![]() You come with all your parts in order and with every potential realized. You only have to awaken to this truth. There is nothing you cannot experience if that is your wish. You are Gods. Creator beings experiencing the results of your thought while forgetting it was you who thought them there in the first place. You’ve woken up. With an open heart look beyond what yesterdays dream has shown you, and dream tomorrow. It has no choice but to be realized in the Now. This is how it works. This moment in time has amplified everything. Use it to your advantage and step into the world you’ve longed to inhabit. Whatever it takes to see, smell, taste, touch and hear the life of your deepest longing – do it. Use vision boards, post it notes, audio recordings, magazines photos, wish boxes and conversations to rev up your perfect world. Are you gorgeous? See it. Are you vibrant? Feel it. Is there peace? Love it. Is there abundance? Share it. Are you loved? Of course. We’ve created 2012 and we are, right now, creating 2013. With joy, exuberance and relentless optimism let’s visualize our future. This is where we are now. No longer are we looking for someone to tell us what will unfold – we are pulling back the curtain ourselves. We’ve accomplished the incredible so far – let’s be sure to pat ourselves on our backs while we reach ever further into our dreams. This dense fog of duality will not stop showing us whatever we’ve believed was true. We know better now. It is only true as long as we believe it is true. The truth is that all you see, all you are, and all you are here to do, is love. My sleep dream of a few nights ago had me deliberately drive my car straight into a tree. My family was there, watching me do it. They did not try to stop me. No one was hurt, but the car I was driving was no longer functional. Stuff was leaking from the bottom of it and spewing out the top. I’d definitely need a new one. This reality is no longer working. With deliberate intent I am constructing its demise. I’m done. This no longer works. It is time to move on. The destruction of the car signified a choice point, exactly where I find myself now. In the dream, I kept on going after the crash, as well as my family, but the car was finished. It served me right up until it hit that tree, the tree that was placed strategically at the end of the driveway. We are finished with this 3D experiment. It’s time for another choice. We can so do this. We showed up for this very moment. It is time. We are the one’s we were waiting for.
![]() Your body is hanging on. It desperately wants you here. You have to let go. Let go – everything you’re hanging on to because of fear, or are doing a certain way because of fear, or not doing at all because of fear – is time now to take care of. This is the end of duality. You have chosen this. You have confirmation many places – here, your body, an assortment of scribes and teachers. All of these sources are telling you: - You have chosen this - You are changing - No one else knows how it’s going to go because you are creating how it’s going right now You have to let go. You have to let go. YOU HAVE TO LET GO. It is time. No longer do these very dense beliefs hold any fascination. You understand now the fragile nature of this dream. It’s been constructed, intentionally, by those who understood how it worked. For hundreds of years the plan has been laid and carried out. They utilized the power of emotion and set about to create a world of beings willing to give everything up for a cause. It didn’t matter the foundation, so several were chosen: - Religion - Wealth - Patriotism - Power Our minds have been filled with words and images, all of them resulting in blind obedience, subservience, greed, violence and separation. We have been taught to ignore our inner calling. Today though, it is more like our inner voice has a microphone! Shouting above the mainstream din are words of love, power, peace and unity. We’ve not heard this volume before and our bodies and minds are wrenched back and forth with the noise. The competing vibrations threaten to pull us apart, or so it seems. Should we listen to the side that is familiar? “Obey” “Be afraid” “Send us your money” “Hate this human” “Fight” Should instead, we follow this other voice? “You and I are the same” “We are One” “Love is the answer” “Above all, love yourself” Which is right? Which is wrong? How do we discern? Help!!! No one has a twelve step program for this one. This dimension is an addiction that’s never been released, until today. We are writing the steps right now. We are not doing so without help. We have teachers with processes and meditations, groups and seminars, books and workshops, videos and diets. If there was ever a time to utilize them, it is now. There is wisdom all around. It comes from the core of us. We are each others teachers. We have come to show the way. If you feel drawn to a particular web site, channel or conference – go there. It does not mean the others are wrong; there is truth in every creation. Some days a certain passage may sound brilliant and be just what you needed. While other days it would hold no relevance. Such is the nature of the times we are in. Each day is a new adventure. I feel either ten, twenty, fifty or eighty years old in alternating moments. I cook when I feel loss or anxiety. Yesterday I got some unexpected news that set me back. It was a huge “IT IS TIME TO LET GO” message. This happened as I was beginning to do some preserving. Today we have a zillion jars of fruit preserves. Washing, coring, cutting, and cooking apples were yesterday’s therapeutic processes. Now I guess that’s not a bad choice, yet I wonder if I would have enjoyed the whole day a bit more if it included flexibility. I’m hanging on with an iron grip. It’s time for some specific guidelines. I suspect unexpected news will come fast and furious these next three months. Perhaps, because we are used to naming things and following rules, we need to invent the list for our “3D ANONYMOUS”. Here is the first rule: 1. Let go. When surprised, frightened or angry, let it go. Today it’s a rigid belief – tomorrow it’ll be an entire dimension. This is good practice. Inelia Benz (ascension101.com) has some wonderful exercises that work for me, (perhaps I should have remembered this yesterday… ;). Yet it doesn’t matter how you do it, it matters that you do it. Let go. I don’t know precisely what Ascension looks like, yet I do know that I’ll be moving from one frequency to the next. Like tuning in to an FM station on my radio, I have to let go of whatever happens to be playing on AM. Experience tells me that my FM station has fewer commercials and a richer sound; altogether a better experience. I am betting 5D will be much the same. In fact, I’m creating it to be. Step 1. Let go. We have come to embrace our dreams. We are here to create the manifestation of truth – love. This is who we are. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() Like the rain here this morning, readership is steadily increasing and very welcome. It’s interesting that as more people read this blog, I struggle with why I do it. I love to write. I also write to love. I can do both more effectively if I get out of my own way. I am my ego, and sometimes she is roaring. It feels great to have recognition, yet that is not the point. The point is love. I started writing in earnest six years ago, as a method of transformation. I discovered I had access to a deeper and wiser part of myself there. She is a part of me that I don’t want to lose touch with. Yet there are times when she sits in the background while I strut around, basking in self-importance. She doesn’t say anything, but waits and watches. Her expression is contemplative. She knows self destruction is coming. She can wait. This ego roar cannot sustain itself long. When my ego roars, it’s so loud I can’t hear myself. If you’ve ever heard the roar of a lion, you know the volume and range it commands. For that moment it is the only sound. You never forget it. This ego noise is similar, yet it leaves a sort of hollow ring. You may remember hearing it, but its meaning escapes you. I am not here to roar, I’m here to love. There is a ripple effect. Eventually, everyone is breathing the same air and feeling the same love. That’s how it works. To focus on numbers is to become enmeshed in the illusion. We are not these bodies; they exist as a vehicle for our light. We get caught up in the drama so easily here. It’s a constant chorus of better, worse, more, less, right, wrong, good, bad, beautiful, homely, popular and unpopular. The volume is deafening. It’s a great show and there are some who came only to watch. Not us. We are here to bring in some light. Our purpose is love. In my dream (L.O.H.) several nights ago, there were none who shone any brighter. It was our combined light that formed a cushion of love. We easily supported each other. There were no illusions of self-importance – the One trumped all. This is why we are here, and we can feel it when we hit that note. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. Linear time is a “make believe” construct, a component of this reality we call the third dimension. It’s doing one heck of a good job! Nothing feels as immediate and fleeting as time. There is just never enough, it is speeding up or I am running out of it. Any way you look at it, it seems to be ruling my life right now. Sleep is another 3D habit that is changing. I am nodding off while in a crowd or wide awake at 2AM. The other day I was taking a walk with my partner when suddenly we could barely move forward or lift our feet. We were exhausted! We went back and immediately passed out. I set my alarm for one hour later. We both woke up at the same time, completely refreshed. It felt as if we’d been asleep for hours. Only about ten minutes had passed in linear time. Ten minutes! We were floored, this did not feel right. It was sort of mind blowing. I was most definitely “someplace else” and had been re-charged. A health issue resolved itself within moments of awakening. It was sort of miraculous. It looks like the next dimension is already here. So here’s my plan for navigating this rapidly progressing “time” we are in. I’ll intend to go there again, every time I sleep. I will sleep less, feel more energized and get more done – thus solving the whole “time” thing. This is very cool. There is so much going on globally and personally right now. This weekend we “Reboot The Grid” and intensify this awakening. I have a physically active string of weeks coming up; concerts, shows, family visitors, vacations and seminars are all inside one tightly packed month. I will blog here, yet not as often. I will also be ascending. The biggest challenge in this transition is to release the death grip on what has been called “my life, my problems”. Nothing happens conclusively until I do. Until I stop believing imperfections are there, they will be. It is time for some made to order “make believe”. I love the term, for this is truly how it works. Visualize your perfect bank account, body, job, relationship, and life until you believe it enough for it to show up. You are in the process of becoming. You are desperately holding on. Let go. Just let go. There is nothing here for you. You won’t lose anything – not your children, friends, home or life – you will only gain. You are allowing fear in and it is staying in the form of imperfections; either in your body, your home, your relationships, your family or your bank. They need to be released. Let them go. Visualize. See you only as you wish to be. Now hold that vision. This is you. You are not separate parts. There is not one you with problems in the third dimension and another you without them in the next. All are you; graceful, powerful, beautiful, abundant, compassionate, loving and kind. This is who you are right now. Just be. You are. There is no waiting necessary. There can be no fear. Who you are is love. Who you are is love personified. There is no “not good enough”, “not perfect enough”, “not rich enough”, “not lucky enough”, or “not smart enough”. YOU ARE ENOUGH. There is no understudy. You cannot escape this. You are the one who will ascend. You. In your own way and in your own time. Fear, lack, judgment – all will be left behind. What is left is at your core. When it is all shaved away, only you remain. There is no other. It is only you. You are the one you are waiting for. A field of yellow catches my eye and I turn to enjoy the view. This little patch of dirt, squished between cement sidewalk and highway, is awash with color on this rainy spring morning. I am surprised. I drive by here every day and have never noticed. A closer look offers an answer, these are weeds. Relentless and persistent, dandelions thrive anywhere. Regardless of product used, money spent or effort given, the battle seems won by the weed. A dear friend of mine loves them and looks forward to their emergence. It does seem to be merely a preference instead of a fact that dandelions are an eyesore. You’d be hard pressed to tell the difference from a distance between a field of daffodils and a field of dandelions. One you plant, the other you pull. We have in our midst many “weeds” that are about to be pulled. They must be. Like the plant, once they gain strength in an area they choke out all other life. All resources support them. Nothing else can thrive. It is the way weeds work, in human and plant form. They know nothing else but to infiltrate and dominate. “Weeds” are not less than the rest of us. They are not supportive however and it is time to get rid of them. We can no longer thrive with them in our midst. The movie bearing that name illustrates what has been happening. This is what we are doing as a race. We are removing those that would take over and destroy the rest. It is necessary in order to continue. Hating the dandelion or getting angry at it is not productive. A clean removal of the entire plant must be accomplished. We have discovered the root and we are digging it out. We want a field of different flowers now. We want to plant them ourselves rather than being overrun. We are wildflowers, every one. We are looking now for fertile ground. Whether we find it or not depends on how we get rid of the weeds. The normal stuff isn’t working. It is time for a new plan. Twice I’ve removed persistent, giant, deeply rooted weeds. The first time I hated that weed. It had destroyed parts of my fence and numerous, expensive ornamentals that I had carefully planted. I dumped a quart of gasoline on it – in the process killing not just the weed, but everything else. It’s been years and still nothing grows there. The weed is gone, but at the expense of all life. The second weed was more of a small, ugly, relentless bush. We wrapped a chain around it and a truck pulled it out. It took effort, a group of us, planning and precision. It was taken out, roots and all, and has never returned. Flowers grow beautifully in its place. We are seeing the depths of the roots of our human “weeds”. They need to be removed, not destroyed. Respect for all of life demands that each action benefit the whole. Once these weeds are gone, we are going to need fertile ground. We are gardeners, not weed killers. Once a dandelion is removed at the root, you only need to drop it on the nearby soil, exposing the root. It can no longer grow and will naturally decompose, nourishing the ground beneath. We are being called now to proceed with wisdom to activate the love that we are. It is this love that supports all of life. We are seven billion and more powerful than the weeds. They have no choice but to yield to our decision. All of life flourishes when love dictates each movement. You have come to show the way. These “weeds” in our midst understand only dominance; divide and conquer. They require removal if really aggressive and re-education. Proceed with love. Hatred is a fruitless enterprise. Growth is paramount. Collaboration for mutual benefit is what we are here to do. You have come now to energize us all with your love and your light – to nourish this beautiful home called earth. Love in every moment. This is how we get to Paradise. We are the ones we are waiting for. This shift in consciousness is real and we have been playing at it. We have come to a moment of choice – Is this 3D all there is or not? Are we merely bodies living dense lives of struggle or are we eternal lights, bits of the fabric of creation, and particles of love? What is truth? It is time to put our money where our mouth is in a very “real” way. This whole thing is just a trick. Act “as if” love is real, abundance surrounds you and that beauty and vitality are synonymous with you. Understand that you are the product of every belief you hold, each word you say and the actions you take all day long. This is the grandest of all illusions. Magicians understand the key to a successful trick. It is to capture the full attention of the audience. Once you get them looking in a specific direction, you can do anything. The fear, the money, the physical issues, the drama are all ramping up right now to grab your attention so that you’ll ignore the real truth. What’s happening is that our negative ego is in its final scene and its doing a fine job distracting all of us. We believe our own illusions. A good magician is always in conscious control of the focus of the audience. Every move he or she makes is designed to capture our focus, absorb our field of vision and get us to turn our heads so that we’ll forget anything else that is going on. With that accomplished, anything goes and it can go on right in front of us, yet we won’t see it. A great magician creates spectacular illusions that completely absorb the audience; they are masters at their craft. We who are here now are the Master Magicians. It is time for us to expose the illusion for what it is. This has to be believed. Against every false picture that is in our field of vision, we must persist in demanding the truth. We have come now to challenge lifetimes of belief systems, lived again and again – karma and fear must be only a part of history. Today you are a being of light. Today it is only love that is real. Today we trust in prosperity. Today you live the truth – you are love. While the illusion is right in front of you, as entertaining and absorbing as it is, hold your truth. This is a trick – you are pretending and believing your own show – YOU ARE THAT GOOD! Now it is time to give away our secrets, and let the audience in on the truth. Refuse to accept anything that does not concur with love and light and truth and expansion and ascension and beauty and vitality and acceptance and love and light and love and light and agape. This is vital. Remain focused on the dream you desire. See it. Meditate, write, chant, sing, draw, gather, and pray – whatever it takes. Lovingly, gently, easily and persuasively coax your audience into self adoration. As you believe it becomes your truth. As you see it materializes. As you feel it you live it. As you focus it becomes clear. Your life is a projection of your deepest beliefs. It is an image in which you are playing out your version of whatever you believe. Demand love. This is no longer separate from your “real life”, all is one; life and love, “woo-woo” and practical, the bills and abundance, on line and on the street. We can no longer pretend, it was a really good trick but we all know the truth now – love is real. We will see it that way when we live as if this is so. No more games of magic – expose the magicians trick – roll up your sleeves – this is the reason you are here. This looks like love, self care, meditation, gentility, forgiveness, patience. New priorities now are out in the open. No more excuses or sleight of hand, everyone can see what is real. All is one, and like a team who needs every player on board; we will together create a seamless, beautiful transformation to love - from our hearts to our homes to our streets to our planet. We are eternal flickers of love, perpetual flames, here to burst out of this illusory trick and warm every heart. We are here to bring out into the open what is true. We are here to love in every moment. We are here as ambassadors of the light. We are the ones we are waiting for. What is sizzling is kept beneath the surface, while we move forward with day jobs and holidays, purchases and chores that seem at best mediocre and pale in comparison to what we feel is the real “juice”. Nothing we do on a day to day basis holds much fascination. We are having a tough time caring. What’s the point? The point is whatever we declare to be the point. All that we’ve created up until now holds relevance as it is our life; no one forced us to create it as we have. Yes, we’ve been led to believe things that are not, in fact, true, but we’ve had our hands on the wheel the whole time. You chose to be here now and experience life in polarity while being conscious of oneness. The sensations, frustrations, emotions and impatience are par for the course – you set it up like this for the experience! Oh and what a ride it is! Extremes of emotion are delicious examples of this humanity. At a core level we are emotionally driven – it is our focus that births creation – our desires create our life – our beliefs manifest into our day to day. Let’s enjoy the extremes going on for us right now, energetically participate in each moment and get all the “juice” out of it we can. We are at choice. We can ignore, toss aside or deeply feel each interaction. What will you do? I have never really been fond of juice oranges. Give me a Navel orange, every time. Juice oranges are thin skinned and too much work. They may be full of juice, but not real tasty to eat and a lot of effort. When they are in the refrigerator, I mostly ignore them unless I am desperate for fruit and there is nothing left. Today, we are surrounded with nothing but juice oranges. We could ignore them and toss them aside or not. This is one great story – the harder we squeeze, the more we will appreciate the yield. We came for this. Humanity is exciting, unexpected and right now at an “edge of your seat” sort of moment. The question on everyone’s mind is not “if” or even “how”, it is “when”? It will happen when we stop waiting for it to happen. It will occur when we are done with this part. I submit that the tension and anticipation is thrilling, and with each day it becomes more so. We are gradually, painfully, getting every drop of juice. We don’t want to miss a moment of this, each sensation is exquisite. Our task now is to break through our emotional repetitions and choose again. No one, not the galactic federation, military, ascended masters, governments or prophets are going to fill us with the juice we are craving. We know how to get it; we can see it all around us. We are immersed in orchards of oranges, ripe for the picking. In order to completely quench our thirst, we have to select what is in front of us. The juice is here, it is not the time to give up. Each person, place, comment or event that seems to be holding you back or blocking your progression is a step and not an obstacle. You can try to jump over them but they are really too big now to scale successfully. Falling will mean you are delayed even further, and now have to climb the same steps with a sore foot. You have everything you need for this. It is right here, waiting. You know what to do. You were chosen specifically for this orchard and these oranges. It’s time to get every ounce of juice you’ve been thirsting for. Ascension is something we do, not something we get. We are the only ones who can. We were each selected to do so and we joyfully agreed! We have carefully nurtured and grown the juiciest of fruit, let’s enjoy the harvest. It promises to be bountiful, beautiful and delicious. I love us. We are master magicians, brilliant creators. We plan and plant the yummiest of crops and then blindfold ourselves until they show up so we can be surprised. We are experts at this game of life in 3D. Until we are done playing, the game will go on. I expect we are still thirsty, and the show will continue until we are satisfied, until we’ve had enough. This is Easter weekend, a time that many of us celebrate a resurrection. Perhaps this celebration of new life will propel us out of the orchard. We will know when it is time, and we can trust it will be perfectly choreographed. Divine beings such as us would have it no other way. We are the ones we are waiting for. There is not much that is more important for you now than love. The news and your own anxiety may speak otherwise. Each seems to be shouting “Be prepared” “Be afraid” “Stockpile” “Protest” “Be angry” “Buy this Ascension kit” “Join this Galactic group” “Plant an organic garden” The warnings and advice are non-stop. As well intentioned as they are, none of these outside voices can give you the answers. The route to successfully navigating these or any times is found by going within. It is time to trust ourselves. The competition for your focus is becoming fierce. It is the quietest voice that will grant you guidance; the voice within. This is not the ego’s “to do” list voice, the critical judge, the fear monger or the naysayer. This voice sounds like love. You have a source, readily available and consistently positive, who only has your best interests at heart. This is the foundation of you, the one who knows all about you and loves you anyway. Imagine right now he or she is right here - holding, listening to and loving you. He or she is. This dream life is so loud you haven’t heard them whispering. As the dream ramps up, you need to create a spot for them to be, a place where they can reach you. It is found in meditation, quiet reflection and solitary introspection. It is time to decide with our focus what our truth is. If we focus on the pronouncements of catastrophe and fear, we will be afraid. If we focus on love, we will live confidently and feel grounded in serenity. The names for this time – ascension, dimension, shift, etc. – are invented by us. We are making it up and labeling it once we do. The thing we cannot do is define it – that is because we are creating it right now, both individually and collectively, and then deciding what it all means. As you dream love, you will see loving symbols and events in your life. As you dream fear, your reality can resemble a nightmare. Today this is true. It was true last April. It will be true next December. Find that inner truth, the divine source of your light. You are enfolded within arms of loving acceptance. Give yourself a gift each day of some time for inner peace. Insight shows up once it has the opportunity. Trust. As the trivial falls away, what is left is love. This shift is not beyond our comprehension or our reach. It is a natural evolution, a step on our journey. As a baby, you were the one who decided when you were ready for your first step, where you would take it and how you would accomplish it. You were encouraged and enticed by others, yet they could not take it for you and did not know the best way. Only you knew. It is like that now. There are many opinions and ways of moving through this time, and only one way for you. It will take a bit of effort to find; you’ll have to retreat from the noise and advice. Once you do, you’ll find the way for you is clear and when the time is right, you’ll take that first step with confidence. You are engulfed in love, surrounded by enthusiastic support and loved beyond your wildest imaginings. Your source is right here now, whispering “Yes”, “You know what to do”, “You are doing great!” Feel how amazing that is. It is the answer to your every wish – unconditional love. Soak that up and magnify it whenever you can. It is the bedrock of your strength and will not steer you wrong. You are perfectly equipped to get this right. You are perfect, there is no waiting necessary. You know the answer, it is love. Trust that feeling, the one that travels through you to your toes. There is your beginning, that place from which you will take that next step. You are the only one you’re waiting for. As you remember yourself, you may be surprised. This ego self is very loud. He or she is the only you you’ve ever known. As an infant, you began creating him or her as a response to your environment. As a third dimensional being, you understood immediately what was necessary in order to receive what you desired. You were looking for love. You emerged from a bath of love, swimming in the knowledge of yourself and everyone else. You opened your eyes in a world that was not the same. Although you felt each being in the room, there was a barrier. They did not feel you and the understanding of each other was gone. You began to forget. Although you recognized love and felt love, you knew this was no longer a universal knowing. Separation began - first you from your own body and then you from all of the “others”. There came names and definitions - separators. These names and ideas were taught to you by the beings you could see with your physical eyes, and so you listened. When you did so, following the rules they taught, you received physical expressions of what you longed for – love. Smiles, hugs, laughter, food, care, warmth and comfort seemed to come in response to things that you “did”. You began through all of this to define and create your ego. As a young human, you were immersed in your ego, trying on this one and that one, watching and learning and yearning for adoration from these souls you were with. You began then to define yourself by their reactions to you, rather than by your own internal knowing. These “others” became reflections in which you could see yourself. You did not forget completely who you were – that is why you skipped and ran and laughed and tumbled and played and smiled relentlessly. You were still filled with the expectation for love. So deep was your knowing of truth, that it took more than a decade for you to forget. Somewhere before your second decade as a human, you gave up. A new way to physically give and receive love was introduced and you became sexual. This sort of trumped everything else. It felt just like it had in the place from which you came. Sex became your focus. You may or may not have called it love, but you knew you had discovered again, truth. You eagerly soaked in these new rules and patterns; you wanted to learn how to get more of this sex. It felt like home. Waking up from our slumber now, we have given our ego a bad name. Our ego is us, here in this 3D world. It was created by us, so that we’d stay here and function at this vibratory level. It was fed and nurtured along by every new definition of love we discovered. We had been looking for validation, and with our emotional habits, (our “ego”), we got it. Our ego gives us the reinforcement we perceive is necessary. It is not “bad” or “good” – it either serves us or does not. Awake now, we realize the truth. We are conscious of our divinity. This version of us is not where we begin and end, we are infinite, powerful, multidimensional beings enjoying a human experience. This body we occupy is one we will transform into a new vibratory pattern without having to leave it to do so. We came to do this, and the ego has been a necessary component of the process. The ego is the only way we could define ourselves here. We have a new definition now and it is love. Love does not look like a specific answer or body type or action or reaction. Love looks like it all. It is the air we breathe, the trees that shelter us, the arms around us and the rush of emotion coursing through us when we recognize truth. This feeling, these chills are where we began. Our source is love. You are a physical manifestation of truth. When you arrived, you knew who you were. It is time to remember again. You are love. It is you who you’ve been searching for. _ This Shift of the Ages is already happening, and I don’t think it has anything to do with the Doomsday prophecies that fill “you tube” and the mainstream media. I don’t believe either one is a sure thing; we are creating all of it. There is no one who knows what the future holds. We are deciding our future right now.
This is a dream that we are mutually having. It is not bigger than us. We are the dream. The dream is ours. Currently there are many different versions of what it looks like. Our power exists in Oneness. We can dream anything. We are already shifting. We are coming from Love. I would like to dream something different (regarding Mother Earth) than what is out there now. How about a planet without catastrophe? If we join as one, united in intention, I believe we can create a new future. This is a future we have not seen. It is one we will create. It is one where the celestial changes don’t devastate this earth. I believe this is a dream and anything is possible. There are those who want to keep us separated by instilling fear and polarity thinking. It is just as probable nothing will happen, and there is no reason to fear. There are not enough powerful voices out there telling us to stick together, love each other, get in each others space and unite. We do not believe we have the power to effect this big a change, but in truth, we are doing so right now. We are changing from polarity to unity. We are 7 billion strong. If we send out some ripples of thought that our earth is fine and it spreads, well, who knows what effect this will have? Can we hold that vision, share it, and make it real? Will we succumb to fear or take control and love? It is up to us. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. In Lak’ech. |
January 2025