![]() We are not changing so much as becoming. The difference is that in the first, you keep looking back to what was and it slows you down; comparisons and judgments are heavy offerings. The second is a brand new BEing, with a way of DOing that has never existed. There has very recently been a new addition to my family. For sure we are all watching “who he BE and what he DO” with nothing but joy – he is brand new! So are you. This day, with this body, these thoughts, feelings and abilities has never been. History is being re-written. Throw out society’s expectations. Pick up your own pen and script your life. What does that mean? It means we are conscious and becoming stronger and more savvy every day. It means now we are free. We have chosen. No longer will we be defined by others. We are filling in our own lives. This is not multiple choice; it’s open ended and there are no limits. Take as long or as short as you wish; all possibilities exist for you now. You are free. Freedom is an attitude. Adopt it. Choose only what serves you. Expand YOU to include everyone breathing the same air. Life gets much more interesting and fun when you lift your head up, smile, hold the door for someone, lend a hand or share a moment. Take all the time you want. Why do you rush through your moments? This day before you holds infinite possibilities and a thousand connections. Be sure to seize them. Play. Play with money, gold, children, each other and all of life. This is why you came! OPPT-IN! Put your photo out there and declare your sovereignty. We cannot do this alone – we need you. We need every single One of us! We are the ONE we’ve been waiting for. ![]() It is the idea of freedom that we are defining. It is not the fact of freedom. We are free. Bashar defines abundance as “The ability to do what you need to do when you need to do it.” Sounds like another way to define freedom. Both assume sovereignty. What do you know without question? Who are you? We are being asked now these questions. Your response will structure your reality. This life is a choice. Which outcome are you most invested in? Your answer is given in where you spend the bulk of your time. Energy invested yields equivalent results. Choose intentionally. Freedom demands responsibility. It does not involve subservience, obedience, allegiance, ownership, fault or debt. You Are. Imagine your first day free. You will notice an absence of blame. Everything starts and ends with you. There is no other. It is awesome and wonderful and terrifying in an instant. What I decide, I have. What I choose, I do. What I believe, I am. There is only choice. Do you understand that the Cabal/Illuminati is here as contrast? That they exist in this reality and in fact at this point are everywhere in our lives because we see ourselves as powerless, unworthy and lesser than? That as soon as we understand we are unlimited, powerful, free and equal – we ARE??? (and the Cabal/Illuminati is powerless) This is all illusion. As real and painful and broke and angry as it has become – none of it exists beyond our perception of it. It can be gone and will disappear as soon as we are done playing with it. Are we done yet? You are beholden to none. You are magnificent and brilliant living gold – priceless and beyond measure. We are, right now, creating our new world. How much fun do you want to have? How much gold? How many rules? How many rulers? How many limits? How much abundance? Your life is your fault. Consciously now, choose. Your friends, your words, your thoughts, your doing. You are free. You are limitless. Let yourself go anywhere and with full awareness, BE who you are. You are the ONE you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia ![]() It's not like we haven't been warned about this. Plato's Cave tells our story. Bill Hicks spoke about it. George Carlin joked about it. David Icke warns us about it still. About five years ago, Dream Hopper had the following dream which is a foreshadowing of now. He lived in a place where everything was available to him. Life was pretty straightforward. There wasn't much to do, but it wasn't necessarily painful or difficult either. Yet, everyone was shackled. Now these chains were long. He could move around freely and do pretty much anything he could think of. People chose where their chain was worn, the ankle, the wrist, the waist, the neck. These chains were not locked. But they were worn by everyone. Every once in awhile it would occur to someone that "there must be something better than this." They would unhook their chain and go out the door. This had been going on for quite some time and there were stories about the result. Going out the door was risky and always ended in some sort of destruction for the one who did it. Sometimes people didn't come back. The ones who did had horrible stories, to include losing tons of money, falling off the grid, not being able to get anything going and being worn out bodily, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. They just couldn't do it anymore. They believed the others, the ones who had never come back, must have met some untimely end. DH unhooks himself and goes out the door. He struggles and finds himself out of money and out of time. He does notice while this is going on, that those who hadn't returned were not dead. They seemed to have figured it out. They were doing okay. He, however, was not. He couldn't figure it out. He went back and re-attached his chain. He gave in to the strong desire for it to be easier. Time passed and again, he grew tired of the chain. He left, this time with a new strategy. He decided to get to know the successful ones. He would learn from them. He noticed what they did. They did not negotiate with the "owners of the room" he had been chained in. They just did not deal with them at all. The only way to not be a part of that system was to just not be a part of that system. He tried it their way. He only dealt with and negotiated with people who were successful. He did not deal with those "in charge of the room". Once he started doing that, he became successful. It wasn't instant but it worked. Excited with his discovery, he ran back to the room, threw open the door and said "You don't have to be in here! There is another way to do this! Come on!". Nobody moved. He said it again. Mostly no one responded. So he left. He woke up before hearing the end of their stories. We are in new territory. Our chains have been removed for us with the UCC filings of the One People's Public Trust. It is upon us now to Be. Be Free. This will take bravery, tenacity and belief. We are challenging all that we have ever known. It is up to us to go out the door first, and then return and tell the others. No one is going to open the door or separate us from our chains. We have to do that ourselves, each of us, in our own way. Freedom isn't something that is granted to you, freedom is something that you take. It is something that you know. It is truth. Free is what you are. Love is who you are. Understand the truth of what has happened with the One People's Public Trust and then return and tell the others. This is why you are here and the moment is upon you right now. We are the One's we've been waiting for. ![]() It’s taken 150 years. On January 1, 1863 Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation and “proclaimed all those enslaved (in Confederate territory) to be forever free, and ordered the Army (and all segments of the Executive branch) to treat as free all those enslaved.” (Wikipedia) The thirteenth amendment, ratified in 1865, declared slavery illegal in the United States. On December 1, 1955 Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat on the bus to a white passenger. Martin Luther King gave his “I have a dream” speech on August 28, 1963. Barack Obama was elected President of the United States on November 4, 2008. To quote Rosa Parks: "People always say that I didn't give up my seat because I was tired, but that isn't true. I was not tired physically, or no more tired than I usually was at the end of a working day. I was not old, although some people have an image of me as being old then. I was forty-two. No, the only tired I was, was tired of giving in." It is 2013 and still we are slaves. We the people are tired of giving in. Slavery is slavery and what was true for the plantation owners (the Cabal) in the 1800’s is true for the bankers, world leaders and elite (the Cabal) right now. Think about it. As D. indicates here, understand what lengths they will go, to keep us slaves to their system. It is a sweet deal. Their lives are built around it. They’ve had generations to plan this and although their actions may be predictable, they are tenacious and determined. They will not give up. Change to the slavery system threatens life as they know it. We will not get anywhere with combat. Our best and most powerful agent for change is to create something entirely new. We may have just woken up to this corruption, yet we are deeply familiar with struggle, debt, loss and illness. We’ve seen enough of what is criminal and life draining – it’s time to focus elsewhere. We’ve remembered the power of our thoughts; it is time to ramp it up a bit. For certainly there is not one among us who has not thought about free, not dreamt of prosperity, or not imagined their own vitality. Lately, in contrast to our current life, we think about little else. Yet what do we talk about? Is it the good stuff or the struggle? Six years ago began a “No Complaints” campaign. The goal was, and is, a complaint free world. Bracelets were sold and the idea is that you switch wrists with every negative outburst. Eventually you’ll have trained yourself to stop complaining. Now, to fill in all those empty sentences… In the beginning was the Word. The Word – an utterance, a sound, an audible vibration. This is the key to the kingdom – the very tool of creation. The Word started it all. The Word is needed now, to start it again. Pick a word, a phrase, a mantra – and speak it out loud. Say it in your bathroom, your car, on the walk to the train. Say it. Speak it. Give it voice. The world was created with The Word. It will Be again. We are creators. This is what we Do. The “owners” know the power of words. Hence we have mandatory schooling and mainstream media. We’ve been forced to recite their words when we were young, so we’d give up everything to their cause when we grew up. Not today. Today we have our own cause. Freedom. Sovereignty. Prosperity. Say these words or choose your own. Yet begin with the truth – “I AM.” Because YOU ARE. Nothing else out ranks you – not a person. Not a corporation. Say it and feel it. “I AM.” Get into it. Play music that stirs your soul and speak your truth. “I AM Free.” “I AM Love.” “I AM Prosperous.” “I AM Worthy.” “I AM Strong.” “I AM Vital.” “I AM Wise.” “I AM.” There is no other. There is us. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. WE ARE the world. WE ARE the children. Sounds like our song. ![]() The whole notion of freedom can exist only in the contrast of slavery. Without slavery, freedom would not be necessary. This is the duality in which we’ve chosen to live. It is a time when we will realize and understand what it means to be free because we have not been – and we know that now. The slavery system we’ve been in is brilliant; so subtle as to be invisible. Visible now, we realize with each revelation just how deep the enslavement is embedded. It is part of our language, our customs, and our thought process. We grow up striving to make “more” money so that we can attract partners and own stuff. A car, a house, food, clothing, even knowledge carries a price tag. How much and the quality of these things declare our worth. Regardless of where you sit on the spectrum of ownership – there is someone higher up who has more stuff. It could be a bigger house, a more luxurious car, a more advanced education, a more desired piece of real estate, finer clothing, pricier medical care or more enlightenment. Even the most sacred systems we understand to be hierarchal. None of this is true. There is Source Energy/Prime Creator. There is us. We are One. We’ve been part of an experiment, an exercise in slavery and ownership. What is happening right now, with the UCC filings of the One People’s Public Trust, is that this experiment has run its course. The findings are in, no more testing is necessary. We have been, in the language and system used to enslave us, returned to our natural state. Free. Now, to understand what that means. This will require us to re-think everything. In 1963 my partner encountered an idea about car ownership that was so foreign as to seem to come from another planet or dimension. Today we stand in a place where that idea is within our sight. Already, in many cities, you can use a car for an afternoon and leave it parked some place where someone else can use it when they need it. The two guys my partner met described a warehouse filled with different cars they signed out whenever they wanted to use them. They drove a beautiful car because they enjoyed it; they did not calculate their self worth with its price tag. In the dream from yesterday’s post, DH didn’t own the home, but rented it. He found out he’d been sharing it with a few others the whole time; others that had never paid for the privilege. It was a challenge to wrap his head around, yet he could see the sense of it. “No harm, no foul” is how he would describe the conclusion he came to. Slavery and ownership are one and the same. In order to contemplate freedom we’ll have to get clear on the concept of owning. The idea of owning/hoarding is one that was introduced into our psyche. If every one and every thing is Source, then we simply ARE. This is a hologram; the whole exists in each fragment. Ownership is thus impossible. All are ONE. To bring this home, consider a place where money was not an issue. We all have plenty, and “spend” it for the use of “things” . These are not things that declare our worth, these are things we enjoy or want or suppose we need. Without fear of loss, we would never have to “own” or “protect” these things – there is always more available and plenty of money to exchange. Would it matter if you “owned” that beautiful pink Cadillac or beach front home? If you could use each whenever you wanted, wouldn’t you care for them and respect the fact that it may be someone else’s turn? These are new ideas. When our worth is not tied up in stuff, and returns to Source, which is what has happened with the UCC filings, ownership is a moot point. (Note – the video included below uses the bible to illustrate just how long these ideas have been implanted in the culture.) You are worthy. Period. End of story. You hold within you that spark of the creator that every other bit of life does. The land, the water, the trees, the people, the gold, the silver – all hold unimaginable and equal value. Superiority, subjugation, worth and importance are falsehoods. We’ll be confronting them in every thought now. As we do, if we hold those ideas up to Agape – the truth will emerge. We are ONE. We are beholden to none. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ![]() Understanding freedom is our task now. It is not what we thought, not only what we thought. Freedom is truth. The financial system is a lie. Ownership is not possible. I am free. You are free. Everything you see is free. The land is a gift from Gaia. The water that runs through it, the minerals that line her veins, the air that we breathe and the rains that fall from the heavens – all of them free. Free. Ownership was invented. We are free. What has been done by the Trustees sets us back to square one. No more lies. No one or no thing is owned or traded for monopoly money. The value of you is inherent in your being. You ARE. It is time to BE. BE Free. BE Love. BE abundant. We are in a new world, and this requires a new learning, a new language, a new way of BEing and DOing. I will share with you two stories, examples of what FREE may look like. The first is found here: http://www.lightworkerseries.blogspot.com/2012/10/introducing-dreamhopper.html Pay attention to the part where they speak of how they got that sweet Cadillac. Not a penny was spent, or “borrowed”. The second is a dream by Dream Hopper. In this dream, he and I had been “renting” a beautiful home on some tropical island. I headed back to the states early; he stayed behind to close up the house. He came back after dropping me at the airport and there was a guy in the house! He says “Who are you?” The guy says “Oh, hi. I am renting this next week, I wanted to measure for curtains.” Dream Hopper says, “How did you get in?” “Oh, I had a key from the realtor. I was told you probably wouldn’t be here.” Dream Hopper says “Okay, I guess you can finish up.” So he does, and he leaves. Dream Hopper goes up to take a shower. He’s in the shower, all soaped up, when he hears the television turn on downstairs. He jumps out, wraps a towel around his waist and races down the stairs. A different guy is sitting there, his feet on the coffee table, watching TV! The guy says “Hi!” “Who the hell are you?” Dream Hopper says, as he stand there dripping. “I live behind your neighbor’s house, I work for them.” “What are you doing here?” Dream Hopper asked, incredulous. “I’m watching my favorite show” he replies. “Why don’t you watch it at home?” answers DH. “This is a better TV” he says, matter of factly. “I’m living here!” DH sort of yells at him. “I come here every day” the guy says. “How do you get in?” DH asks. “The window over there” he replies, pointing. DH decides the guy isn’t hurting anything, and he was leaving in a day or so, so what could it hurt? Also, well, he’s here every day. Who has more right to be there anyway? The guy seemed respectful enough. DH says “Okay, fine.” He goes upstairs to finish his shower. He finishes the shower, puts on his clothes and is walking down stairs when he hears someone in the kitchen. He figures it’s the same guy, and thinks “he’s never going to leave!” He is a little irritated. He rushes into the kitchen, and finds a short dark haired woman, deep in the process of fixing a meal. “Who are you?” Dream Hopper yells. “I’m Maria Carriea Santa Maria” she replies. “What are you doing here?” DH asked. “Oh, you must be the new renter. I come here every day to make my lunch.” Maria replies. She proudly shows him her dishes, neatly kept in a little nook inside all the cabinets. “I only use my own dishes” she continues. So for the third time that morning DH asks “How do you get in?” “The back door doesn’t lock”, she responds. Maria explained that she works for the people next door, but likes to get out for lunch, so she comes here. While she talks, she continues to prepare a delicious looking bunch of fajitas, and setting out 3 plates. The TV watcher walks in, “Hi Maria!” he grins, and sits down at the table. “Won’t you join us?” Maria asks Dream Hopper, pulling out a chair. So he does. Free lunch, free home, free Cadillac; let’s talk about freedom. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ![]() We are waiting to receive that which we have; planning to do what’s already been done. Do you “grock” (really get) what’s going on right now? Nothing less than revolution. As the Declaration of Independence declared that which was already true – “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.” – so the UCC filings of the One People’s Public Trust do the same. They return title to the people. In 1776 the Declaration was directed at King George III. Today it is a statement to all. By putting it in the language of commerce, where the manipulation and slavery systems have been set up and are running, the Trust cannot be ignored; it is on the turf of the Powers that Were. Now it is up to us to continue the work. We are in the early, delicate, formative days of this new world. Creation is happening with every thought, each word and all action. It is up to us to focus. Intend with clarity to heal, to love, to play and to manifest in joy. For years we’ve heard that “thoughts become things”. What are you thinking about? How about freedom, abundance, love and vitality. The Trust has laid out for us a beautiful path lined with gold; possibilities abound. As the documents and changes are digested, we’ll start and stop, climb and stumble, speak and recant, declare and change focus. It’s all okay. We haven’t been here before. We are learning and teaching together. One people, one Trust, one Truth, One. Fear need not be a part of the process. There is no failure. We are guaranteed success. These are the early days, the days our grandchildren and great grandchildren will read about. They will be filled with variety and drama and excitement and zillions of questions. We are answering them all now – ourselves. This clip (below) reminds me of the process we are all going through. Ralphie’s dream is real and yet he seeks validation and some sort of official stamp of approval on it to have it recognized. The UCC filings of the OPPT have done that; we don’t need to repeat them. It’s necessary to act free, feel free and embrace freedom. Understand what that means in your life. Unlimited is a challenging concept for a former slave. Yet like Ralphie, our dreams will shape our tomorrows. Like compound interest, as we add to the collective imagination, possibilities expand exponentially. Where is your focus? You will only get more of whatever you insist on announcing. Select carefully. We can choose more of anything – polarity, blame, opposition or unity and universal recognition of love. We are One being, working out our structure and form in every moment of now. The illusion of difference has led to corruption, greed and service to self. It is the truth of Unity that will heal us. See yourself reflected in each other and love without condition. Dream big and engage your wildest fantasies. This is freedom. It is exactly what you choose. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() Liberation is a process both immediate and gradual. It occurs with our hearts and eyes open and our minds alert. It is time to trust. What feels fluid, supportive, inclusive and expansive is about to replace what constricts, inhibits, prevents, limits and controls. Our brains are not used to operating this way, it’s a new world. Discomfort arises, yet do not confuse discomfort with distrust, they do not need to be the same. We are being called now to learn the language of the Heart. It is this that will tear down the tower of Babel we’ve been operating in for eons. It’s a language unfamiliar, yet instinctively understood. To learn first requires acceptance. It is time to say yes. Last month we were open and ready and thus the world changed. Yet the alterations, not immediately visible, have left many of us disillusioned. It sort of looks the same out here. So what gives? When we travel to a place with foreign customs and language, it takes awhile for us to “feel at home” and really “get” the atmosphere and the people. It is like that now. We’ve just arrived and are working out the mechanics. How do we function in this new world? 4D, 5D, are labels we’ve used so that we could wrap our head around such a massive shift – yet they have sort of backfired. We’ve expected them to be a place we had to travel to rather than become. We are the “dimensions” we inhabit. Love, trust, magic exist right now. How much longer will we demand that fear go away and expect that to happen outside of ourselves? The key to freedom, emancipation or liberation is found in your heart and soul. To unlock it demands trust that it exists and can be found. Faith is required and dogged insistence on love. There is no one outside of you who will grant you freedom. That is the thinking of a slave. No one but you can set yourself free. It is true that systems have to change, yet it is true as well that we are the force beneath those systems. Two of my four children broke out of their cribs before we understood that it was time. One pulled the bars apart and one climbed over – both quietly and without incident. They were ready. They were moved to “regular” beds immediately. We are ready. We’ve never been here before so the language and customs are unfamiliar. The UCC filings (of the One People’s Public Trust) are one of the keys for us. I’ve begun to complete them myself and will share here soon what it takes to do so; the physical steps necessary to be free in this 3D world. You already have all it takes within your heart – it only needs activation. Understand who you are – a multi-dimensional being of light here to liberate a planet and enlighten her people. There are no chains strong enough to contain you – your heart holds the stuff of creation. You are Gods. Act as One. The rest is just paperwork. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. |
January 2025