Your body is hanging on. It desperately wants you here. You have to let go. Let go – everything you’re hanging on to because of fear, or are doing a certain way because of fear, or not doing at all because of fear – is time now to take care of. This is the end of duality. You have chosen this. You have confirmation many places – here, your body, an assortment of scribes and teachers. All of these sources are telling you: - You have chosen this - You are changing - No one else knows how it’s going to go because you are creating how it’s going right now You have to let go. You have to let go. YOU HAVE TO LET GO. It is time. No longer do these very dense beliefs hold any fascination. You understand now the fragile nature of this dream. It’s been constructed, intentionally, by those who understood how it worked. For hundreds of years the plan has been laid and carried out. They utilized the power of emotion and set about to create a world of beings willing to give everything up for a cause. It didn’t matter the foundation, so several were chosen: - Religion - Wealth - Patriotism - Power Our minds have been filled with words and images, all of them resulting in blind obedience, subservience, greed, violence and separation. We have been taught to ignore our inner calling. Today though, it is more like our inner voice has a microphone! Shouting above the mainstream din are words of love, power, peace and unity. We’ve not heard this volume before and our bodies and minds are wrenched back and forth with the noise. The competing vibrations threaten to pull us apart, or so it seems. Should we listen to the side that is familiar? “Obey” “Be afraid” “Send us your money” “Hate this human” “Fight” Should instead, we follow this other voice? “You and I are the same” “We are One” “Love is the answer” “Above all, love yourself” Which is right? Which is wrong? How do we discern? Help!!! No one has a twelve step program for this one. This dimension is an addiction that’s never been released, until today. We are writing the steps right now. We are not doing so without help. We have teachers with processes and meditations, groups and seminars, books and workshops, videos and diets. If there was ever a time to utilize them, it is now. There is wisdom all around. It comes from the core of us. We are each others teachers. We have come to show the way. If you feel drawn to a particular web site, channel or conference – go there. It does not mean the others are wrong; there is truth in every creation. Some days a certain passage may sound brilliant and be just what you needed. While other days it would hold no relevance. Such is the nature of the times we are in. Each day is a new adventure. I feel either ten, twenty, fifty or eighty years old in alternating moments. I cook when I feel loss or anxiety. Yesterday I got some unexpected news that set me back. It was a huge “IT IS TIME TO LET GO” message. This happened as I was beginning to do some preserving. Today we have a zillion jars of fruit preserves. Washing, coring, cutting, and cooking apples were yesterday’s therapeutic processes. Now I guess that’s not a bad choice, yet I wonder if I would have enjoyed the whole day a bit more if it included flexibility. I’m hanging on with an iron grip. It’s time for some specific guidelines. I suspect unexpected news will come fast and furious these next three months. Perhaps, because we are used to naming things and following rules, we need to invent the list for our “3D ANONYMOUS”. Here is the first rule: 1. Let go. When surprised, frightened or angry, let it go. Today it’s a rigid belief – tomorrow it’ll be an entire dimension. This is good practice. Inelia Benz ( has some wonderful exercises that work for me, (perhaps I should have remembered this yesterday… ;). Yet it doesn’t matter how you do it, it matters that you do it. Let go. I don’t know precisely what Ascension looks like, yet I do know that I’ll be moving from one frequency to the next. Like tuning in to an FM station on my radio, I have to let go of whatever happens to be playing on AM. Experience tells me that my FM station has fewer commercials and a richer sound; altogether a better experience. I am betting 5D will be much the same. In fact, I’m creating it to be. Step 1. Let go. We have come to embrace our dreams. We are here to create the manifestation of truth – love. This is who we are. We are the One we’ve been waiting for.
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It is time to decide who we are in all of this. Are we going to remain loyal to the way things are? Are we going to speak together, regardless of what appears to be happening? This is an individual challenge – who are you? It is not merely a fad or a passing thought to be a light worker. You have come to work for the light. This planet has been ruled/owned by more dark forces than light. Choosing one versus the other, light versus dark is merely a preference. Each spark chooses, in every moment, what is believed to be the best action, the most beneficial choice. What is done will depend on what direction you are headed. The Cabal have been attempting to unify the planet by reducing the population and controlling it – the methods used are self serving and not beneficial to the entire organism. The do not begin with love. In order for this planet to progress and move where she wants to go smoothly and easily, with her people, she requires a different way of doing things, another method, and a new direction. That direction is one of unity and involves every being. You are here to show the way. You have come to be a way shower. We are one. This is truth. The fluidity of source is running through each and every one of us. The love that we are is present in everything. All of creation is alive – all of life is creation. You cannot separate out life. Life merely is. The rocks, the sky, you, the vegetation, the earth, the stars; it all is alive. It is all a part of One. Source energy always exists. It does not stop. It never ends. As a people, we have chosen to participate in a transformation and as a people we are creating the transformation we have chosen. Think of what is necessary when you put on a play, a stage performance. There are many rehearsals as you get deeper and deeper into the portrayal of the parts – why? So that the audience believes you and you know your lines as if you had thought of them yourself. What is happening now is that after eons of deep sleep and forgetfulness you are remembering your part, and rehearsing your lines. As you read them over and over, hear them again and again, you recall the part you are here to play in this transformation. It is such an important performance that many, many rehearsals are required. The better you are - the more audience members will be transformed by your performance. You have agreed to face many challenges and hardships in order to produce the most believable show. It will be seen as magic, for what is happening is a reversal of thought. The audience does not believe the show you are staging – they are asleep and very interested in staying there. Fear keeps them rooted to whatever show they typically watch. They will not only need to be entertained but convinced. Not all of them will understand. Your task as a light worker is only to perform; it is not to choose your audience. It is to put on the best show you can. It is to understand your role. Not everyone has your part. It is yours alone. The responsibility is yours to understand the part you play and believe in what you are doing. Imagine if, after the show was written and countless rehearsals were held; after the costumes were made, the stage prepared, the props designed, the music composed and the stage lights synchronized, the actors stopped showing up. Rather than rehearse, they said “I’m sick of hearing about this show, nothing is happening, I have other things to do.” The show would never happen. When we signed on for this show, this process of Ascension, it was with the understanding that “The show must go on,” and we were the ones putting on the show. (Quote from the 19th century circus. If an animal got loose or a performer was injured, the ringmaster and the band tried to keep things going so that the crowd wouldn’t panic.) Allow the inner performer in you to take over and remember that this is the part of a lifetime. “The opera ain’t over until the fat lady sings,” and she hasn’t yet begun. (Dan Cook, U.S. sports writer from the 1970’s) Only you know your role in all of this. Just remember you are here now to perform that role, not merely talk about it and practice it. There really is a show and you actually have a part to play. The best source of inspiration for how to play yours will spring from deep within. Every truth is already known. It has been there always, waiting to be discovered and remembered. This is a unifying moment for us – we are together realizing our power and our purpose. We work for the light. This is our role and all that we do will strengthen the light force that we are. I have learned in performing stage plays that the worse the dress rehearsal, the better the opening night. The more things go wrong then, the better chance for a flawless performance at show time. This is not a time to despair or lose hope. It is time to renew our beliefs and increase our efforts. This show only happens in whatever way we make it happen. We came for this, we were chosen for the part and we know our lines. Now is the time to perfect them. We are the ones we are waiting for. It is May. In the Midwest U.S., a time for flowers and graduation ceremonies; transitions. The arrival of the new, even if we’ve seen it every year, is celebrated. It brings us to the past – perhaps our own graduation or last years tulips. We are systemically changing this month, without anything to relate to; a bit disconcerting. Our brains are associative. We won’t even see a thing unless we have something else similar to relate it to. Moving forward without a map is part and parcel to the way seer manifesto. This is untraveled ground. Brand new thought sticks out there like an optical illusion. Sometimes even after being told its there, we can’t make it out. It takes concentrated effort and intention. We will need both as we proceed, we are entering uncharted territory. This is the fun part. My entire body sort of hums now. Several weeks ago the internal motor started and today the subtle vibration and sparkling is constant – I barely acknowledge it. This week there are waves of energy, resulting in a sensation of spinning. My diet and sleep patterns are all over the map, which is true for my entire family. Something new shows up almost every day and we adjust to the level so that the next stage can occur. Ascension or the move to the “next dimension” has to happen gradually so that we can assimilate it comfortably. The plan here is for amazing yet not shocking. We want to enjoy this. So let’s relax a bit. As our eyes and bodies adjust, let’s see and feel the change without worry or confusion. We are brilliant beings of light who have been tasked with moving a planet and her people out of density in “real time”. We will live through whatever scenario we collectively create. “Are we there yet?” need no longer be asked, the answer is yes. This is our ascension. There is not a day or specific moment in which it occurs; there is instead this consistent gradual process of awareness. Expect change and don’t hang on to any “truth” because this is a time of revelation and discovery. We are participants and players; creating this new world we are witnessing. From personal to global, the shift is us. As our eyes adjust we see this picture shimmers and morphs, settles in for a moment then changes again. Through it all, hold a vision of beauty, joy, oneness, expansion, and abundance – love. You are in the time of what seem to be miracles, yet they are possible only through you. Accept responsibility for it all – your life, your world, your ascension. With pen in hand, what picture will you draw for us all to see? Next May we will be here again. We’ll recall today so that we can better understand where we are. Imagine amazing – that is where we are headed. We may not have lived this way ever, but if we see it and expect it, it is ours. World Liberation Day ( is a point we will look back on, when we grasped the pen firmly and put it to paper. We will together define our new world. We are the ones we are waiting for. We are becoming more than we’ve imagined ourselves to be. It is not so much that we are changing; the potential has been here always. We just didn’t know. We know now. It’s all I think about and yet, not something I speak of often, if at all. There are a few of us that can speak to it, yet most of my talk of ascension and transformation happens right here. I wonder how may “closet ascenders” there are amongst the people in my daily life. Sometimes, when on a street or in a store, I look around and think “Does he know?” “Is she waiting for the spaceships to land?” “Are they participating in a group channeling session later?” Mostly, I think not. It feels as if I reside in two very different worlds. In this one I am an infinite being, poised to usher in this incredible new age for humanity. It is exciting, fulfilling and sort of wild. I am part of the greatest show in the galaxy. In that one I am a mom in the U.S. suburbs who just took her cat in to be groomed and went to the grocery store and made a doctors appointment for her son. I love this life I have created, yet it is feeling surreal. No longer is it my only focus. We’ve all heard the prophecies and channeled messages, telling us “soon”. This is because we have not yet combined both lives into one life. Until we merge ascension and galactic citizenship with cooking and car repairs, it won’t happen. This shift is one we are taking together. It is gradual because we are all getting used to the idea and our memories are associative, this is how we learn and proceed. We need to acclimate. We are the showers of the way and if we aren’t showing, the way is not yet realized. Currently we are speaking mostly to ourselves. It is wonderful and supportive; we are bolstering ourselves up. We have to come out of the closet. It feels time now to take this knowledge to the streets. The mainstream media is not going to clearly or accurately announce what is happening. We who know have read and heard everything we can get our hands on for some time now – we are better equipped than they are. This could mean anything – talk to your mom, mention it to your sister or brother, your friend, your hairdresser, or your child. Each of us can throw a pebble in this pond and the ripples will bring awareness. It is our expectations that create our beliefs and our beliefs that create our reality. Expect love and understanding of this shift to grow and be facilitated by you, by all of us. It will. We are creating how this happens. This is why we are here. We are absolute love. We may not always feel it yet we know now the truth. We came to share our truth and create a seamless, beautiful, gradual, loving transition to oneness. Step into the shoes of one who knows. You do. There is nothing to fear; we are your sisters and brothers. We love you. We are waiting for you to share with us your wisdom and your love. You are a way-shower. It is time now to show the way. Our wait is over. We are here. Thank you for showing up, I love you absolutely. Today again, our eyes open to a new dream. It is here where our power resides; right now. We cannot see yesterday or tomorrow. Our focus is on this moment. This is command central, where we hold the controls firmly in hand. There are prophets and prophecies, legends, channels, scientists and main stream media telling us something is up. We can feel it. This is the shift. Right now, we are altering our way of being here. It is happening. It is going to look whichever way we design it. Let’s make it beautiful. Beings such as us would create nothing less. When shopping for clothing for a major event, it takes trying on many outfits. As a result, the dressing room is a mess, piled high with things that did not fit. When the perfect attire is found, we know. It feels good. It fits. We feel beautiful wearing it. It is that feeling we are shooting for. There is not much that is more important than this shift. We are rapidly changing outfits and it can feel sort of a mess. The perfect fit exists. It can be found by listening. Listen to your truth. You are speaking it all the time. As you pay attention, your internal voice becomes clearer. You hold within all the tools necessary for success. It is time now to use them. You are a component of divinity. You may not be able to articulate what you know is truth, but you most definitely feel it. It is time to act on that feeling. We are seeing daily demonstrations announcing there is not much we can count on that we have counted on up until now. If you are here now, you are ready to count on yourself. That is what is shifting. It is more powerful to ACT than to REACT. If there is something you feel you should probably do, but have been hesitating because “It doesn’t make sense.” “What would the neighbors say?” “No one ever does that.” “This is crazy.” – it may be time to do it anyway. Act as if this change to love has occurred. Pick out the outfit you want to wear and head on out. Pretend we live in a resource based economy. Reach out to your neighbor or a stranger in need. If just one of us is suffering, we all are. The time for love is now. You are love. No one is better equipped to demonstrate love than you. You know what you are here for, what you are best at, what you can offer. One thing crystal clear is that we are not alone. We are all experiencing this change as one. We are each creating this change together. It is all us. It will be as you say it will be. You are love, an eternal being of light here to brighten the place you inhabit. Your time to shine has finally arrived. Let’s come out of our homes and connect. The power we yield is enormous. You can change the world; you are changing the world. Trust your inner voice. Don’t wait for an outside announcement to force a reaction – act. Act with love. Act with abundance. Be the light you came to be. You were loved into being unconditionally. You are a vision of love. Nothing is small or unnoticed or without merit. It all counts. Each moment you love is a gift beyond measure. That’s why we call it “The Present”! Wait no longer, you are here. |
April 2024