![]() It is time now to speak what you stand for, what you believe in. Today at noon, until Saturday at noon, a poll will be open. This is what we have been waiting for. Here is the link: http://www.ascensionwithearth.com/2012/05/drake-notes-updated-for-april-29th-2012.html Let's take the earth back. This is a first step. We can do it with love and trust, belief and power. Our new world is here. It promises to be amazing. Nice job everyone, our combined efforts at love have created the possibility of a smooth, peaceful transition. This is the highest and best outcome possible, and only beings such as you would have been able to pull this off. Realize that there have been no predictions for this, this was created 100% by our combined love. We are the ones we are waiting for. The vote link is now available! Vote here: http://www.ladydragon.com/news2012/07061203.html
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We have begun the climb. We are ascending. A journey requires action, movement and a plan. We are intentionally moving to another level of being. This has not been done before.
This is not being given to you. This is something you are doing. Do you understand the difference? You would not be here if you had not completed a great deal of hard work. Your progress is not measured by how many hearts you share in comments or the number of meditations you do for peace. Your progress is measured by you alone. It is time to put your game face on. You now know some of what you’ve been dealing with. Physical and non-physical, these others have been living off of your negative energy and oppression. You’ve stated definitively it is time for them to go. They may have heard you, but they are not gone. There is much at stake. We cannot let up. Ascension is a personal process. It is all and only about you. You will determine how this works. It is not a given, it is a choice. Your habits are what is holding you back now; habits of distraction, inaction, settling, resignation and depression. Happiness is a decision, not a gift. Joyful is something that you are. It is not something that you are given. When we are joyful and positive regardless of what swirls around us – we will have moved beyond density. The dark cannot sustain its shadow in a field of light. We are that field. I don’t know about you, but I sort of expected a Cinderella morning after the “Reboot of the Grid” yesterday – bluebirds singing and fluttering with a beautiful dress in their beaks for me to dance in. Instead I woke to a dark and overcast sky, feeling as if I’d been crying all night. My head was full of clouds. I understood then that it was time to get up and do the work myself. We are free to choose now. With the removal and declarations recently made, there is space for creative thought. Knowing what is at stake, we must be ever vigilant. We are putting today’s thoughts into our own heads, there is no one else – we are firmly at the wheel. With the help of many we will do this. We are in the process right now. We are; just us. Our power, our strength and our choice have gotten us this far. The help from others will come in the way of technologies, tools and encouragement. The actions necessary are all ours. One of my children wanted to dance so we provided the shoes, the clothing, the lessons and the exposure – it was up to him to get on that stage. It is now up to us. Even Cinderella had to get up, put that dress on, go to the Ball and get on that dance floor. We are being watched and helped and encouraged and loved into our own ascension. We have what we need and it is found in our hearts. Trust your own knowing and keep moving forward. Speak up, speak out, love and love some more. Love is a verb, an action, it is what you are. You are a Master Creator, here to return the earth, the jewel of the universe, back to her pristine condition. You came to do this. We are the ones we are waiting for. For details/times please check out this page - http://2012portal.blogspot.ca/ We are in the "window of time for this" - Here is a re post from last week - How many humans does it take to change the world? Apparently 144,000. There is an event, (World Liberation Day), playing out on our stage May 5/6th. Global change will occur as a result. Here is more information: http://www.sophialove.org/be-the-change.html and a video as well: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XKk3vTgYaE This is a moment to see if it’s true, take a step towards self-determination and grab the wheel. It takes awareness of the time and about 5 minutes of your day, if that. No special location, chanting, outfits or incense is necessary. This is perfect. The reason this is ideal is because it allows for unique expressions of one truth – the truth of Unity. On a fundamental level we are One. We have never taken that idea out of our sacred texts and meditation circles. We’ve never declared our Oneness. At one moment, all over the planet, we will next weekend. We will speak as One. This is our chance to tangibly experience our truth. Some of us have known of our oneness for awhile, others of us just want to be free, yet all of understand a change is necessary. There are forces mobilized to carry out the initial event, the arrests and removal of those who understand only domination. They are waiting for a signal to do so; they are waiting for us to give it to them. It is time to push the red button. Once it is pressed, our responsibility for action does not end. The expression “freedom isn’t free” applies here. Our effort to press that button, although unprecedented, will pale in comparison to what comes next. It will be time to walk our talk. Unity is only possible without judgment. The members of what we have called the “elite” and the “criminal cabal” are no less divine than you are. They are no more divine either and that has been the issue; they have imagined themselves to be more worthy, they have played God. It is now upon us to refuse to do the very same thing in reverse. We are not “holier than thou”. We are One. We have not known we had a button to push. We couldn’t see it beyond our daily lives of jobs and laws and rules and fears. We see it now; we are ready to push it; then what? Then we maintain a visualization, and it springs from love. As One we see the treasure in all of life, and without seeking vengeance, we move to correct and educate for unity and expansion for all. We are moving from an age of Global Domination to the Age of Enlightenment. That implies decisions made that are the highest and best for all concerned; wisdom. We can do this. We have come this far against all odds and without really knowing how. We know now. We are One. What is done to any one of us affects the whole. See this transformation to conscious unity as a seamless effort. Guided by the voice of oneness we can’t help but create a beautiful new world. This is why we have come. This is our world. We are the ones we are waiting for. Let’s push the red button one more time 5.13.2012. There is a preoccupation with the physical right now, a focus on the body – the body human. Listening to “Drake” reports and planning for a possible disruption of supply brings up questions – “Do we have enough?” “Have we thought of everything?” “Yes” and “Yes” would be the answers here, yet I wonder even at the questions. I’ve come to this conclusion – I’m human. I’m not “just” human, or “only” human or “human, too”. I am human now. I am a being of light of incredible power experiencing this human life. It’s all true. The experience of being human at this level of density is not less than any other. It is to be savored. I have spent some time in the “humans are less cool than other life forms” camp, as well as the place where “earthlings rule”. Polarization. What’s true is that we are all equally “cool” and everything counts. We’ve spent so many years believing we were flawed that to compensate we’ve inflated our importance and see others only as competition. So where does that leave us now? Where does this human in 3D fit in this imminent new world? We fit exactly where we place ourselves. Although much of what we’ve believed to be true isn’t, we have created incredible beauty and steadfast love. We will not be leaving this behind. We aren’t replacing our current life, we are improving it. One of my favorite places is the dining room, surrounded by family. I like knowing I’ve prepared this meal my loved ones are now enjoying and laughing over, even when it’s burnt. I don’t believe it would have the same “juice” if I had pressed a button to produce it; the main ingredient here is love in ample amounts. Our ability to create an amazing life is not new – just look around. In the face of complete oppression and blind obedience we’ve managed to love out loud. We are being watched and helped now not because what we have is unnecessary, but because there is yet more. We’ll keep the good parts. Its okay we’re human, in fact it’s wonderful. Our galactic brethren will share “instant food” technology, while we feed them a home cooked meal. I don’t know what things look like in the next dimension, but I know this. What we love will remain. It’s been birthed out of the essence of who we actually are. Our life as human is not ending this year, it is expanding. The things created from that point of love we will retain. It’s “cool” to be multidimensional. Let’s remember that one of those dimensions is this one. The phrase “don’t throw out the baby with the bath water” applies here. We’ll leave behind some of what we see now, but not all. This is our transformation to full consciousness. Let’s keep the good parts. We begin to move some of this water on World Liberation Day, 5.5.12. Remember that it can then nourish and support this new world we are creating, as every action affects the whole. Details are here http://www.sophialove.org/be-the-change.html We are the ones we are waiting for. As we go forward in each day, we find ourselves interacting, and although there has been no conscious prior thought about conflict, conflict emerges. This is not the case of deep seated hatred or even anger; it is the case of two beings sort of bumping into each other. As this evolution of consciousness moves along, each of us will find an inner definition – the lines are clearer for us. We are moving from polarity towards unity and we are not yet practiced at it. We are accustomed to thinking “you vs. me”, “us and them”, “I’ll do this for you”, and “do it yourself, it’s not my problem”. The concept of “what is good for one is good for all” has not quite entered and assimilated into our day to day. It is part of the reason we chose to experience this very physical third dimensional transformation. It is not that you want to enslave anyone; the scale of polarity thinking is not ramped up that intensely for you. Yet, your thinking still falls somewhere along the continuum of “you owe me” or “I owe you” or “this is required”; rather than “we are from the same human family, occupying the same physical space and sharing the same physical needs with the resultant effect”. This switch in thinking is a challenge. We’ve been taught to do things because we were expected to rather than because we are actually helping ourselves when we do. We each have a different focus, yet we are one. I may notice it’s time to plant the flowers while you realize the steps need repair. Both efforts improve and enhance the home and the neighborhood. We are stepping out of drudgery into a golden age where we will not live lives of chores, debt and aging (unless, I guess, we choose to) but prosperity, vitality and collaboration. We are doing so with a desk full of bills and a list of leftover requirements. None of us are sure when this golden age of unity and abundance will get here. As a result, it isn’t. There are many of us working behind the scenes to halt the fraud, transform the monetary system and facilitate a prosperous world. This change may happen seemingly overnight, yet it will not magically alter the way we think. We have to do this ourselves. The only way to do so is to see all others as extensions of you rather than others to be controlled, manipulated, obeyed, or forced into compliance. We have to bite our tongue and hold our thoughts when blame and fault finding show up. Not because it is wrong but because it is no longer effective. We are not in a world of separation, we are one. We are universally waiting for this switch to magically happen, while harboring thoughts of blame and lack of responsibility. This is not how it works – we are physically and emotionally shifting – thought by thought. We’ve got to work through this ourselves. The good news is, we have everything we need in order to do so. We are made of the stuff we came to create. We are love. Unity is a nice idea and this golden age sounds great, but how do I go there when I am dealing with a non-cooperative “other” disturbing my peaceful meditative state and transition? The answer is acceptance, the solution is to let it go; the only thing to do is to love. We are all stardust, connected at our core; alternating frequencies of divinity. There is not a fundamental difference between you and me except in our choices. I chose to write this blog while you chose to read it, yet both of us are experiencing the ideas presented. I am not any “more enlightened” than you are in this scenario. Your energetic response to this passage contributes to the whole of us in the same way my creative energy does. We are one. In all questions, every situation, each conflict and all dilemmas, we can rest assured we know the answer; what is beneficial to all of us, each of us and the whole lot of us is love. As we stumble our way to oneness, we will have to reach out and pull each other up and along sometimes, forgive ourselves and everyone else and smile. We were chosen to do this and we are here by choice. Our success is assured; we can feel our oneness in our heart. It remains now to extend it out to our words and daily actions. This is how the golden age happens, not by magic, by us. We are the ones we are waiting for. |
January 2025