It feels sort of like taking your child to the doctor. You are saying a bunch of calm words, painting lots of pretty pictures about the ice cream cone that’s coming after the office visit, yet you know there is a part that’s painful. You hate that part. My children wised up to the idea and ask before we get there, “Am I gonna get a poke?” That’s what I want to know now. “Are we gonna get a poke?” We’ve been living in a controlled, tightly limiting world and are told every day of the wonders that await us. Yet, beneath it all is buried a nagging sense that there is something we need to shore up for. My kids put their game faces on. They know it’s quick, necessary and there is a treat at the end. Although they didn’t like it, they have lived through it and emerged more powerful and sure of themselves. We will too. Ascension, this Shift and the Golden Age is waiting for us. As eternal beings of immense power and unlimited love, we would create nothing less. The controls are completely in our hands. We know how to use them now. It is my very human part that wants to know, “Am I gonna get a poke?” Some days I don’t care, and they happen with more frequency. What’s on the other side of the poke, if it comes, is more than amazing. I know this. I have seen some of it already. We can do anything we set our hearts on. This is truth. We are an unstoppable force; the force of One. I have seen miracles. The greatest one is reading these words right now. We are the ones we are waiting for.
Quietude is defined as “the state of being quiet; rest; calmness”. That feels about where I find myself. “Freedom isn’t free” is a misnomer, or else it depends on your definition. Freedom means “exemption or liberation from the control of some other person or some arbitrary power; liberty; independence”. In a military sense, the phrase has been used as justification for war. On a more personal level, freedom becomes synonymous with uninhibited love, expansion and peace. In a surprising and unexpected way, it is where I am today. This is a glimpse of our future, of what I imagine it feels like in the “next dimension”. Historically on earth empires rise and fall. The beings we label “dark” (1%) insatiable lust for wealth and power consumes their host (99%) and can no longer be sustained. This inevitable collapse is what we are witnessing right now. The populace has been spent, literally. Those that would own us must feed someplace else or alter their way of life. The situation that brings me this peace is that I no longer worry about money. There is none. I’ve reached the bottom. It is no longer a matter of juggling; it is a matter of keeping food in the house until things change. Things are really clear now. I work when there is work to be done and relax when there isn’t. Somehow, my internal fretting has stopped. Nothing is as important as I once imagined it to be, except life. Sustaining, enjoying and loving what I have are all that I am focused on. So, it is quiet in my head. I spent some time in nature yesterday and breathed a great deal of oxygen. It was glorious. I saw clearly just how nuts this life has become. How paying bills and having the “stuff” we “need” fills my head. What matters is life itself. That is here for the taking. It is free. This economic crisis has turned into a gift. Freedom. I imagine this is what it feels like in the “next dimension”. I am feeling creative and energetic. I am aware of the life that surrounds me. On the water, ducks look calm. Michael Caine, the British actor is quoted as saying “Be like a duck. Calm on the surface, but always paddling like the dickens underneath.” Good advice if you are navigating this third dimension. Yet today, I am not. I am just floating – there is not much paddling. Perhaps this is what ducks do in the fifth dimension. The other day four ducks flew into our yard. We are miles from any body of water so this was a surprise. There was a female and four males. She seemed desperate for a place to nest; we must have been a last resort. She waddled towards our back yard, attempting to push past the locked fence. She paced back and forth, driven. Nothing else mattered. Her goal was paramount. We’ll like it in the “next dimension”. There is time for contemplation, room for joy and moments of passionate inspiration. It is alive with possibility and promise. Not in scheduled, rare moments, but every moment. This is a goal worth striving for, and it is paramount. I know what it is now and believe me when I tell you that nothing else compares. It has not cost me a dime; in fact you could say I was driven here. I am learning what it is like to be free. It is very calm. In my case, it may be the “calm before the storm”, as in about a month either this economic turmoil will be global or all of the creditors I have not paid will be calling. Yet, well, it is worth it and there is nothing else for me to do but float. It will be great when we are all here permanently. Our imaginations will exponentially explode and we will create without bounds! So wherever you are right now, trust the amazing part. It does not disappoint. Trust the brilliant light that you are and see it shining through the control it’s been hidden beneath for so long. Unleashed, you will astound us all. This is where we are headed, a life whose only purpose is to celebrate itself. This is home. It is one we will make ourselves. We are the ones we are waiting for. It’s like riding a mammoth ocean wave while feathering my nest. Instead of concentrating on how to adjust and steady my body, I am tucked inside, unable to focus on much except my emotional and spiritual state, my home and family. Consequently, there are plenty of wipe outs and this blog is half a day late in coming. It has been written more than once, both internally and online. Unsure as to exactly what is “up”, I can only describe these last 72 hours. There are moments where sleep sort of descends with no regard for the clock. There are periods of stillness. The vibrations are constant; prickles of light throughout my limbs and often a physical “humming”. Waves of dizziness force me to grab onto something to steady myself. Moments of anticipation erupt, where every cell is on high alert. When this happened yesterday, a huge storm was moving through the area with snowball sized hail and gale force winds. It blew in during a moment of forced slumber and I awoke to find my children turning all the lights on and making a “Thunder Cake”. It was wild. There have been times when I have no desire for the outside world “news”; times when the most important thing is what meal to prepare and other times when I can’t stop searching for current events. Moments of internal silence alternate between “aha” revelations. I see my ego for what it is, and must release and absorb a belief that I can literally no longer sustain at this level. All this and it is only May 4th. I am barely functioning. Wow. I’ve been imagining what absolute agape looks like. I envision a constant state of happiness, an undercurrent of joy. No longer do I hear “don’t”, “should”, “shouldn’t”, “can’t” or “wrong”. Instead there are soft encouraging words – “go ahead”, “yes”, “you can do it”, “you look fantastic”, “you are doing great!” “good job”, “nice”, “I love you very much”. This is how we speak to our children when they are very young and our lovers when they are very new. It is our perception that changes, not our lovers or our children. The dense vibrations of third dimensional earth have been unable to sustain a constant stream of love. A few months, even year’s maybe; but forever? No way. All that is changing now. We can love ourselves without condition just as long as we wish. When I find you amazing, I am feeling pretty good. That euphoric state of falling in love is agape. The focus of attention is outside you because that’s how life works here. There truly is no other – all is One. Until now, we’ve assumed love came from outside. It does not. Love springs from within. Love is what you are. This is truth. What we are doing to all the others; lovers, children, criminals and cabal, we are doing to ourselves. Extend only love and it will be all that you see. As we are one, you are in fact giving it only to yourself. We’ve played out control, domination, cruelty and greed for centuries. It is time to play out love. This begins in your heart. Your creative power is your imagination. Imagine agape. Know unity. See only love. It is not necessary to visualize punishment and retaliation to create this new earth – just focus on unconditional self love. You are love at your very core. How do you treat love? Tenderness, gentility and rapt attention are the hallmarks of early love affairs. Imagine the good parts. I understand that World Liberation Day on May 5th/6th asks us to visualize arrests. I wonder how that can happen with a loving heart. I question a focus on all that has been done; what we shout about we only get more of. Don’t stick your head in the sand; things do need to be differently handled for freedom to ensue. This takes awareness and transparency. Yet we are here now to begin the different part. We are shifting gears, here to love the One that we are. What we see as a whole will be played out on our world stage. Perhaps this explains the wild fluctuations in energy right now. We are deciding. How we feel in our hearts will determine our vision. Imagine agape. See a world that flourishes, where you are always welcomed, encouraged and loved. Here there are more birds and they are singing louder. The air is filled with laughter and there is lots of music. I see vibrant life, radiant smiles and smokeless skies. I never doubt that I am loved. I feel cherished. I never question whether or not I am welcome. I am honored to be here; I feel respected and respectful. All of life is sacred here; every being, every particle. Confidence, power and joy are by-products of love. Let’s create this new world from a point of agape, with wisdom and mutual benefit in our hearts. We will get more of whatever we focus on, even with the best of intentions. This is the shift of the ages and we have the opportunity to choose how it will go. Choose agape. We are One. Let’s see what’s possible when we come from there. We are the ones we have been waiting for. Details on World Liberation Day: It’s about loving yourself enough. It demands self care, self respect and self worth. Make no mistake. World Liberation Day is not just another feel good group meditation. On May 5/6, at the exact time of the full moon, we as ONE declare our sovereignty. We are creating our New Earth. As we see it, it shall be. As we believe it, it is. This is our moment, the first of many, the beginning of full consciousness as ONE. For ONE is what we are. The efforts to divide us have been brutal and effective. That was before we understood our power. We know now. We’ve been creating our world right along; it’s time to do so consciously. What kind of world do you see? This is a time to utilize your imagination, to play! Have fun with this. Draw the world you are creating, sing the world you see, write poetry to our new earth. Do whatever it takes. Get the energy moving. This will create the shift. I plan to be outside with my partner in conversation and visualization. We are going to talk about the world we see. We’ll share our pictures and dreams, colors and sounds, wishes and wildest fantasies. We’ll imagine ourselves there. First will come the arrests. This will be seen from a point of joy – not at the expense of the cabal but from a place of empowerment. It really has nothing to do with them, this feeling springs from within. Feeling bad doesn’t serve the ONE. As One I am fully conscious. I have a broader perspective. Freedom is necessary for expansion. There can be no controls on love. I am pure creative energy and in order to experience every possibility I cannot be held down. In our new world, we dance fearlessly, create incessantly and love openly. Happiness abounds. It is a little chaotic and a lot of fun. It’s all okay, chaos is the new norm. We’ve had lifetimes of control and fear and this has stifled our genius and carefully managed us into small, closed off boxes we keep tightly secured; we are unable to grow unless we remove the “lid”. We’ve just discovered the lid. It has to come off. This lid is so insidious we accept it as the natural order of things – all things exist in boxes equipped with them firmly in place. When they are not in place, we put them there; installing the lid, controlling unexpected expansion or free expression. It’s time to toss the lids. Imagine this day as the ending to a very long and arduous schooling – it’s our graduation – we’ve just moved the tassel over, it’s time to throw those lids (mortar boards) into the air and being the rest of our life! Here are some ideas for this new earth we are dreaming - . We are not lesser than, beholden to or worthless. We are limitless beings of indescribable beauty, here to create a new world. World Liberation Day: . We are the ones we have been waiting for. So what is it really? Oneness. What does unity look like “where the rubber meets the road”? You and I are one? Really? We don’t look alike, do the same things or even think alike. It must be something I can’t see. Our unity must be expressed on a different field. It’s like riding a bike. You learn once and never forget, regardless the years between trips. Remember your first time? It was my father’s hand who held the two-wheeler upright, running along beside me while I chattered and pedaled. He neglected to mention he’d be letting go. When I noticed, three things happened in rapid succession – my mouth dropped, a fly flew in and I crashed to the pavement. But I can ride a bike. The decision to ride happens in your head. Your hands rest on the handlebars, turning while squeezing and releasing the brake. Your feet push the pedals, your legs pump, and your eyes direct while the muscles in your torso maintain you vertically. Each body part contributes a unique and vital component that results in a bike ride. You’d never go anywhere if your head didn’t first decide to do so. If you ask your hands what they are doing, they’d respond “gripping and releasing” while your feet will tell you they are “pushing these pedals”; all true. Only your head knows the bigger answer – you are riding a bike. We are connected there – beneath every action and non-action the collective us is doing something, making a statement. We speak with one voice and if you step back far enough, our voice can be heard. There can be a subtle pressure to always do more, to join up, be pro-active, and make a difference. Not everyone can be the legs, the powerhouse of energy pushing those pedals. Behind those legs lie the buttocks. They appear to just sit there, resting. Yet without their participation and co-operation those legs wouldn’t move. Don’t be fooled by appearances. We are all riding this bike. What is unclear today may be the decision to ride. There is a sense of “waiting” – well, this is that anticipation. Do we feel like a bike ride or are we comfortable in the garage. What will it mean to make that choice? It means first being aware that there exists the potential. You may not have known you had a bike or that there was anyplace else to go. You do and there is. It is entirely your choice as to whether or not we’ll go. The control of every facet of our lives has been brilliant and insidious. Awake now, it is slowly becoming apparent. At your deepest level you cannot ignore the possibility for change. This bike is bright and shiny and sitting in your bedroom. Either get on or throw a sheet over it because it’s not going away. Some of us are legs, some of us butts – all of us are necessary. Before we can usher in a new world we have to collectively decide we want to go. Do we? Bike rides include mud puddles, sunshine, flies in the mouth and crashing to the pavement. They ultimately take us somewhere, even if it is back home. We are different for the trip – exhilarated, fresh and expanded. We’ll always get on again. This point of decision is where we connect. We are seeing government, bank and education protests worldwide. These are the legs. They won’t get anywhere without the rest of us. We are speaking as one. What are we saying? Will we go or will we stay? Right now, the bike sits, uncovered and waiting. We can cover it back up and remain unmoving or not. We cannot ignore it. No change is a choice. We are connected and are deciding right now. Every one of us. This is our oneness, our power and our brilliance. There is no small part, no insignificant act. From a distance our light is brilliant. We can go anywhere. It’s like riding a bike. Once you get on, the rest is natural. We are the ones we are waiting for. What if this was it? I know we’ve been predicting and channeling and blogging and speaking of this year and yet, well, it still gives me pause. Are we living out religious prophecy? I mean, really? Because I see no one in robes or chariots with wings or thunderbolts – is this it? What did you expect? Did you expect it to be true? Did you believe, as many have, that it was nothing but myth? I submit that there is both truth and deliberate manipulation in our doctrine, and that is the problem. The reason we’ve been choking on the rules we’ve been preached is because they were put forth by one whose goal was control, rather than the creator. Our history is resplendent with tales of epic battles, good vs. evil, unimaginable power and complete annihilation; also miracles and wisdom. Today, if you want to see epic battles, look to some video game “final boss” scenarios or major motion pictures. If it is power you’d like to witness, pay attention to the economic and war games our rulers and bankers and 1% play. If you are searching for wisdom, there are truths online and in lecture halls over the world. Look to you- tube video’s for “chariots of fire”. We’ve been looking at pulpits and podiums, which are mostly all the wrong places. It’s all here, as predicted. We are living the “end times”. There are two distinct voices in our history – the creator and the manipulators, hence our confusion. This bewilderment was intended. We are “coming out of the dark” this year and discernment is possible. One whispers love while the other shouts fear. There is a difference between what you believe and what you know. You know love as it courses through your entire being. Trust your truth. This is what will set you free. We are living the enlightenment, we know the way. We are human truth detectors and are drawn to it. As we produce this reality we embody, our attraction to truth expands our view; now others can see it as well. Truths are being exposed everywhere; government, banking, religious institutions, education, even and especially personal relationships. We can’t help but notice/feel the truth. It is going to take “gorilla glue” to hold our blindfolds on this year. Yet, some of us, by choice, will keep them on, and that is okay. This year is about choosing. The polarity existed here as a game certain civilizations were playing out. The game of us vs. them, good against evil and right over wrong is all done. We are one. We’ve opened the instruction manual. We know how this works. Belief can be manipulated. If every year on December 24th you are told “hang a sock out and a magic man will fill it with goodies”, and every December 25th you find your sock filled – you believe in the magic man. You have seen pictures of him everywhere, there are songs about him, stories about him and you can even visit him in your local mall. He must be real. Truth is what this year is about. We’ve been told stories, seen movies and heard reports of evil alien invaders and yet we haven’t met one yet. We’ve been fed fear for so very long we accept it as reality. Sort of like Santa Claus. This year is our chance to write new instructions and weave a new fabric of reality. This tale is every bit as epic and captivating, glorious and edge of your seat amazing. It exposes the power of love. Fear has had its run. It’s kept us in our homes, worrying about the safety of our bodies, our bank accounts or our stuff, while obediently, quietly following the rules of the manipulators. The truth is about to be told and as we are associative learners, it’ll need to be heard again and again before it is understood. We are the way seers and it is our time to show what we’ve seen. Share your truth. Engage. Your neighbor is not out to get you, he is wondering what’s going on. Tell him. Unity begins with the understanding that we all want the same thing; we are all, in fact, the same thing. Regardless of race or religion – we are love. Our differences have been put before our eyes for long enough. It is time to change our view. Just be love. Look for love in the eyes of everyone. It is there. Start small, with your best friend or start bigger, with your mail carrier – but start. We are here to connect, not control. This is the truth. These words are found in all religious doctrine, sprinkled between pages of fear and domination. This is oneness and we all know it. Trust what feels like love. This you know. It may not look like a greeting card, but it feels familiar and resonates like nothing else. This is the year of revelation. The power in love is the truth that is freeing us. We are the way seers, the way showers. The force within your heart outweighs every other. We have everything we need. Now is the time to use it. We are the ones we are waiting for. It’s really windy today. Things are moving quickly, even the air. The wind outside is pushing the air through the budding trees and growing grass. Without any other options, they move. I’ve seen a hawk this morning, coasting for a bit on these currents of air, hunting. He is utilizing what is in front of him, expanding his opportunities, seeing places he may not always see on his usual path. Perhaps, by riding this breeze, he can relax a bit and not work so hard to get where he is going; focusing his sights on the goal. The tree will grow and the hawk will eat, yet for one today’s gale force winds are a boon, while for the other they are potentially damaging. The tree, rooted and stationary, is losing branches as I watch. The hawk in flight is about to enjoy a hearty meal. Let’s be hawks. These winds of change are blowing through every facet of our world. We can ride them or resist, the choice is always ours. The opportunity before us is clear; fear or love. The wind will blow regardless. We can lose branches or rise to new heights, depending on which we choose. A focus on love will allow us to soar. We were meant to fly, to see beyond the ground on which we walk, to capitalize on every opportunity. The wind is only a problem if you are unable to move. It can be a source of power, unseen yet potent. View these changes as that necessary force to take you where you haven’t been until now. This is as you have planned it and the propulsion of energy has arrived right on time. We are ready now. Our power is enhanced with this wind and not diminished. As a collective we will see some branches lost. We are strengthened by this and not damaged, growing ever stronger. How is it possible to damage divinity? We were born to fly. Today we may feel as if we are being pushed by these winds – a new perspective will change that. See this force as the wind beneath your wings. Our bodies are changing, our government is at the very least unreliable and our money may be worthless. These are the branches that have been holding us down. They are merely breaking off so that we can grow stronger and fly higher. You are one. There is truth in these words. Oneness implies that every action benefits the whole. This is the change that is blowing in. This is the new perspective. This truth you know. Your body is a fine example; one in physical form. Exercise yields not just muscular strength, but emotional balance and mental fortitude. Everything is strengthened when just one component flourishes. This you know. It is the reason for the revolution; the force propelling these winds. We have grown as far as we are able to under the control of those shouting “Separation”, “Divide and conquer”, “Ignorance is bliss”, “Winner take all” and “We’re number one!” We are one and we know it. Everyone wins. We can all fly. These winds are evidence of our unity – the change is played out everywhere. Our earth is shifting with the monumental force of our growing awareness. Nothing can stay the same yet within we remain unmoved. Like a hawk with roots, we are grounded in love, knowing from where we spring; shot forth from Source without losing a thing. We are the ones we are waiting for. Let’s fly. We are in free-fall. I’ve been skydiving, and this is the reason I did it. Exhilarating, terrifying, and thrilling, it is damn near orgasmic. It is an incredible moment in time. I will never forget it. In the air it lasts for moments; here on earth it’s much longer. These times we are in have no guidebook. There is not a twelve step program to release our addictions to third density while we are enmeshed here. It sounds easy in so much of the information out there … “Let go of the misery of pain and suffering!” “Get the physical vitality you desire without aging!” “Become one with all of life!” “Just love all the time!” “Live in a constant state of bliss!” Wow, I want to go there. Yet, I am here, and I have to get myself there. There is not a pill to take or a plane to catch (or jump out of). There is just me, here now, with these very third dimensional bills and tasks and relationships and aches and anxieties. It is time to choose now. Every challenge we find the most difficult will rear up and stand in front of us, blocking our view. We will not see what is possible with love until we can see through the illusions in the way. They seem to be running and fighting with each other now, to take front row… as if the debt is pushing its way to the front, quickly followed by an angry loved one or a persistent physical issue. They seem larger than life and our responses to them are telling us where we need to focus. This is all improvised. No one can tell you how to do this. You have to love yourself enough to persist. Love is the only answer. We wanted to be showers of the way. It is show time. We can do this. Remember love in every moment. If a moment of fear or anger or frustration or desperation or loss overtakes you, bring yourself back with love. It is never true that this is all there is or that you are lost or that it is necessary to be afraid. You are the most powerful being there is, here to transcend this dimension. You can do this. You came to do this. You are doing this. You are a whisper of love from our creator, gently placed on this earth as a piece of eternity. There is no one more suited to love yourself than you. There is none more worthy, intelligent, or able to do this. What is shouting at you is illusory. The louder it shouts, the more you can be sure that you are on the right track, that your love is just sticking out there now, anyone can see it. There was a time you believed in fear, and the volume wasn’t necessary to get you to pay attention. Not today, you know the truth now. Fear is the opposite of what you are. Pay no attention to the noise, its part of the show. Focus on truth. See each moment as a chance to love anyway, take nothing personal and focus on the light within the one doing the shouting. That is what is real. What is waiting for us after we complete this free fall, is love. If this intensity is any indication, we are in for one incredible landing. We are doing a great job! We are the ones we’ve been waiting for. What is sizzling is kept beneath the surface, while we move forward with day jobs and holidays, purchases and chores that seem at best mediocre and pale in comparison to what we feel is the real “juice”. Nothing we do on a day to day basis holds much fascination. We are having a tough time caring. What’s the point? The point is whatever we declare to be the point. All that we’ve created up until now holds relevance as it is our life; no one forced us to create it as we have. Yes, we’ve been led to believe things that are not, in fact, true, but we’ve had our hands on the wheel the whole time. You chose to be here now and experience life in polarity while being conscious of oneness. The sensations, frustrations, emotions and impatience are par for the course – you set it up like this for the experience! Oh and what a ride it is! Extremes of emotion are delicious examples of this humanity. At a core level we are emotionally driven – it is our focus that births creation – our desires create our life – our beliefs manifest into our day to day. Let’s enjoy the extremes going on for us right now, energetically participate in each moment and get all the “juice” out of it we can. We are at choice. We can ignore, toss aside or deeply feel each interaction. What will you do? I have never really been fond of juice oranges. Give me a Navel orange, every time. Juice oranges are thin skinned and too much work. They may be full of juice, but not real tasty to eat and a lot of effort. When they are in the refrigerator, I mostly ignore them unless I am desperate for fruit and there is nothing left. Today, we are surrounded with nothing but juice oranges. We could ignore them and toss them aside or not. This is one great story – the harder we squeeze, the more we will appreciate the yield. We came for this. Humanity is exciting, unexpected and right now at an “edge of your seat” sort of moment. The question on everyone’s mind is not “if” or even “how”, it is “when”? It will happen when we stop waiting for it to happen. It will occur when we are done with this part. I submit that the tension and anticipation is thrilling, and with each day it becomes more so. We are gradually, painfully, getting every drop of juice. We don’t want to miss a moment of this, each sensation is exquisite. Our task now is to break through our emotional repetitions and choose again. No one, not the galactic federation, military, ascended masters, governments or prophets are going to fill us with the juice we are craving. We know how to get it; we can see it all around us. We are immersed in orchards of oranges, ripe for the picking. In order to completely quench our thirst, we have to select what is in front of us. The juice is here, it is not the time to give up. Each person, place, comment or event that seems to be holding you back or blocking your progression is a step and not an obstacle. You can try to jump over them but they are really too big now to scale successfully. Falling will mean you are delayed even further, and now have to climb the same steps with a sore foot. You have everything you need for this. It is right here, waiting. You know what to do. You were chosen specifically for this orchard and these oranges. It’s time to get every ounce of juice you’ve been thirsting for. Ascension is something we do, not something we get. We are the only ones who can. We were each selected to do so and we joyfully agreed! We have carefully nurtured and grown the juiciest of fruit, let’s enjoy the harvest. It promises to be bountiful, beautiful and delicious. I love us. We are master magicians, brilliant creators. We plan and plant the yummiest of crops and then blindfold ourselves until they show up so we can be surprised. We are experts at this game of life in 3D. Until we are done playing, the game will go on. I expect we are still thirsty, and the show will continue until we are satisfied, until we’ve had enough. This is Easter weekend, a time that many of us celebrate a resurrection. Perhaps this celebration of new life will propel us out of the orchard. We will know when it is time, and we can trust it will be perfectly choreographed. Divine beings such as us would have it no other way. We are the ones we are waiting for. The climate right now is radically shifting – hot to cold, wet to dry. As we realize our unity what first occurs is that the sharpness of definition between things becomes crystal clear. There is no question of a middle ground. You’ll see either black or white. Unity does not mean everything is gray. Oneness is not a compromise, it is a fact. So how does this work? First it must be understood that nothing will be given up as our consciousness shifts. We will still enjoy contrast as individual expression becomes the order of the day. Conformity will not be expected or taught to our children. We will experience freedom and inside of freedom there exists an infinite number of possibilities; fast, slow, hot, cold, black, white and a thousand shades of gray. Diversity in physical appearance will explode with possibilities as we open our eyes to our galactic brethren. Energy sources, modes of transportation, types of clothing, food and lifestyle include a host of possibilities we’ve yet to witness. As we shift we will not become homogeneous, but like a bunch of gumballs in a glass dispenser – made of the same stuff yet distinctly, beautifully, colorfully different and all headed in the same ultimate direction. We will not lose our identity but discover who we are – who we are without the rules and shoulds and separators. It will all be okay, in fact, it is okay right now. You are everything you came to be. Whether or not you passed the test or satisfied any expectation has never been the point. The direction you are headed is awareness, and you can get there from anywhere. Until you are free to experience every facet of your being, you will remain in the dark. Freedom comes with acceptance. What oneness signifies is the truth. We spring from source and as such we are unified. Yet as the forefinger and the thumb operate differently, so do we. Once you feel loved under any circumstance, you will discover and express your brilliance uninhibited. This is what oneness means. As one mass of life we exist and expand effortlessly beyond where we are today. This is the nature of life – to move beyond, push the limits, challenge what exists and grow. We will seamlessly witness our own expansion, becoming aware of our indescribable beauty. We will dance steps we haven’t heard of and see colors that never existed. We will feel love as an explosion of emotion. We cannot imagine holding all this freedom and so have contained it, limited, it, feared it, hidden it and outlawed it. Oneness means we don’t have to anymore. All races are equal; all choices, all colors, all lifestyles. We will have our preferences and we will notice the differences but neither will impact our treatment of each other. We are one. The freedom in unity is beyond anything we’ve lived until now. As I understand I am okay just as I am, I will step out in safety and dance. As you experience acceptance, your edges will become clearer and you will shine ever brighter, unafraid to stand out and be seen. You are a unique portion of divinity, one thought in the mind of the creator. There is no one other than you with your way of walking, talking, loving or being. It is okay now to just be who you actually are. Hiding and conforming is no longer necessary. If there is judgment that you feel from another, realize that is because you still harbor self-judgment. You can let it go now. You are okay just as you are, in fact, you are perfect. Free now, you can step into your truth and enlighten us. We’ve all been hoping you will. We are ready now, for your light. You are the one we are waiting for. |
January 2025