage by several other legal groups. This allows us to get help, using large numbers of us as a cushion to reduce our legal fees and inflate the power of our voices. We are no longer answering invasive questions or responding to telephone calls from banks. We have taken the controls back. I chose today's picture because, well, it expresses how I feel. It sums up my decision, and I hope yours as well. You are not losers or layabouts, slaves or subservient citizens. You're awesome. You're divine bits of the One Source, the battery of everything. This bill? This set back? This illness? This condition? It is temporary. You're bigger than all of it, better than what you've been told and brighter than the brightest star. This is our moment and the time for our choice. Two days ago I posted a beautiful video. It was a profound expression of what we are doing and what we have done. It was moving and empowering. It was also subsequently REMOVED. This is sad, but also great news. The effects of our choosing are being felt everywhere. When I told my partner, he replied "Awesome! Now you can get arrested!" What he meant was, people now know who we are. The love being realized is changing the planet. Here is a video which was shared by the same source that shared the first one (the Off World Source, found here: http://www.sophialove.org/conversation-with-off-world-source.html ) -- We are One. Our choice is spoken with each empowered breath. We have taken the controls of our lives and by doing so, are taking back our world. I am moved beyond words. Thank you for each encouraging whisper and every energetic blast of love. It is felt by all of us and has been heard by the heavens. In your unique fashion, in just your way, with absolute precision and perfection, you have done it. You're awesome.
You are the One we've been waiting for. There were two words in my inbox this morning. "It's time". The video included is found here as well. An entirely different blog was composed very early today, and may be posted later. This one now takes precedence. Watching the video while considering these two words, I was overcome with emotion. I cry easily yet this morning's sob-fest was unprecedented... The emotions that incited the tears were joy and relief and exhaustion and YES!!!!! WE DID IT!!! What remains now is the doing and living on our new earth. In spite of every odd stacked against us, we have continued to create a world as pictured in the serene and vibrant images of this film. Our Mother Earth has waited with patience and love for eons...she now is realizing the fullness of her being. It is because of you this is happening. As Light Workers you have come not just in this era, but in times too numerous to name. You have persevered and created with wisdom, tenacity, faith and love. Your vision has not wavered, not once. Yes, there have been distractions, but deep in your heart you have held and maintained the truth of our home, our Mother Earth and ourselves. Love has inspired your every lifetime of continuous evolution. You never gave up and it is because of you that we have made it here. Share your view of our home and our very existence in every moment of your coming days... This is how we create our paradise. The field is ripe now with your vision - it is okay to let it out and allow for its expansion. There can be no stopping truth - You are master creators, here to experience the fruits of many lifetimes of belief. There is nothing but love and we can see that now. Hold these pristine images in your very soul. This is our world. We have brought her back to life with our steadfast knowing - we are love. WE ARE THE ONE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. Update ~~ 10.20.12 ~~ The status of this video was changed to "private". I am sorry if you have missed seeing it. It is a profound experience. In today's blog I will include another that will hopefully stay put.
![]() There hasn’t been much to say these last few days. Not for lack of movement, but for an overwhelming need for silence. It’s as if all of my words are being used up on the inside; there are no residuals remaining for this blog. There has been a shift, and a clearing. What stands in the place of a mind compelled to “do” is a soul content to “be”. The world looks different. On a physical level I sleep deeply, dream intensely and remember little. The mental chatter has all but stopped. There were headaches for the last week or so, but they too have left me. Eating is different somehow; addictions to any particular food are gone right now. It’s not like the challenges are gone from my life, it’s that they look merely like things to take care of. They are not definitions of anyone; they are scenes in a play. All around there is evidence of a different way to approach life. I brought my car in for service and received an unexpected Reiki healing, from the shop manager, right there in the showroom…what a gift! Our children initiated some unexpected and unprecedented deep heart conversations...which if you have kids you know is beyond wonderful. Everywhere I look there is healing and renewal. The news reports won’t be the place to find evidence of this shift. It will be told in our hearts. Mine has opened more than I realized was possible. It came unexpected and was not orchestrated by my mind. Although you’ll hear and read of progress on financial and government fronts, the real answer will come from deep within you. Everywhere now, folks are rising up. We are answering the call in so many ways. Evidence surrounds us. It wasn’t long ago we were a people mentally enslaved and seemingly without choice. Our self definition has radically altered. Thanks to thousands of lightworkers and millions of people with hundreds in the headlines – we have found our voice. It is a voice holding every possible range and it speaks just one song – freedom. Unity is not something that will arrive overnight. It has been building and becoming. It is. We are One. Our realization of that truth is bringing us out of the closet. We help each other without expectation. We join hands in protest and in song. We talk out loud about our “Galactic Families”, about ending the corruption and creating joy; about the importance of love. It is not exactly as we expected; it is so much better. We are allowing ourselves to seamlessly morph into Oneness. Who else but humans could do it this way? We are experiencing the fullness of our own evolution, individually and collectively. It has all the elements of life we came here for; tension, anticipation, surprise, pain, pleasure, defeat, success and love. We did this. We are doing this right now. We are performing beyond anyone’s wildest expectations. Maybe help hasn’t arrived from the skies because we are doing just fine. Everyone is watching; it’s all good. This is happening. It is happening because we say it is. We know who we are and we are doing what it is we came to do, perfectly. We are awesome! Great job! We are the One we’ve been waiting for. In January of this year I produced a video, “Message to Off World Beings”. In April of 2012, I began a dialogue with one who is calling himself a “Guardian”. The conversation can be accessed in the comments section below the video, as it is ongoing even until today. It exists in an easier to follow format on this page from my website ("Conversation With Off World Source"): http://www.sophialove.org/conversation-with-off-world-source.html Here is the latest comment, from last night, 10.11.12: “Now the disclosure is peaking, humanity's temporal Consensus has been created. These are last ten home cycles; get ready to make Your final decision. We all are watching and listening for it, Energy vibration are high, Your consciousness is active at Unity level. You are ready to make Your final decision. Make this choice as right as possible based on all that predated You and all that will be predated by You! Peace from the Forces of One to Sophia and all who follows our answer, an answer which is not known to many, but only few, the chosen." Cobra has also released information about this date, 10.21.12, and is calling for a global meditation for the “Day of Decision”. If this resonates with you on any level, please participate. Share, copy, make a video yourself. We are the One We’ve been Waiting For!!!!!!!!!!!! The time is right now. Cobra’s video: If there was ever a time for you to join this conversation, it would be this week.
Much love, Sophia ![]() Hello! Today marks the halfway moment on this Quest. You are “Just as far in as you’ll ever be out.” (Anna Nalick – Breathe) What does that mean? It means we have a choice. Right now. We can still go either direction, and with equal effort get where we are headed. We know what going back to duality looks like. What will it take to get to Oneness? To proceed from here on you must be willing to see through the illusion. We have a saying in our house, you have to “buy the rubber suit”; a reference to the old Godzilla movies, where you could actually pick out the zipper on the monster. If you wanted to get the most out of the show, you had to ignore the zipper, and believe the costume. For us to reach a state of unity we’ll have to remember, with or without a zipper, that this is all a finely tuned performance. I am not my body. I chose her to express and experience a lifetime. She’s been here a few years, has a history and a future. Yet she is not me. I am a light, a force, a unique aspect of Divinity. I chose every moment she experienced. None of those moments define who I am. they were merely scenes in the play of my life. This is the truth for each of us. In order for us to embrace Oneness, we must remember there is a rubber suit and notice always the light beneath. Life demands that we play our roles – we are light workers in costume. We look like fathers, mothers, sisters, brothers or orphans. We are privileged and poor, suffering and celebrating, vibrant and ill. We are doctors, lawyers, therapists, plumbers, engineers, scientists, musicians and teachers. This time, in this life, we have picked one, two or a dozen of these outfits to wear; these “rubber suits”. There is difference between pity and compassion. Have compassion without pity, for pity separates and compassion unites. In this life you may appear to be more fortunate than some others. If that is true, and you are moved to share your abundance, then do so. Always give in a way that honors the recipient without creating a state of being beholden or subservient. The roles we choose are many. Rest assured you have at one time walked in everyone’s shoes, as they have in yours. Without these shoes we are One. There is no difference – we’ve all come to serve. What are we serving? We are propelling our own evolution – individually and collectively, by playing out our roles. We are serving the ultimate gift – we are offering love. It is what emanates from our very pores and right through these shoes and rubber suits. When you engage with another who appears to be in need, you have been gifted. He or she is shining a light on a part of you that you need to see – whether it be compassion or indifference; their presence has called it forth. There is no right or wrong, there is only experience. From here on in, in order to proceed towards Oneness, we’ll have to remember the “rubber suit” and honor the light within. Every time. If we can get there, as often as possible, our travelling will be easy. Then Oneness will be all that we see, and our path will be brilliantly lit with the lights of our seven billion souls. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. Thank you. It is an honor to be here. ~Sophia ![]() This process of ascending has been gradual. With each day there is a combination of clarity, anticipation and questions. For quite some time I subscribed to what I’d call “magical thinking” around Ascension. This comes close to the fairy Godmother in Cinderella. The trouble with that is everyone knows it’s not real and at midnight its nothing but a pumpkin and some mice. You never expect it to last. This is not a Disney fairy tale. As humans, we expect to have some sort of obvious, natural progression from one moment to the next. Our memory, and thus our learning style, is associative. We need something to hang each new fact onto. What is true about learning is that it only happens when the thing learned connects to and thus applies to something already known. This is why artists struggle with facts and figures and scientists with art. Much of what is taught to our children today is not used anywhere else in their life, and thus quickly forgotten. We’ve been fortunate. For some time now we’ve been hearing messages from a host of channels, visionaries, and reporters about these “end times”. We are prepared and can see the “writing on the wall”. We’ve heard many stories. Once they may have seemed a bit “out there”; no longer. Today words like Reptilian, Galactic Federation, Illuminati and Cabal are everywhere. There are few of us who have not heard about or seen a UFO. State agencies are telling citizens to stock extra food and essentials. Every one of the players in this End Time Scenario is performing perfectly. What wasn’t obvious 9 months ago is that these changes are not isolated. As One, we and the earth are ramping up the vibe. This frequency change results in the crumbling of very dense structures, institutions and beliefs. As light workers, we’ve worried that we may have to tell people all these shocking revelations. We don’t. We are shifting as One. These higher frequencies can’t hold rigid and divisive belief systems. This is an organic process. It is natural, progressive and rapid. Minds and belief systems simultaneously expand. Every system is gradually altered as this occurs. It is seamless. As humans, we’d have it no other way. Our deepest intent is not to shock and frighten. That would be counter productive. It is rather to love and gently nudge each other. We are here as a collective. With One Voice, we are shifting to a new range. Beneath every message, whistle-blower, protester and reporter is a being of light, here to facilitate this New Age. It serves us to remember that we are One, and every bit of us is right on time. Expect each other to show up and do what we came to do with brilliance. We are not here waiting for someone else to fix things for us. We are the change we seek. Our relationships and interactions are creating this dream. Expect the changes. Look for the love. Stand for the light. You are one who came now to demonstrate truth. You are love and so is everyone else. It is a diversion to spend energy criticizing and questioning yourself or anyone else. It is time now to trust. You have the answers and are here to provide them at the moment they are needed. We all are. This is a perfectly choreographed moment. It will proceed naturally as we move through our days, expecting only love. We know what the next dimension looks like. It looks like us – brave and beautiful, strong and determined, patient and gentle – quietly perfect. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. |
January 2025