Your understanding of a sovereign being is not complete. You do not embody sovereignty, but play at it with words. As long as there is fear present as a gut reaction to an illusory form of any kind – animate or inanimate – you are not sovereign. Sovereignty is not a condition only present when you have “won over” some deceptive or criminal act; it is present 24/7. Mastery of the physical form will propel you to sovereignty. Sovereignty is not merely a declaration of independence. It is being true to only one form, the one that is embodied and focused on NOW. This truth can be understood many ways. Full consciousness demands constant attention, tenacity and 100% of your ability. We humans have become lazy and in a sense demanding of our right to “take a break” from awareness and attention and focus – seeing these merely as “more work”. This was intentional. The enslavement was primarily always interested in our minds rather than our bodies. If they (our minds) become exhausted or fruitless enterprises, we are easier to control. Things like entertaining gadgets appeal to young ones especially; who are like sponges and then grow up addicted to everything a machine is saying to and about them. This, RATHER THAN thinking, creating, or making a more productive, engaging and powerful existence. Awareness of this manipulation is necessary for a complete picture of this life. In order to alter the physical, you must hold no remnant of an idea that this is something that is “hard”. Look at it as you would any skill you are attempting to Master. There is trial and error, and as you explore you get better at it while it gets easier to do. Mastery of anything takes attention and practice. The steps utilized are: Necessity Focus Exploration Trial Error Practice More Exploration and mostly – Repetition Unless you have control of all the facets of creation at your disposal, you will not recognize your own hand when things show up. What is meant by the term “control” is clarity and awareness. The probability and possibility of manifestation exists at a much greater percentage than you give it credit for. This is so that you remain asleep and unaware of the power in words, in situations, in sound and even in the places you gather. All of these change the emotional level held and therefore what is created. Consciousness is more than a full time job; it is a state of being. Once you have gotten there, what happens is that your life can be more easily tracked and understood. Not with a sense of blame or fault but with awareness – so that choices made are either desired or changed if they are not (desired). All this is to say not that your life is your fault; rather that your life is YOU. It is not partially you; it is a conglomeration of the result of your creative power. Power which is and always has been affected by all you take in – your surroundings, environment and community. If you take just one aspect of your life, specifically one in which you’ve divorced responsibility from, and really look at it – it becomes obvious how it occurs. The thoughts you hold, beliefs you have, words you repeat silently or aloud, conversations you partake in, music and programs you listen to – all of these are creative. You are a sponge but more than that – not an inert absorber of information, but a sentient being. All that is taken in becomes then a part of what turns into your life. Practice and repetition are necessary for Mastery of anything at all. Mastery is not something magically bestowed on a deserving few, but the end result of focus and determination and intent by a single sovereign being. This is you. This is me. This is us. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia
There are conditions of daily life that occur on a regular basis for the majority of humans. These include a lack of opportunity to experience self-determination, a pre-arranged location, and an income; without which you’d be unable to survive. These conditions, seen as normal and necessary, are actually preferred. When an adult has reached the age of eighteen years, most of their orientation is focused on creating them for themselves; this, in order to achieve “worldly success”. In fact, under the current arrangement, you congratulate each other for having secured a “good” job. This “job” grants you “freedom”. “Freedom” in this case means moving out of the home of your parents. It means being on your own. It means having the chance now to stop living off the “job” your parents held, and starting your own. You are “free” now and willingly join the ranks of the others in volunteer slavery. You see, freedom is an illusion in this scenario. It is dangled out there like the carrot on the string. This carrot is never to be eaten. It merely hangs there, inches away, just out of reach. It is the unattainable dream and it keeps humans eagerly moving out of situations they consider confining and constricting into brand new cages, created just for them. There is a reason it’s referred to as the rat race. The rat is free to move – yet just in a specific path and within a pre-defined area. It can only do so when the door is opened by someone else, someone who owns the box. The rat is fed according to how “well” it “performs” and thus kept alive – all by the owner. The lack of ability to choose how you spend your days is a condition of slavery, not freedom. This is regardless of compensation. Reaching the age of maturity and choosing the same path chosen by the adults before you is the single choice offered. It is inside of an enclosed system that depends on continued servitude. If choices are limited in scope and number, you are controlled. In a system that included self-determination, things would look vastly different. There would still be adults providing for children and each other, yet they wouldn’t necessarily start and end their “work” day at the same minute. Variation would rule the process and each day would differ rather than follow a specific and predictable pattern. “Work days” would be replaced by days. In such a system the continuation of the race would be the driving force. The purpose of your chosen activity would be visible and understood by you, and it wouldn’t necessarily be a paycheck. This way of life is unimaginable not because it wouldn’t work. It is a vision of life that exists elsewhere, just not on earth. On earth, self-determination of each sentient being has been replaced with servitude. The many work for the few, follow orders and obey. To join the ranks of “adulthood” means you willingly engage in this prescribed path. Chains are not necessary; the invisible tie that binds you is the necessity of money. In a system that is not controlled by beings with an unspoken ownership agenda, life is very different. There are conditions in place that provide life sustaining necessities for every man, woman and child. The whole notion of debt is not present and its opposite holds no meaning. Freedom is a hollow notion without enslavement. Control is another empty concept in a world of self-determined beings. Certainly care for the young and their safety means providing safe places for them to thrive. Yet it does not mean a strict schedule of mandatory schooling and regular testing to ensure conformity. Unique abilities are sought and discovered in such a world. The whole idea that an entire population could successfully run their own lives sounds ludicrous, not because it is, but because the generations of elders before you have paved the path so well you see no other possibilities. Ideas of right, wrong, good and bad surround and include adjectives like success, failure, respectable and disgrace. These ideas have been fed to humanity as a steady stream so that policing them is no longer necessary, you police yourselves. You do so not with guns but with words. Congratulations are generously offered when a “job” is secured. These affirmations by your peers and society in general hold a great and invisible power over your actions. Going outside of the expected ands accepted behavior of polite society is frowned upon and seen as selfish, perhaps childish; strong words for a people who value freedom as much as you do. The effect of failure and disappointment is more than enough to hold the system of slavery in place. The reference here is to areas on the planet that have systems in place to provide these “opportunities” for paid servitude. There are countless areas of rampant starvation, illness and poverty that could only exist within a system of hierarchy. You have not been told the truth about how it works and therefore move through the maze unaware of your effect on the whole. The restricting of each being to a daily struggle for survival creates conditions that seem beyond your scope and ability to change. This is by intent. Hopelessness is a false notion and one you had to be taught. Children have no such notions. You can change all of this with a systemic alteration of core beliefs. These would include a shift from “owe” to “embrace”, “learn” to “become”, “earn” to “expand”, “follow” to “be”, “debt” to “give” and “fear” to “love”. Sustainable freedom includes ideas that fly in the face of societal norms, conformity and current standards of success. These will take time to understand and appreciate as valid options. Every step towards unbinding the ties of slavery moves in that direction. This cannot happen overnight. Pay attention to the youngest among you. This does not mean handing them the reins yet it does mean considering their ideas for life as valid options. Their focus on community and play and a constant sharing of information is evidence for the truth of your connection. You are One. The “success” or stagnation of just a single human affects the whole in ways that are felt rather than seen. When each component of life is provided for equally – the whole thrives. Change is necessary. Maintaining a focus on self-determination and allowing alternative paths will provide fertile ground. Patience and acceptance are key. Let go of judgment, and understand that ideas around good and bad have been fed to you intentionally as a steady diet of manipulation. Decide what freedom really means. It is never true if slavery exists for any one of us. Freedom cannot be granted; it is synonymous with life and can only be realized. It exists because you do. Freedom has not been taken from you so much as hidden. It is visible beyond the maze. We are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia There is little need for a judge and jury in a place of equality and sovereignty. In fact, these terms would be obsolete; reminders perhaps of such notions from a time long ago. The whole concept of one sovereign being standing in authority over another sovereign being is very much like the bully in the playground. Cartoon depictions of this child show him to be typically male and larger than average with less intelligence. This image defines the justice system as it currently stands. For what is the definition of justice? Fairness and tacit compliance with the law of the land. And what is the law of the land? Responsibility for self, love your neighbor and equality seem to have nothing to do with it. The law currently followed assumes division, ownership and punishment as inherent components. It calls up images of protection from harm, locks and keys, fear and potential damage. Each of these applies when you are dealing with a playground bully and not another sovereign being. It is true that there are disputes among equals that could and do benefit from expert arbitration, as such guided by someone not personally involved. It is not true that a firm hand is necessary to settle situations. What is required is time, patience and indifference. The playground bully has a definite agenda, as does the justice system. When judges are elected or appointed and paid, there is present a debt to those doing the electing or appointing. This fact colors each “decision” made by the judge. The fact that you would stand in a room and submit to such a system of judgment and then abide by any decisions that result indicates the level of fear that is present. For it is fear that is running the show, the same gut level emotion utilized by the playground bully. Make no mistake, if you are ever in a place that requires you to abide by its demands and obey its rules – you are being manipulated. Manipulation is not the same as justice. When harmful intent is assumed, a chain reaction of false ideas begins. It is necessary to believe the “other” has an agenda that is potentially damaging. For justice to be necessary, the playground bully must exist as a constant threat. That bully is seen as potential in each situation. Someone else is out there always, wanting to harm you or to take your stuff. Ideas around the need to stop the bully are begun from thoughts of separation, “value” and “more”. There is a pre-supposed condition present from the start. That thought includes an idea that separates you from each other. Words like more and less, good and bad, need and lack, strong and weak all stem from a system of slavery. If instead of guilt, honor is assumed – the whole thing changes. The view on an equal playing field is very much different than a hierarchal one. A “justice system” was necessitated and begun by the thugs who initially decided they had something to protect that was more valuable than anything else – their power. Misunderstanding of the source of that power begat fear and the playground bully. The bully needs someone to steal from or control with force, or he considers himself weak and without power. The same is true of today’s control/justice system. The game ends when you stop playing. A court room where authority dispenses justice is merely a dressed up playground. It is only necessary when there is an agenda of “power over” rather than a mutual recognition of “power within”. In fact, a courtroom only recognizes the power of one thing – “the law” and the person paid to dispense it, the judge/bully. Any system of power that is dependent on another to thrive is weak. The justice system currently in place serves the playground bully with subservience. It does not serve justice. The whole notion of good/bad, gain/loss has no place from a sovereign state. Imagine a room of your peers and within it, a disagreement. Harmony will ask each of you to participate in a solution. The solution will serve the group, using discussion. If there is a law guiding the discussion, it is “love one another as you do yourself.” Guilt and innocence doesn’t enter the picture because they are recognized as subjective opinions rather than statements of fact. For what is one guilty of other than life? Relationships demand discussion. Guns and fear enter only when one party misunderstands the origin of power. It is within. We are the ones we are waiting for. ~Sophia Try to imagine what it would be like without rain; without snow; without thunderstorms, hurricanes and the like. The force of nature and the balance of “good” and “bad” are integral parts of this planet – part of what makes up the whole. We expect “weather” to follow a pattern according to the seasons and places where we live. Each of these, weather and water, are unique to earth life in that they occur on a daily basis without any control from the beings living here; seemingly in random fashion. Why is it that there are entire careers and lifetimes spent studying and predicting “weather”? To some of us, perhaps to many of us, this would be a boring thing to focus a lifetime on. There are overall patterns and processes that when looked at as a whole, craft a picture. It is as if there was a plan. There is, but not one that can be discovered in a lifetime; one that began with the formation of the planet and is being carried out daily. Weather creates the circumstances for very specific life – everything in order. We’d have to step back far enough to see this plan and have access to a record of the planet from the beginning. What is currently available, the archeological records, will serve to tell the story. Only we must understand the language. Life is a system created with purpose and fed by many parts. The human that you are plays a vital part in all of life. Thus far you have done so without being aware of your role. The net effect of slavery has been a numbing; a cutting off of awareness of who we are. Unaware, we’ve blundered through life and in some respects wreaked havoc and others, had little effect when effect was needed at the time we were present. Being awake without being aware of the process is useless. We must access and utilize consciousness to participate in any potentially helpful way. We must know the plan. This planet was and is a playground for diversity, evolution and adaptation. Today we are changing rapidly and irreversibly. Our very DNA is mutating. What this means for the human is important and what it means for the planet is significant as well. As we morph into a new human, the surrounding planet does too. We affect the weather, the interior of the earth, the sky, the vegetation. There is nothing happening in isolation. As these changes are unprecedented, we have no way of “knowing” for certain their effect on the big picture, on all of existence. What you can do is look at the effect on your individual life and environment and predict. If once you were unaware and now you walk consciously – will not your footsteps serve your intentions? What new intentions have come about as a result of the changes physically and chemically that have already taken place? Our very desires alter the world around us. With awareness of an internal god force, we direct rather than react to – life. There is understanding of the weather and its seasons, for patterns and for the necessary climate required. There is a force of life – that once understood will direct your every movement and moment. This force is unable to control or manipulate, to serve or protect, to inhibit or promote. It is merely and magnificently creation itself. Like an artist with the final work clear in her mind, life itself moves forward every “slowly” towards its own end. It perpetuates its own plan without sanction, permission or approval. The actions of this tiny portion of existence we are calling the “cabal” have not taken place outside of that plan. However, the part of this show has arrived that see’s their act over. Destruction for the sake of gluttony does not benefit enough life to enable it to continue. Therefore it must be stopped. This is as much a part of the natural order of things as it is a willful act by a specific group or groups. It is and always has been inevitable. Awareness of their effect on the quality and quantity of life for the rest of the population only accelerates their removal. This speeds up changes on every level and ultimately defines planetary movements. The vision it takes to see this global and galaxy wide movement is one we can approximate with instruments but not attain without enlightenment. Enlightenment is where we are headed. It gives us perspective, awareness and conscious choice. Like that of a child, you are not today aware of the ultimate effect of every food eaten or “toy” played with. Yet you are becoming so, and with knowledge and understanding come compassion and clear intention. As your world view grows you will understand that truly there can never be control – for control would inhibit life itself and life is creation and the whole point. You cannot stop it. While manipulation is possible, corrections on a grander scale make adjustments that guarantee continuation. We are part of a very large scale process – the whole is so much greater than the sum of its parts. There will always be a “bigger picture” to comprehend than the one currently held. This never ending possibility of a broader perspective is the ultimate purpose of life. There is always more to know. Your freedom and sovereignty was expected, planned and part of the purpose. The goal however is not to serve any one “god” but rather the perpetuation of life itself – all of life – as ONE. The focus and direction of your actions will tell you just what you came to experience. We are not all here with the same purpose, and for that reason will appear to have conflicting goals. When you step back far enough you can see that there is no conflict – balance rules all of life. You who are reading (or listening) this far are here to strike balance in what appears to be the self destructive path of humanity. It is not and you are guaranteeing that; despite every attempt at control placed on you. You woke up early and are now waking up everyone else. You are the Ones you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia This journey we are on, called life, is one of the most spectacular trips available. The experience of physical existence has within it every possibility. This planet is filled with over 7 billion humans – there are many who choose to visit here. To be clear, all facets of this life are known as possibilities before birth. There are no tricks played or secrets kept. In full awareness we incarnate, happy for the chance to live again. This talk of an “experiment” may have led you to think otherwise – to think that you’d been duped and your plan to be here at all was made under false pretenses. This is not how it works. Before being human, the “you” that is, knows every aspect it has ever been, as well as the aspects of others. It is not possible to “hide” the truth of you. Knowledge of each other comes with contact. This inability to deceive creates every possibility for clear choices and transparent decisions. This kind of clarity goes away from the human as we dive more deeply into this “reality”. All of this is part of our plan. The thing that humanity offers us by way of experience is emotion/passion. This is not to say that other beings are void of emotion, because they are not. Humanity holds within its makeup a deep well of passion and belief in the sanctity of life. The way in which mankind expresses love and beauty and hope and hate is unique; beneath it lays an unwavering faith and trust that it’s meant to be fair. Despots and dictators arise because they know that belief exists, and there exists a chance at manipulation and perceived “power” because of it. They are here to “play” with that. Potentials for all possible ends of the spectrum of control are exciting. When not human, there are limits as to how much emotion/feeling will be a part of creation. There is desire and personality always. Yet the extremes of passion are possible only in a life while human. This is the source of unparalleled heights and depths of feeling; a wealth of addictions. We have labeled these “addictions” as negative and “work” to overcome them. This is interesting because they are the whole reason we are here. It may be more prudent to celebrate them! They make up the most exciting parts of you! When addictions are referred to here, it is not in the sense of chemical addictions only – the kinds that are ingested. It is behaviors; those that stimulate the process to create the chemical for you. These behaviors become habitual because they afford a sensation you crave. That is addiction. It could be any behavior at all, yet it will lead always to a familiar sensation. The thrill of that sensation excites you and inspires a desire for more, as if it were a drug. In fact it is, but not a drug we are taking, one we are making. You will search for opportunities in your days to do it again and again. Consciousness implies an awareness of these physical tendencies, acceptance for them as facets of the personality and an understanding that they are not “faults” but very human traits – one of the reasons for being human at all. They are not “bad”; they are part of the program. It becomes a challenge to remove “you” out of the equation; everything here is taken personally. The ability to love and live without judgment is the goal here. In order to embody unconditional love you must understand every condition that is its opposite. The exquisite feelings of love, the thrill of victory, the agony of defeat – each of these are addictions. You will repeat them until every nuance is understood. This has been the plan. Today it is widely understood that many of the reasons for the most violent extremes of these emotions – the hardships and challenges of human slavery – have been fabricated. There are beings who possess intimate knowledge of the human psyche and have used it to manipulate man for their own addictions of power and worship. You are at a point now, the ultimate point in the plan, where you have a choice. What will you do? How will you judge? Will you judge? What is unacceptable to you? What does freedom mean? Is such a thing as punishment necessary or is Karma enough? Will you seek revenge? This is the choice of mankind and what is done here will reverberate to every other life in all of creation. If Oneness motivates the decision, there exists a possibility for compassion that until this moment did not exist. The force and effect of cruelty and pain is felt in each heart. It is there now that the possibility for unsurpassed acceptance rests – agape. Now that you know the truth, the power to change all of creation rests in your hands. The slave has come full circle. Ownership is not possible; a sovereign being realizes its possibilities for expression – all of them. Knowing what you are capable of and what has been done before – what will you choose now? The results are in. This was an experiment to reach for the light. It is within your grasp. What you do now changes everything. You are the Ones we’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia Watch this angel til the end… The background of each of us is irrelevant. It is the foreground that matters to the rest of us. Who is it you are today? How do you spend your moments while we are sharing them? It doesn’t matter what took place before now. Not that these things don’t have value, they do. When we were involved in them they mattered very much. Now that they are a thing of the “past”, they do not. Time is an aspect of the day to day that can serve or inhibit us. It is held in our mind and its relative effect takes place there as well. It doesn’t really exist – there is no such thing as “time”. A “time-piece” has been invented, that moves brilliantly and we’ve all agreed that the rotations signify a specific measurement. That is all it is. Why bring up “time” or the “past”? It is these ideas that define our days and shape the view we hold about the possibilities for our lives. What you feel capable of is in part defined by how many “years” you’ve been here, by how those “years” have been spent and with whom. There are walls on our dreams of the “future” and chains holding us to our “past”. These things are not truth. They are fabrications held in the mind; they are thoughts. There is a story of a man who was locked in the freezer car of a train in one of the Scandinavian countries. He died. When his body was found, it showed all of the clinical effects of having been frozen, yet the freezer was never turned on. His mind killed him. Our minds are doing the same. Any limiting or inhibiting “fact” held there can be reversed. All thoughts are malleable and can change. Often it is those that fly in the face of “reality” that project us the fastest and furthest into our dreams. A life spent re-defining yourself to others around you seems unproductive unless you are interested in staying there. We are not meant to stagnate but to grow. All possibilities exist – it is our choice whether or not to embrace them that determine the kind of life lived. The pull of this “dream” is powerful. The direction has been fueled by some potent creators. These beings and the systems they’ve put in place are meant to convince you to abide by their rules in order to “succeed”. Their agenda, however, is not and could never be yours. Each life is self-determined. It is up to you to define your own direction and proceed accordingly. It is one thing to respect the definitions forefront in your life and another to adopt them without question. Question everything. The only restrictions on where you can go and how many places that can be are self imposed. You exist everywhere and you only need to daydream to remind yourself that you can be in two places at once. There is no advantage to following the “party line” so rigidly that no bump in the road occurs. Bumps are a great place from which to jump off of! Life was meant to be an adventure to explore. The push to test limits has to come from you. A sovereign being understands and accepts the responsibility for every direction – “past, present, and future”. Each is defined only once – now. You are a sovereign being. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia You are convinced that the severity of your actions is an indication of how barbaric or civilized you are. What is civilization really? Is it the degree of conveniences available to the common man? Is it, or rather, isn’t it instead supposed to be, the hallmark of advancement? We label superiority of civilization very specifically. It has to do with how much is physically available to plug in or turn on. Civilized “superiority” in its true sense, is a much different attribute. There are small groups of “uncivilized” humans in isolated pockets who are made up of enlightened people. We may not understand their individual practices or way of living, yet it springs essentially from respect and honor for life – all life. They do not subscribe to waste; all parts of the vegetation, animal and human are sacred and equally utilized. If there are no libraries filled with literature that just means the art of verbal communication is utilized instead. The notion that whole groups of humans must be aware of the actions of every other group of humans stems from ego. It is born out of self importance. What someone has to say about nuclear physics has no effect on the talent of the master fisherman. Each adds value to life as a whole. The relative intelligence of one does not depend on its awareness or knowledge about the mechanics of both. Apprenticeships, journeymen, internships; these are fertile grounds for excellence and unique development. This “know everything” model of man came about for purposes of conformity, superiority, competition and a dulling of the senses. The impact of a constant stream of novel and unrelated information on the brain disables the ability to focus and concentrate. How can you invent free energy alternatives when you are required to spit out parts of speech in multiple languages along with lists of wars and dead dictators? Knowledge is not a bad thing. The requirement placed on young children for memorization and uniform ability however, is criminal. At a time when the brain is most malleable and open to rapid development; it is held tightly in a box of facts that hold little if any interest. This is mutilation every bit as destructive as the physical mutilation done to young girls as they reach sexual maturity in some cultures. Its purpose is to inhibit pleasure and halt any possibility of free and unique expression – to define the purpose and output of the human; to create slaves. This program of enslavement touches every aspect of culture, regardless of its level of “civilized” advancement. It is a misunderstanding to label any part of man “superior” to any other part. The implications of that label reinforce separatism, elitism and polarity. Man as a whole has been manipulated and the expression of that is diverse. Freedom is evident in self confidence without comparison – in acceptance of individual brilliance that reaches the heights of possibility, unencumbered by rules, expectations, or what has been done before. Freedom is self defined. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia In order for the system to change without the display of power and weaponry typically used, a complete alteration of power is necessary. Today the majority understands power as force, as might, as guns and the ability to use them. What is on our “side”, the “side” of peaceful revolution, is that what is also held deeply as a universal principle is magic. Magic is merely the manipulation of matter in atypical ways. This can be accomplished with a being who understands the art of the dream. It is intention and expectation. It demands clarity and purity – the very things that have attempted to be muddled with this experiment. Foods, media, religions and education have taken hold and forced it out of you – instilling instead ideas around power that include superiority, competition and brute force. Nothing could be further from the truth. Think Gandalf. There are legends in our culture that continue because within them is held the seed of truth – a mystical, internal force overpowers brute force every time. That internal force is one you hold. To answer the question (How do we accomplish the shift without violent revolution?) will sound circular. Yet it is known to you because it also holds truth. Maintain an internal focus. Let everything you do allow the further development of clarity. The food you eat and practices you engage in either support or suppress internal strength. Choose consciously. The movement from guns will happen when fear abates. In order to stop the fear we’ll have to replace it with a sense of power – IM-powerment. There is no mystery that cannot be solved within the language and legends of our culture. Look carefully at what has been more typically laughed at or judged irrelevant for clues. There we will discover treasure and useful information. Again, it is collaboration and unity that will render any show of military force null. If everyone is on board, the takeover will be ONE seamless, choreographed movement. We are the ONE we are waiting for. ~Sophia The course of a god is individually set. Each of us is on that course. The choice to incarnate as human is made freely. The opportunity for growth is sort of exponential here. Some of us came with different agendas. All of us came to set in place a real opportunity to create. So what is creation? We have evidence of it daily as children are born, cakes are made and movies are produced. Yet it is understood that another level of creation exists – a level that appears to be magical, powerful and beyond our ability. Everything necessary for us to create worlds exists within us today. What becomes a crucial ingredient is the motivation and after that the intent. It has been introduced into the dialogue that all gods are not equal; that there are some powerful creators here now, with an agenda and a great deal of skill; that they have “tricked” the majority of humanity into believing they are the creator of all things, the “One”. Not a small feat. So the question comes, if this being created worlds, specifically this one, with all of its laws, rules and systems – is it not a god? What is a god anyway? There is no hierarchy of gods; no lesser or greater god and none who serve any others. There are however, plenty of imagined hierarchies. They are based on a misconception around love and power. The analogy of parent/child is a perfect way to talk about how it works. In a sense, parents are more powerful than their very young children. They’ve been around longer, have the keys to the car and have practice at manipulating the dream. To children, mom and dad are magical. It is not necessary to worship or obey mom and dad and one day you will be an adult, fully capable of all that they have done and perhaps more. You’ll still call them mom or dad, but you will not perceive them with a child’s eyes. You’ll have the keys to your own car. When you do, you’ll drive your own family around, enjoying the same magical reputation for a bit. The charade will end one day as your children become adults. You will not at that point demand that they worship you or obey you, withholding love if they do not. You can try, but any response you get will emerge out of fear and will not be sustainable. True creation by the “One” creator has no agenda. It is art in its purest form. It happens. As something emerges there is only joy. What exists when it occurs does so because of intention and desire. There are no demands on pure creation. Once born/once created, it is complete unto itself. It is free. If it requires sustenance to continue, the responsibility for supply rests on the creator. What has been created now gets to choose whether or not it will continue and in what manner. With each birth, freedom is assumed. There is no ownership possible as life cannot be contained. For us here on earth, there has been a great deception. The “god behind the curtain” is not the “great and powerful” creator of all things, not the “One”. It is a being just like you – only it’s been around longer and holds the keys to this car. You are the One you’ve been waiting for. ~Sophia |
April 2024