January 15, 2018 Hello everyone. This is a sharing of a personal conversation with my greater self. I woke today after an unusually long and deep sleep, and felt myself sort of crumble within my first conversation of the day. My hands were trembling, my eyes were tearing, I felt so odd. There was no obvious 3D reason for me to dissolve into tears. I’ve been ill and sort of removed from this venue for several weeks. It has been a rough go of it and I am only now gradually rising strong. The details aren’t relevant, but what is relevant is the following conversation. It applies to all of us. A few things I’d like to mention before it is that I often reach my higher self and converse. It helps me and right now I am in need of information. These changes I feel are unprecedented. The other thing I’ve been doing lately is reaching out to alternate versions of myself. Perhaps to the me 6 months down the road, or the me who chose another path I am considering. It gets easier all the time; the veil is so very thin. These are things you might want to try now, if you have not had success before, you may be surprised! It’s really interesting. I will include a few videos after this sharing. One is the QHHT session in which the term “kiss from the sun” was coined. This session happened in late December 2017. The other is a video trailer for my latest book, published last month. It was produced by 2 of my sons, and is just 1.5 minutes in length. I am so blessed to have access to their talent. Check it out. Like, subscribe and write a review for the book! It is much appreciated! So here is the conversation from this morning, enjoy. I’d like to speak to my higher self. I am here Sophia. I have some questions. Go ahead. Why am I so close to tears? You are approaching breakthrough. What does that mean? (As I write this now, I am reminded of Cobra’s term “compression breakthrough”) It means access to your core. This energy from the sun is meant to alter your entire being. Think you not that you would feel it’s effect? You – who has been connecting with the outer realm for many years? What did you expect? This change, event and ascension will not be able to be ridden as “business as usual” – this is a most unusual business! It has not happened on earth and you get closer each moment. You are feeling the energy and like the canary in the coal mine, (Well, not exactly, as this will not prove fatal), you are showing signs. Know that each of you will experience it differently and express its effects differently. What is happening is you are submitting to cellular/DNA alteration. It is what is causing everything for you – the trembling, the lack of appetite, the “high alert” status. Of course, you are on “high alert”! Everything that touches you in your world is altering right now. Up until this moment, you were able to “GO 3D” for periods of time and successfully interact in mundane business of your prior existence. The changes were gradual enough that you were able to. Not so today. The buffer spheres are all but gone, perhaps completely dissipated now, and earth receives the full force of the energy. You express now how it has reached your organism and manifested – illness and confusion regarding the symptoms – anxiety. Our suggestion is to first: not see these current effects as permanent, but certainly do what you can to help comfort your organism and primarily reduce your anxiety. The tears, the trembling – all of that is an expression of tension release. It is your body’s way of releasing in a 3D way what it cannot yet process. Remember – you came for this shift. There is no doubt that you will successfully move through its process. You will adapt, adjust and morph. You, as someone aware of what’s happening, are thrown off by it now. Try to imagine those of your friends and family who have no idea? You must talk, share what you know and the remedies and techniques that are helping. Meditation is key. Also, a removal of toxins from the body. Natural, natural, natural is the way to go. Allow yourself to sleep if need be. This is the first of many intense moments of this ascension process. There is no faking your way through this. The result, the goal, the product is the real you. You are approaching the truth, Sophia. This, which you have always known, you are now actualizing in real “time”. So, to recap, these physical and even emotional symptoms are evidence for this upcoming “Kiss from the Sun”? Yes. The process begins in intensity now. It is not a disorder or indication of a new disease. Not now. Not for you. It is your experience of this current shifting of energetic contact. The intensity will not be reduced. You will have to adapt, and you will. Is there any other recommendation beyond meditation? Yes. There is raw food. There is laughter. There is increased rest. Your organism is assuming its under attack, when in truth this is “friendly fire”. It is why the expression “kiss from the sun” was used. Welcome it in any physical, mental and emotional way possible. Then, prepare. For many others will want your help. You came for this, all of you attracted to these words did. You will know what to do. Anything else? Not at this moment, no. Thank you for coming forward. Much love always Ananada. Note – I am not sure why this name was used for me today. It is the name given to both my partner and myself, 15 years ago. It was told to us at the time that we have the same name because we are twin flames. I am not sure I understand precisely how this soul evolution thing works, but my partner and I have been together many, many, many lifetimes. One more thing, and it is that recently I’ve been referenced not by my given name. Not the name on my birth certificate. This only happens in “non-3D” conversations. I wasn’t sure why this was happening, but it’s happened more than once. It just occurred to me now (after explaining “Ananada” to you) that perhaps, this is another indication of the effect of this “kiss from the sun” … I am altering this 3D structure and so that name no longer fits. It’s a thought. There are no accidents. So that is how this conversation ended. Please share this, it will speak to us all, and soon. You are the one you’ve been waiting for ~ You are anchors for the light ~ Let’s do this. With so much love, ~Sophia Usage Policy: Please post this article, in its entirety, everywhere! Just link back here when you do. Much obliged.
1/16/2018 06:55:05 am
TY for sharing Sophia.. so many are confused and struggling...
donna j eddy
1/16/2018 10:49:02 am
Sophia,thank you so much for this latest post! Since the middle of Dec. I have experienced such a new and troubling sensation of heart fluttering, not being able to get enough breath, and a odd sense that i was in another world....anxiety!..I am coping as best as I can, but now have a more positive perspective of what might be happening and yeah and I will" keep the Faith Baby" as we said in the 60,s!
1/19/2018 12:00:51 am
I can relate to that, Donna. I, too, have been experiencing almost daily heart palpitations and flutters, since around the start of December 2017. I'm holding off from seeing a specialist as I FEEL it's not directly health-related, but more, energetically related.
1/16/2018 12:23:22 pm
1/16/2018 01:26:48 pm
Hi Sophia,......I certainly can support and validate what you have posted, thank you. These energies like you say, bring you to tears, literally. Sometimes you can not stop them. A certain picture, a scene, a smile from a stranger, your cat, a compassionate look, the loving glance of a child in a grocery cart, just walking down the street and you weep. You are receiving new energies. Isn't it grand!
1/16/2018 04:52:57 pm
What a beautiful description! It makes me look forward to grocery shopping! Thank you.
1/17/2018 09:52:45 pm
Much gratitude for all you do... you are a beautiful soul...
1/22/2018 04:02:20 pm
1/19/2018 12:09:03 am
It certainly feels like we're on the precipice of the 'Compression Breakthrough' now, Sophia. I can feel it in every cell of my body and in the air I breathe as we near closer.
1/22/2018 04:04:35 pm
Santi R.
1/19/2018 03:27:27 pm
Te quiero lo único que sé es que sos todo lo que necesito con amor. Con una Única condición de que sea realidad no verte los maniquís en una pantalla. Tenés más de esto Quiero saber de vos más y de que formas me entendés.
1/22/2018 04:07:19 pm
Remember who you are. You are love embodied, and you have come now to remember.
1/22/2018 01:14:41 pm
About 13 years ago I saw my DNA change and a male energy come in. I knew it was a premonition as I have had many. Then 9 years ago I had more specific details about my life during a time I was letting go of past life issues. In the past several weeks I have been acclimating to a much higher frequency as Unconditional Love has created more space. I have gained incredible insights, wisdom, joy and my purposeful meaning to life. The light bulb turned on and this IS MY TIME! I am so full of love and joy as I have literally performed miracles which are becoming more common. Surprises await. Everything I love is surrounding me and I know my present manifestations are grounded and soon revealed as the life I dreamt of. Water, deep breathing and meditation ease my 3-D body to gently incorporate this God energy. This is just the beginning and I'm so excited! I wish everyone gentle incorporation of this energy.
1/22/2018 04:09:43 pm
2/4/2018 10:31:37 am
Как хорошо узнать свое имя. Счастливая София.
2/10/2018 02:52:56 pm
Thank you for this beautiful description of our awakening! Here is part of the translation that came for me, for those English speaking readers:
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