![]() There is plenty of polarity to go around. Revolutions all over the globe offer up a world view that is anything but united. We are pushing the limits, testing the restraints, seeing just how far it will hold before it breaks. Children do this. Place a limit or a rule on the behavior of a child and he’ll immediately almost break it and watch what happens. If there is no reaction she’ll move closer to breaking it, awaiting the repercussions. If they are not decisive enough – the rules are blatantly ignored; to hell with the consequences! What has been forbidden is just too good to ignore, at any cost. Despite every effort to the contrary, oneness is upon us. We as a species have seen beyond the chains that bind us. We’ve decided that’s where we want to be; indeed we’ve discovered our truth. There will be no stopping this shift until our unity is palpable on every shore and in each heart. We’ve done this ourselves. There has been One force that enlivened our transformation and that force is love. We have chosen love. As my son said a few days ago, we’ve tried everything else. Nothing else works. It is the truth of our very essence that is our power. We are love. We are moving very quickly now towards the galactic alignment that we’ve been told will signify the end of duality, a shift in our way of life. Despite predictions and promises, none of us actually knows what it’ll look or feel like, not exactly. Yet there is one thing that can be surmised from even a cursory view at current headlines. We are coming together as never before. Whether this is due to a criminal banking system, a corrupt government or a natural disaster; we have joined hands, hearts and minds to find solutions. This is unity. It gets stronger every day and is felt in surprising places. The energy of our light is so very powerful. It’s broken through the cabal-inflicted darkness and flooded the place. There is nothing we can’t do. This simple decision, to love, is transforming the world. You are, without exception, exquisite. Take a look into your eyes today and say hello to a piece of divinity. You did it! You have hung in there at every impossible moment and met each obstacle. You are here now because of your sheer will and absolute love. In truth, many times it wasn’t that much fun. You stayed anyway. You’re doing a great job. I’m not sure what precisely you are here to do, yet I can tell you will full confidence what you are here to feel. You are here to experience agape. With every ounce of emotion you have, love yourself. You are one in seven billion and absolutely perfect. God, in putting this whole thing together, needed just one more piece in order to pull it off. That piece is you. You complete the puzzle; it is now a work of art. This masterpiece that is creation is alive and crawling with artists. Each moment there’s a new stroke, a bold color, or a subtle nuance added. We are the painters and the patrons, the brushes and the paint, the canvas and the pencils, the mind, heart and soul of this work. Our masterpiece evolves as we breathe in and out…love. This world is an emission of our brilliance, a product of our combined agape. Our eyes behold the reflection of One. There is no other who holds the brush; this work is our very own. We are the One we’ve been waiting for.
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![]() There hasn’t been much to say these last few days. Not for lack of movement, but for an overwhelming need for silence. It’s as if all of my words are being used up on the inside; there are no residuals remaining for this blog. There has been a shift, and a clearing. What stands in the place of a mind compelled to “do” is a soul content to “be”. The world looks different. On a physical level I sleep deeply, dream intensely and remember little. The mental chatter has all but stopped. There were headaches for the last week or so, but they too have left me. Eating is different somehow; addictions to any particular food are gone right now. It’s not like the challenges are gone from my life, it’s that they look merely like things to take care of. They are not definitions of anyone; they are scenes in a play. All around there is evidence of a different way to approach life. I brought my car in for service and received an unexpected Reiki healing, from the shop manager, right there in the showroom…what a gift! Our children initiated some unexpected and unprecedented deep heart conversations...which if you have kids you know is beyond wonderful. Everywhere I look there is healing and renewal. The news reports won’t be the place to find evidence of this shift. It will be told in our hearts. Mine has opened more than I realized was possible. It came unexpected and was not orchestrated by my mind. Although you’ll hear and read of progress on financial and government fronts, the real answer will come from deep within you. Everywhere now, folks are rising up. We are answering the call in so many ways. Evidence surrounds us. It wasn’t long ago we were a people mentally enslaved and seemingly without choice. Our self definition has radically altered. Thanks to thousands of lightworkers and millions of people with hundreds in the headlines – we have found our voice. It is a voice holding every possible range and it speaks just one song – freedom. Unity is not something that will arrive overnight. It has been building and becoming. It is. We are One. Our realization of that truth is bringing us out of the closet. We help each other without expectation. We join hands in protest and in song. We talk out loud about our “Galactic Families”, about ending the corruption and creating joy; about the importance of love. It is not exactly as we expected; it is so much better. We are allowing ourselves to seamlessly morph into Oneness. Who else but humans could do it this way? We are experiencing the fullness of our own evolution, individually and collectively. It has all the elements of life we came here for; tension, anticipation, surprise, pain, pleasure, defeat, success and love. We did this. We are doing this right now. We are performing beyond anyone’s wildest expectations. Maybe help hasn’t arrived from the skies because we are doing just fine. Everyone is watching; it’s all good. This is happening. It is happening because we say it is. We know who we are and we are doing what it is we came to do, perfectly. We are awesome! Great job! We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() This process of ascending has been gradual. With each day there is a combination of clarity, anticipation and questions. For quite some time I subscribed to what I’d call “magical thinking” around Ascension. This comes close to the fairy Godmother in Cinderella. The trouble with that is everyone knows it’s not real and at midnight its nothing but a pumpkin and some mice. You never expect it to last. This is not a Disney fairy tale. As humans, we expect to have some sort of obvious, natural progression from one moment to the next. Our memory, and thus our learning style, is associative. We need something to hang each new fact onto. What is true about learning is that it only happens when the thing learned connects to and thus applies to something already known. This is why artists struggle with facts and figures and scientists with art. Much of what is taught to our children today is not used anywhere else in their life, and thus quickly forgotten. We’ve been fortunate. For some time now we’ve been hearing messages from a host of channels, visionaries, and reporters about these “end times”. We are prepared and can see the “writing on the wall”. We’ve heard many stories. Once they may have seemed a bit “out there”; no longer. Today words like Reptilian, Galactic Federation, Illuminati and Cabal are everywhere. There are few of us who have not heard about or seen a UFO. State agencies are telling citizens to stock extra food and essentials. Every one of the players in this End Time Scenario is performing perfectly. What wasn’t obvious 9 months ago is that these changes are not isolated. As One, we and the earth are ramping up the vibe. This frequency change results in the crumbling of very dense structures, institutions and beliefs. As light workers, we’ve worried that we may have to tell people all these shocking revelations. We don’t. We are shifting as One. These higher frequencies can’t hold rigid and divisive belief systems. This is an organic process. It is natural, progressive and rapid. Minds and belief systems simultaneously expand. Every system is gradually altered as this occurs. It is seamless. As humans, we’d have it no other way. Our deepest intent is not to shock and frighten. That would be counter productive. It is rather to love and gently nudge each other. We are here as a collective. With One Voice, we are shifting to a new range. Beneath every message, whistle-blower, protester and reporter is a being of light, here to facilitate this New Age. It serves us to remember that we are One, and every bit of us is right on time. Expect each other to show up and do what we came to do with brilliance. We are not here waiting for someone else to fix things for us. We are the change we seek. Our relationships and interactions are creating this dream. Expect the changes. Look for the love. Stand for the light. You are one who came now to demonstrate truth. You are love and so is everyone else. It is a diversion to spend energy criticizing and questioning yourself or anyone else. It is time now to trust. You have the answers and are here to provide them at the moment they are needed. We all are. This is a perfectly choreographed moment. It will proceed naturally as we move through our days, expecting only love. We know what the next dimension looks like. It looks like us – brave and beautiful, strong and determined, patient and gentle – quietly perfect. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() A solo fishing pole runs towards the lake, taking with it a sneaker clad little boy, holding on to a tackle box. He looks back often, smiling at an older guy who takes his time to catch up. It is a chilly morning. Dark clouds announce the coming rain and this fishing trip will either be a short one or a wet one. It’s not the weather that’s in that young boy’s head, it’s the fishing. Threatening weather, illness or discomfort stops many adventures. When young children are involved it’s different again. Through their eyes, the world becomes a playground. In “Yes Man”, Jim Carrey discovers what he’s been missing with “No”, and falls in love. It’s easy to say no. There are so many valid reasons – not enough time, not enough money, not enough guts, not enough knowledge. It all comes down to lack, which in this world is the physical expression of fear. I began saying yes in 2008, after seeing this movie. Eventually my children caught on and we ate a lot of pizza and ice cream for awhile. I joined some organizations I wouldn’t have normally. I began writing in earnest. I write this blog because 4 years ago I said yes. The anti-drug campaign in the schools around here is titled “Just Say No”. Once I remembered the Law of Attraction, I noticed the futility of that. A great way to attract anything is to surround it in a big red circle and include the word “NO!” What we resist persists. Life is supposed to be fun and we have forgotten. That little boy with his dad or uncle is making a memory; the rain is just mixed in with the story and was never the point. Both will pass quickly, making way for the next moment. Just say yes. Practice for our next moment. Ascension or The Shift or The End Times or the Event or whatever we call it, it’s a new adventure. How are we going to let go and fully experience this massive change if we can’t get out of the house? We’ve chained ourselves in imaginary bonds of fear. This was a deliberate act, perpetrated by those who would enslave us. We are not slaves, we are light workers. Our light dissolves these invisible chains, our love sets us free. Realize in every moment the power you hold. Look up! We are all around you, waiting to meet your gaze. One of us has to begin; it may as well be you. Even going to the grocery store can be a blast when the trip includes some love. That’s the whole point! We are not just background and scenery while you “get your work done”. We are your work! Look around, smile, and connect. It’s incredible how that lifts you up. Say yes, and watch your world conspire to create more for you to love. Our purpose is expansion. We are here to evolve. We came to love. It starts with yes. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ![]() (The audio version can be accessed via this picture.) Before me now is an old fisherman with a minnow bucket followed by two dark haired women in sunglasses and visors, deeply engrossed in their conversation; all of them waiting for a brightly orange vested gentleman on a brilliant blue tractor pulling a grader. This is humanity; diverse, individual and unique. None of these folks know each other, yet all of them silently communicate and get their needs met on this path by the lake this morning. Now a gaggle of geese move in front of me, with one amongst them lame. He hobbles a bit, and at times uses his wings to propel him. He gets much further this way, yet the effort exhausts him; he stops and rests often. The rest of the group slows down, and one in particular sticks close by so as not to lose him completely on their breakfast stroll. As we walk into these last weeks of summer, I am reminded with each passing day just how much closer we are to the final season in this pivotal year. Time seems to be rushing us towards the answers to all of our questions. What will happen? Will we do what is necessary to ascend? Will our off planet family ever show up? What will they look like? What will we look like? How will we supply ourselves when everything collapses? Is it all going to be okay? It is time for faith. The answer to all of it is YES. Not because we sat on the sidelines and waited. The lame goose had to use his wings to catch up. The others understood and patiently acquiesced. This is life – created in this brilliant, intricate balance that demands collaboration, action, patience and love. This is who we are. We are love in physical form, light, expressed as a fragment of humanity. Without conscious thought, we move always towards more; more love, more light, more life. The end result is a sure thing. Our bodies are morphing with no verbal instruction. They are begging us to move ahead and allow this full force of light to emanate. Can you feel it? Each day there seems a physical shift; something that no longer agrees with me or works the same. The goose gave up on his foot and used his wings. It is up to us to do the same. Let go of what doesn’t work, be it a kind of food, relationship, type of bank or form of government. Trust. We will go much further with wings then we will with lame feet. Life always continues its relentless push for more. We cannot grasp this light that is before us while hanging fiercely on to what is present now. Have faith. Somewhere inside you know what to do. You have to let go. We are brilliant beings of eternal light here with a definite plan. Our plan will carry us ever forward, with our lights blazing. This shift will happen because of us. Our efforts, our love and our light insist on it. We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. ![]() Listen for the answer. Look for the idea. Pay attention. All around you, your answers lie. There is no mystery without its solution, no problem unsolvable. You are here to experience life and that is just what you are doing. Every moment you are faced with this question of emergence. The answer is given in your response – will you react and retreat in fear? – will you respond and act with love? Always the choice is yours to make. Most of us have retreated internally, hidden in worry and preoccupation while life swirls around us with exit doors wide open. Today I hear the gulls cry, calling me to places far from this suburban deck. I see the boats and buoys; hear the waves slap against the hull. I grew up on the water. Our memories are associative and although today’s gulls cry above a little nearby lake, for me they call from the ocean. We learn gradually, repetition eventually becomes truth. Awake now, we can consciously choose what it is we wish to repeat. New information is streaming forth in a flood, along with a new vocabulary (LIBOR). We are light workers. It is up to us to bring light to the new without judgment. Refrain from dismissing what is initially uncomfortable. Look at everything. This change will bring the unexpected. There is a joke that goes something like this. A man near death prayed for a miracle. His faith kicked in and he expected to be saved. While he was waiting, he turned away procedures, medicine and doctors, claiming they weren’t necessary because God was going to heal him. He died. When he got up to Heaven and finally spoke to God, he asked what happened. God said “I sent you the finest medical procedures, medicines and doctors and you refused every one of them! What were you thinking?” Our answers don’t always come in the neat little packages we’ve imagined. This shift will be understood and experienced seamlessly, gradually and perfectly. Each of the current players and dramas are getting us used to a new way of thinking. They are steps on the path to awakening. You may not like the route they offer. That’s okay, some will. As you notice each stepping stone you are building memories with which to associate. You are learning. You will need them in order to process this shift successfully. It’s our polarized way of looking at things that creates judgment. You are a light worker, here to shine your light on it all. Listen, consider, observe and continue to shine. You work for the light. You recognize the spark within each facet of life. Your heart beats with constant love. Listen. The answer for you is right here. It may sound strange and feel a bit unsettling, but trust what calls you. We have come as One to complete these “end times”. When we act with love, rather than react with fear, we do so beautifully and powerfully. There are none who will do this for us. It is up to us. Pay attention. Use your wisdom and brilliance to illuminate the path. As it shines for all to see, we will emerge as One Force; Divine Love. This is what you’ve come to do. We are the ones we are waiting for. ![]() I woke up today with several thoughts: “You know what to do.” “Your body knows what to do.” “You are already doing it.” We are feeling the shift not solely in anticipation, but also because of realization. It is happening now. There are so many unanswered questions and yet the one that tops the list is “What is going to happen to me?” This is followed quickly by, “Will I choose the best path?” “What are my choices?” “Does it depend on anyone else or is this choice mine to make?” Your life is defined by you alone. This is as true today as it was yesterday. We all sense things are changing, yes. This explains why you are reading this blog and I have written it. Yet there are universal truths, some of which we may have forgotten. The Law of Attraction is real. What you believe you create. You create. This will always remain truth. As we are a collective, we do sway each other, yes. This is part of the plan. Yet in the final analysis, your life choices are always yours to make. The result of this moment, this day, and this time is up to only you. You have been choosing right along. Trust. Remain calm. In every moment you are presented two options – love and fear. Choose love. It is what you are. I would bet a shiny new dime that love is already your primary choice, so no worries are necessary. When the “Event” happens, whatever it brings, you will be in the right place with every tool necessary. You will know what to do. You will choose perfectly. You are doing so right now. Our bodies are already changing in preparation, our hearts are expanding and our light is stronger. Animals react differently around me, they stay closer; even “wild” ones talk to me now. The light is different, and I can’t ever seem to get enough sleep. We are shifting every day. What is happening in these next few months is that you are seeing what has been going “behind closed doors.” Many are throwing those doors wide open for us. This is so that we are able to gain perspective. We are shifting from polarity to unity. As one, we have been controlled, manipulated and deceived. Corruption at levels we weren’t entirely aware of, has been going on for many years; seeing us as one unit of humanity on one parcel of land, earth. Our collective voice has been allowing this to go on. They have been orchestrating us to pay them and hand over our land and resources. Now that their game has been exposed, we can choose to keep playing, or not. It is time for a new game. We can make the rules this time. Our collective voice can say something else. This is our life, our world and we are shifting together as One. There is no reason to play a game we can’t win, and we aren’t having any fun anyway. We are done. We need a seamless stroll into our wide awake selves, into the expanded beings we are gradually becoming. As fully conscious beings of light - war, corruption and poverty will not enter into the equation. We are One. You are ready for the “Event”. Follow your heart. Act with love and every answer becomes crystal clear. What we need are fully conscious leaders and a new system that allows for their election by wide awake citizens. Act as if you are in this “next dimension” of Love, Unity and Light and we will be. We are the ones we are waiting for. We are midway through our year of 2012; about to determine our tensile strength. This will tell us how much we can bear without pulling apart.
For as much as love is about you, it is about me; and as much as love is about me, it is about every other being and organism sharing this life with you. Love is what you are, and you are here now, practicing love in physical time. In order to understand what love is capable of, you must experience resistance. For the next half of this year, tension will be applied abundantly. You will be surrounded with mirrors; facing yourself repeatedly. Over and over they will ask – “Do you love me now?”, “Am I worth your time?”, “Have you heard me?”, “Do you love me now?”, “Are you listening?”, “Do I matter?”, “Can you hear me?”, “Do you love me now?” Understand that this is a circle, it always returns to the beginning; it starts and ends with you. There are no exceptions to this. Life, creation, love – all work this way. We are moving from polarity to unity. Sometimes it will be seamless and painless and wonderful. Other times it won’t. In those times remember – everyone is right and everyone is love. Each soul’s version is worthy of expression. By divine decree we are here to express life. All of us put forth a unique version of love and that love is then experienced by Source. You are perfect and so is everyone else. If we are going to collaborate and create a new earth, each of us must be heard. The test of our tensile strength begins now. There are dramas and stories among light workers and in our personal relationships. This is our proving ground. With acknowledgement and consideration and an open heart the strength of our love will carry us through beautifully. We know who we are. It is time to be. It is time to walk our talk. No exceptions. We are the ones we are waiting for. ![]() If there is one thing I will remember about this time we are in, it is the wind. From the bare branches of winter to the full bloom of almost summer, the trees are in constant motion. This time is ushered in on a steady breeze; the winds of change. There are no such things any longer as seasonal temperatures. In the Midwest U.S. we’ve had 100 degrees in February and 35 degrees in June. Our vegetation is gloriously abundant, as if it were mid to late summer. People smile everywhere, regardless of the situation. Those that aren’t smiling sort of stick out “like sore thumbs”. I’ve been traveling, and an hour long delay was easily done as folks chatted, children played and people helped each other. I’ve been there before, this was not usual behavior. My family hosted a huge celebration at our home. During the party a miracle took place as several members who had been separated for 18 years were reunited. It was seamless, beautiful and a complete surprise. These constant winds are gradually, continuously raising our vibration. In this very dense third dimensional world, we have created this natural physical expression of the shift. The descriptions we’ve heard about life after the change are happening all around – just pay attention. The Shift is here. Love, beauty, joy and peace; I’ve gone nowhere but my backyard, front yard and the airport and I see them demonstrated. The winds are blowing them in. As we witness this change we will see many players and hear or read a variety of facts, predictions and “truths”. Pay attention to what rings true for you. Pay close attention to what doesn’t. We each define the reality and Shift we experience. What you focus on, think about, worry about and talk about becomes your life. Which life will you choose? Countless possibilities are here for you. There is a vast difference between denying something because you don’t like it and ignoring something because it’s just not where you are. In the first case focus is necessary and with focus comes creation. In the second case, although you’ve seen it, you have merely shifted your attention to what rings true for you and again, more of whatever that is gets created in your life. On my recent travels, my bags were delayed. I had more than one connecting flight and I had not only considered this possibility, but researched, talked and worried about it. I was not surprised. As this shift takes place and we morph from polarity to unity – we will be asked again and again to choose. There are no wrong choices. You are a being of light, here to help the transformation. You may see things not to your liking, you may read things that sound fearful to this 3D body you occupy and that’s okay. This is the time to decide if they ring true for you. Choose intentionally where your energy is directed. You are the only one who can. We are divine beings having a human experience. As we remember our divinity we will be faced countless times with who we are not, in order to define clearly who we are. We are love. The force of our essence is collectively creating every moment of existence. Each thought, word and action add to our singular voice, our choice. As the winds push us through these interesting times, there is one place you can always go to discover your truth. No questions are necessary; your heart holds your answer. Go there for solace and you will navigate these coming days with confidence. Your power rests within. You are the one you’ve been waiting for. ![]() We have come from so very far to arrive at this place of peace. This is what I am internally experiencing just now – a sense of peace. Our world is running a muck according to established mainstream news sources. Some of that is seeping into the everyday, as our own bank may be implicated in scandal as well as our government. Yet through all this there remains a sense of calm. It is a beautiful day. A nest full of baby birds cheep to be fed while their parents swoop in again and again to nourish them. The sun shines, the breeze blows, gently pushing the newly planted flowers back and forth. Life is abundant. I am internally happy, with no discernible reason in practical, 3D terms. This is the next dimension. As you walk into your powers of intentional creation, you experience untold joy and personal fulfillment. There is no one necessary to rank your progress or determine your success. All of your life is self determined. You are who you intend to be, have what you intend to enjoy and do what you plan to do. There are surprises, as your world is full of a wonderful mix of “others” – souls who have a part to play in this show will engage you and have an impact. All of this by your own design. Make no mistake; this Ascension process is yours alone - in concert with mine and everyone else’s. The unity that we are coming to understand and experience means we are made of the same stuff – like fingers on a hand – yet each with a unique perspective and part to play. Take the baby birds. In my backyard there is a nest full, ready to fly any day now. In my front yard there was a young sparrow that didn’t make it, and as I watched it was eaten by a large grackle. The Circle of Life goes on. Some choose to leave, some to begin and others to continue. There is no right or wrong, although it is more fun to watch these baby birds being fed than it was seeing another being eaten. This sense of internal calm just now is perhaps a “shoring up” for future scenarios. As scenes play out around you, remember always that this is your shift and you reside in your own reality. Wherever you go – 4th, 5th, or 7th dimension – you take yourself there. In all this talk of Ascension and great change there is a lot of promise for “better” and “amazing” – without a lot of talk about you, as you are right now. You are not trading yourself in; you are simply shifting to a new point of view. If you leave some baggage behind that’s okay, it will be a lighter trip. There are no requirements though, it’s all by choice – yours. The bird being eaten is every bit as relevant as the ones who are eating. We all choose, we all contribute, and we are all the same stuff. So, as I am finding peace and calm today, you may not be and that’s okay. Yesterday I was right there with you. Knowing I could choose again made all the difference. Remember you are a divine bit of love waking up to the truth. The fact remains that you are love. Our creator, in infinite wisdom, wished a way to demonstrate in no uncertain terms what love could do. From that wish you were born. There is nothing that love cannot do. You are here now to love every person and situation and condition and life form into Ascension. There is no one else who came to do this but us. We are the ones we are waiting for. |
April 2024