This is Part II. Read Part I here. In order to appreciate the reasons for releasing them together, here is a bit of an introduction. These were back to back conversations, they were both visual, and they relate to each other, although they were held with different beings.
This is not the first time I've had such topics introduced (the one you are about to read). They have been saying this sort of thing since last summer. I chose not not repeat it as I did not sense the urgency then. For some reason, now I do. Perhaps it is the astrological forecasting about March and April, or perhaps it is just a sense I have. This now moment feels pivotal. This is good news, great news actually. We are accomplishing what it is we set out to accomplish. (Oneness and a shift of systemic control) The vision in this conversation held no fear. There was a feeling of abundance and joy and freedom only. This is not prophecy. I do not have a name for the other end of this conversation, only that they inhabit the same galaxy we do. The most important take away from these conversations is our unified effort and the effect it is having. All that is necessary is to love at every turn. The field created in that energy is transforming our world. It looks like we are deciding what that looks like, and it looks like abundance and freedom and "high fives"! We've got this. We are the ones we are waiting for. ~Sophia This conversation took place on March 3, 2016. “So, who kept waking me up last night?” There is a group, there are many of us. We have come to communicate and would appreciate an audience with you. Okay, you have one now. What is it you’ve come to say? That the earth is being watched. I don’t follow? The planet, known as a jewel in the galaxy, has many eyes upon her as she makes her transformation. You woke me up to tell me that? It does not seem to be a message of urgency. As a human, I require a certain amount of un-interrupted sleep. (By way of explanation, I was a little put out. I’d been woken up 2 or three times the previous night and it was brutal getting up at 5 AM for work. I have asked before for this kind of activity to stop during the weekdays. These beings were quite insistent.) There is more. Please continue then. You are a human, having life on a planet that is also having a life. You come here to evolve – this planet you rest on is also evolving. The urgency was felt by us due to the moment you are approaching. What moment is that? I suddenly experience an internal feeling of speed, if that makes sense, and I see/hear the word “Crash”. What are you saying? There is a ramping up that is becoming exponential on your planet. It is witnessed by us now as approaching a crescendo. Who are you? We are your co-occupiers of a life in a galaxy referred to as “Milky”. We do not; have not before engaged the human. We hear/see/feel your beacon/call and we answer. I am not clear. What call is being sent? There are more than one – your own voice is one we picked up to respond to as you specifically requested “only assistance”. And you can offer that? We feel, yes, that we can. It is in this vein we reached you. There is not a concept inside of your signal/beacon that describes “sleep” or for that matter “off”. Your signal is very strong at times, perhaps those times coincide with certain sleep patterns. I don’t know that is true, yet perhaps. What help are you offering? We offer a perspective, some enthusiasm and an alternative. Your race attempts something that has not been, to our knowing, consciously chosen up until this moment now. “Prior” “ascension events” happened for isolated ones or small groups of you –while the planet remained unchanged. What you attempt with this current shift that coincides with your planets shift is a simultaneous transformation while remaining in body – a mere change of location, sort of. This is the reason for the “all eyes” on Earth – with this event there is a new paradigm offered to all of creation. What we want to say, and let us explain as we do the difficulty we sense in your reception of us now. This is due to the surrounding of you with so many humans! Their energy interferes, even without engagement. Yes, well, I’m in a coffee shop. It is quite crowded. We know not the meaning of the words, but see the intake of substances and mutual exchanges. There are many. There are. Can we continue anyway? We can. We will send clear images so that you can “hear” them and this should help. Now I see the word “collapse”. Yes. And I see dollar bills, money, falling from a spot above. I see something slamming shut. Like a ledger. “broken” “not repairable” ‘out of order” “unavailable” – these are the words I’m seeing. “Money” “cash only” “ gold” “closed for eternity” “thank you for your business” “out of stock” “empty”. I see people turning away from buildings, doors to buildings that did not open. They are smiling as they turn away and shake their head “no” to other people walking also towards the same doors. I see one man give another man a “high five” in the parking lot in front of this building. I don’t know what sort of business this is. It appears formal, a dark structure, official looking but not sure what capacity. My guess would be some sort of government building or bank. Now I see others pulling up and these men shaking their heads and the car’s driver smiling and just driving away. They do not attempt to enter. You have associated many familiar images with our sending along with words. Many words. What we came to say is this. What is observed right now is unprecedented. It is cataclysmic and by many will be perceived as catastrophic. Those who see it that way (catastrophic) will not be seeing the whole picture. This rapid influx of energy is helping what the humans are doing on their own. It is like giving them a hit of speed when they’ve already had a Red Bull. Does that make sense. What is so very exciting and unusual is this human engineered shift. Right now, its speed is beyond expectation and the resulting change to the landscape is unclear. This is an actual physical alteration to all of life on your planet. Gaia is keeping up with your movement and all of this is leading, very quickly now, to a pivotal point. What will very likely be a cataclysmic event is more than likely going to happen for you, for her, for you all. This cannot be helped as in order to move, the old must be left behind. A break will necessitate a new order and a new world is what you are co-creating. This break will initiate finally the actual changes we see you make – yet the break happens first. What will have to break is not just the planet, but the systems governing her and enslaving her people. None of this should you consider prophecy for we are not prophets and not enmeshed in a life on your world. (Bold type mine – Sophia) Consider this a long range view of goings on. It is offered only because without it only catastrophe and finality may be observed. This coming series of breakages are likened to the hatching of a bird or the butterfly breaking the cocoon. The current structure has to be dismantled. It is seen that a show of something forceful is what creates the final collapse. It may be that Gaia herself forces the issue with many earth changes. It may be a monetary breaking/failure that creates the chaos. Maybe something else or both will occur. The message is that those Dark Forces controlling the Earth are not the initiatory force; but the planet and her people. They have no more power – it has been removed. We’ve heard you use the words “Maybe they didn’t get the memo”. That may be true. These upcoming changes will be clear. What is not clear is what mankind as a whole will do. Our coming to you now is done in an effort to say this – DO NOT DESPAIR WHATEVER COMES. YOU AND GAIA ARE AT THE HELM, (What was coming through here is that the controllers were NOT at the wheel, we’ve wrested control from them now, with our singular voice. I liken this to the idea that it is not initially obvious that a child has finally completed puberty. There are minor signs, sure, but until that day when the young man or young woman takes responsibility completely for their life, you are never quite sure when this process began; the release of parental control directing their life.) AND THESE TWISTS, TURNS AND DEAD EANDS ARE NECESSARY. YOU ARE, AND VERY QUICKLY, WRITING A MAP FOR ALL OF LIFE. THIS MAP TAKES YOU TO THE PLACE OF YOUR WILDEST DREAMS AND FONDEST HOPES. IN EVERY CASE THIS IS TRUE. YOU ARE, ALL OF YOU, WARRIOR ANGELS AND YOU’VE ASSURED A RAPID TRANSFORMATION. COMPLETE THE JOURNEY WITH LOVE IN EVERY CASE. That is all for now. Thank you. This conversation ended. I share the conversations with these others in my newsletter. Sign up here.
3/4/2016 06:36:03 am
Thank You for this. I could not sleep tonight. I think I had to get up and read this. And for it, I'm Thankful!! Blessings and Much Love.
3/20/2016 09:44:20 am
Tfw you spend more time prrepping your stage intro than the actual match...
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