![]() It is self forgiveness that becomes the key element here, a vital ingredient for ascension. For blame and doubt are hallmarks of third density. Realization of truth and acceptance of the One that you are erases all that is unreal. What is non essential is any idea contained in your mind that you MUST have something. This is not the same as desire, for desire is the fuel of creation. Consider the things we admire in each other – passion, dedication, drive, determination. All are driven by desire. the process and progress of creation occurs as a direct result of desire. We want something. The value in achieving whatever it is we want is ours to decide. Is it that we must have this thing to be worthy or that we’d like have it as an experience? As we move closer to a faster vibration we become conscious of the many possibilities available. We are moving from an understanding of the known universe to awareness of the multi-verse and the potential held there. Our perception expands. In order to keep up we have to release this baggage of self-doubt. If we aren’t sure we can fly, we’ll never take the leap. Questions about the state of our physical bodies or whether or not we did it right or loved enough, weigh us down. They become irrelevant on the path to ascension. My partner is a deep trance channel. Several years ago he did just that for a group of us, usually four or six at a time. Present during our gatherings were the “greater selves” of whoever was in the room, as well as other entities who were interested in the conversation or were our friends or who just wanted to help us find answers. His perspective at these times was as an observer. His “higher self” was the voice who spoke through him and answered our questions, speaking for the collective of entities present. He’d often remark on the sharp contrast between what he was seeing, our magnificent greater selves, which to him appeared as huge, beautiful balls of light; and what we were saying, “How come I can’t do this? How come I can’t have this? How come I can’t be this?” It seemed ridiculous to him. Here we were, these incredibly powerful beings – equal in every way to everyone else who was gathered, pretending we weren’t! We are at the moment now when we can stop pretending. It has been one heck of a costume party, but we no longer need to believe in the suit to enjoy it. We can believe in the truth instead. The truth is, we are capable of answering our own questions. The power to create the life we’ve dreamed of rests in our own hearts. All negativity stems from ego – that part of us that remains attached to this third dimension and self-limitation. Do not regret the ego. He was necessary to navigate the terrain and you needed her to get to this moment. It is time now to absorb the lessons of ego without believing it is who you are. You are an infinite particle of love, burning with the light of a thousand suns, here now to illuminate our shifting, morphing reality. You have come to love. There is no one else more capable or suited for the job than you. You are lesser than none. As we morph through the next six weeks, let go of anything that tells you otherwise. It is time to step into your truth. You are the One you’ve been waiting for.
![]() For a few days now there hasn’t been much to say. Or, more accurately, it’s felt as if there wasn’t much useful to blog on about. Then yesterday there was a thought. It began like this – “How come there seems nothing to say? It’s not as if nothing is happening. A ton is happening! Yet, it all feels 3D, mundane and internal. What is this pre-occupation with 3D, after a solid year of focus on everything else? Has time slowed down?” After rolling these questions around for a bit, it comes to this blog. Perhaps you’ll find it useful. You are becoming that which you are. You can no longer leave her behind. She is in every part and each moment of your life. You are in a process of integration and your life has not caught up. The events and responsibilities feel all over the map, as you have been – until now. You are honing in and hunkering down – morphing into the multi-dimensional, multi-faceted being that is your core. You do not so easily slip into the mainstream mold; it is not your comfort zone. You are leaving all of this behind. You’ve read again and again that 3D will continue, yet that does not mean that you’ll continue in 3D. You’ve chosen another way. This way that you’ve chosen is another density – a more complex density. It makes sense that you are feeling a pulling in because YOU ARE. It is not that you are shutting out the world – you are taking in the world – absorbing all that you see and all that you are – into YOU. This is not an ending, but a beginning. The new you that is birthing is all of you – every part. You are not in a place where you can deny any part of you or any segment of your life. It’s part of the package of you. Every bit of you will ascend, will condense. What you are leaving behind is the ego – that part of you that doubts and second guesses and takes offense and judges. It is not that you’ll leave your opinions behind – you’ll leave your need to voice your opinions behind. You will still have preferences, favorites and things you choose to avoid. You need nothing yet everything is available. Yes, it’s all changing around you as you change – a confusing and perhaps crazy time. This is not a time to despair; it’s a time to rejoice! You are taking the reigns of your life and steering – heading for deeper levels, more freedom, love, joy and abundance in all things. You are bringing yourself to the place of your dreams, literally, and doing so with a full complement of YOU. None of you gets left behind. Your loves, your favorite slippers and your gorgeous physical self is flying into this deeper complexity, as ONE. Relax and enjoy this ride. You are gathering all of you together so when the time comes you can take off! We are growing our wings. It is almost time to fly. With divine perfection and pin point accuracy we are right where we need to be. If it occurs to you to take that job offer or buy that jacket – do it! We are not leaving ourselves behind, that is the point. All of us will arrive as ONE; a singular, multi-faceted, brilliant particle of creation. These months and years of contemplating our divinity and our truth are coming to fruition right now. We are about to experience our own unfolding. It promises to be exquisite. Love every single moment your life shows you today, and rejoice! You are the ONE you’ve been waiting for! ![]() Hello everyone. Today we’ll continue with our Quest for another 6 days. What’s been going on for me is that I took the words from our first day and absorbed them into every fiber of my being. A sort of battle ensued. I am not sure what instigated it – perhaps the combination of the “Day of Decision” meditation and our Quest did the trick. It was no longer possible to be partially or half way in- I was either in or out. It became time to walk my talk – it was Agape or continued self loathing. I had to make a choice. This was not a choice that could be made on face book or in this blog. This choice had to spring from my soul. It was not easily made and not pretty to watch. It began with nothing to say, and then proceeded along with a litany of reasons to despise who I was. I gradually began to speak. I believe my body had a decision to make. The influx of light from Sunday’s meditation and love from everyone here brought me to a choice point. Was I love or was I a ‘poser? I gave up for a day or so – there was no light. Perhaps you’d call this my Dark Night of the Soul. It felt that way. I’ve had one before, many years ago. I didn’t know you could have more than one. A whole host of reasons and lovers and words later, I began to feel like love again. It is different now. It feels real. I am not a ‘poser. I am love. I don’t know if my words will sound different to you, but they sure will to me. Although I have always believed them and known them – now I am them. There is no outside force that will alter this truth. I know who I am. We have journeyed together through forgiveness to Agape, headed for Oneness. We can help each other with encouraging words, pictures and videos. Yet the real knowing is not found in any of those places. You will know you’ve found it when no one can cause you to doubt it. They can yell at you, leave you, fire you, steal from you or hurt you – yet they cannot remove from you your truth. You cannot hate them or blame them. You do not hate or blame yourself. You are divinity in shoes, a spark shot forth from Source, light in a human suit. You are love. Everyone here is love as well. You are here to demonstrate that One Truth. Self love is the foundation of your brilliance. No one knows better than you the strength of your soul. Show us your beauty and gift us with your wisdom. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. With deepest gratitude and overwhelming love, I will see you tomorrow. ~Sophia ![]() Welcome to the Love Quest, which this month coincides with “The Day Of Decision”. This was not planned consciously, yet there are no accidents. It’s time to decide. Agape is a fearless act. Are you up for it? It demands honesty, bravery and belief. In order to love ourselves we must first be aware of whom it is we are loving. The blindfolds are off, the shields are down; ego does not need protection from agape. What we need is acceptance. The only word is “yes”; it answers every protest. “Can I love myself knowing all I’ve done?” “Can I love myself even when I’m angry?” “Can I love myself after I screwed up?” “Can I love all of my human faults?” “Can I trust myself?” “Can I fearlessly scrutinize my body and love all my parts?” “Can I let go of self-blame?” “Can I stop all this judgment?” “Really?” On the face of it, love seems an easy choice. Would I rather be happy and uplifted or frustrated and miserable? Within us, is from where our happiness springs, and the only thing that’ll lift us up permanently. Love is not found “out there” and does not originate anywhere but your own heart. Your loves are reflections of your deepest beliefs about you. Although intellectually the choice is an easy one – our childlike tendency to be thrilled with ourselves has been eroded. Our elders and our society have taught us guilt and judgment and we’ve learned well. This is not truth. We are on a Quest for truth and it must be taken alone. No one but you knows the depths of your self loathing or the images that you fear. It is time now to see clearly. These ideas have not served you. In this year of Revelation we are beginning to see the manipulation and control that was our life. As facts are uncovered and the plans are exposed, we are empowered. We’ve been lied to by every institution we believed in; religion, government, financial, health and education. The time now is not for blame or regret. It is time to rebuild; the moment to love has arrived. Unconditional and fearless agape is what will empower us to demand truth and transparency from each other. For we are worth it. One such as you is a gift to all of mankind. Your arrival was planned and celebrated by all of creation. This moment now is about the realization of your worth; the acceptance of your divinity. We are One. Source energy, God, the Creator or whatever term works for you had a brilliant plan. The success of that plan depends on you. Your part is simply told – you are here to love fearlessly. In doing so, the realization of Oneness is achieved; we will all walk in Paradise.
It is an honor to walk by your side. Our Quest continues for 6 more days, thank you for showing up! We’ve been expecting you. You are the One we’ve been waiting for. Much love. See you tomorrow, Sophia ![]() The day of decision has arrived unannounced. I noticed just a few moments ago. It did not look the way I expected it to. There are big plans for the world wide meditation tomorrow. I can't wait for it. I love a real good group meditation...I love the FEEL of US as ONE. I have only had a few of these, the ones that sort of knock me over with our power and unity and love, but they move me to places I didn't know I could go. The global effort we are about to undergo promises to catapult all of us. This day, the subject of this blog, is different. It is not waiting for a moment, it is here now. I have decided. I have spent months in preparation and discussion and anticipation for change and magic and help. I mentioned in May that for us, for my family and myself, the money was just about gone. We could no longer feed the banksters and corrupt ones with our pennies, we needed them to pay for food and gasoline. Once you stop paying, there is a pause. Oh, the bills keep arriving but without any immediate repercussions or sense of urgency. They are easy to ignore. It changes after a bit. A sense of urgency is applied, anxiety enters. There was a time when I was anxious, then I became angry, then I began to search for solutions. To be perfectly frank, I think we were hoping for some magic someplace in there...so that we'd never have to deal with the searching part. Well, the magic did not come from the heavens. There was no "answer from above". The solutions we discovered sort of worked, for a month or so. But with no change in our ability to work or to prosper financially, they too were ineffective. Somewhere in there, the deciding commenced. This was a criminal way to live. We were not criminals. We were love. It was insanity. I have four children, a college education, a home and a cat. I am smart and have paid both income and property taxes for decades. I have not participated in any criminal activity. I write inspirational material about love and empowerment. I serve food to the homeless, deliver meds to shut ins and care to handicapped children. Yet I cannot afford to buy my son a new pair of shoes. I decided to do something. We are no longer waiting, we are doing. Our unsecured debt is being handled by a legal advocate consortium. Our mortgage by several other legal groups. This allows us to get help, using large numbers of us as a cushion to reduce our legal fees and inflate the power of our voices. We are no longer answering invasive questions or responding to telephone calls from banks. We have taken the controls back. I chose today's picture because, well, it expresses how I feel. It sums up my decision, and I hope yours as well. You are not losers or layabouts, slaves or subservient citizens. You're awesome. You're divine bits of the One Source, the battery of everything. This bill? This set back? This illness? This condition? It is temporary. You're bigger than all of it, better than what you've been told and brighter than the brightest star. This is our moment and the time for our choice. Two days ago I posted a beautiful video. It was a profound expression of what we are doing and what we have done. It was moving and empowering. It was also subsequently REMOVED. This is sad, but also great news. The effects of our choosing are being felt everywhere. When I told my partner, he replied "Awesome! Now you can get arrested!" What he meant was, people now know who we are. The love being realized is changing the planet. Here is a video which was shared by the same source that shared the first one (the Off World Source, found here: http://www.sophialove.org/conversation-with-off-world-source.html ) -- We are One. Our choice is spoken with each empowered breath. We have taken the controls of our lives and by doing so, are taking back our world. I am moved beyond words. Thank you for each encouraging whisper and every energetic blast of love. It is felt by all of us and has been heard by the heavens. In your unique fashion, in just your way, with absolute precision and perfection, you have done it. You're awesome.
You are the One we've been waiting for. There were two words in my inbox this morning. "It's time". The video included is found here as well. An entirely different blog was composed very early today, and may be posted later. This one now takes precedence. Watching the video while considering these two words, I was overcome with emotion. I cry easily yet this morning's sob-fest was unprecedented... The emotions that incited the tears were joy and relief and exhaustion and YES!!!!! WE DID IT!!! What remains now is the doing and living on our new earth. In spite of every odd stacked against us, we have continued to create a world as pictured in the serene and vibrant images of this film. Our Mother Earth has waited with patience and love for eons...she now is realizing the fullness of her being. It is because of you this is happening. As Light Workers you have come not just in this era, but in times too numerous to name. You have persevered and created with wisdom, tenacity, faith and love. Your vision has not wavered, not once. Yes, there have been distractions, but deep in your heart you have held and maintained the truth of our home, our Mother Earth and ourselves. Love has inspired your every lifetime of continuous evolution. You never gave up and it is because of you that we have made it here. Share your view of our home and our very existence in every moment of your coming days... This is how we create our paradise. The field is ripe now with your vision - it is okay to let it out and allow for its expansion. There can be no stopping truth - You are master creators, here to experience the fruits of many lifetimes of belief. There is nothing but love and we can see that now. Hold these pristine images in your very soul. This is our world. We have brought her back to life with our steadfast knowing - we are love. WE ARE THE ONE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR. Update ~~ 10.20.12 ~~ The status of this video was changed to "private". I am sorry if you have missed seeing it. It is a profound experience. In today's blog I will include another that will hopefully stay put.
![]() There hasn’t been much to say these last few days. Not for lack of movement, but for an overwhelming need for silence. It’s as if all of my words are being used up on the inside; there are no residuals remaining for this blog. There has been a shift, and a clearing. What stands in the place of a mind compelled to “do” is a soul content to “be”. The world looks different. On a physical level I sleep deeply, dream intensely and remember little. The mental chatter has all but stopped. There were headaches for the last week or so, but they too have left me. Eating is different somehow; addictions to any particular food are gone right now. It’s not like the challenges are gone from my life, it’s that they look merely like things to take care of. They are not definitions of anyone; they are scenes in a play. All around there is evidence of a different way to approach life. I brought my car in for service and received an unexpected Reiki healing, from the shop manager, right there in the showroom…what a gift! Our children initiated some unexpected and unprecedented deep heart conversations...which if you have kids you know is beyond wonderful. Everywhere I look there is healing and renewal. The news reports won’t be the place to find evidence of this shift. It will be told in our hearts. Mine has opened more than I realized was possible. It came unexpected and was not orchestrated by my mind. Although you’ll hear and read of progress on financial and government fronts, the real answer will come from deep within you. Everywhere now, folks are rising up. We are answering the call in so many ways. Evidence surrounds us. It wasn’t long ago we were a people mentally enslaved and seemingly without choice. Our self definition has radically altered. Thanks to thousands of lightworkers and millions of people with hundreds in the headlines – we have found our voice. It is a voice holding every possible range and it speaks just one song – freedom. Unity is not something that will arrive overnight. It has been building and becoming. It is. We are One. Our realization of that truth is bringing us out of the closet. We help each other without expectation. We join hands in protest and in song. We talk out loud about our “Galactic Families”, about ending the corruption and creating joy; about the importance of love. It is not exactly as we expected; it is so much better. We are allowing ourselves to seamlessly morph into Oneness. Who else but humans could do it this way? We are experiencing the fullness of our own evolution, individually and collectively. It has all the elements of life we came here for; tension, anticipation, surprise, pain, pleasure, defeat, success and love. We did this. We are doing this right now. We are performing beyond anyone’s wildest expectations. Maybe help hasn’t arrived from the skies because we are doing just fine. Everyone is watching; it’s all good. This is happening. It is happening because we say it is. We know who we are and we are doing what it is we came to do, perfectly. We are awesome! Great job! We are the One we’ve been waiting for. The choice has been made. There is no longer a wondering. I know. Things like “Why?” and “How?” just aren’t there. Doubt is gone. I am here. I am. There’s no question of success or judgment.
I woke up today, as I do most every day lately, not feeling slept out. The hours asleep seem to have no effect on the outcome; they could be 4 or 10. There is this feeling of “being pulled through a knot hole” that I wake up with each morning. Yet it’s okay today. Not a problem. I know it’ll be all right. Abundance, health and success are assured. I have no doubts. In 3D terms, what’s right before my eyes is not pretty. Yet my focus is not there. It’s not that it doesn’t matter; it’s that it’s not real. The difference is subtle. “Back in the day” my financial, physical and emotional state was how I defined my life. If things were good on those fronts, then I was too. Today those parts of my life are hanging by a thread – yet I’m okay. They are not who I am. I know that now. I have always known this intellectually, and even felt it at times. This morning I am aware on a visceral level of my truth. We are not our circumstances. We are source material, walking around in human suits. You are not defined by your life. Your life is an expression of what you’ve chosen to experience. You are free to choose fear, illness, poverty, joy, vitality or abundance. As soon as you release one you can check out another. All are potential expressions of the One. You are an expression of the One, holding every potential. It’s all here for you. The colors you are seeing right now are just your current favorites. Your palette has every shade. They can be mixed more than 7 billion ways. We are here to paint a world as she embodies new form. How she looks depends on her perspective and our belief. Believe in her beauty and as you walk on her today your reflection will embody that truth. It comes every moment to our perception. We are holding the brushes in hand, artists in the midst of creation. This is our masterpiece. Take your brush and apply love liberally. Every facet of this piece is waiting for your touch. You know exactly what is needed and are focused right now on the part most in need of your expert hand. It is love – your unique brand of divinity – that will complete this work. May as well begin today! You are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() It’s tempting to make light of the U.S. Presidential election. Either because in the next dimension it won’t matter who holds office, (it’ll all be love and light), or because there will be no political agenda where we are headed or because it doesn’t really matter who holds the office, all are equally corrupt and capable. This election matters if only because it is the first one held with so many of us awake. Being awake doesn’t mean you ignore things that don’t resonate. There is a potential now for you to see clearly. It all counts. Our world is being re-created now and now and now and now and NOW. You never intended to doze through 2012 and then wake up, ready to engage, on the morning after December 21st. You showed up to participate. You are one of the producers of the show. What kind of election are you going to hold? Once it’s over, what kind of President will hold that office? A reader shared with me this poem, which was dreamed into reality the night of the first presidential debate: Our Manifesto We love You. We call upon All leaders everywhere in every position and capacity: We love You. Either lead and serve Us, the people, the 100% Equally, benevolently and lovingly Or step down. We love You. Please pass this on We love You This is beautiful. As a producer, this is the sentiment I’d like to bring to the set. When producing anything, you first need to be aware of the end result. What would you like to create? It is tempting for us to attach a whole set of personality to the results. Personality is temporary. It is a platform on which we play. Personality enables us to see who we are, reflected back through each other. I didn’t see the debate. Instead I was blissfully engaged in a theatrical performance of “Alice in Wonderland”. My son has a lead role. One of the scenes from the play sort of jumped out at me: Alice is confused and the animals are speaking nonsense. She asks question after question. “Who am I?” “How do I get there?” “What do you mean?” “Where do I start?” At one point the White Rabbit answers: “That all depends on what’s in here” (pointing straight at Alice). It always depends on us. Regardless of who plays the role of U.S. President, we can intend for that man to operate from his deepest truth, empowered and sovereign. We can encase both men in love and support, seeing the outcome that supports the country in the best way possible for every citizen. We can do that in every case, for each country and election. Leadership happens with our consent, one way or the other. We are participating with our action or inaction, with our words and our efforts. We are One. It is not true that there are winners and losers. Victories and losses are temporary. Ultimately, we all end up as One. It is the place we began, the place we actually are, and the place we are headed. We are in this together and responding with love works every time. This is what we do best, and what we came here now to do. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. ![]() I am filled with hope, love and excitement for what is to come. Something has changed recently and although I cannot show you a picture of what it was, I can tell you what I see. I see all of us right. There are so many versions of truth. What if they were all correct? We stand today a divided planet. There are nations and within them states and within them counties and towns. Within the towns there are men, women and children; from every nation, following every religion, team, political party, interest and sexual preference. Within each of these you will find a belief so strong that it seems unchangeable. Here is a version of life I am coming to resonate with, for it allows for every difference. We are all right. The Cabal has infiltrated the speaking of the “Channels”, while there are some authentic “Channels” as well. There are man made ships as well as off world ships. There is both divine and human intervention. There is a dark force looking for domination and destruction while there are very human men and women who have followed the “service to self” route all on their own. There are “Archons” wreaking havoc and there are Alphabet agencies of human beings carrying out criminal agenda’s. All stories contain truth. Everyone is right. Everyone is love. You chose to be part of a grand plan – to lift the Earth out of the darkness she has been in; to ascend. The stories are all true. You are here to participate, not because you are better than anyone else, but because it is time now to restore balance to the Earth. The depths of the darkness demanded a great deal of light. You are that light. There are forces for balance and forces for destruction and forces for peace. The sacred texts speak truth, although the literal interpretations have led to division and speculation and misunderstanding. Many of them were taken out of context, which does not negate their value, or make them irrelevant. The force that yields the greatest power is the force for One. You are that force. The One has asked for a great influx of light to the earth right now because there is an imbalance; the dark/destruction has seized and held this planet for long enough. Our work is not complete. The balance must be maintained once it is achieved. We have free will. Man chose this path. We have been (unknown to our conscious selves) collectively in service to a destructive force. This force has one goal and it is absolute – it creates and then destroys as a show of power – absolute power. That is its only purpose. War, ownership and corruption are its methods. When it realizes there are no longer possibilities for domination it moves on – it has. Its minions, the Archons/Illuminati, do not realize yet that the game is over. They will continue. Like chickens without heads, they are unaware and still running around, doing whatever chickens do. This is where the free will of man comes into play. Man must now continue to make a stand against destruction by resisting those efforts. He will be helped by off world sources if he chooses to be helped. We have to ask for help, not ask to be “saved”. We do not need a savior; we are here to save ourselves. We are the One. We have come here ourselves, to save ourselves, in service to humanity; the One. It would appear that we have asked. Although our history is filled with darkness, the overall picture of things is not. We must get past the horror and disbelief of our past and move on to action in our present. It is time to do what we feel called to do. There are many possibilities. We’ve learned that there is corruption in our banks, corporations, religions and governments – we can start just about anywhere. Think of things to do that will no longer support a self-destructive system. Self reliance and collaboration is key. It’s not necessary that we all get on the same train, yet it is time to start moving. We are here with purpose. We are here to love absolutely. This may not always be easy, but it is necessary and will alter our world. Balance means that both sides always exist. This is the lesson of every spiritual teacher we’ve encountered. The earth is a template for growth and evolution. The challenges propel us; we are here for the stimulus they offer. We have come to learn. We are Master creators. We know what to do. We all planned this party, ages ago. We are the One we’ve been waiting for. |
January 2025