There were two words in my inbox this morning. "It's time". The video included is found here as well. An entirely different blog was composed very early today, and may be posted later. This one now takes precedence. Watching the video while considering these two words, I was overcome with emotion. I cry easily yet this morning's sob-fest was unprecedented... The emotions that incited the tears were joy and relief and exhaustion and YES!!!!! WE DID IT!!! What remains now is the doing and living on our new earth. In spite of every odd stacked against us, we have continued to create a world as pictured in the serene and vibrant images of this film. Our Mother Earth has waited with patience and love for eons...she now is realizing the fullness of her being. It is because of you this is happening. As Light Workers you have come not just in this era, but in times too numerous to name. You have persevered and created with wisdom, tenacity, faith and love. Your vision has not wavered, not once. Yes, there have been distractions, but deep in your heart you have held and maintained the truth of our home, our Mother Earth and ourselves. Love has inspired your every lifetime of continuous evolution. You never gave up and it is because of you that we have made it here. Share your view of our home and our very existence in every moment of your coming days... This is how we create our paradise. The field is ripe now with your vision - it is okay to let it out and allow for its expansion. There can be no stopping truth - You are master creators, here to experience the fruits of many lifetimes of belief. There is nothing but love and we can see that now. Hold these pristine images in your very soul. This is our world. We have brought her back to life with our steadfast knowing - we are love. WE ARE THE ONE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. Update ~~ 10.20.12 ~~ The status of this video was changed to "private". I am sorry if you have missed seeing it. It is a profound experience. In today's blog I will include another that will hopefully stay put.
![]() There hasn’t been much to say these last few days. Not for lack of movement, but for an overwhelming need for silence. It’s as if all of my words are being used up on the inside; there are no residuals remaining for this blog. There has been a shift, and a clearing. What stands in the place of a mind compelled to “do” is a soul content to “be”. The world looks different. On a physical level I sleep deeply, dream intensely and remember little. The mental chatter has all but stopped. There were headaches for the last week or so, but they too have left me. Eating is different somehow; addictions to any particular food are gone right now. It’s not like the challenges are gone from my life, it’s that they look merely like things to take care of. They are not definitions of anyone; they are scenes in a play. All around there is evidence of a different way to approach life. I brought my car in for service and received an unexpected Reiki healing, from the shop manager, right there in the showroom…what a gift! Our children initiated some unexpected and unprecedented deep heart conversations...which if you have kids you know is beyond wonderful. Everywhere I look there is healing and renewal. The news reports won’t be the place to find evidence of this shift. It will be told in our hearts. Mine has opened more than I realized was possible. It came unexpected and was not orchestrated by my mind. Although you’ll hear and read of progress on financial and government fronts, the real answer will come from deep within you. Everywhere now, folks are rising up. We are answering the call in so many ways. Evidence surrounds us. It wasn’t long ago we were a people mentally enslaved and seemingly without choice. Our self definition has radically altered. Thanks to thousands of lightworkers and millions of people with hundreds in the headlines – we have found our voice. It is a voice holding every possible range and it speaks just one song – freedom. Unity is not something that will arrive overnight. It has been building and becoming. It is. We are One. Our realization of that truth is bringing us out of the closet. We help each other without expectation. We join hands in protest and in song. We talk out loud about our “Galactic Families”, about ending the corruption and creating joy; about the importance of love. It is not exactly as we expected; it is so much better. We are allowing ourselves to seamlessly morph into Oneness. Who else but humans could do it this way? We are experiencing the fullness of our own evolution, individually and collectively. It has all the elements of life we came here for; tension, anticipation, surprise, pain, pleasure, defeat, success and love. We did this. We are doing this right now. We are performing beyond anyone’s wildest expectations. Maybe help hasn’t arrived from the skies because we are doing just fine. Everyone is watching; it’s all good. This is happening. It is happening because we say it is. We know who we are and we are doing what it is we came to do, perfectly. We are awesome! Great job! We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() Fear vs. love. What does that even mean? I’m reminded of the “Push Me Pull You” of Dr. Doolittle. Internally I am stretched and yanked from one extreme to the other. Neither direction is permanent; the tussle is continuous. A sign from someplace else would be nice. Do you feel that way? Looking up to the heavens this morning, I whisper “A little help?” The overwhelming conditions of my 3D life are screaming, daring me to love in spite of them. How will I respond? I don’t need a calendar or anyone else to tell me we’ve arrived at a choice moment. With every cell of my body; I know. The quiet love song I carry is struggling to out-shout the drama. There are moments when I don’t hear the melody at all. That is when I see the fear. The choice becomes clear. Is this all there is to life? The video below seems perfect for this moment. It was just sent to me. Maybe this is the “little help” I asked for. The thing is, holding this knowing is what it’ll take. It is no longer a question of knowledge; it is a question of belief. Do you believe you are love? Do you know with every morsel of your being that you are pure divine consciousness? Can you feel that truth? Access that part of you as often as possible. Forgive yourself. You have come with the intention to love. The one you are here to adore is reading these words. She looked at you in the mirror this morning. He brushed your teeth. There is no need to look further. This is our moment. We came now for the opportunity of a lifetime. We know the plan. Quiet introspection and meditation will give us access to it. Trust yourself. Know that whatever you are seeing on the surface is temporary. It is a reflection; a reaction to past beliefs and conditions. All of this is malleable. It is up to you. What will you choose? In the face of every fearful image there is only one truth; “This is not who I am”. For you are not fear, you are love. There is no loss or pain or injustice felt in the depths of your soul. That is where the God spark rests, igniting the force that is you. For make no mistake – you are a force. You have come here now to demonstrate truth. It is the strength of this force that has called up the loudest opposition – daring you to fear. You will not. You cannot. For you are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() Our greatest and darkest moments are now readily available. It is a time of choosing. We are entering a period when all will be laid before us. The best of us. The not so stellar. Assistance is available within. We know when a thought, word or action does not coincide with the opinion of our greater self, by how we feel when it shows up. If it feels bad then it is not in concert with your plan before you got here. It is simple to recognize yet not easy to analyze. Last night I received what I perceived to be a direct attack. I felt it immediately. Heat ran through my body and fear showed up; sandwiched between anger and blame. It was sort of shocking. I’ve spent most of the last twelve hours wrestling with it. I’m okay now, and I know what happened. The words in the attack did not cause the emotion. It was my immediate thoughts/reactions that brought it on. They went like this: “This is wrong!” “I must not be wanted.” “I should stop all this blogging.” “They don’t know what they are talking about.” These very human feelings are merely knee-jerk and reactive. They do not embody love or unity. They are in fact divisive and very 3 dimensional. They are not where I choose to stay. I choose to be inclusive, in a place where nothing is taken personally. In fact, words spoken by any of us are merely us talking to ourselves. Nothing is personal. I yell at my kids because I’m having a bad day. I react to a verbal attack because I am feeling insecure. This may not make me enjoy the behavior of my children or the words of my “attacker” any more, but it sure tells me what I can do to change it. I can love myself. Its okay that I lashed out, this is earth. I am not defined solely by my reactions. I am love. As a being of light it is my intent to express my unique signature wherever I am. That’s what we are doing here. Source is experiencing itself through every thought, word and deed. That makes all actions okay. None are “wrong”. There is a push now to recognize which choice coincides with our core truth and which veers from it. This is an internal push. Although I can’t speak for everyone, I suspect it is universal. We are searching for our inner voice. Once discovered, we only need to pay attention. As we are challenged with conflict and upset, this could feel really bad. Once we recognize the feeling we can use it as a directional arrow – don’t go there. What feels good does so because in that moment you are expressing truth. You are loving yourself without reservation. Regardless of what brings it on, remember how it feels. It is a statement of your divine truth. It is the whispering of Agape. When you hear it, you remember who you are. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. |
January 2025