This Quest is about knowing (and loving) that which you are. Humans create huge characters and spectacular saves because of contrast and addiction. Internally, balance is required. There can be no void in creation. The vast chasm of utter heartbreak we’ve lived exists in balance with the amazing victory, miraculous come-back and incredible “luck” that also exists. What this means is that as things, and as we, even out – things may feel a bit boring. There is a “hit”, an adrenaline rush that comes with the extremes of contrasting emotions. It is addicting at both ends. We may not feel complete or satisfied until or unless we have something to cheer for, scream about or fear. Our bodies have been tuned to “high alert” status for a very long time. Understanding truth is knowing that it starts and ends with you – you are creating, believing and expecting every “hit” you get. It’s all done with purpose. Its purpose to feed our addictions. Loving every part and particle of yourself means seeing your addiction – choosing to either satisfy it or resist the urge, and not letting that choice change your self-love. We spoke last about the game of humanity. You are passionate to the extreme. The trick, now that you are self-aware, is to choose your extremes. I live in Chicago where the Blackhawks just created a Dynasty, winning the Stanley cup again, the third time in six seasons. The town is on fire. Chicagoan's are getting that emotional addictive “hit” vicariously – by watching hockey. It’s fast, exciting, satisfying and runs the gamut as far as extreme emotions are concerned. Once you choose some way to express the extreme emotional “hit” you crave, you can create the rest of your days in balance. With intent you can love yourself into situations of health, prosperity, vibrancy and challenge. Creation is not so much the result of positive affirmations as it is the product of a constant frequency you emit. The freedom attitude when applied to love means that every part of you is acceptable and love worthy. You are free to love without condition. Once we get that, really live like that, our neighbors and fellow humans appear the same to us – acceptable and love worthy. Every one of them. A world of acceptability and love worthiness may not have things like rage, crimes of passion or depression. That’s okay. Once our expectations have adjusted we’ll discover room for passionate creativity, unbridled expansion and wild self-expression – just for starters. Loving yourself absolutely doesn’t mean you look for the summation of your parts that “measure up” to some self-defined standard. No, it means you absolutely understand and accept that in all of creation there is only one expression of love that you are uniquely qualified to give. You are here now because you are necessary. Because you are you. Only you know what it is you came to give. Show us. You are the one we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia Sign up for my mailing list here! Youtube link here.
For love of self is the apex of power. Without it, all pseudo-powers fall away.
There is a sense of self, which once attained, is absolute. Power that depends on title, position, money, strength, name, knowledge, looks or ability is not power at all, but part of the game. This game. The game of humanity. We understand power because at our core it is what we are. The initiating force from which you spring – is love. This love-force is beyond telling. It resides only in knowing. What knowing provides is a fearless response – to everything. Fearless is often depicted as having nothing to lose. Perhaps it is instead an understanding that you cannot lose. The absolute truth of you is eternal. It is everything. There can be no loss. You are everything. This blog post (Click here) describes an experience of that. It was shared first in a recent newsletter. (You can sign up here to receive my newsletters regularly.) This quest (it is our second day) is an exploration of freedom. What does it mean to be free? Freedom is defined by Merriam-Webster as “the absence of necessity, coercion or constraint in choice or action.” Have you ever felt free? Understanding yourself as equal and complete in every way trumps all doubt. This freedom as defined means you need nothing. You are not forced into or stopped from any choice at all. If we are understanding creation; this means that once we actually feel free, and embody freedom, we will then naturally manifest its physical expression. You stand free to love yourself exactly as you are, without interference by outside opinion. That’s the true ring of power, the real key to the kingdom. Unconditional self-love means that with imperfect bodies, bank accounts, relationships or even health, you “get” completely that you are god. You know how to change your world. You choose the life you desire and you create it. In 3D terms it means your power, resolve, tenacity, happiness or success is not interrupted by outside opinion, an unexpected detour, an unscheduled “request for payment”. Remain resolute. You are here to change your world. It all starts with love. You know who you are. Cherish her. Adore him. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. Until tomorrow, ~Sophia Sign up for my mailing list here! You tube link. It has been hours, along with numerous tossed out pieces of beginnings this morning. Yet still I have no clue where to start.
I am hosting a love quest. That much is certain. There’s an unquenched thirst in me that gets satisfied here. A part of me that gets loved through this loving. A learning about love happens on these trips in the most unexpected places. I think that I am loving you, yet in truth it is me that gets the benefit. These words fill me up. I’ve learned that I can love without seeing you, feel without hearing you and know without meeting you. This, only possible if I AM you. We are ONE. We exist everywhere; in every body. The Netflix Series AK mentioned, Sense8, visually demonstrates an idea of multi-dimensionality. I’ve only seen the first one and am pretty much perplexed. Yet I get it. We are everywhere. It only takes a sitting down, a sharing, and intent, for you to realize that you know this. You know the other. You’ve been the other. In the case of Sense8 – you ARE the other. We are ONE beyond physical and beyond trite expressions. I cannot love you if I don’t love me. I didn’t know this before. I thought I loved you for reasons. There are no reasons for love. Love is a fact. You can’t see it, smell it, taste it or hear it. Love is as I AM. I want to tell you how extraordinary you are. How each note sent, every thought shared, all things given and whatever you show up as is the most wondrous thing. I feel you as you read these words and the gift of your reaction explodes in my heart. We give without restraint or even comprehension as we feel each other – this is love expressed. Love is perhaps the only place we completely agree. This, because the connection starts and ends there. You are remarkable. You’ve come to a place of contrast and conflict in order to embody its opposite – oneness and unification. All this in slow motion. Every feeling, deeply felt; each heartache, painfully lived through. You are not masochistic. You are determined. There are few others in all of creation admired such as you. You are brave, strong and attempting the miraculous while blindfolded. Your intent and determination got you here. Your love and power will see you succeed. And what is success? I was given a locket years ago which states: “A true Master is not the one with most students, but the one who creates the most Masters. This is your task now, (if you are looking for direction). You know your truth. You are love. Bits of love emerged when Source chose to experience every facet of itself. You, a bit of Source, a fragment of brilliant light, a piece of eternity. Love without end, looking back at you in your bathroom mirror. Reflect back to me, to us, your love. Every moment is rich with opportunity. Move deliberately so as not to miss your chance. Love yourself. Amidst the bills and the struggles, the longings and the pain – remember. You chose and were chosen for this very moment. This string of moments, your Now; the stage for only you. We are watching. We need you to remind us of our truth. The overwhelming need to feel wanted, safe, secure, accepted and respected is always there, beneath our bravado, hiding in our humor. Show us our love. Be who it is that you are. The express nature of you is but a tiny portion of eternity, holding all of creation in its grasp. And what is eternity? Ever reaching, always expressing, passionately embracing – it is freedom. It is life without bounds. It is love without restraint. It is what we will explore on this quest. Freedom is the embodiment of Oneness. To fight for freedom is a game played by some. To embody freedom is sovereignty; Unity has no enemy to fight. We are One. We are the ones we are waiting for. ~Sophia Sign up for my newsletter here! You tube link. As we complete this conversation, keep a few things in your heart. First, there is nothing wrong about your life or how you’ve chosen to be inside of it. Regardless of what label you stick to what you do, you can’t help but love. Loving is what you’ve been doing in each and every relationship. There are things you have done or things that have been done to you that on the surface seem abhorrent and/or the opposite of love. Yet, we have come to serve as comfort and/or contrast, help and/or hindrance for each other – there are no exceptions. These truths do not imply you have to change how you feel about certain things – they are given here to enhance your clarity and consciousness. In every interaction, understand what you are doing and why. Ultimately, we have been motivated by love; we may not be conscious of this. Yet now that we know it as truth, the heavens have opened for agape. I’ve heard that the Pope has suggested a debt jubilee – let’s have a forgiveness jubilee. Let’s start with ourselves. If there is one universal action that would alter every relationship we share, it is unconditional self-acceptance; self-forgiveness. We can only directly control our own heart – yet we are One. The ripple effect is a fact. This day I’ve witnessed a miracle. I’ve watched two people come together and enthusiastically share. Seven months ago, and every day since, there was only avoidance and discomfort; if talking about, not to each other, there was anger. There was nothing positive shared between them. Each day love was intended for them both. Until today, there had been no evidence that any impact was felt. I am blown away by what I witnessed today, it is a complete reversal. There is no stronger force than love. The shift we went through last month opens the door for healing and the miraculous. In order to take advantage of this new energy – open your heart to agape. Love in a way you’ve never imagined and forgive as if you were god granting absolution. You are. You hold the key to your freedom. For the chains will be released and our world will change – it is inevitable. Then it will be upon you to release the chains you’ve wrapped around your own heart; no one can do that but you. You are the god you’ve been waiting for. I love you so very much. Our next Love Quest will be in June. Stay in touch by joining the mailing list here and following the blog here. Namaste’ ~Sophia You tube link here. This is about your capacity for love. It is greater than you imagine it to be. It involves no loss or lack. Love is not something you have to wait for or get or earn. Love is something that you are. It is a challenge to let go of our rules about love. How can you love yourself completely when you know all the stuff you’ve done? When you, more than anyone, know exactly what it is you think about? When even god demands something from you in order for you to be worthy of his blessing? How can you love yourself with all of your shortcomings, faults and mistakes? The toughest love you’ll run across will be self-love. For if you accepted who you were – without any restraint, judgment or condition – you would love all the rest of us too easily. We judge because we are told we are wrong. We withhold because we’ve been led along, by the carrot on the stick. Only it’s not the carrot, but approval and grace that are just out of reach. If only our behavior was perfect – we’d get some (approval, grace, etc.). How can we give what we don’t feel ourselves? If you consider only the word unconditional, you will find your answer. The rules we’ve constructed around love are many and complicated. They each can be resolved with unconditional love. When you consider the truth about love, all of the rules you’ve been confusing it with are put into proper perspective. It’s not that you can’t love more than one “other” – you can. You are not wrong for loving – ever. Not if you are married or the same sex or older or younger or another race or from a different religion or country. Love is a feeling and it is the most powerful one we will ever encounter. Love is literally the force of creation itself. To feel it in an unexpected way or circumstance is part of its power. Like life, it persists and shows up everywhere. You are not wrong. Love yourself. Love as if it were as important as breathing. It is. So, the rules you obey may be structured by others who have an agenda. Before you find fault with yourself for forgiving or for loving without restraint – consider whose rules are behind your feelings of judgment. Then decide if they are your rules as well. Remember – to love is your birthright. It is not a sin or symbol of weakness. It is your greatest strength. There are as many ways to love as there are beings – perhaps more. Love is the most fun there is. Connections are felt with our minds, our bodies, our hearts and our souls; separately or all at once... We are built to recognize them. When you do recognize one – realize that there is always a reason they’ve shown up. We exist in a sea of love – helping each other in every possible way to stay afloat and keep moving. We are here to remind ourselves of truth – to reflect back the love that we are. If you consider the word capacity, it means “the maximum amount that something can contain; the ability to do something.” What is your love capacity? How much can you hold? How much can you give? Is there a limit in either direction? You are limitless in your capacity for love. Any restriction, judgment, restraint or maximum allowable amount is imposed by the rules you’ve chosen to live by – not the love you hold at your core. Be very clear about what love is and what your rules for relationships are. They are not the same thing. You may choose to end a relationship because a rule has been broken. Just don’t decide that the relationship ended because the love was broken. Love doesn’t break. There are no maximum capacities for love in humans. We are limitless. We contain the full complement of creator love and it is available for dispensing at any given moment. It cannot run out or be partitioned or decreased. It is eternally, willingly available for our use. We are so much more than we know. The best, most forgiving and accepting parts of love are ours for the taking. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. With so much love, See you tomorrow, ~Sophia Sign up for my mailing list here! On the first day of this Quest, we set the stage for the rest of the days with this: “You are without fault – one unique flower in an exquisite field of astonishing beauty and fragrance. Not one of us can replicate you – your contribution is personal, powerful, solitary and necessary. How you look and how you see has only happened once; that once is right now. Don’t change a thing. “ These words hold truth and an explanation for Agape.
Our journey is circular – it begins and ends within. You haven’t been told of your magnificence, yet it is what you were born with. We love babies because their love shoots out their eyes and oozes from their skin. Their magnificence is everywhere showing. You can feel it when you hold them. They love indiscriminately and are as recently close to source energy as any of us have ever been. They hold no judgments and reserve no emotion. It’s all love, all the time; pure, unrestrained and theirs to give. They don’t run out of it, or save it for a special few – they spray it everywhere they look. That’s what you are supposed to do with love – give it away. We’ve learned that love is scarce. We even save it for a special event or person or day or place or age. We are hoarders of our love. We are not free – we are afraid it’ll spoil, be wasted or we won’t have enough when the time comes. What I know about love is that it exists and arrives unbidden – loud or soft, painfully, awkwardly, pleasantly, obviously, joyfully or confusingly. It has no respect for age or color, country or vow. It merely shows up in all sorts of ways and places. It feels like heat sometimes, sparks sometimes, and chills sometimes; laughter, understanding, compassion or knowing sometimes. It takes your breath away or pisses you off, stops you in your tracks or leaves you with a smile. Love shows up whenever you meet a connection you are a part of. It is felt on both ends of the connection “stick” – so be absolutely certain that when you feel something – the other end is feeling it too. What you can’t be sure of is what they’ll do about their feeling. Possibly nothing. They may deny it or attempt to explain it or ignore it. Maybe they’ll recognize it and you’ll have a chance to explore your connection. Maybe not. Yet whatever is done remember that the feeling you had was not isolated – it was shared. Love is not a thing to be doubted – it is a thing to be celebrated. It is always noticed. Starting with you – forgive everything. Release everything else. All holds and chains, expectations and limitations. Understand and embody what was said at the start – you are unique and magnificent. No other loves like you - or is you. There is just one. One of you. Connected to many, in infinite ways; each connection is uniquely yours. You cannot be replicated. Those you love now cannot be loved by any other in exactly the same way. Sure, they can be and are loved – yet not the same way that you love them. You are irreplaceable. This circular journey begins with believing that about yourself – and loving yourself as if it were true. Then – with full embodiment of your unique essence – love full out – without condition or restraint. What will show up is a tidal wave of love crashing on your shore…with it will come choices and decisions – Can I love so many? How much is too much? Is this okay? Is it really this easy? You’ll answer them yourself yet I can tell you this. Once you understand, accept and embody your brilliant individual love imprint, you will know without a doubt that to “cheat” or shortchange any other – be it god, man, woman or country – is not possible. There is no interference possible when a love connection is recognized. It is a stick with two ends – not three. One stick is not weakened or shortened when another is picked up; in fact we are only made stronger. You have the capacity to hold many, many connections; each one unique and resilient and felt at both ends. So do all of your connections. There is no ending a love connection. More is not a replacement – it is just more. Be clear on what love is and what the rules you’ve chosen to live within are. We’ve been misled and if thousands of love songs are used as evidence – confused and heartbroken because of it. Your durable self-love and empowered heart will help navigate the trickiest relationship terrain. To love without hesitation or condition demands clarity. You must recognize your value, and never doubt your worth. You are priceless; a unique expression of eternal love. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow. With all of my love, ~Sophia Sign up for my mailing list here. I’ll be moving soon. So, how do you love under any circumstance? Without opinion or expectation, disappointment or judgment? What does love like that look like?
If your love is conditional, then by definition you require those conditions to be met for it to continue. This is how conditions actually work. This physical life is conditional. It requires oxygen. If you take away my oxygen, I no longer have it. I die. What about the conditions we place on our love relationships? Love may be withdrawn if the following are not met within them: Honesty - truthfulness Obedience - dutiful compliance Fidelity - strict observance of promises When one or more of these conditions is not met – does the love stop? What unmet condition is capable of stopping a force such as love? I submit to you an idea that there are none. Love cannot die. Relationships may end, and in truth, through choice, death or circumstance all of them do, but the love? It exists eternally. This love is the force of creation. This love is the initiatory spark of your existence – it is the essence of source – it is eternal. How is it possible to stop such power? It is not, we have confused love with many things. Honesty, fidelity and obedience may be necessary qualities in your medical, military and financial advisors, but they are not qualities of love. The reasons they aren’t? Love is not orderly, strict or precise. It is not a pie with evenly sized slices. It is a garden – a huge mess of wildflowers sprawled out on a hill. We love because that is what we are. Love is both a noun and a verb. Love holds no quarrels. Love has no empty spots. Love casts no judgments. Love demands no payment. Love follows no rules. Love asks for nothing. Love is only given, it cannot be taken. For to take something leaves a spot empty, and love is always there. We do not take love, we only notice it. We allow love to be. It is everywhere. There is freedom in agape. We have spoken before of the fact of our unity. If there is anger in our mind, we may feel it in our gut. It is the same with love. You cannot confine one part of love and have the rest free. Love is either free or conditional. You may choose a conditional relationship – that is neither loving nor unloving, it is merely your choice. You cannot choose conditional love, not really. Well you can, but it will show up all over your life and in all of your relationships of love. You see, if you place conditions on the allowing of your love – it is you that suffers. For love is what you are, and by doing so you are just stopping your own flow – the flow of you. What is at the core of our deepest beliefs about love is an imprint we received as children. Whether through family, church, school or society we’ve gotten the message that A. Love has rules and they are: B. You must – a. Obey b. Make and keep promises c. Tell the truth If these things were not present, then there was no love for your parents or your god or your country. Eventually we grew up and added – your spouse. We look for validation from others, and like empty cups seek only to be filled. The love we see ourselves getting from them or not getting from them is a label we came up with when we were 5 years old. Love is not a label. It is not as malleable as honesty or promises or obedience. My son was about 3 at the time, very bright and a literal thinker. We were eating dinner, having a Friday night picnic on our living room rug on paper plates. There were fresh made cookies for dessert. After a few minutes, and not much dinner, he asked for a cookie. “You can have a cookie after your chicken is all gone” I told him. He looked at me, got up and walked into the kitchen. He didn’t say a word. The rest of us looked at each other. We heard the garbage can pop open and snap shut. A moment later he returned, without his dinner plate, looked at me and said “My chicken is gone. Can I have a cookie?” We cracked up. He got a cookie. Honesty is relative. It is not the same as Truth. The truth about love is that you can ignore and even deny it – but you will never stop it. There are no conditions capable of altering truth or stopping it. Love is what you are. You therefore always recognize it. It is what you do. Think about the freedom that is possible with unrestricted expression of you. Your heart will burst with both the joy and the pain of it – such will be your life. This is the life you are here to explore; the freedom we are here to discover. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for! See you tomorrow, Love, ~Sophia Join my mailing list here! (I will be moving soon) Welcome to April’s Love Quest. What is present for me today is a realization that in a very real sense, this journey is fiction. It’s been constructed now by me, with you, as a sort of meandering… We are not really going anywhere. We Are. Always and in all ways.
These words are maybe entertaining and perhaps thought provoking, yet not leading you anywhere you don’t already inhabit. It’s only this forgetting that propels us to journey. And now, with increasing velocity, we are approaching a remembering. In four years of “Questing” I’ve learned something. Agape is not a popular road. It sounds good – unconditional love – yet does not often feel good. To feel love under any condition puts the whole feeling in question. For “love” at its essence is not the many things we have mistaken it for. It is not loyalty, or duty, or passion, or marriage, or obedience, or ownership. And agape is akin to the love of the creator – it stands without any condition. This week I’d like to explore these “conditions”. They seem to cause us so much trouble… This remembering we are doing will take us as deeply within as we, in our current form, can handle successfully. We stand at the edge of what some would call enlightenment; others full awareness, and it’s up to us to decide whether or not to jump. There is a guarantee that the water is warm and stocked with joy – yet the way down is rocky and treacherous and downright scary. It demands raw honesty, complete transparency, and candid, fearless exposure. You can’t have your own team or judgment or safety net. It’s only you – all ways and always. You can stop at any point and stay there for as long as you like. Agape, when practiced, is complete freedom. It holds you to nothing, binds you to no one. In the same instant it gives you room to hold anyone and anything at all. You just can’t keep it or them. Not the way we understand “keeping” today. Agape holds no grudges. It finds no fault. It has no judgment, need or missing part. This is not protocol for most of our love relationships. We join together now; filled with expectations, judgments and needs. We say things like “you complete me”, as if that was even possible. We are complete as we take our next breath. Everything we desire is within, we only need remember. So we grew up with religions, parents, love songs, movies and apps – telling us what love should look like. It keeps score, fulfills our needs, and above all is reserved for only one “other”. One God. One lover. One family. One country. One group. One team. One best friend. Love, as we have been hearing, is a pie; only so big with so many separate pieces to distribute. Intellectually you know this can’t be true. The creator of all things loves all of its creations. A parent loves all of his/her children. We marry/divorce/marry and “cheat” with alarming regularity. We meet new people and fall in love every day. Yet to live this way? Out loud? How do we successfully navigate all this love – without feeling cheated ourselves or worse – feeling insincere? How do we love full out? All the time and in every possibility? What is love anyway? This week I’d like to explore this returning to what is our truth – agape. It is a challenge to put into words. The rules I learned so very young have bound me in ways that I imagine bind you too. Yet I know this: Love is not a pie or reserved for a singular “other”. I know not because I have been told. I know because my heart has loved. Despite all of the imprinting, my heart keeps on loving. I suspect your heart may have discovered a similar truth. Love is a garden and all of its flowers are unique, beautiful and available to both give and receive it. Agape is our essence. Every struggle, each heartbreak, all anger and sadness appears when the force of our love is prevented. And who stops the flow of love? It is us. The vibratory shift we went through last month has set the perfect stage for our Quest into Agape. Unconditional self-love is that “you” that you sense when you manage to reach your truth. It is where you “hang out” between lives, problems and conditions. It’s what we’ll find once we jump off our mountain of judgment. You are without fault – one unique flower in an exquisite field of astonishing beauty and fragrance. Not one of us can replicate you – your contribution is personal, powerful, solitary and necessary. How you look and how you see has only happened once; that once is right now. Don’t change a thing. Remember. All that you need is available to you; it resides in your heart. The one you must love without condition is the one reading these words. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. See you tomorrow. ~Sophia Please sign up for my mailing list here. I will be moving in the coming weeks… Your power comes from loving you. It is a byproduct of Agape. Agape is defined 3 ways: 1. Love Feast 2. Divine (God) Love 3. Spontaneous Altruistic Love 1. Think about the word “Feast”. It inspires images of overflowing platters, sparkling carafes and bowls mounded high. This is abundance. There is more than enough. You will not leave hungry from a “Feast”; you will be stuffed. Stuffed with love. 2. God’s love exists without exception or condition. It is not dependent on age or purity. It stands as a facet of godhood. It has been said that you are a god. As such, agape is what you do. 3. This love is not given. It just shows up. Without effort, plan or constraint; Agape is – as you are. Agape is an eruption of abundance and a feast of your essence. It is self-acting; what you do and what you are. It cannot be defined because words are weak in the presence of Agape. It renders us speechless and holds our hearts tenderly. You have not heard much from Agape, not because it is not valid, but because none of us swim in it while human. We walk here, surrounded by shoulds and didn’ts. We are born loving ourselves and blasting Agape everywhere. With each year we nurture habits of hatred that become addictions of self-abuse. Agape loves them away, while shining a light elsewhere. Feel the love that you are. This is without a doubt your greatest attribute. Want to discover your soul’s purpose? It is here, now, on this Quest and in your day. It is to love you so fiercely that no person, thought, word or deed will diminish your love. From that point of power you will finally realize your purpose. You will then recognize your god. It is you. Naturally steeped in unselfish love, you accept every facet, habit, version, part, addiction and tendency of you. From that fullness you express your godhood; it is felt in Agape. From there creation begins. Do not doubt. Know who you are and love. Love as the god you are; with the pure love of your very essence. You are all that you’ve been waiting for. Thank you for sharing this Quest with me. ~Sophia Sign up for my mailing list here. These Quests began in 2011. They began with about 8 of us I think (1/2 of which were family) and at one point there were 5,000 of us joining the journey! Then, Face Book decided that couldn’t happen. The Quests continued though, from a blog that was started in order to do so, at: Lots of things have changed since then except for one – our search for palpable, non-stop unconditional love. I’ve been told that humans are the most exciting beings to incarnate as, because of our extreme emotions. We fill up our hearts to overflowing and then break them with a passion and enthusiasm unmatched in the cosmos. We are unique and incredible. In other Quests there’s been a conclusion, a discovery, a settling at least. Not so this time. The energy of 2015 has brought me to a deep examining of us. What is our perpetual insistence on reaching for something beyond ourselves for fulfillment or answers? Is it this slavery mindset? We are at the ten yard line now, and this next play better be clean and straight on through. We are Gods in hiding. I will share a personal, true story. My partner is a deep trance channel. This means he leaves his body completely and allows other entities to speak through him. He “hangs around” in most cases, and listens. Some days he travels to other worlds. For about 3 or 4 years we held a monthly creation group in our home. There were 6 of us and we’d ask questions of the group he channeled. This group was made of our expanded selves and other entities who knew us. Sometimes the crowd that “gathered” was huge! My partner would often comment on what it looked like for him, out of body, from another point of view. He described these brilliant, huge and gorgeous light beings. As each one of us spoke, he would watch us light up. He was struck by the “ridiculous” things these beautiful, powerful beings were saying. Things like “He hurt my feelings.” “I don’t know what to say.” “I don’t know what to do.” “My stomach hurts.”, etc. Clearly, we had no idea who we were. We are now finished with our first Quest of 2015. I leave you with an image of your light. Hold it and perhaps it will help to lift you out of any dependence. An attachment to anything less than what you are is what is holding you back. You are absolute joy. You are Gods. A God lacks nothing, is without doubt or regret or disappointment. You are everything you’ve ever wanted. You are an exquisite being, unique in the cosmos for your ability to instill emotion into life. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. We’ll Quest again in February. Please join my mailing list using this link here. This is how we’ll keep in touch throughout the month! I love you. Thank you for sharing your heart with me. Namaste’ ~Sophia |
January 2025